Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 20 2019

Hello community my name is PlayerIGN,

As of right PUBG Hawkinz has just released patch notes for Patch 26. This patch introduces 2 new vehicles,

Flare Guns for public matches, a new grace period to claim unclaimed Vikendi Rewards,

Introduction to the Ranked Skins, a new solution to the problem with FPS and DPS, and so much more.

The Zima is a new 4 by 4 vehicle

that will be replacing the UAZ on Vikendi,

characterized by its easier control on snow. The snowbike will also be coming back to PUBG, which was previously

postponed because of a community found bug bug. Flare Guns will now be in public games for all maps, shoot it straight up while inside the

safe zone to call down a a yellow airdrop, shoot it outside the zone to call down an armoured UAZ.

There will also now be a UI indicator for where it lands

There will also be a grace period to claim unclaimed items after the Event Pass ends.

Which will last between Feb 26 to March 12. The new Ranked Reward skins has also been introduced to us.

But rest assured if you forgot to grind these skins, because Season 2 ranked has been extended to Match 19, 2019.

But even more interesting, is that PUBG actually

responded to a problem found by the community, and if you didn't know basically unless you have a super high-end PC,

small frame differences between numbers like having 70 FPS

and 71 FPS makes a huge difference to your damage per second. So they will continue testing this on test servers, until they feel its

They added a reflective effect to scopes. Vehicle tires will now be destroyed immediately when a vehicle explodes,

why is this important? Because now you have feet protection.


Now if you try to prone on unusual places, that you can't prone at, your character will now crouch instead. New UI improvements

to the store preview feature, And Steam and Discord will tell you a bit more about what your friends are doing in PUBG.

Well, that's all for now, my name is PlayerIGN and thanks for watching

For more infomation >> EVERYTHING IN PATCH 26 ( IMPORTANT! Include Notes Not Mentioned) | PUBG News Day26 - Duration: 2:20.


Lieberman on 2020: Don't count Bernie Sanders out - Duration: 6:42.

For more infomation >> Lieberman on 2020: Don't count Bernie Sanders out - Duration: 6:42.


Royal news : Thomas Markle Sr wants daughter Samantha to leave Meghan alone - Duration: 2:27.

 Thomas Markle Jr has given a scathing interview about Samantha, in which he reveals Thomas Markle Sr — the father he, Meghan and Samantha all share — wants her to stop publicly attacking the Duchess

 "He [Thomas Markle Sr] has even said to me 'I wish Babe [Samantha's nickname] would shut her mouth already and be quiet,'" Markle Jr told British publicationNew! magazine

 Markle Jr, 52, who lives in the US state of Oregon, also revealed how Samantha had long been envious of Meghan, and her jealously has only grown with the years

 "She was very jealous of Meghan from the very beginning and still to this very day," Markle Jr said

 Describing Samantha as "bitter and negative" and accusing her of "spreading lies," he added: "I wouldn't believe anything that's written in there [the book Samantha is supposed to be writing about Meghan]

" Speaking of his royal half-sister, Markle Jr gushed that he had fond memories of Meghan from when he lived with Markle Sr and Doria Ragland for a few years after Meghan was born, saying she always had a "happy and outgoing personality" and was "always a princess and never a tomboy

" It's a dramatic shift in tone from Markle Jr, who wrote an open letter to Prince Harry weeks before the royal the wedding describing Meghan as a "jaded, shallow, conceited woman that will make a joke of you and the royal family heritage

" In the new interview, Markle Jr admitted the way he, Samantha and other members of the family "badmouthed" Meghan probably drove her away

 Last month, Markle Jr was arrested for driving while drunk. According to Fox News, he had a blood-alcohol level of

11% and was "visibly intoxicated" when police pulled him over.

For more infomation >> Royal news : Thomas Markle Sr wants daughter Samantha to leave Meghan alone - Duration: 2:27.


✅ Breaking News - Neymar cuts solumn figure at Barcelona airport as he uses crutches - Duration: 2:11.

Neymar cut a solemn figure at Barcelona airport after visiting his former side's club doctor

 He made the trip for consultation and treatment from Ramón Cugat and was pictured still using crutches for the broken metatarsal in his right foot

 The striker was seen wearing dark sunglasses and a vintage tracksuit as he hobbled along

 Cugat is a renowned Spanish surgeon, specialising in orthopedic surgery, orthopaedic sports medicine and arthroscopy and evidently has the trust of Neymar

The Brazilian admitted crying for two days after re-breaking the bone and is still set to be sidelined for another seven weeks

 Neymar is continuing to receive treatment and work on rehabilitation for the foot injury he also suffered before last year's World Cup

  Share this article Share But it isn't just the physical anguish of another spell on the sidelines that has troubled the 27-year-old

 He admitted the mental struggle has also been difficult to take. 'This time I had a tough time getting over it,' the former Santos striker told Brazilian TV channel Globo

'I spent two days at home crying. The first time I hurt myself I said, "I'll have an operation, it has to be fixed as quickly as possible"

I wasn't sad.'On paper it looked like Neymar's absence from the Champions League clash with Manchester United at Old Trafford could have been a huge blow for Thomas Tuchel's side

 But the Ligue 1 champions saw off their opposition 2-0 in the first leg and are heavy favourites to progress

   Share this article Share

For more infomation >> ✅ Breaking News - Neymar cuts solumn figure at Barcelona airport as he uses crutches - Duration: 2:11.


ニュース 『news zero』不調の有働由美子に現場スタッフから大逆風!「数字も取れないくせに......」 - Duration: 3:35.

 昨年3月いっ いでNHKを退 し、同10月か 『news z ro』(日本テ ビ系)のメイン ャスターを務め 有働由美子アナ 逆風が吹いてい 。スタート時こ 話題になり、平 視聴率が10% (ビデオリサー 調べ、関東地区 以下同)に乗っ いたが、日を追 ごとにみるみる 下

あっという間に %を切ってしま ほどになってし った。高いギャ を払ってまで、 働アナを受け入 た日テレにとっ は大誤算。スタ フからも不服の が上がっている  「有働アナは 装へのこだわり 強く、注文が多 ぎてスタイリス が四苦八苦して ます

本番前には、小 マッサージをし もらい、カラー ンタクト、つけ つげをバッチリ 着して、ようや スタジオへ向か という、そんな 日です。高視聴 を叩き出してい ば、スタッフか の文句もないの しょうが『数字 取れないのに… 』と言われる始 です

また、『zer 』の放送日、つ り月曜から金曜 で連日決まって 方に、番組スタ フを集合させ2 間以上に及ぶ打 合わせを行って ます。結果、取 に出向いている 継クルーや記者 軽視しているよ な形になってい 、制作陣はそう った点も不満に じています」( 作会社社員)  インキャスター 就任した途端に 現場への情熱を ったとの声も出 いる

 「退局後に『 ャーナリスト宣 』し、10月の 組スタート前に 『報道に携わり い。とにかく現 を大事にしたい と言っていた有 アナですが、こ まで番組を通し 事件事故現場に を運んだことは とんどありませ

スタジオ進行で いっぱいの状態 、本人に余裕が いのかもしれま ん。脇を固める 部のコメンテー ー陣も取材経験 ない軟弱評論家 かり。これでは 聴率は取れない すよ」(同)  組が内部から崩 しかねない危機 迎えているだけ 、早いところテ 入れした方がよ そうだ

For more infomation >> ニュース 『news zero』不調の有働由美子に現場スタッフから大逆風!「数字も取れないくせに......」 - Duration: 3:35.


『news zero』不調の有働由美子に現場スタッフから大逆風!「数字も取れないくせに......」 - Duration: 3:29.

 昨年3月いっぱい NHKを退局し、同 0月から『news zero』(日本テ ビ系)のメインキャ ターを務める有働由 子アナに逆風が吹い いる。スタート時こ 話題になり、平均視 率が10%台(ビデ リサーチ調べ、関東 区/以下同)に乗っ いたが、日を追うご にみるみる低下

あっという間に5% 切ってしまうほどに ってしまった。高い ャラを払ってまで、 働アナを受け入れた テレにとっては大誤 。スタッフからも不 の声が上がっている  「有働アナは衣装 のこだわりが強く、 文が多すぎてスタイ ストが四苦八苦して ます

本番前には、小顔マ サージをしてもらい カラーコンタクト、 けまつげをバッチリ 着して、ようやくス ジオへ向かうという そんな毎日です。高 聴率を叩き出してい ば、スタッフからの 句もないのでしょう 『数字も取れないの ……』と言われる始 です

また、『zero』 放送日、つまり月曜 ら金曜まで連日決ま て夕方に、番組スタ フを集合させ2時間 上に及ぶ打ち合わせ 行っています。結果 取材に出向いている 継クルーや記者を軽 しているような形に っていて、制作陣は ういった点も不満に じています」(制作 社社員) メインキ スターに就任した途 に、現場への情熱を ったとの声も出てい

 「退局後に『ジャ ナリスト宣言』し、 0月の番組スタート には『報道に携わり い。とにかく現場を 事にしたい』と言っ いた有働アナですが これまで番組を通し 事件事故現場に足を んだことはほとんど りません

スタジオ進行で手い ぱいの状態で、本人 余裕がないのかもし ません。脇を固める 部のコメンテーター も取材経験のない軟 評論家ばかり。これ は視聴率は取れない すよ」(同) 番組 内部から崩壊しかね い危機を迎えている けに、早いところテ 入れした方がよさそ だ

For more infomation >> 『news zero』不調の有働由美子に現場スタッフから大逆風!「数字も取れないくせに......」 - Duration: 3:29.


Royal news : Why pregnant Meghan Markle wears fitted clothes - top designer reveals fashion TRICK - Duration: 3:55.

 Meghan Markle, 37, is heavily pregnant with her first child with Prince Harry, 34

 Although her due date has not been shared, she has revealed the baby will arrive in early April

 Since her wedding last May, she has become one of the most photographed women the world, noted for her chic style

 So it is no surprise fashion watchers have been interested to see how she styles her baby bump - pregnancy being a time many women struggle with knowing what to wear

 The Duchess of Sussex has stuck to her pre-pregnancy style of fitted trousers and tight dresses - and British fashion designer Nadine Merabi has explained why

 Speaking to, Nadine said: "I always think its about kind of hugging the figure - if you wear clothes that go in and completely out it makes pregnant women look huge

 "Hugging the figure compliments the bump without it being too much in your face, because not everyone likes that

I think it depends on body shapes as well." Nadine, who is known for her eye-catching, sexy designs, has made "lots" of bespoke and made-to-measure clothing for pregnant women

 She has also dressed a host of glamorous women for everything from red carpet events to black tie balls - and even their wedding day

 And one thing the self-taught designer has noted in recent years is a trends towards more revealing wedding dresses

 She said: "Bridal is definitely getting sexier. I've done quite a few brides, and our white dresses can be used as alternative bridal

" It seems the traditional pouffe is out, and sleeker designs are in - and there is another way the newest addition to the Royal Family is influencing British women

 Nadine revealed it is quite usual now for a bride to wear "several" dresses on her special day, or rather, over the course of the wedding weekend, from the night before to the evening party after the ceremony

 Photos of Meghan in a sexy backless Stella McCartney gown, driving to her wedding reception with her new husband, have clearly struck a chord with brides who want to show every element of their personality on their wedding day

 While Meghan is famed for her stunning wardrobe - it doesn't come cheap. This week, Prince Harry's wife has been in New York, reportedly for her baby shower

 And the pregnant Duchess total wardrobe cost for New York so far is £8,437.77 - and it is not known if Meghan plans to step out in front of the paps again before she flies home

 So what has the Duchess worn to rack up such a huge cost? has added up the price of every item she has been photographed in so far here

 To see Nadine Merabi's collections and find out more information about the brand, click here

For more infomation >> Royal news : Why pregnant Meghan Markle wears fitted clothes - top designer reveals fashion TRICK - Duration: 3:55.


Trump vows to declare national emergency to fund border wall US news The Guardian - Duration: 6:09.

Trump vows to declare national emergency to fund border wall US news The Guardian

has vowed to declare a national emergency to fund his long promised border wall with Mexico, as Congress overwhelmingly approved a border security agreement that would prevent a second damaging government shutdown.

After days of uncertainty, Trump announced his intention to support the massive dollar 333bn spending package, which includes a sliver of what he sought for a steel wall. The Senate moved quickly, approving the bill in a vote of 83 16. Hours later the House passed the legislation 300 128. Trump is expected to seal the deal with his signature on Friday, while at the same time declaring a national emergency.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said: President Trump will sign the government funding bill, and as he has stated before, he will also take other executive action – including a national emergency – to ensure we stop the national security and humanitarian crisis at the border.

The president is once again delivering on his promise to build the wall, protect the border, and secure our great country.

The border security compromise, tucked into a sweeping 1,159 page spending bill that will fund the federal government through September, would appropriate dollar 1.375bn for 55 miles of new fencing along the border with – just a fraction of the dollar 5.7bn Trump initially demanded for 234 miles of new steel or concrete barriers.

A showdown over Trumps demand for billions of dollars to build the wall, a central campaign promise, prompted the longest government shutdown in American history. The White House is confident a national emergency would allow Trump to circumvent Congress to tap funding for a wall that has been at the center of a fierce dispute with , who say such a barrier is expensive and ineffective.

The provocative decision to declare a national emergency drew sharp condemnation from Democrats and threats of legal action. It also divided , some of whom fear it sets a precedent for a future Democratic president to go around Congress.

Top Democrats immediately condemned the move.

This is plainly a power grab by a disappointed president, who has gone outside the bounds of the law to try to get what he failed to achieve in the constitutional legislative process, the House speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer said in a statement.

The Congress will defend our constitutional authorities in the Congress, in the courts and in the public, using every remedy available, they added.

In order to avoid another shutdown, a bipartisan group of lawmakers solidified a compromise deal late Wednesday night to fully fund the government through the end of September.

On Capitol Hill, lawmakers were relieved to avoid another partial government shutdown, just weeks after a standoff over border security shuttered several federal agencies for 35 days and deprived 800,000 government employees of their paychecks.

In the Senate, several Democratic presidential contenders, including senators Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, Cory Booker and Elizabeth Warren opposed the measure. While in the House, a handful of liberal members, including the freshman Democrats Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and Ayanna Pressley, voted against the measure, arguing that Trumps weaponization of enforcement agencies does not deserve an increase in funding.

But Trumps decision to declare a national emergency ignited a new confrontation between the White House and Congress, as a bipartisan chorus of lawmakers expressed concern with his use of executive powers.

I think declaring a national emergency where there is no national emergency is not good for the president to do and not good precedent for future presidents, said the House majority leader, Steny Hoyer.

Maine Republican Susan Collins said Trumps use of a state of emergency was of dubious constitutionality and would face challenges in court.

Senator Marco Rubio, a Republican from Florida, said: We have a crisis at our southern border, but no crisis justifies violating the constitution. He warned that Trump was opening a door for a future president to impose the Green New Deal.

But several Republicans said such an action was Trumps only option.

For 20 years theres been a bipartisan refusal on Capitol Hill by both big government Republicans and Ritz Carlton Democrats … to enforce the immigration laws of this country or to change them, said Senator John Kennedy, a Republican from Louisiana. We need to face the issue and this is a start.

Meanwhile, Pelosi told reporters that she would consider a legal challenge to the declaration – something most observers say is inevitable and would probably be successful.

You want to talk about a national emergency – lets talk about today, Pelosi said, noting that it was the first anniversary of the massacre at in Parkland, Florida, which claimed 17 lives. Thats a national emergency. Why dont you declare that emergency, Mr President?

And, confirming Republican fears, she said: A Democratic president can declare emergencies as well.

Tensions had boiled ahead of the vote in the Republican controlled Senate, as party leaders sought assurance from the White House that the president would sign the legislation.

Lets all pray that the president will have wisdom to sign the bill so the government doesnt shut down, the Republican senator Chuck Grassley said after opening prayers on Thursday morning.

Hours later, the majority leader, Mitch McConnell, suddenly appeared on the chamber floor and, interrupting Grassley, who was speaking at that moment, announced that Trump would sign the spending deal and declare a national emergency.

Rallying Republicans around the plan, McConnell added: Im going to support the national emergency declaration.

For more infomation >> Trump vows to declare national emergency to fund border wall US news The Guardian - Duration: 6:09.


Liverpool news: Rio Ferdinand singles out ONE Reds player after Bayern Munich draw - Duration: 2:42.

 Former England centre-back Ferdinand was full of praise for Fabinho, who slotted into an unfamiliar role in defence

 Liverpool were without Virgil van Dijk due to suspension and Joe Gomez and Dejan Lovren because of their respective injuries

 Fabinho played alongside Joel Matip at the back and Bayern Munich's star striker Robert Lewandowski failed to have an impact on the last-16 first leg at Anfield on Tuesday

 Ferdinand says versatile players like Fabinho are vital to managers. And he reckons the Brazilian has shown he is more than capable of filling in at the back for Liverpool in the future

 "I thought he was fantastic," Ferdinand said on BT Sport. "I think for any player to come into the backline in such a big game, all eyes on him, especially having to replace the talisman, the best player in Virgil van Dik

 "He did an admirable job. "This was a great tackle on Lewandowski in the box. "I thought every question that was asked of him he answered well in the right way

 "He was aggressive when he needed to be. "These types of players are invaluable to a team

Someone who can fill in in several positions. "He can play right-back, he can play centre-half now, he can play centre-midfield

 "He scores goals, he's assisting at the moment, so he's having a great impact on this team

 "Very, very positive." Liverpool can return to the top of the Premier League on Sunday if they avoid defeat at Old Trafford against rivals Manchester United

 United have won 11 out of the 13 games interim boss Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has been in charge

 It is Liverpool's game in hand on Manchester City as Pep Guardiola's side are playing in the Carabao Cup final agaisnt Chelsea later the same day

For more infomation >> Liverpool news: Rio Ferdinand singles out ONE Reds player after Bayern Munich draw - Duration: 2:42.


Transfer news LIVE: Man Utd wanted Newcastle star, Chelsea swap deal, Barcelona talks - Duration: 3:31.

 Transfer news LIVE | Express Sport is on hand to bring you all the latest rumours and gossip Wednesday 20, FebruaryManchester United were interested in signing Miguel AlmironBarcelona are close to signing Palmeiras duo Vitao and Luan CandidoNegotiations with the players' representatives have reached an advanced stageReal Madrid could use winger Gareth Bale as part of a deal to sign Eden Hazard17:15 UPDATE: Arsenal bid Arsenal are ready to move for Sevilla midfielder Ever Banega this summer

 The Mirror claim Unai Emery is a huge fan of the 30-year-old after working with him at Sevilla and Valencia - and he's keen to reunite in London

 Arsenal tried to sign Banega in January, however, a deal wasn't agreed. The Gunners will have to cough up around £17m for Banega this summer

17:00 UPDATE: Miguel Almiron Manchester United were interested in signing Miguel Almiron months before he joined Newcastle, according to his agent

 Almiron became Newcastle's record signing when arriving from Atlanta in a £21million deal on deadline day

 But things could have been very different for the Paraguay international. "Manchester United was interested in Miguel Almiron," his agent Daniel Campo told ParaguayTVHD

16:45 UPDATE: Barcelona raid Barcelona are close to completing a £17million double deal for Palmeiras starlets Vitao and Luan Candido

 That's according to Goal, who claim negotiations with the players' representatives have reached an advanced stage

 Vitao, who captains the Brazil Under-20 team, is a versatile centre-half who can also operate as a defensive midfielder

 The 19-year-old has already flown to Europe with his agent to 'complete the formalities' of an exciting move to the Nou Camp

 Candido, meanwhile, is a talented 18-year-old left-back and will likely join Vitao in Barcelona's B team or be loaned out to gain experience

16:30 UPDATE: Chelsea swap deal Real Madrid could use winger Gareth Bale as part of an audacious swap deal to sign Chelsea's Eden Hazard

 That's according to Spanish newspaper Marca, who claim Bale has exhausted his 'extra life' at the Bernabeu

 Bale, 29, has started just two of Real Madrid's last seven games under manager Santiago Solari since his return from injury

 The Welshman has found it difficult to displace teenage prodigy Vinicius Junior and could be used to finance summer signings, Marca add

 It's said Real Madrid would like to 'take advantage' of Chelsea's interest in Bale and use him in future negotiations to sign Hazard

For more infomation >> Transfer news LIVE: Man Utd wanted Newcastle star, Chelsea swap deal, Barcelona talks - Duration: 3:31.


Dakota Johnson Gets Candid About Her Period: It's 'Ruining My Life' - News Today - Duration: 3:20.

 Dakota Johnson says her "traumatic" periods are so intense, they're ruining her life

 The Suspiria actress, 29, recently opened up to InStyle about the hormonal changes she deals with while on her period, and said that even after all these years, she still finds them baffling

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 "If I'm honest, my hormonal changes during my menstrual cycle are ruining my life

Every month. It's unbelievable. It's really f—ing amazing. I can't get a grip on it," she told the outlet

 Johnson said she's "totally scandalized" by the changes happening to her body and brain, including the fact that her breasts "are like eight times the size they normally are

"  "It's really a traumatic thing, and it happens every month," she said. "I just can't get used to it

"  The star explained that she believes women should be making more informed decisions about things like birth control, and recently teamed up with Global Citizen's reproductive education in order to help advocate for women and their bodies

 "It's also very tricky to figure out what type of birth control you're meant to be on, and if it's even healthy," she said

"What it means to have a [woman's] body, and how do you honor it the right way? How do you not jam chemicals into your brain in order to feel good? … I really would like to understand and be able to manage things a little better, know what's happening in my body, and know what I'm putting into it

"  Johnson's boyfriend, Coldplay rocker Chris Martin, is also closely involved with Global Citizen, as he produces and curates the annual Global Citizen Festival

 The couple have been dating for more than a year, and a source told PEOPLE in June they seem to be "getting more serious

"  "Chris lives in Malibu and Dakota seems to love hanging out there. They occasionally go for dinner with friends, but mostly have friends over at home," the source said

"They go to the beach together, and walks around the neighborhood. They seem to enjoy sharing a quiet life


For more infomation >> Dakota Johnson Gets Candid About Her Period: It's 'Ruining My Life' - News Today - Duration: 3:20.


How Blake and Gwen Reacted to Miranda Lambert's Quick Marriage - US News - Duration: 2:01.

 Two days after Valentine's Day, shocked her Instagram followers by announcing that she'd met "the love of my life … And we got hitched!"  Her new husband is New York City police officer , whom the 35-year-old country star met in November on the set of Good Morning America — just three days before the Staten Island native, 27, welcomed his first child with another woman

 Like her fans, Lambert's ex-husband (they split in 2015) was surprised by the news of her nuptials

After the 42-year-old and his girlfriend of four years, , met with a priest February 9 for marriage counseling, "Blake commented to Gwen [that] the timing of Miranda's announcement of the marriage was certainly curious," a source tells Us

 But his ex-wife's whirlwind marriage won't make Shelton and Stefani, 49, head down the aisle any faster

"Gwen has three children to consider and Blake has been extremely aware of this at every step," says another source in the new issue of Us Weekly of the No Doubt singer's sons with ex-husband

"The timing of Gwen and Blake's wedding date is a work in progress. … Just because Miranda got married in a quickie random situation doesn't change anything for Gwen and Blake

"  For more on the "Tin Man" singer's new marriage, check out the video above.    And for even more, pick up the new issue of Us Weekly, on stands now

For more infomation >> How Blake and Gwen Reacted to Miranda Lambert's Quick Marriage - US News - Duration: 2:01.


Royal news : Kate Middleton SHOCK: How FURIOUS Prince William was forced to protect 'harassed' Duch - Duration: 2:56.

 In 2007, rumours began spreading that Prince William might finally propose to his university sweetheart, Kate Middleton, on her 25th birthday on January 9

Portrait tea towels of the royal couple were already being printed and, as Kate walked to her car to set off for her job that morning, around around 30 paparazzi gathered outside her Chelsea flat

Photographers and journalists were desperate to get pictures or statements from Prince William's girlfriend because they all thought that was going to be the announcement day

 Some lenses were reportedly thrust less than a foot from her face and her car was blocked

 According to 2011 documentary "Chasing the Royals", the frightening scenes angered Prince William

 The narrator said: "An angry Prince William issued a statement to the press, to stop harassing his girlfriend

 "Both he and Kate eventually moved to a remote corner of Wales." A spokesman for the Prince said at the time: "Prince William is very unhappy at the paparazzi harassment of his girlfriend

 "He wants, more than anything, for it to stop. "Miss Middleton should, like any other private individual, be able to go about her everyday business without this kind of intrusion

 "The situation is proving unbearable for all those concerned." Although the photographer's presence was unprecedented, Kate's parents, Michael and Carole, were also reportedly incredibly worried that her daughter was being regularly followed by up to half a dozen paparazzi on a daily basis

 In 2009, The Daily Telegraph reported that Queen Elizabeth II finally "authorised a crackdown on the paparazzi" amid intrusions into the private lives of the royal family

 The monarch and Prince Charles instructed Gerrard Tyrrell, a senior lawyer specialising in privacy and media law, to mastermind the privacy strategy

 Mr Tyrrell is known to have briefed senior royal aides on a series of options in the event of photographers continuing to take photographs of the royal family in "private" situations

For more infomation >> Royal news : Kate Middleton SHOCK: How FURIOUS Prince William was forced to protect 'harassed' Duch - Duration: 2:56.


Liverpool news: Why Jurgen Klopp will be 'delighted' with Bayern Munich result - Sherwood - Duration: 3:40.

 That is the view of former Tottenham manager Tim Sherwood, who thinks that the onus will be on the German champions in the second leg

 In a night of few chances, the Reds were unable to break down a stubborn Bayern at Anfield on Tuesday night

 And while they did not produce their best performance in recent memory, they were able to stop the visitors from scoring a crucial away goal

 Without talisman Virgil van Dijk, this was all the more impressive and the Dutchman will return for the next game after now serving his one game suspension

 And Sherwood thinks Liverpool produced a "professional" Champions League performance

 "On any other day, they could have scored two or three in that game and we would have been singing their praises and I think we're right to do it now because I think it was a very professional performance in Europe at home," he told Sky Sports' The Debate

 "It was the right amount of attacking, the right amount of chances created, Manuel Neuer made some very good saves - he'll have to play well in the second leg, too - and Alisson was hardly tested tonight

 "I think it was a very controlled, experienced Champions League performance from Liverpool, obviously gained from the experienced they had last year

Going so far in the competition, they really believed they could take on anyone and based on that performance there, you'd have to say that was the case

 "The onus is on Bayern to come out now. They have to come out and score against Liverpool but they have to be very cautious that they don't concede against one of the best front threes in European football

 "I think it is a great result tonight. A 2-1 win would have been a worse result because Bayern getting the away goal would have been a disaster for Liverpool, but that didn't happen

 "They were never hit with a sucker punch, they saw it out professionally, they were the team cautiously pushing forward, they had their chances and let's not forget, they had no Virgil van Dijk tonight, he'll be back for the away leg

I think it is a very positive result for Liverpool."  Former Liverpool midfielder Steve McMahon, who won five major honours with club, agreed that the tie was far form over

 "I think it's a good result. People will say that Liverpool should have got something out of the game and I believe they were the better side on the night - Sadio Mane could have had a hat-trick on any other given day - but 0-0 in this kind of a competition is a good result

 "Away from home, Liverpool can score goals. We've seen that with the pace and power that they have and it's a tricky one, but it's not over by a long shot

Everyone will be disappointed initially, but I don't think Jurgen will be, I think he will be quite delighted with that

"  Liverpool must now turn their attentions back to the Premier League ahead of a huge game against bitter rivals Manchester United on Sunday

 Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has rejuvenated the Red Devils since replacing sacked Jose Mourinho

 And they would love nothing more than to damage their rivals bid to claim a first league title for 29 years

For more infomation >> Liverpool news: Why Jurgen Klopp will be 'delighted' with Bayern Munich result - Sherwood - Duration: 3:40.


Arsenal news: Pundit tells Unai Emery what he must do to finish above Man Utd and Chelsea - Duration: 2:02.

 Ozil has played just one Premier League game for Arsenal since Boxing Day. The German has missed matches due to injury and illness but has also been left out of match day squads for tactical reasons

 Arsenal currently sit fifth in the Premier League table with 12 games of the season remaining

 Manchester United are one point ahead in fourth and Chelsea are only below the Gunners on goals scored

 And Sherwood says Arsenal's only chance of finishing above both teams is by having Ozil on the field

 "He can't do anything right in Unai Emery's mind at the moment," Sherwood said on Sky Sports

 "For me, he has to play. I would play him. "I'd get the best out of him because of what they have at their disposal

 "I don't think they've got the quality of Mesut Ozil. "He needs to play and it's up to the manager to get the best out of him

 "You're paying him £350,000 a week, to do what? To do nothing. "It's a glorified Fitness First

It's no good. "They need to get him on the pitch and playing for Arsenal because it's their only chance of getting towards the top four

" On Wednesday Emery claimed Ozil must start proving why he should be in his team

 "He needs to be consistent in training and for matches, without injury or being sick," Emery said

 "Like that, we can see the best Mesut with us. "The key is in his hands and he is working very well this week


For more infomation >> Arsenal news: Pundit tells Unai Emery what he must do to finish above Man Utd and Chelsea - Duration: 2:02.


Royal news : Serena Williams, Amal Clooney co-hosting Meghan, Duchess of Sussex's baby shower - Duration: 2:25.

 On Wednesday, Serena Williams and Amal Clooney will co-host the afternoon event for the pregnant Duchess of Sussex inside the grand penthouse of The Mark Hotel on the Upper East Side, according to the New York Post

 Described as the largest penthouse in the United States with more than 10,000 square feet, the two-floor suite, which is said to go for $75,000 ($A105,000) per night, boasts five bedrooms, six bathrooms, and four fireplaces, in addition to views of Central Park and the Metropolitan Museum of Art

 It is said to be America's most expensive hotel room. Williams is reportedly covering the tab

 With Clooney, 41, and Williams, 37, at the helm, the guest list is also said to include Markle's BFF, stylist and Good Morning America contributor Jessica Mulroney, as well as designer pal Misha Nonoo, hairstylist Serge Normant and former Suits co-star Abigail Spencer

 Shower activities will reportedly include a lesson in flower arranging with a dessert spread from chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten

 The Sun also spotted countless designer suitcases, a fairy floss machine, and a baby's crib valued at $400 being wheeled into the hotel

 As for the guest of honour, Markle, 37, is expected to depart New York on Wednesday evening, as she is set to join husband Prince Harry on their official three-day tour of Morocco

 The parents-to-be are slated to leave London on Saturday. They are expecting their first child in April

 This story first appeared in the New York Post and is republished with permission

For more infomation >> Royal news : Serena Williams, Amal Clooney co-hosting Meghan, Duchess of Sussex's baby shower - Duration: 2:25.


Arsenal news: Pundit tells Unai Emery what he must do to finish above Man Utd and Chelsea - Duration: 2:16.

 Ozil has played just one Premier League game for Arsenal since Boxing Day. The German has missed matches due to injury and illness but has also been left out of match day squads for tactical reasons

 Arsenal currently sit fifth in the Premier League table with 12 games of the season remaining

 Manchester United are one point ahead in fourth and Chelsea are only below the Gunners on goals scored

 And Sherwood says Arsenal's only chance of finishing above both teams is by having Ozil on the field

 "He can't do anything right in Unai Emery's mind at the moment," Sherwood said on Sky Sports

 "For me, he has to play. I would play him. "I'd get the best out of him because of what they have at their disposal

 "I don't think they've got the quality of Mesut Ozil. "He needs to play and it's up to the manager to get the best out of him

 "You're paying him £350,000 a week, to do what? To do nothing. "It's a glorified Fitness First

It's no good. "They need to get him on the pitch and playing for Arsenal because it's their only chance of getting towards the top four

" On Wednesday Emery claimed Ozil must start proving why he should be in his team

 "He needs to be consistent in training and for matches, without injury or being sick," Emery said

 "Like that, we can see the best Mesut with us. "The key is in his hands and he is working very well this week


For more infomation >> Arsenal news: Pundit tells Unai Emery what he must do to finish above Man Utd and Chelsea - Duration: 2:16.


Poland seeks apology from Israel on alleged Holocaust role remark Israel News Al Jazeera - Duration: 3:49.

Poland seeks apology from Israel on alleged Holocaust role remark Israel News Al Jazeera

Israeli foreign ministers comment on alleged collaboration of Poles with Nazis threatens national ties, Warsaw says.

is still awaiting an apology from over its acting foreign ministers comments on the alleged anti Semitism of the Poles.

The argument led Warsaw to of a key Jerusalem summit, according to Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Szymon Szynkowski.

Israeli authorities must "reject this declaration ... and apologise", Szynkowski told reporters on Tuesday.

"We leave it to Israeli leaders to choose what form of reaction they will have and who will react, but it should be a unified and definite one," he said.

Israeli Foreign Minister said over the weekend that "Poles suckle anti Semitism with their mothers milk" and that "there were many Poles who collaborated with the Nazis".

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki withdrew from a summit of four Central European nations, the Visegrad group, in over the remarks.

Morawieckis chief of staff, Marek Suski, said if no apology was forthcoming "relations will really take a frosty turn".

Israeli Prime Minister sought to save face on Tuesday holding individual meetings with the remaining three leaders, Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini, Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, before a joint lunch at his official residence.

The first gathering outside Europe of the Visegrad Group was supposed to be a crowning achievement for Netanyahu in his outreach to Central and Eastern Europe to counter the traditional criticism Israel faces in international forums.

Orban was the only one to address the diplomatic crisis. He said he hoped the countries could resolve their dispute and "improve the situation".

"Its always better together with them than without them," he said of Poland.

Standing alongside Netanyahu, Pellegrini noted with pride that more than 600 of his countrymen had been recognised by Israels Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial for saving Jews during World War II.

He claimed the figure marked the highest per capita proportion of any country.

Yad Vashem would not confirm the claim, but said any "statistical conclusions" about a countrys Righteous Among the Nations "should be avoided".

The Slovak Republic was a client state of Germany in World War II whose leader, Jozef Tiso, collaborated with Hitler and deported Jews to Nazi death camps.

"The government did everything possible to round up all the Jews and send them to Auschwitz and Majdanek. There were a high percentage of victims in Slovakia," said Efraim Zuroff, the chief Nazi hunter of the Simon Wiesenthal Center. "Many people there idolise Tiso to this day."

Its a sensitive subject for Poland, where these concentration camps were located, but which for centuries before was a vibrant centre of Jewish life.

Poland was the first country occupied by Adolf Hitlers regime and never had a collaborationist government.

Members of Polands resistance and government in exile struggled to warn the world about the mass killing of Jews, and thousands of Poles risked their lives to help Jews.

However, Holocaust researchers have also collected ample evidence of Polish villagers who murdered Jews fleeing the Nazis, or Polish blackmailers who preyed on the Jews for financial gain and stole their property.

Polands nationalist government has been quick to denounce anyone accused of linking the country to the well documented history.

Israeli officials see Polands controversial legislation that criminalises mention of Polish complicity in Nazi war crimes as an attempt to suppress such discussion, and Netanyahu has faced criticism from historians in Israel for not opposing the law, which critics say distorts history.

For more infomation >> Poland seeks apology from Israel on alleged Holocaust role remark Israel News Al Jazeera - Duration: 3:49.


Man City News - FA Cup quarter-final kick-off times revealed - Duration: 2:05.

 Manchester United's FA Cup quarter-final trip to Wolves will take place at 7:55pm on March 16

 The clash, which will be broadcast live on BBC One, will be the third tie to take place on the Saturday

  The Premier League pairing of Watford and Crystal Palace will kick off the last eight encounters, when they meet at 12:15pm

 That game will be shown live on BT Sport.  Favourites Manchester City take on Championship side Swansea in their meeting at the Liberty Stadium in the second tie of the round, with kickoff at 5:20pm

 That game will also be shown on BT Sport.  Millwall's meeting with Chris Hughton's Brighton will take place the following day

 The meeting at The Den will kickoff at 2pm, and will also be shown on BBC One.  Premier League fixtures that weekend include Liverpool's trip to Fulham (Sunday, 2:15pm) and Chelsea's visit to Everton (Sunday, 4:30pm)

Saturday, 16 March  Watford v Crystal Palace (12:15 GMT) - Live on BT Sport  Swansea City v Manchester City (17:20 GMT) - Live on BT Sport  Wolves v Manchester United (19:55 GMT) - Live on BBC One Sunday, 17 March Millwall v Brighton & Hove Albion (14

00 GMT) - Live on BBC One

For more infomation >> Man City News - FA Cup quarter-final kick-off times revealed - Duration: 2:05.


These Bestselling Wedge Booties Are Available in Pretty Colors - Live News 247 - Duration: 3:36.

 Goodbye sore feet! As much as we love our heels, it's time to switch them up without sacrificing our style

When the Shop With Us team found the super cool Linea wedge booties, Us readers rushed to snag as many pairs as they could

We could totally see why: They have a sporty design, are super stylish and best of all, have a wedge heel that provides height without sacrificing comfort

They were originally available in only two shades, so of course we stayed on the lookout for the booties to drop in more colors

Lucky for our fall footwear plans, the shoes are now available in eleven beautiful hues

 The 'Felicia' Wedge Bootie is a simple way to add a sophisticated touch to our street style looks! It has a simple silhouette with a leather upper portion, lining and a rubber sole

The bootie also has a 2.5″ heel with a .5″ platform that gives the same lift as traditional pumps, but with extra comfort

We couldn't stop swooning over the black camouflage and navy suede designs, but now we must add this cool Toffee shade to our growing shoe collection

   This Toffee shade is great for pairing with other neutral separates in our closet

We can easily pair the Toffee hue with our dark denim skinny jeans, a simple cute top and a shearling coat

The booties will also look great with a long-sleeve bodycon dress!  Check out how cool the Toffee wedges look with a fully styled ensemble

 Anyone who loves the idea of the wedge in a neutral color, but prefers to go a little lighter, can also grab this version of the shoe:  For an edgier look, the bootie is also available in this traditional dark green camouflage design:  Sizes range from 4 to 13! We're not the only ones who adore the booties — more than 600 reviews back up our claim! Shoppers who purchased the booties raved most about how comfortable they are with one person noting they were perfect for the extensive walking they did on a trip abroad

Another reviewer loved how the wedge design made her casual outfits look "instantly put together

" The most popular Linea wedge bootie styles named by shoppers are the different camouflage versions

Several shoppers noted that they grabbed the shoe in multiple colors.  A few reviewers shared that the wedge booties ran big on their feet, so pay close attention to the style guide to grab the most comfortable fit

   Check out more of our picks and deals 

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