Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 20 2019

Currant Juice Recipe

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The currant juice is delicious.

Want to learn?

So let's get the recipe.


1 cup red currants (fruit, not syrup)

200 ml of water

Sweetener to taste

How to prepare:

Mix all ingredients in a blender, drink and drink right away.

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Hi guys welcome to the channel.

Today I will show you some Angolan products.

It's fuba de bombo and fuba de milho(corn)

I have here corn fuba and fuba de milho.

So before continuing

I want to thank every single person who is new here.

and for those who are always coming back, thank you.

and God bless you all.

As you know my channel different subjects.

And one of the subjects is about the Angolan culture.

Or Angolan food.

so in this case I will show fuba de bombo and fuba de milho.

and make a funge(Angolan fufu)

And this video was requested by a subscriber.

to show how to make fufu

I don't have a lot, but I will do my best.

To give you an idea of how to make it.

What's fuba de bombo? It's actually dried cassava.

I have here an example. This is actually cassava.

They leave it in water for some days.

Until it's soft

After it's soft. We let it dry in the son.

leave it some days to dry.

So it becomes bombo.

this one, We call it bombo

we take it to the milling

Special machines

they mill it

and it turns this what you are seeing here

the fuba de bombo(cassava flour)


this one.

I will open it and show you.

The corn. This is actually white corn.

dried and milled.

and it turns fuba de milho(corn powder/flour)

Now I will show you how we make funge(fufu)

I have here a sieve.

It's to sieve fuba de bombo, because it has some residue (kind of wheat offal)

roots of cassava.

the ones inside the cassava

and we need to take it away, other wise our fufu will be ugly.

of couse, no one wants to eat ugly food.

however when you are hungry

everything is welcome.

But the ideal is to have beautiful food.

So you put the fuba in the sieve.

Oh upsss. You should not do what I just did.

You put fuba in the sieve. Guys I will do it this way.

Because the sieve is too small and I put a lot of fuba in it.

So let me take some out, then I will show you.

What you do is this

shaking it side by side

to sieve the fuba.

so all of it goes in the other side.

I am not sure if you can see it. Look.

we have the residue here.

I will stop here. This is the residue.

It's thick and ugly.

it's yellow then the fuba.

So I will stop here. So the residue don't go in there.

The fuba is sieved.

Well I will need a mexerico.

Right guys, this is a mexerico.

It looks like a wooden-spoon

But i'ts different.

It's used to mix the fufu.

and we will need,

a pan with water

water without salt

they are 2 kinds of fufu. One is

corn fufu

and bombo (cassava)fufu

there is also mixed fufu

made of corn and bombo

and now I will only make the bombo fufu

My pan is very small. Because I don't have so much fuba de bombo.

I will take..... I cooked the water.

Guys, the water needs to boil well.

water boiled well. I will reserve some of the water.

Maybe I will need it. I took some of the water.

and I will leave some in the pan.

because my stove is very easy to turn on. I will for now turn it off.

I will turn it off

and add the fuba bombo in the water.

the purpose is to mix everything very well and quick.

To prevent bubbles.

So when it's well mixed. I will move from here to

and sit here.

and mix it very quick, so it doesn't form bubbles.

And it have to be this way. Sitting on the floor(on a small chair)

with the pan like this.

I have just a bit of fuba

Some people make funge(fufu) on stove

guys this is just a little bit.

and now

depending on how thick you want it

You can take

some water and add it here

because bombo fufu, can have bubbles very quick

I want it really soft

I want a very soft fufu

Everyone has his way to cook fufu.

and you can only ass warm(boiled) water.

I could do this all process on the stove.

But I wanted to show you the traditional way of making fufu.

So my fufu is nice and without bubbles.

Now I will take it back to the stove.

Guy, to be sincere. I don't like funge de bombo.

the flame is low.

the flame is low.

you need to let it cook well.

usually when it starts separating from the pan

I take it off the stove

I mix it well and try to eliminate some bubbles if needed.

but as you can see here, the fufu has almost no bubbles.


So when fufu is ready. You make a bowl wet, one of your preference.

In north of Angola we use oil.


and we make it round with this wooden spoon.

But most regions of Angola do it like this

I will try to show it.

You make bowl wet.

and the you put the funge in it.

and you make a spoon wet

and you try to give it a form, a Beautiful form.

A presentable form to your fufu.

est voila

our funge is ready

Here is the funge. This is Funge de bombo.

How to eat funge?

You can eat it with, fish and tomate stew.

or s beef-stew


beef calulu or fish calulu

Chicken muamba

They are several sauces that you can eat with funge

Here is my funge(fufu)

and when you are done cooking funge, you need to put water in the pan

so everything can come off.

this way

so it doesn't dry in the pan

That's is guys. I hope you like the video.

I hope some one can learn something.

And if some of you has other tips. Comment down below

Thank you for watching.

Kisses to you all.

God bless you all. Bye, until next time.

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