Redress Team
One of the tasks of the GIEI defined
in the agreement created by the
interdisciplinary group is to collaborate
in the elaboration of an integral assistance plan
to the victims and their families.
We started having meetings with the civil society and with the victims,
to find out how were they affected, what are the consequences of this context,
of these violations for the victims.
And also, because it is fundamental to have trust,
to have an approach so people can trust our work.
The interviews that we have read and the workshops we've been working on this week,
we've been able to confirm the impact
of the violence situation
that kids and teenagers go through here.
These kids have witnessed violent acts.
And there hasn't been a place where these kids can be welcomed,
a safe place where the assistance they need could have been provided.
There are many cases where kids and teenagers have been victims.
But there are many cases where kids were even
arrested unfairly and were put in adult prisons,
even the most basic rights that exist in every country weren't respected.
There is a daily violence,
a violence that you experience day-to-day not just
because you're being assaulted but the insecurity,
the distrust, not knowing who I can count on nowadays,
because my neighbor, my friend, my coworker
might be accusing me, spying on me.
So it's like normalizing what is not normal.
The violence is not normal, the abuse is not normal
It is not normal to threaten.
It's not normal to permanently feel insecure.
In reality this affects in two ways,
people are forced to leave their homes
after a situation of violence,
a conflict situation about their human rights violations.
and during this migration in the condition of being displaced
they suffer a second violation.
Through out the workshops and the meetings that we've had,
we've been able to gather a number of complaints;
one of the main ones we can say is the access to justice.
On a second term we have access to the truth,
they want to make sure the reality of the facts is told.
Another complaint that's mentioned with strength
is a request for assistance,
psychosocial attention, emotional attention.
Because all this violence has had a big impact
in the families, in the women.
And they demand it when we work on reparation topics, on health topics for example.
The issue of mental health is very strong.
So they can begin treating their mourning, on how to deal, how to carry on.
Because they know that the path for demanding justice is a very long one.
Despite that, they are conscious about getting together
and organizing themselves and that's what they've done.
So they're involved in everything with hopes to continue
fighting for the memory of their victims
and to continue searching and at some point reach justice,
which is what they demand.
Unfortunately, societies in which violence is part of their history
and where there hasn't been any programs
nor places where people can process these acts of violence
makes them pass this on to their kids and grandkids.
So this tells us the necessity of doing assistance and prevention work
for it not to keep passing on.
But finally, there hasn't been a process of historical memory,
there hasn't been a healing process, so to speak,
that helps rebuild ties within the people
and that's very important.
There's something that's very touching, that's beautiful,
and that is resistance.
How people create alternatives
and ways to resist,
to deal with the pain, which are very beautiful.
There is a joy, a Nicaraguan mood that I think is very particular.
And when we are talking about the affectations
I think it's important to also remark how they deal with that,
how can you resist!
There's a very strong resistance history in Nicaragua,
beyond the pain, the mourning that comes with it
there is a force of resistance that also arises at that moment that is very beautiful.
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