Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 21 2019

Felipe VI, con elegancia pero con firmeza, ha 'destronado' en un plis plas las intenciones de los golpistas y, de paso,

le ha lanzado un claro e inequívoco mensaje a Pedro Sánchez ante sus intenciones de intentar repetir la jugada que ya perpetró con la moción de censura del 1 de junio de 2018.

El monarca español es el indudable protagonista este 21 de febrero de 2019 en las tribunas de opinión de la prensa de papel.

El editorial de ABC alaba las firmes palabras del Rey defendiendo la ley por encima de supuestas o recreadas democracias:

Su Majestad el Rey volvió a ofrecer ayer un excepcional testimonio de dignidad institucional al afirmar que "no es admisible apelar a una supuesta democracia por encima del Derecho".

Aunque Don Felipe no se refirió expresamente al separatismo catalán como destinatario,

sus palabras no pueden interpretarse de otra manera después de los testimonios que se están escuchando en el Tribunal Supremo

por parte de los líderes del independentismojuzgados por un delito de rebelión, o del huido Carles Puigdemont y de Joaquim Torra.

Los golpistas están argumentando sin excepción que la voluntad de los ciudadanos catalanes está por encima de cualquier criterio de legalidad;

que la ley en España es arbitraria; o que el derecho de autodeterminación está implícito en el deseo político de cada persona.

Luis Ventoso ve en el mensaje del Rey un claro recado a los golpistas, pero también a Pedro Sánchez: Aunque su mensaje fue inequívoco, el Rey tuvo la elegancia de evitar referencias concretas.

Pero es clarísimo su recado a los separatistas, e incluso a Sánchez, que estuvo palanganeando con la legalidad constitucional para intentar atornillarse a La Moncloa

(¿o acaso cabe en la Constitución que el Estado negocie bilateralmente con mandatarios regionales que demandaban la independencia y observadores externos?).

Sánchez ha incurrido en el abuso de utilizar al Rey en su libro para tratar de hacerse propaganda a costa del prestigio de Felipe VI.

Sánchez alardea de una presunta complicidad con el Monarca, cuando nunca lo ha defendido con el celo debido; cuando permitió que se despenalicen las injurias contra él;

cuando fijó una agenda internacional en la que ninguneó al Rey para darse pote, conocer mundo y hacer agenda para buscarse un futuro empleo.

El Mundo le recuerda a Sánchez que la complicidad con el Rey se gana a base de hechos, no de palabras: A Sánchez hay que exigirle que disponga todo lo necesario para evitarle al Rey el escrache humillante que la kale borroka de los CDR ya prepara para este domingo en la inauguración del Mobile World Congress de Barcelona.

Ojalá el firmante de Manual de resistencia hubiera observado el decoro institucional suficiente para no atribuir supuestos posicionamientos políticos a Felipe VI

con tal de enrolarlo a la fuerza en su campaña de márketing personal; pero puesto que es tarde para pedir tanto,

nos conformaríamos con que de aquí a las elecciones cumpla con su recién estrenado papel de firme defensor de la unidad de España frente al desafío independentista. Aunque solo sea por intentar ganar unas elecciones.

Javier Redondo, en El Mundo, sale a elogiar y a reforzar la imagen garantista que ofrece el rey Felipe VI: Con sus declaraciones,

los procesados por el 1-O, las leyes de ruptura y el 27-O justifican cada día su prisión preventiva. Pero también y, sobre todo, respaldan y acreditan que el Rey es el vértice de nuestra democracia.

Cuando deliran que cumplían ciegos "el mandato del pueblo" nos razonan sin querer y demuestran que la unidad de la nación, o sea,

la protección de la libertad e igualdad de todos los españoles depende en última instancia del soberano, que no es un igual.

Entre la protección del Estado y el redoble de la muchedumbre, siempre escogerá lo primero.

La Razón alaba la firmeza del monarca frente a quienes con argumentos falaces han tratado de romper la ley:

Dedicarse a desprestigiar las instituciones del Estado desde la Generalitat sirve de poco cuando delante se tiene una democracia plena como la española.

Es evidente que su mensaje no ha calado en el concierto internacional, y especialmente en la Unión Europea,

que debió reconocer el nacimiento del nuevo estado catalán proclamado el 27 de octubre, pero no lo hizo, como era de esperar.

España no es una dictadura, ni un estado autoritario, ni un país donde no se respetan los más elementales derechos humanos,

ni coarta la expresión del pueblo de Cataluña, gobernada por nacionalistas desde hace casi 40 años.

El Rey dejó claro ayer el compromiso de que la institución que representa con la Constitución y la democracia y la libertad en nuestro país.

For more infomation >> El rey Felipe VI destrona con una frase las intenciones de Pedro Sánchez de volver a encamarse... - Duration: 5:51.





Noi probleme pentru Elena Udrea - Are datorii de milioane de euro - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Noi probleme pentru Elena Udrea - Are datorii de milioane de euro - Duration: 1:59.


Motivación Personal - El Mejor Discurso de Jim Carrey - Duration: 3:20.

My spirit is not contained within the limits of my body My body is contained within my unlimited spirit

Many times I have said that I wish that people can realize all their dreams of money, wealth and fame

So they see that it is not there where the meaning of life lies

I can tell you from my own experience

that the effect you have on others It is the most valuable currency that exists

Because everything you acquire in life will rot and fall to pieces

and the only thing that will remain of you is what was in your heart

We are not the avatars that we create We are not the photos in our social media

we are the light that shines through everything

Everything else is just smoke mirrors

distractions that only confuse us and take us out of the path

Our eyes are not just spectators they are also projectors

who are running a second story about the image that we see in front of us

Fear is writing that script

Fear is going to be a player in your life but you can decide for how long

You can spend the rest of your life imagining ghosts worried about the way to the future

But all that really will be, is what exists at this moment

And the decisions we make right now that are based on love or fear

many of us choose the path based on fear disguised as practicality

because what we really want It seems impossible, out of reach and it is ridiculous to expect it to happen

so we never dare to ask the universe for it

But I want you to know that you can ask the universe what you want

Life does not happen to you, HAPPENS FOR YOU

And if something I've learned throughout my life, is that it's about letting the universe know what you want

And work every day in that direction

while you let go of control ideas about how what you want in your life will happen

Why not give a real chance to faith

not religion... but Faith

not hope... FAITH

I do not believe is hope Hope is a beggar

Hope walks through the fire When faith leaps over it

You are ready and you are capable of doing beautiful things in this world

And when you leave your house today through that door you will only have 2 options

Love or Fear

Choose Love

And do not let fear put you against

of what your creative heart really wants.

For more infomation >> Motivación Personal - El Mejor Discurso de Jim Carrey - Duration: 3:20.


EL REO DE MUERTE (José de Espronceda) - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> EL REO DE MUERTE (José de Espronceda) - Duration: 5:56.


日本に来る外国人あるある - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> 日本に来る外国人あるある - Duration: 2:04.


«J'ai peur pour ma famille»: la colère du père de Fiona - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> «J'ai peur pour ma famille»: la colère du père de Fiona - Duration: 4:09.


O celebră pictoriță din România are nevoie de ajutorul nostru! Ecaterina Vrana e în spital: "Am nevo - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> O celebră pictoriță din România are nevoie de ajutorul nostru! Ecaterina Vrana e în spital: "Am nevo - Duration: 2:59.


Affaire Fiona : pourquoi la mère de la fillette, condamnée à 20 ans de prison début 2018,... - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Affaire Fiona : pourquoi la mère de la fillette, condamnée à 20 ans de prison début 2018,... - Duration: 2:32.


✅ Bolsonaro escolheu um ex-ministro de Dilma como líder do governo no Senado - Duration: 3:40.

 Depois de 50 dias de governo, o presidente Jair Bolsonaro indicou Fernando Bezerra Coelho (MDB-PE) como seu líder no Senado

A decisão anunciada na terça-feira é uma tentativa do Planalto de se aproximar do MDB, maior bancada da Casa, que prometeu ser "independente ao governo"

 Bezerra já foi prefeito, deputado estadual, deputado federal, ministro da Integração Nacional (governo Dilma Rousseff)

Por um pequeno período do governo Michel Temer, foi também líder de governo no Senado

 A decisão foi comunicada a Bezerra, em ligação, pelo ministro Onyx Lorenzoni (Casa Civil)

Segundo o novo líder, será marcada uma reunião entre ele, Lorenzoni e Bolsonaro amanhã ou na quinta-feira, para conversar sobre as pautas prioritárias do Planalto no Senado

 Sobre críticas à articulação política do governo no Congresso, Bezerra diz:  "Espero contribuir com a experiência que acumulei na minha trajetória pública, no sentido de ajudar o governo a se aproximar dos senadores

"  O presidente do Senado, Davi Alcolumbre (DEM-AP), teve papel central na articulação pela escolha de Bezerra

Ele advogou pelo nome do colega, ressaltando a necessidade de o posto ser ocupado por alguém com experiência e de também ser uma chance de atrair o apoio do MDB às pautas do governo

 Depois da vitória de Bolsonaro, o MDB, que havia lançado Henrique Meirelles à disputa pela Presidência da República, havia anunciado "independência" em relação ao governo

Foi motivo de piada entre políticos, porque o partido foi base governista dos governos do PSDB e PT

 "A bancada foi consultada e respondeu positivamente. Então, não é uma coisa que a bancada não tenha participado

Acho pelas sondagens que fiz junto aos companheiros de bancada, há uma maioria com o desejo de ajudar na agenda de reformas

Então, o MDB segue com posição de independência, mas com desejo de ajudar", diz Bezerra

 Por o MDB ser a maior bancada do Senado, com 13 parlamentares, o governo considerou importante atrair o partido

Depois da derrota de Renan Calheiros (MDB-AL) na briga pela Presidência da Casa, houve o temor de que a legenda se tornasse oposição ferrenha a Bolsonaro

 Nos dias seguintes à derrota, no entanto, o partido já se reposicionou rumo a uma composição com a maioria da Casa

Aceitou acordos com Alcolumbre e governistas para não perder espaços no Senado, como o comando da CCJ (Comissão de Constituição e Justiça), que ficou com a senadora Simone Tebet (MDB-MS)

 O nome de Bezerra chegou a ser questionado por uma ala do governo. A alegação contrária foi a de que ele é alvo de inquérito no âmbito da Lava-Jato

 "Há investigações arquivadas e outras em fase de apuração. O fato é que eu tenho 37 anos de vida pública e nunca tive sentença transitada em julgado ao meu desfavor", se defende Bezerra

 antes mesmo do anúncio, ele já começou a atuar pró-governo. Na Comissão de Transparência, Governança, Fiscalização e Controle e Defesa do Consumidor , ele argumentou contra requerimento de convite ao ex-ministro Gustavo Bebianno (Secretaria-Geral) para prestar depoimento ao Senado

O convite, no entanto, acabou aprovado.  Sobre o caso Bebianno, Bezerra diz que é "página virada"

 "Na realidade, os episódios que envolveram o afastamento são motivo de investigação no âmbito da Justiça eleitoral e da Polícia Federal – a última a pedido do próprio presidente

Agora, o governo segue com a sua agenda", comenta. Bolsonaroex-ministro de Dilmalíder do governoSenado

For more infomation >> ✅ Bolsonaro escolheu um ex-ministro de Dilma como líder do governo no Senado - Duration: 3:40.


Recette: Tataki de Bleue du Nord, salsifis pavé bleu et poire - Duration: 6:40.

For more infomation >> Recette: Tataki de Bleue du Nord, salsifis pavé bleu et poire - Duration: 6:40.


Comment se démarquer de la concurrence - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Comment se démarquer de la concurrence - Duration: 3:15.


Receita de SUCO PARA AZIA e Queimação #suco - Duration: 0:53.

Juice Recipe For Heartburn

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Potato juice with carrot helps to finish with heartburn.

Want to learn?

So let's get the recipe.


1 small sweet potato

1 medium carrot

juice of 1 apple

300 ml of water

sweetener to taste

How to prepare:

Mix all ingredients in a blender, get sick and drink soon.

Share this information.

See you

For more infomation >> Receita de SUCO PARA AZIA e Queimação #suco - Duration: 0:53.


Mapa EAA BUS: Vitoria X Rio de Janeiro - Duration: 24:10.

For more infomation >> Mapa EAA BUS: Vitoria X Rio de Janeiro - Duration: 24:10.


CBAt realiza Camping de Atletismo no Piauí e reúne cerca 120 atletas e treinadores - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> CBAt realiza Camping de Atletismo no Piauí e reúne cerca 120 atletas e treinadores - Duration: 3:27.


De (af)levering van... Revaho | Irrigatie oplossingen | afl. 14 - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> De (af)levering van... Revaho | Irrigatie oplossingen | afl. 14 - Duration: 2:05.



Hello everyone, here you have me again, as you know today we are going to make the second part of our embossed cloth,

and how will you be willing to finish it

let's move directly to the video.

Let's see how to hook

this second reason that we are doing to the reason that we have already done,

First of all, turn it around, since we're going to work

a chain and chains are made from this side.

We are going to take the precaution of

that once we've made the big ring,

I would touch the chain,

well then let's hook in the chain that comes next this big ring,


we will hook in the central part of the picot of the chain, here there are five picot,

we will hook in the third, for now I will make the eight knots

and the first two picot and when I finish I'll come back to tell you how to hook it,

once we have done 8 knots and the picot separated by a knot,


we hooked

in a central picot

of a chain that follows the big ring,

this ring, well this chain, and we're going to hook in this central picot,

we take the thread,

and we hooked and now we will continue to knit

the rest of

points, that is, we would have to make two picot

separated by a knot and the remaining eight knots,

once we have hooked

and we have finished the chain

we would turn around, and then now we would have to make the two small rings,

after making the two small rings,

we would turn around,

and we would make the chain,

because this second chain would be hooked in this other chain here, that is, in its central picot,

we would do exactly what we have done here, eight knots,

two picot separated by a knot, we would hook in the central part

and again then

two picot separated by a knot and eight knots.

As you see these first two details are already united, now we only have to finish this second reason.

I have already finished my first two reasons, now I have started the third,

to hook the third motive we have to bear in mind that here we must leave two chains free,

this chain and this chain, so we will have to hook in this chain and in this chain,

the next chain that will do will be hooked in this, is the fourth, counting from here,

and the other chain will be hooked on the third one,

counting from here,

and here I will have two free chains.

Once I have hooked the first chain

I would have to stay like this,

now I will turn around, and continue knitting my next two rings, which will be the two small ones,

once I have made my two small rings, I would give it back in this way,

and I would make my next chain,

and I would hook it here, in the central picot of this chain,

and as you can see I would have these two chains here, then I would continue weaving the rest of the reason.

And here I have my two chains hooked, this would have to stay this way, with these two chains

here, in the inner part free, now

I will continue to knit the motif in the usual way until I finish it completely.

I have already finished making the third motive, after doing the third motive we are going to start doing the fourth,

I already have it here in advance.

to explain it, once we have arrived

to a large ring, it may be this or it may be this, I am always starting in the third,

Well, once we have reached the big ring, we would have to make the chain,

then this is where we have to hook, to hook we're going to turn around,

both one and the other,

and we will begin to make our chain,

that we will hook in the room,

and the second chain will be hooked

in the third, so that two free arcs remain here.

Once arrived here, at this point, let's look at a little thing, inside

We will always have two chains, you see, 1 and 2,

1 and 2, and now let's do here

2 more chains, which will be independent, and the third chain will be hooked

in the third picot here.

After reaching this point,

As you can see, here we have made two chains that we have NOT hooked anywhere, because in the part of here of the center

there are two free chains left in each motive, now we are going to turn around,

and we are going to do

our next chain

that we are going to hook in this third, in the central picot,

as you see, we have hooked

in the third arch, and now we have continued weaving to make another arch,

that we will engage in the third, and then then we will finish our motive in the usual way.

Before continuing I want to show you how it is going, you see, we have hooked

these two chains here, and I want to emphasize that in this central part

in all the reasons, it has to be two chains as you see here.

Now what I'm going to do is continue making this last motive until the end.

Once we have done our four motives now we are going to do here,

a small, central motif, to give it more consistency

to our cloth, and we're going to start doing it

elaborating a ring

of eight picot separated each one by three knots, this ring is equal

that this ring we made here

for the different reasons.

Once we have this central part, we will take a thread of thread and we will load

a naveta

with the intention

that is the continuous thread, you see, in this way,

so now this thread, this naveta is going to serve as a ball,

and this, will serve as a guide.

Now then we are going to take this motive that we have done and we are going to hook in any of its picot

in this way,

and we are going to do

our first eight knots, as you see here,

is going to carry some chains that will carry eight knots, a picot, four knots, this picot, now we will see where we hook it,

four knots, one picot and eight knots.

And this is what we have done, we have made eight knots, one picot and four knots,

and after that we have hooked on the central picot

of this chain, as you see here,

now we are going to make 4 knots, 1 picot, and 8 knots,

and we will hook


As you can see, we already have our first chain

of this small central motive made, now next we are going to do the second,

it's exactly the same we're going to do eight knots, one picot, four knots,

let's hook in the central picot,

four knots, one picot and eight knots, and we will hook again in another picot, that is, in this one.

As you can see we have done these two chains,

that we have hooked to these two inner chains that were free in the motive, because now we are going to do the same

in these two, in these two, and in these two,

and this is the result, once we have finished

we cut the thread,

We prick the base of the first chain with a needle and tie a knot behind, and then


And this is the result of this nice motif for a rug, now the work depends on the size you want to give it,

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did and as I always tell you if you liked it

give it a like,

share that sharing we all learn and if you are not already subscribed,

Let's cheer up, it's free, a hug for everyone and see you in the next tutorial.

For more infomation >> TAPETE O PAÑITO DE FRIVOLITE EN RELIEVE 2ª PARTE - Duration: 11:50.


Un chef dans ma cuisine - Carpaccio de gambas au balsamique à l'orange proposé par Benjamin Bajeux - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Un chef dans ma cuisine - Carpaccio de gambas au balsamique à l'orange proposé par Benjamin Bajeux - Duration: 2:07.


ViVa pidió renunciar a Eggenberger luego de conocer la denuncia | Soy502 - Duration: 2:30.

 Pese a que Juan Carlos Eggenberger aseguró que él había decidido renunciar a su candidatura para la presidencia, el secretario General de Visión con Valores (ViVa), Armando Castillo, desmintió esa versión y aseguró que el partido le pidió apartarse de la candidatura

 "Sabíamos que tenía un problema familiar, pero nos enteramos de la magnitud del problema un día después de su proclamación como candidato y no nos cayó en gracia", detalló Castillo

AQUÍ TE LO CONTAMOS:  Según el directivo de ViVa, desde el momento en que se enteraron le "negociaron la renuncia" con Eggenberger

"Somos un partido que promulga la vida, la familia, el matrimonio como base fundamental de la sociedad y no podíamos tener un problema así", detalló

 En conferencia de prensa Eggenberger aseguró que tomó la decisión de renunciar para proteger a su familia, luego de que se conociera que su exesposa lo denunciara por haberla tratado de estrangular y de haberla agarrado a patadas cuando cayó al piso

 Castillo informó que la renuncia de su candidato no les afecta, pues desde el momento en que conocieron lo hecho por Eggenberger acordaron convocar a una asamblea extraordinaria, la cual se llevará a cabo el próximo 3 de marzo

 El secretario General de ViVa no quiso revelar el nombre de su nuevo candidato a la presidencia, sin embargo, se ha escuchado que podría tratarse de Isaac Farchi Sultán

 En cuanto a su vicepresidenciable, Antonio Rodríguez, Castillo dijo que aún están en evaluación, pero que él puso el puesto a disposición para que se pueda proclamar a otro candidato


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