Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 21 2019

 Bruna Marquezine está confirmada como musa do Nosso Camarote, na Marquês de Sapucaí, neste carnaval

A informação é da coluna "Retratos da Vida", do jornal "Extra", nesta quinta-feira (21)

Em entrevista, a atriz já havia manifestado vontade de se dividir entre a folia baiana e a carioca

O espaço VIP será montado pelo segundo ano consecutivo na Passarela do Samba e com Carol Sampaio, Gabriel David e Ronaldo Fenômeno à frente

Além da ex-namorada de Neymar, o camarote vai receber, para shows, entre outros, Luan Santana, Iza, Preta Gil, Ludmilla e Banda Eva

Além desses, Livinho, MC Marcinho, Jeito Moleque, Barja, Evokings e Cat Dealers

Bruna negou 'olhar triste' em foto  A irmã de Luana Marquezine chegou aos EUA na semana passada e logo que aterrissou em Nova York prestigiou um desfile da NYFW

Na ocasião, Bruna negou um "olhar triste" ao receber comentário de fã

"Todo mundo chamando ela de linda, mas ninguém notou o olhar triste dela

Que tristeza é essa Marquezine. Ânimo, garota", disse a seguidora. E a jovem, logo respondeu à internauta

"No máximo pode ser de cansada, de quem chegou no mesmo dia depois de um voo de nove horas e só cinco horas de sono, mas nem isso eu percebi na foto

Obrigada pela preocupação de qualquer forma", escreveu. Bruna pode protagonizar novela das nove  Longe do horário nobre há cinco anos e das novelas desde julho passado, a atriz foi reservada para o elenco da novela "Amor de Mãe", anteriormente chamada de "Troia"

Escrita por Manuela Dias, o folhetim das nove vai substituir "A Dona do Pedaço", sucessora de "O Sétimo Guardião"

Caso confirme sua escalação, Bruna será uma das protagonistas da trama que terá ainda Regina Casé e Isis Valverde entre outros

O convite partiu de José Luiz Villamarim, com quem a jovem trabalhou em "Deus Salve o Rei", o seu mais recente trabalho na dramaturgia

Juliana Paes deixou posto de musa em camarote  A atriz estava confirmada para ser musa do Camarote Arpoador, também na Marquês de Sapucaí

Porém, como terá gravações da próxima novela das nove em plena segunda-feira de carnaval, dia 4, precisou abrir mão do convite

Com isso, a atriz perdeu mão de um cachê de R$ 50 mil. Juliana Paes não terá substituta no espaço, que terá uma dupla de musos: Bianca Andrade e David Brazil

A protagonista do folhetim está no Sul gravando a trama ao lado de Marcos Palmeira e Fernanda Montenegro

No começo da semana, a veterana de 89 anos foi internada após se sentir mal e voltou para o Rio de Janeiro

 (Por Guilherme Guidorizzi)

For more infomation >> ✅ Bruna Marquezine é escolhida como musa de camarote no carnaval do Rio - Duration: 3:03.


Razones de calado de la Guardia Civil para estar más que cabreada con el libro del impostor Sánchez - Duration: 3:02.

El libro que le escribió una negra a Pedro Sánchez sigue trayendo mucha cola, y mucha estela en este caso.

Si lo del colchón también ha resultado ser un fake de mucho cuidado, ya que Rajoy lo donó antes de que lo cambiara el mentado,

ahora sale a la luz el terrible enfado de la Guardia Civil con el dichoso Manual de Resistencia.

Y es que el presidente del Gobierno presume en el mismo de haber salvado la vida de los 630 inmigrantes que llegaron el pasado verano a nuestro país a bordo del Aquarius: A mí personalmente,

el haber salvado la vida a 630 personas hace que piense que vale la pena dedicarse a la política.

Un rescate que en realidad realizó la Guardia Civil y Salvamento Marítimo.

Según da cuenta OkDiario, agentes de la Guardia Civil critican la ligereza de sus palabras.

Es un trabajo duro por las condiciones en las que vienen y peligroso por las enfermedades que traen, asegura José Cobo García,

secretario nacional de prensa de la Asociación Española de Guardias Civiles (AEGC).

Fue precisamente durante el rescate de los inmigrantes que viajaban abordo del Aquarius donde los agentes de la Policía Nacional y de la Guardia Civil se infectaron de sarna.

Entonces denunciaron que el Ministerio del Interior no suministró el equipamiento necesario: monos para cubrir el cuerpo, guantes y mascarillas.

Los agentes tras ser infectados también contagiaron a sus familiares (entre los que se incluyen a menores de edad).

La Guardia Civil, responsable de los puertos españoles, es la primera, junto a Salvamento Marítimo y los servicios de atención médica (como Cruz Roja),

en recibir a todas aquellas personas que llegan a nuestro país por las costas.

Aunque Sánchez presuma de haber salvado a 630 inmigrantes, en 2018 cerca de 50.000 inmigrantes llegaron a España tanto por la costa como a través de nuestras fronteras.

Por Baleares y las costas peninsulares entraron 41.646 personas mientras que 959 lo hicieron por las islas Canarias.

Asimismo, por tierra 541 inmigrantes entraron por la Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla y 321 por la de Ceuta.

En total, supuso un incremento del 154% respecto a 2017.

For more infomation >> Razones de calado de la Guardia Civil para estar más que cabreada con el libro del impostor Sánchez - Duration: 3:02.


Laura Smet complote avec Jacqueline Benoit, la réponse implacable de Laeticia Hallyday - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Laura Smet complote avec Jacqueline Benoit, la réponse implacable de Laeticia Hallyday - Duration: 1:35.


Sweater en punto Tela de araña PARTE 2 - Duration: 20:21.

Hello friends, today we will continue with the second part of this cute

Knitted circular knit sweater spider web

This is how it has been going, we have already given the two turns in reverse,

look there we have it and we have arrived here,

remember that the rows are starting from when I've finished

a sleeve, between the sleeve and the body is the union, from there I'll start the

rows. We're going to weave 6 rights first,

6 rights and we have to decrease double or three points together that comes to

be these two we do not weave, we weave one and the two that we have not woven with the help of

the left needle we raise and we pass above what we wove, this

shape is going to form a chain in the center, once we did that,

again we weave 6 points, 1, 2,

3. 4. 5,

and 6, we are knitting to the right.

We already have 6 and we are lazada,

a right, lasso and again 6 points 1, 2, 3,

4, 5, 6 and we are repeating, it's our turn what is the double or three decrease

points together, we raise with the needle of the left and we mount the one that yes

we said, again 6 points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

6, lacing, a right, lacing and 6 again,

that's how we're going to continue weaving this row ...

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and the three points together, remember these two do not knit,

we passed it to the needle on the right, we weave one and the two that we have not

tissue we raise it and on which yes we knit and that's how this row will end.

Once they finish and arrive here, they have to coincide, remember that we have

304 points and must match the get here, once they finish this

back, the one that follows is going to weave everything in law and again we will return to

repeat, but we'll see you there.

Here we have it ready, I've finished knit, notice ... here are the three

points together and lacing, 1, lacing and the next spin I knitted all the right.

Now we continue, we are going to guide of the last one that we have made the three

points together because again we're going to repeat, those three are on point together like this

that here are four rights to start because here are the other two because

are six,

4, 5,

and 6 points, here is the previous one we did and it's the same thing again,

double decrease, removed two, left one and these two that we did not knit we assembled it,

again we repeat everything as we have done 1, 2, 3,

4, 5, 6 and lazada, a right, Loop and again 6 ... 1, 2, 3,

4, 5, 6 and again here we see the 3,

He took two, I leave one and we ride, we go repeat again in this same way

four times, we have already done one, we're in the second and we're going to do

twice more, it means that they must have four loops up 1, 2

what are we doing and 2 more then I'm going to finish knitting and we're going to see

and I'm going to show you so that you observe better how you have to

to knit.

I already knitted the 4 loops up, look 1, 2, 3, 4 and

we have repeated in all the rows same, that would be 6 right, a loop,

one setback, one set, 6 right and double decrease and separated between

them with a right turn. Are already the 4 ... 1, 2, 3, 4, Let's knit

two laps in right from the last loop we have

done, let's do three more laps everything in law and we must continue

with 304 points, after they finish do the three laps in right, they go to

do a lap in reverse, and the

second round we are going to do decreases and there we will see each other.

I hope that seeing they can understand, since the rest of the tissue is going to be

repetitive, so look closely

as I have advanced 1, 2, 3, 4 and now 3 rows in right and one reverse and

see you later.

We have already arrived here and we have done two laps in right without any

increase or decrease that would come to be this here and a turn in reverse

So far, I have already advanced, I want you to fix and see how is this

chain that you see here, it's the three points together, they are the double decrease that

we've been doing and that's how it's going stay, like a chain in the center see

well ... once you have come this far, a row everything in reverse, we must

continue to have 304 points, now yes is when the decreases begin,

In this second row we are going to do again in reverse as we have done here,

remember that we made two rows in backwards here, they will also be two rows in

reverse but the second row is the one will take the decreases, where

Are they going to make the decreases? this same side where we have done the

double decrease, these three are also going to

do but knit upside down, let's knit up there,

it would, a setback,

and here are these two, these 2 we had without knitting

and we weave the third one in reverse and these two that we have not knit we assemble it like this

and we continue until we reach the other

in reverse, until you reach the other side where we make the three points together,

Again here, in total since I made this would be 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13 backwards,

and this one is the center one and then we repeat here, we do not weave these two,

we weave the third in reverse and these two we mount it and again 13 reverse,

and again we come to this part,

we do not weave two, we weave in reverse and this we assemble it, they will finish this row

in this way and see you in the next row because we're going to go back to

repeat this part of here but now we we see there to go back to explain them.

Here I finished doing, see ... the decreases in this part of

here, here here, once we have finished

this part we will continue the same way that we have been doing in this

part but this time no longer with six points right but with five because

we have made the decrease here and so so much has decreased to five

and we're going to do it right here,

they just touch the loops previous and right there laced,

a right, a tie and five rights,

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and again I would play

double decrease,

and 5 again 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, we have repeated the same thing here, what

unique is that it has varied is the diminished to 5 rights instead

of 6 and they will do the same again, when they reach 4 loops 1, 2, 3, 4, here

They will be equal 4 loops, weave two turns in right, one in reverse and the

next in reverse are the same decreases as we have done

now last, which is in this part, when they finish those 4

will continue, instead of 5 going to be 4

of 6, 5, 4, 3 rights will be four rights and they're going to weave

up to 3 loops and they will repeat, I will knit until you finish all that part and

I am going to show you because it seems to me that by showing him they will understand him better.

Why do not I knit it together? why as I tell you, it is repetitive and if

I show how you are going to understand better.

We have it ready, it's all this what I have woven,

we had stayed in this part, I I was explaining to them that we had to

make six rights, double decrease six rights, one loop, one right, one

loop and once we had the four Loops 1 2, 3, 4, we made one

turn in reverse, the next turn that we did the double decrease in these

parts of here and that's where it's gone shrinking or we have already decreased

points, in the next one that is the same as the one down here but it has decreased to

five rights, double decrease, five right,

lazada, a right, lazada and returned to repeat a lap in

reverse, the next turn in reverse we made the double decrease again,

in these parts that here was already declining and became

4 rights, double decrease, 4 rights, lacing,

a right, laced and so on three times, it has been three loops here,

up to 1, 2, 3, these two below were of 4 loops, 1, 2, 3, 4 ... 1, 2, 3, 4, ...

The next two have been 3 loops, 1, 2, 3 ... 1, 2, 3 ...

the next two last ones have been 2 loops 1, 2 ... 1, 2, and all are gone

weaving the same and in the part, in the second round in reverse, it has

the points have decreased, that's why has been decreasing, if here it was 6 right,

5 rights, 4 right, 3 right, 2 rights and a right.

a right, double decrease, a right a tie, a right, a lacing and so on

I ended up here, they are in 2 loops are here and another here and I did both

turns in right. So far we have this part and the only thing that remains

the waistband To end ,

the waistband we are going to change needle as you can appreciate the part of the

neck has shrunk quite a bit in points and if we weave with our 3.5 needles

they look too shrink, they can weave the waistband with them with 4.5 or

number 4, I think I'm going to do it with these same ones of 4.5 so you do not

they shrink the neck part too much and we are going to weave more or less

two centimeters and it would be closing.

We are in the part of here, I have already finished weaving, what comes to be the

Waistband, and now what we're going to close, for

close there are many ways to do it, this time I will not use the form

classic to close, but I'm going to do with a needle, that's because there's a

way to do it to get this out elastic, as we have done the part

below, when we started the We have made a cuff

different way to mount the points what was it so that they go out of shape

elastic and that's what I want them show, at the time that we have mounted the

points the way I've taught them, this when pulling, notice, how elastic

remains, both the fists, as in the part

from here below, they are very elastic, to close there is also a

elastic form, if you know any another way they can do it but

down here in the description box I'm going to leave you.

one of them is going to be this and here I will put in what

minute or so they are in case they want to go straight there, so let's go

close in that elastic way and then already

we cook the part of the sleeves, it is already I sewed it but then we do it together

and we would have finished our cute sweater,

now it's up to us to unite the sleeve

Tie the wool and let's start, let's take one side

two strands, there I do not know if you can to appreciate

and the same distance from the other side we also take 2

from here and here 2

where did this one come from here we also take 2,

of this other also from where the wool we take 2 ... 1, 2,

remember that as we are in the part of the waistband must match,

this side with this other side, again from where it came out 1, 2,

and here we have arrived or finished the part that is of the waistband, let's

continue in this same way until get to the armhole,

we continue to always take two strands, something very important is that the

When they are sewing, always follow the same chain, are not

taking from here and then to here and then here, always straight

same string, then if I have caught this during all the sewing I'm going to

keep taking that same until you get here on the other side, they will continue

sewing this way until you get here, they close it and we would have ready what

It's our cute sweater.

We have it ready, we have finished closing

and the part is elastic up here, we have also closed what

the sleeves and look here ... the sewing almost did not

note, this sweater is very nice.

And I hope you liked this cute sweater and if so do not forget to

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For more infomation >> Sweater en punto Tela de araña PARTE 2 - Duration: 20:21.


Quedarse de piedra. Perfecciona tu español, 44. - Duration: 1:13.

I am in Israel, exactly in Mitzpe Ramon.

This place is called Mekhtesh or something similar, but in English I've seen it called as a crater.

Really to me this is more a canyon,

and they say it is the largest canyon in this region.

When I see all this immensity, all these stones, the first thing that happened to me is that

I have stayed stone.

We use the expression stay of stone when we say that something surprises us a lot and the

metaphor is that we can not move from the surprise, exactly like a stone.

Do you know other similar expressions in Spanish or in your language?

Come on!

Share them below, in the comments and we will all learn with them.


And do not forget to subscribe, Like, click the little bell you can see over here

to receive notifications when I post new videos

See you in the next video.

¡Hasta luego!

For more infomation >> Quedarse de piedra. Perfecciona tu español, 44. - Duration: 1:13.


Charlène de Monaco distante, cette décision surprenante pour la paix conjugale - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Charlène de Monaco distante, cette décision surprenante pour la paix conjugale - Duration: 1:27.


Punto 9 - Noticias Forex del 21 de Febrero 2019 - Duration: 0:02.

For more infomation >> Punto 9 - Noticias Forex del 21 de Febrero 2019 - Duration: 0:02.





MEDITACIÓN CON LA ESTRELLA DE DAVID por Imma Bonet - Duration: 11:10.

For more infomation >> MEDITACIÓN CON LA ESTRELLA DE DAVID por Imma Bonet - Duration: 11:10.


Benalla: la commission du Sénat est "le bouc émissaire de l'exécutif", selon Kanner (PS) - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Benalla: la commission du Sénat est "le bouc émissaire de l'exécutif", selon Kanner (PS) - Duration: 3:19.


Détention de Benalla: «C'est lui qui l'a cherché» - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> Détention de Benalla: «C'est lui qui l'a cherché» - Duration: 5:26.


Yalitza Aparicio responde a Sergio Goyri: estoy orgullosa de ser una indígena oaxaqueña. - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Yalitza Aparicio responde a Sergio Goyri: estoy orgullosa de ser una indígena oaxaqueña. - Duration: 3:25.


Caso de Éxito PPC Edicom Viva! Conversion - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> Caso de Éxito PPC Edicom Viva! Conversion - Duration: 4:52.


Frente a frente: así fue el encuentro de Geraldine y Gabriel despues del divorcio - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Frente a frente: así fue el encuentro de Geraldine y Gabriel despues del divorcio - Duration: 2:58.


Zuii Fermin habla de Nano Coat System - Duration: 1:05.

We live in this

house about 15 years ago,

it is a very sunny house

located in the south of Madrid

but with a high condensation problem,

especially one of the rooms,

we were thinking about the possibility

of doing rehab

but just when we had to make the decision,

someone recommended us HELSKE products

for this type of walls

Actually this summer we have applied the product

and we have noticed a big difference

in terms of freshness and humidity,

now we sleep very well

and I would absolutely recommend

it to everyone who had this problem

for minimize these effects of summer

especially in Madrid which is a

pretty hot city.

For more infomation >> Zuii Fermin habla de Nano Coat System - Duration: 1:05.


Primele imagini cu Marina "Plușica" de la Puterea Dragostei, după ce a părăsit emisiunea! Cum arată - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Primele imagini cu Marina "Plușica" de la Puterea Dragostei, după ce a părăsit emisiunea! Cum arată - Duration: 2:58.


✅ As gravações de conversas entre Bolsonaro e o ex-ministro Gustavo Bebianno repercutem no Congresso - Duration: 4:24.

 Na semana passada, o então o ministro da Secretaria-Geral Gustavo Bebianno afirmou que havia falado três vezes com o presidente Jair Bolsonaro no último dia 12

No dia seguinte, Carlos Bolsonaro, filho do presidente, disse que isso era "mentira absoluta"

Áudios divulgados na terça-feira (19) mostram pelo menos três mensagens por WhatsApp entre ex-ministro e o presidente

Saiba como políticos reagiram à divulgação desses áudio.  1. Aliel Machado (PSB-PR), deputado – "Ele [Bolsonaro] está com muitas dificuldades porque pregou algo na campanha e tomou atitudes diferentes depois que tomou o mandato

"  2. Davi Alcolumbre (DEM-AP), presidente do Senado – "Eu não acompanhei

Isso aí é um problema, naturalmente, mas o Senado tem que deliberar em relação a sua pauta

Em relação a vazamento de áudios, eu acho que quem tem que responder isso é quem vazou

[…] Eu não quero me manifestar em relação a isso porque eu não posso acusar nem o ministro nem o presidente da República em relação a áudios que eles trocaram numa conversa pessoal e particular

"  3. Elmar Nascimento (BA), líder do DEM na Câmara – "Os áudios falam por si

Eu acho que esse assunto já está ultrapassado. Presidente já exonerou o ministro [Bebianno]

Agora, gente, precisa tocar a bola pra frente. Tem muita coisa importante para ser tratada

Hoje, o ministro Sérgio Moro [Justiça e Segurança Pública] apresentou a pauta dos três projetos anticrime e amanhã [quarta-feira] tenho proposta da reforma da Previdência

Essas devem ser as nossas prioridades aqui."  4. Joice Hasselmann (PSL-SP), deputada federal – "O ministro Bebianno já tinha dito a aliados que tinha conversado com o presidente e já havia aí essa fratura que foi exposta durante o final de semana, coisa que deveria ter sido resolvida na segunda-feira

A minha preocupação é: como o Congresso recebe tudo isso? Nós temos que aprovar a reforma da Previdência e não podemos deixar que um entrevero entre o ex-ministro e o presidente possa eventualmente prejudicar o andamento da reforma

"  5. José Rocha (BA), líder do PR na Câmara – "Nós temos que evitar a todo custo que essa crise venha pra dentro do Congresso para não contaminar a tramitação das matérias importantes para o País, a exemplo das matérias que dizem respeito à economia, como a reforma da Previdência que nós temos que dar celeridade a sua aprovação para que cheguemos aí no mês de julho com ela aprovada aqui na Câmara dos Deputados

É uma necessidade que o País tem de normalizar a sua economia e trazer os investidores para que a confiança seja readquirida também na questão da diminuição do desemprego

"  6. Randolfe Rodrigues (Rede-AP), senador – "O que é mais espantoso da parte das manifestações do senhor presidente da República é o trecho que vou reproduzir aqui

Ele [Bolsonaro] diz o seguinte: 'Gustavo, o que eu acho deste cara da Globo dentro do Palácio do Planalto, eu não quero ele aí dentro

Qual a mensagem que vai dar para as outras emissoras?'. Mais adiante, o senhor presidente da República também se refere ao site Antagonista, sempre se referindo aos meios de comunicação de forma agressiva, pejorativa, autoritária

"  7. Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), presidente da Câmara – "Com a decisão da exoneração, o assunto está resolvido

Acho que para o Brasil é importante que seja assim. [A saída de Bebianno do governo] foi uma perda para a relação da Câmara com o Executivo, mas já está decidido

As votações que nós teremos daqui pra frente são mais importantes do que uma crise interna do governo que, do ponto de vista do diálogo, não há nenhum crime

Não havendo crime, há posições divergentemente sobre se falou, se não falou, se falou de um tema específico que havia sido dito pelo presidente que não havia tido esse tipo de conversa

"  8. Rodrigo Pacheco (DEM-MG), líder do DEM no Senado – "Considero que tudo que é fora de uma rotina – que é uma pauta importante para o País, que é a reforma da Previdência e todos esses temas que estamos tratando no Congresso Nacional – prejudica

Esse é o tipo de desgaste desnecessário que poderia o amadurecimento evitar, mas quero crer que isso vai ser superado dentro em breve

" áudiosBebiannoBolsonarorepercussão

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