Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 21 2019

10 Benefits of Spinach Juice

1. Control appetite

2. Helps in muscle reconstruction and hypertrophy

3. It is rich in vitamin K

4. Helps fight anemia

5. Sugar-free juice has only 7 calories

6. Helps in liver detoxification

7. Reduces risk of inflammation in the body

8. Performing bowel cleansing

9. Helps in the prevention of skin and stomach cancer

10. Strengthens the bones

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For more infomation >> SUCO DE ESPINAFRE é Bom Para Que? 7 Benefícios #saude - Duration: 1:21.


Pierre Niney fou de Charlotte Le Bon, la mise au point de sa chérie Natasha Andrews - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Pierre Niney fou de Charlotte Le Bon, la mise au point de sa chérie Natasha Andrews - Duration: 1:32.


Acacias 38 Capítulo 955: Samuel a punto de morir a manos de Jimeno Batán - Duration: 1:57.

Acacias 38 Capítulo 955: Samuel a punto de morir a manos de Jimeno Batán

Avance del capítulo 956 (viernes, 22 de febrero): En el interior de la iglesia se escucha un disparo.

Ramón mantiene una fuerte discusión con Celia que termina por echarla de su casa.

Celia se refugia en Felipe y Lucía acusando a Ramón de intentar pegarla.

Lucía y Telmo, anuncian su boda a los Álvarez Hermoso que, a pesar de las reticencias de Felipe, les brindan su apoyo.

Ramón tras una tensa conversación con Felipe, se disculpa con Celia, aunque sigue sin fiarse de ella.

Tras la liberación de Flora, la Deliciosa vuelve a la rutina con la incorporación de Tito como camarero, en señal de agradecimiento a los hermanos.

Jimeno Batán está a punto de disparar a Samuel, pero en el último momento Carmen interrumpe, salvando la vida de su señor.

Mientras que Samuel mantiene una conversación desagradable con Lucía en la calle, en el interior de la iglesia, se escucha un disparo.

For more infomation >> Acacias 38 Capítulo 955: Samuel a punto de morir a manos de Jimeno Batán - Duration: 1:57.


Horóscopo de hoy, 21 de febrero de 2019, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Horóscopo de hoy, 21 de febrero de 2019, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 2:44.


HWiNFO Cómo saber causas de sobrecalentamiento PC - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> HWiNFO Cómo saber causas de sobrecalentamiento PC - Duration: 2:07.


¡Jennifer Salinas lanza el "Reguetón de Exatlón"! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> ¡Jennifer Salinas lanza el "Reguetón de Exatlón"! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:04.


🔴 MÚSICA ÉPICA DE BATALLA SIN COPYRIGHT 2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣9️⃣ - Duration: 3:53.


For more infomation >> 🔴 MÚSICA ÉPICA DE BATALLA SIN COPYRIGHT 2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣9️⃣ - Duration: 3:53.


Día Internacional de la Lengua Materna 2019 - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Día Internacional de la Lengua Materna 2019 - Duration: 0:31.


Plus belle la vie : Laurent Kerusoré lassé par son rôle de Thomas ? - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Plus belle la vie : Laurent Kerusoré lassé par son rôle de Thomas ? - Duration: 2:19.


Minha opinião sobre vagas de emprego com muitos requisitos (QUADRO NOVO) - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> Minha opinião sobre vagas de emprego com muitos requisitos (QUADRO NOVO) - Duration: 5:31.


Yeter! Ateisti Big Bang'de Boğma! - Kırmızı Asa Metodu - Osman Bulut - Duration: 11:01.

Quran says that this leaf is dropped by Allah.

An atheist person says that this leaf is attracted by the ground depending on what he has learned from science books.

Then someone appears called 'classical theist' and he applies a new rule which has an aim of combining and reconciling both of those ideas.

"OK" He says to the atheist

"Let's say the cause of the leaf's dropping is gravity.

But you'll accept that all these systems are designed by a God, before the Big Bang occured."

He tries to convince the atheist.

He says precise settings, he talks about the 10^10^123 possibility etc.

The atheist insists and talks about parallel universes.

But meanwhile,a serious problem arises at that point.

No one inquires if the Qur'an accepts this reconciling rule.

In fact it is quite obvious what the answer of Quran is.

"The leaf isn't attracted by the ground, it's directly attracted by Allah."

Similar to this, I have watched a lot of videos and programmes discussing about the existence of Allah without looking into the Qur'an.

Whether they are aware of it or not, there was an unbelievable deception in these videos

While most of atheists don't know what kind of God they deny, most of Muslims don't know what sort of God they believe.

I couldn't notice this for years as a classical science student

who came to world in the modern times and was forced to look at the world constantly through the materialistic narratives of science and engineering.

Unfortunately, I couldn't understand the tawhed offered to me by the Quran.

Until a book that I've read.

Until encountering a staff extracting water wherever it hits.

Now this video will be a theoretical one but it will be

a video providing a basis for upcoming videos and

including a method that we'll suggest.

The mark you see on the right is the symbol of this method

and it's meaning will show up at the end of the video.

Today, debates about the existence of a God

often turn around two fundamental topics.

One of them is Big Bang, how did the universe begin?

They present some mathematical data on this issue.

The possibilities of the values which must be during the explosion for the emergence of the present life are revealed.

And the group proving the existence of Allah says that

a "First Mind" must exist to choose the possibility for human life to become existence by avering the lownesses of these possibilities.

"A first reason must.."

"It must be accepted as a first reason."

Contrary to this, the denying group talks about parallel universes.

They say that if trial number becomes endless, the importance of possibilities will be worthless or they bring another theories etc.

What is important to me is that event took place 14 billions years ago.

There's another event, about which was brought evidences from billions of years ago.

It's another important topic about the existence of Allah, the "Evolution" issue.

Some people believe it, some don't, many discussions about it …

For example, once I knew someone denying evolution.

He mentioned about the low probability of the first protein's emerging.

So he said that a God is needed for the first protein to become existence.

I guess this means that the first protein needs a God to become existence but the current ones don't.


And also there are theists.

They think that this process is designed by Allah beforehand.

It's called "intelligent design".

Conversely, the deniers say that a process of million-year can do this or that "intelligent" designer may be an alien etc.

The important thing for me is that

the evidences of a basic issue like the existence of God,

directly concerning even an illiterate Anatolian aunt,

must be clear, simple and easy to see for everyone.

But the events occuring billions of years that groups bring arguments about

are very distant, complex events and we can examine them only theoretically.

So you can't see them by going outside, they're not actual.

They're not kind of things to be witnessed.

This is a scandal for me. I think it is embarrassing for a Muslim saying that "I declare there's no god but Allah"

I've learned the reason of it afterwards, as I read Risale-i Nur.

I've learned that the God told us in the Qur'an isn't a god who just gets the universe started or designs it.

This may be the case in many groups of distorted monotheistic religions or deism

But in the tawhed teaching which was brought us by Muhammad (pbuh),

it is only,directly Allah who creates all creatures today

as He is The One who created the first creature.

Just as it is Allah who made the beginning of the universe,

the maker, the director of every activity that is happening at the moment is directly Allah. Look, I say directly.

So if we open the time as a band,

the Quran teaches us a God who is the director of every action in everytime

with a vertical perspective, not a god just let the universe begin in the very beginning, with a horizontal perspective.

So He isn't like someone who designed the dominoes in a smart way firstly,

then made the first move and didn't interfere the rest.

He is the One who creates and moves everything at every moment.

Islam denies the compulsory cause-effect correlation and

denies to accept causes, enzymes, DNA etc. which the science asserts as alternative gods

as the maker of the actions.

Then why do we go to the past?

So if Quran is claiming that it is an existence who has knowledge and is alive drops this leaf, according to that formula of Newton,

and atheism rejects this,

why are we discussing the Big Bang after 14 billion years?

If Quran claims that the fragmentation of DNA occuring millions of times inside all of us

is made by an existence who has knowledge and life,

and it conflicts with atheism even at this point,

Why are we discussing formation of the first protein billions of years ago?

If we have different ideas today, about the evolution of a sperm cell to an infant's body in a 9 months,

why are we discussing the evolution being claimed occurred billions years ago, we shouldn't discuss that.

Be sure that there's much more precise settings than 10^10^123 in these actions and

these actions don't happen just one time like Big Bang or the first creature.

Even these three actions I gave examples of

occur at any moment, at everywhere on earth.

If we don't agree on how these actions occur,

it's clear we don't, we will mention all these longly in next videos,

then, it is absurd and deceitful to bring evidences mutually from millions of years.

It is like this:

For example these two characters are watching a film and it's the fiftieth minute of it now.

One of them says that electricity signals must constantly exist for images to be seen.

The other one, Electric Atheist, doesn't accept the electricity

and he has different explanations for the image.

They'll discuss whether electricity signals exist or not.

But the first one starts to talk about the first image

at the beginning of the film 50 mins before instead the current image:

"Bro, do you remember the first image 50 mins before,

the first image of the film at the beginning,

there must be electricity for that image to be seen.

How can it be seen without the electricity man? c'mon.."

Ok dude, but that electricity is also needed for the image to be seen at the moment.

It must directly come to the screen and you can prove it by showing the current image.

He doesn't accept electricity of the current image, why do you take him 50 mins ago?

Therefore, he thinks that you two agree on all the 50-min-part and you can't agree about how the film started.

I claim that many atheists and Muslims, especially those studying medicine and science,

think that they have the same thoughts about

how the Earth rotates around the Sun or about a baby's birth but

they can't agree on just how the universe got started.

So (they argue about) who pushed the start button, who exploded the Big-Bang?

That's all their discussion.

Let's say we proved the Designer God existing before the Big Bang and the atheist one accepted it.

What does it change and how much?

This person still doesn't accept that the current actions are being made by Allah.

We've proved the god of deism,

not the God making current actions told in the Quran.

Even worse, when we discuss the issue through the Big Bang occured billions of years ago

or the first creature, we seem like accepting their explanations about all that process and the current actions.

So they righteously say that

"Man, you accept all the explanations of science, but you put a god to the beginning

just because it hasn't explained the Big bang or the first creature yet."

" God of the Gaps"

Well, we'll talk about this two episodes later, but it's our fault here.

We didn't mentioned him about the current.

We didn't tell him that reasons, enzymes, DNA don't make actions according to us, he didn't know this.

Though, how much have we, ourselves, known?

I've learned all of it from the Risale-i Nur collection.

Although it explains the subject of tawhed and the existence of Allah

in detail - a very large part, maybe 1000 pages-

you can't see any page talking about the beginning of the universe

or the liveness except for a few exceptions.

It brings evidences from actions that we can see and witness like the transmission of sound in the air,

formation of flowers and trees, human and animal births.

This is exactly the method of Qur'an.

Although approximately a quarter of the Quran talks about tawhed,

it brings evidences mostly about the events like

the rainfall, the formation of day-night, the growth of a plant that we can observe NOW.

Bediüzzaman exemplifies this:

Let's say we want to get some water.

Delivering water with pipes from the top of the mountain is a difficult method.

It may be cut, clogged, or the road is long etc.

But if you have a drill, let's name it as the staff of Musa (as),

and if you can extract water wherever you hit, getting water is much easier then.

Risale-i Nur extracts the water of tawhed, which is the most basic need of everyone,

from every flower, atom, tree, fly etc. by using

that Quranic method without going billions of years ago.

Therefore, we'll call this method as "Red Staff" and that will be a symbol for the upcoming episodes.

In the videos that you see this symbol in it,

we'll try to show evidences from actual areas that we can witness everyday

instead of the past that we can not observe.

Because it is the shortest and most powerful way of saying,

witnessing "I declare that there's no god but Allah"

Now, I guess there're many questions in your minds.

Then, what does science explain us?

There's a long journey in front of us that we'll talk about dropping leaves, fragmentation of DNA etc. in it.

But before showing new evidences,

we'll realize a curtain closing our eyes.

Because if you have a curtain in front of your eyes, you can't see any proof no matter how much they are.

I think the real problem preventing us to see the truth

isn't the proofs but it is an idolized dogmatic way of thinking,

which was taught everyone of us since our childhood as if it is holy.

What am I talking about?

For more infomation >> Yeter! Ateisti Big Bang'de Boğma! - Kırmızı Asa Metodu - Osman Bulut - Duration: 11:01.


Geraldine Bazán arremete contra la mujer de su exmarido | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Geraldine Bazán arremete contra la mujer de su exmarido | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:08.


La espeluznante afirmación contra los espectadores de 'Sálvame' que a Sánchez le costará un serio.. - Duration: 4:01.

Brutal artículo de Cristina López Schlichting este 21 de febrero de 2019 en La Razón sobre Pedro Sánchez y su tremenda egolatría llevada hasta el extremo más insospechado en 'Manual de Resistencia'.

Para la periodista, el libro del presidente del Gobierno produce vergüenza, sonrojo y fatuidad: Dicebamus hesterna die....

Si hubiese un concurso de frases españolas famosas, la de Fray Luis subiría al podio.

Con el Vuelva usted mañana» de Larra o Con la Iglesia hemos topado» de Cervantes.

Pero es que, ante la duda, puñeta, coge no ya la Espasa, sino internet.

¡Basta poner Decíamos ayer» y te salen veinte páginas en Wikipedia! Qué vergüenza,

por favor, que el presidente de España confunda a sus clásicos.

Que revuelva las cumbres de la poesía renacentista en una batidora mental.

Y no citas complejas, de 'La Araucana', sino una anécdota de Secundaria.

Asegura que: No soy dada a hacer leña del árbol caído, servidora ha metido mucho la pata y se pone en los zapatos de Pedro Sánchez.

Por ejemplo, es sabido que retuiteé un 'fake' de Pablo Iglesias porque un amigo del exilio venezolano me dijo que era de la campaña de Maduro.

En mi último libro cometí uno con la identidad de uno de los médicos que atendieron a Franco al final. Todos cometemos errores.

El problema de Pedro Sánchez es la petulancia.

Publicar un libro siendo presidente te somete al escrutinio público de cada línea.

Muy pocos resistirían esa criba, a veces ni siquiera los más grandes.

Creerse de otra pasta es lo que pierde a nuestro presidente.

Afronta riesgos con facilidad, no por valiente, sino por imprudente.

No ahorra en epítetos a la hora de juzgar el libro de marras: Su libro es fatuo desde el título, 'Manual de Resistencia'.

Mi primera decisión como presidente fue renovar el colchón de matrimonio y pintar nuestra habitación del Palacio. Está hecho de bobería y a vuela pluma.

Está publicado que Rajoy dio su colchón a una ONG, lo contó alguien de la plantilla de Moncloa. La mudanza requirió el consenso de mis hijas.

Pero a nadie se le habría ocurrido empezar su autobiografía con tal nadería.

Pedro Sánchez habla en el libro de su belleza física y el fervor que desata en las multitudes.

Traiciona la reserva de las conversaciones con los Reyes. Se compara con Obama.

No se recata de presumir de su intimidad con Felipe VI y le atribuye preferencia por él.

Y remacha: Esta autoestima desmesurada -propia de todo inseguro- choca con la forma en que a veces se despacha sobre los demás.

Aunque fuera verdad que sólo ven Sálvame mujeres mayores e incultas ¿cuánto vale su voto? explica para justificar su presencia en programas televisivos de masas.

Cambié la prensa deportiva por la prensa internacional, subraya para hacer de menos la afición de Rajoy a los deportes,

como si alguien fuese a creerse que se levanta todos los días deseando leer la Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

Venderá a espuertas, pero nos deja como un pueblo de cretinos.

For more infomation >> La espeluznante afirmación contra los espectadores de 'Sálvame' que a Sánchez le costará un serio.. - Duration: 4:01.


Caroline de Monaco brisée, l'étrange faux-bond de Karl Lagerfeld avant sa mort - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Caroline de Monaco brisée, l'étrange faux-bond de Karl Lagerfeld avant sa mort - Duration: 1:48.


✅ Cesar Tralli celebra 5 anos de união com Ticiane Pinheiro: ''Respeito'' - Duration: 1:55.

 Cesar Tralli usou as redes sociais nesta quinta-feira, 21, para homenagear Ticiane Pinheiro

 O jornalista e a apresentadora estão comemorando os cinco anos de união

 "5 anos com você. Só tenho que te agradecer pelo amor, cumplicidade, respeito, união e mais amor

E agora a nossa família crescendo. Que benção! Te Amo", declarou ele

 Grávida da primeira filha do casal, que se chamará Manuella, Tici também falou sobre o amado

 "Hoje meu amor e eu fazemos 5 anos juntos. Quantas coisas aconteceram nesse 5 anos e como evoluímos

  Começamos com aquele namoro acelerado, eu louca para refazer a família, com sede de tudo , querendo tudo para ontem

Fui aprendendo com você a viver um dia de cada vez, a curtir cada momento da vida, a ter prazer de fazer as coisas sozinhas

Namoramos 4 anos, amadurecemos esse amor, arrumamos a casa como a gente queria e demos tempo para que ele se ajustasse a nosso favor

Faz um pouco mais de um ano ano que casamos e viramos um família de verdade como eu sempre sonhei

Rafa, você e eu. Agora, para brindar esse amor e a nossa história, está chegando um pedacinho de nós, um pedacinho desse amor no mundo

Vem aí a Manuella, para coroar a nossa história, para coroar ainda mais o nosso amor mais puro e verdadeiro

Te amo muito e quero ser feliz com você sempre ao meu lado", disse.  Veja:

For more infomation >> ✅ Cesar Tralli celebra 5 anos de união com Ticiane Pinheiro: ''Respeito'' - Duration: 1:55.


Les Feux de l'amour (spoiler) : Sharon, Adam un printemps meurtrier - Duration: 1:18.

Dans les prochains épisodes, Genoa City est frappé par la mort de l'un de ses personnages historiques : Sage.

Nick peut compter sur le soutien de ses enfants pour surmonter cette terrible épreuve.

Victor se concentre à convaincre Meredith d'assister à sa place aux funérailles. Adam est surpris d'apprendre qu'il figure dans le testament de Sage pendant que Sharon est sur le point de révéler la vérité au sujet de Christian.

Elle finit par renoncer, tandis qu'un nouveau drame vient secouer Genoa City : la salle des serveurs prend feu au Club.

Abby est convaincue de l'implication de Max dans l'affaire.

La relation de Victor et Meredith suscite des interrogations, puis Phyllis ne voit pas d'un bon oeil la nouvelle affaire de William.

Une violente dispute éclate et elle le gifle.

Dylan finit par prouver l'implication de Max dans la chute d'Abby dans les escaliers et le départ d'incendie au club.

Stitch ne croit pas à cette version et Max se réfugie chez Ashley.

De son côté, Neil est sur le point de dévoiler un lourd secret

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