Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 20 2019

I understood, in time, that in Medjugorje Mary or rather God wanted us to change

full of life ... by placing God in the first place.

Indeed, God wants us to change lives ...

A person was telling me recently that he could not be nice and nice,

in his everyday life because a lot was making fun of him.

I myself experienced this situation and I decided to radically change

life. I have long waited for things come to me and nothing came ... so

I took things in hand and it's there that Mary came to me .... I him

said, "I can do a lot for you, on the other hand I'm afraid of loving you too much ".... and

a priest said to me, "you can love him so much you want, we never love Marie too much ...

God wants change, He wants you change your life radically.

First, place the Mass in your week, then every day organize yourself,

to have 1 hour of prayer, by car by cutting the radio, a walk in the forest, go to

the church at 6 pm, to worship Jesus ... then you put the rest, your work, your

family, your house, your friends ... the priority being, the mass, the confession, the adoration,

a rosary and a minimum of 1 hour of prayer ...

Enjoy the presence of Mary in Medjugorje, to have a calmer, happier life,

surrounded by good people ... God did not start a job with you,

to give you up on the road ... no, he'll go all the way to you ... until

what Jesus is coming for you ... The path is difficult, you know it all ...

Mary said, because you, you have me listened, the world will change ... you do not

not do extraordinary things, but your "good will" was enough. Continue to do

efforts ... do not forget, Marie comes every day at 6:40 pm ... if it comes

every day is that we need her every day ... put yourself in prayer

at 18:40 and talk to Marie for at least 10 minutes ... you can make a sacrifice

24 hours ... No cigarette, no cake, no beer, no games, no

drug ... she will be delighted and she will help you to make this sacrifice ...

Mary came in "Queen of Peace" so she came to bring Peace, Peace

in your families, peace in your heart, peace with God ...

She did not come to announce the end of the world, nor even the 3rd world war.

Concerning Muslims do not worry not,

it's not your problem it's her problem and she's going to fix it ...

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Miracle, apparition of Mary ...

September 15, 2017, a video is published where we can see an apparition of Mary

in the clouds.

Indeed, we see in the clouds, the silhouette of the Blessed Virgin Mary and after 30

seconds it disappears ...

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new publication ...

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"Los ex servidores públicos que no poseen información estratégica y que, por ende, no puedan beneficiarse de manera ilegal, no tendrán problema

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