Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 20 2019

Warning All sound effects, musics, and others. Wasn't made by me. All credits are in description.

I took almost a week to do this, HELP.

Let's go

This timeline is committed

I... don't allow this...


This is not possible...

All that...

To bring a powerful being

Was in vain...

Are you... going...?

I need to do this...

Even because, I hate that life.

And whether or not, it'll come back

I don't want that for me...

Not again...

Once upon a time.

A legend of humans and monsters

It was a legend of sun It was a legend of moon

It was the legend of Heitor

Everything was quiet

But something happend

It was Laro, the king of moon

Wanting chaos and war between them

So the war began

The kingdom of sun wasn't prepared

But something the kingdom of moon didn't expect...

Was the radiant light of heroes

There were three heroes

A knight

A wizard

And a reaper

The three with intention of ending this war

And then with this the kingdom of sun gets stronger and continue the war

Both them too stronger, but it had one solution

The solution was seal Laro in someone

So the reaper sacrificed himself to seal him

And then with Laro sealed in reaper, both of them can have life risks

But anyway the reaper accepted

And this was the war that was ended

Until now

In a beautiful day of rest

The reaper starts to feel something

Laro appears to be back

And with another plans

For more infomation >> A Lenda de Heitor - #1 [Yveldtalz] - Duration: 8:07.


Los sacrificios de Alicia ~~ ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣~~ - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Los sacrificios de Alicia ~~ ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣~~ - Duration: 3:34.


Serrarias Casos de Sucesso: Fabio Mareto no Espírito Santo, Brasil | Wood-Mizer - Duration: 2:49.

My name is Fabio Mareto, and I'm a forestry engineer.

We are located more precisely in Conceição do Castelo,

a mountain region of Espírito Santo, in southeastern Brazil.

My taste for working with wood comes, I guess, from the very beginning.

My grandparents were loggers, my father was a logger,

and it's a market I've known since I was a child...

and a market from which I learned about, graduated from,

and which I love from the heart. I think I'm going to work with wood all of my life.

In fact, my business starts from the cutting of the tree.

Then we do primary processing, saw the wood, and start the process of drying the wood.

After that, we incorporate secondary processing,

and this wood is to be used in furniture, wooden houses, roofs

and wood applications in general.

Currently I use the DoubleHard 739 blade,

which is arguably the best blade we have ever owned and used to saw our woods.

I'm amazed how Wood-Mizer's engineering has been able to develop so much technology on one device.

The ease of handling the logs, adjusting the log gauges, the cut,

and the resulting yield...

the competitors cannot make equipment that gives me such good quality

and yield over the same period.

I recommend people to use Wood-Mizer

because it undoubtedly has the world's best technologies for wood sawing.

For more infomation >> Serrarias Casos de Sucesso: Fabio Mareto no Espírito Santo, Brasil | Wood-Mizer - Duration: 2:49.


¿Merece la pena irse de Erasmus? 🤷🏻‍♂️ | Erasmus en Suecia - Duration: 8:20.

Hi everyone! Well, I know that in the last video

You just watched me carrying furniture from one place to other

A little crazy, but... it was neccesary

In this video I would like to show you that this month has been much more than that

and... let's watch it, right?

(Alex fallen in love face)

I have already fallen... (bad spanish word)

during a race with one friend

But I am fine :D

-Already recording? Yup.

U sure? Yess

-But it is a short video for Instagram. +It does not matter, I can handle this

(My shitty Italian accent) It's good, it's good

Now I can say that I have tryed Ikea meatballs

Sanjay is one of my roommates

And he has prepared some Indian food for me

In fact, it was really good

I was kind of... welll... It's spicy

but if it was an 6/10 (spicy rate)

Told by himself (Sanjay)

For me it's like an 8/10, because yes, it's more spicy for me

Not extremely spicy at all

But like 7-8. It's not so far

I don't know. I thought it would be much less spicy for them (Indians)

than for Europeans

But no, it was also spicy for him

And I think it is funny xD

They have invited ...

One of the wonderful things of this Erasmus

is that I am knowing many people and cultures

And two of them are my Indian roommates

they have invited me to have some rice with...

with... well, spicy things xD but it is really good

And here they are

This one is Sanjay

And this other one is Suhas

(Here comes the hard name for me)

Now I know both of them perfectly

They want to teach us

Some indian dance steps

He wants me to learn some Indian dance xD

I had some missunderstanding because...

I was only given this bed sheet

The orange one

With the pillow sheet

What happens is that I did not have

the bottom sheet, the elastic one which covers the mattress

this one...

So I thought, well, maybe things are different here

and the fact is...

as I am an idiot, because I am

what I was doing was

well, I ...

In the bed sheet

here there are some kind of buttons

and here you can put the quilt

so during Summer you leave it empty

and during Winter you put the quilt

so it warms you, well, it keeps your body heat

well, so I thought it was a weird bed sheet

and that it was made to get inside of it

so during all of this days

I have been sleeping inside of it

well, I was getting inside of it and covering myself with the blanket

so yesterday I asked to some friends

and they told me that the bottom sheet exists here too

Which covers the mattress

and this one was

to put the quilt, not to put yourself inside

Boyz, these are few of the first month things I've done

Actually, I have done many others and I have many videos

But this video looks a bit like Frankenstein monster

Gathering many different things with no relation

So I prefer pausing it here and continue in the next video

and well, if you enjoyed, I hope you to subscribe

And give it a like and those typical youtuber things

because now I am a youtuber LOL

If you have any comments

or critics about bad or good things that I do

whatever, tell me in the comment section

If you have any idea to suggest

feel free to comment it :) Thank you very much!!

For more infomation >> ¿Merece la pena irse de Erasmus? 🤷🏻‍♂️ | Erasmus en Suecia - Duration: 8:20.


(Controlador de Carga MPPT) em 3 Minutos | Resposta FLASH T2 • EP 7 - Duration: 3:01.

I'll try to explain to you in a very simple and easy way why it is that a MPPT charge

controller can output a current quite high in relation to

the current that is in the input.

Here, is the input of this Fangpusun MPPT controller.

He is ... at the entrance of it is connected four panels of 95, being 2 in parallel + 2 in

parallel, and I close the series here, so here comes two conductors of one pair in parallel,

+ 2 and another pair in parallel, closed the series and from here comes to the charge controller, so

I can increase my voltage.

So let's see it here ... it's generating here at the input, right?

The panel is supplying at the input of the... charge controller 8 amps, 8.70, something

like that, and we have here in the output of it 19.6; This is very easy to understand!

Because at the output of ... the charge controller we have 13.9 volts, 14 volts, and at the solar panel

input we have 30 volts, so at the input the current becomes

smaller, and at the output the current gets bigger , because of this voltage difference, Ohm

pure law, basic electric, basic electricity, the higher the voltage the lower the current,

is the case here, 31 volts, current of 8 amps here, here at the output to the batteries 13.9,

14 volts ... like we can see here, and 19.7 amperes, very simple to understand, it is not very difficult

for you to understand why and the advantage of this is: the higher the voltage at the MPPT

controller input, , the larger the voltage that I have for it to be able to work by lowering

this voltage and keeping the current as stable as possible in relation to the output and

in that way or keep as stable as I can the current and voltage at the output

of my controller to send to my Battery bank.

So it's not magic, it's not witchcraft, it's technology, it's electric, pure Ohm's Law,

that's how an MPPT controller works, it's exactly this way that it works

to be able to offer the best possible performance, this is called Maximum Power

Point Tracking, MPPT, that's how it works, so you have a good performance

and it is advisable to use this type of controller in your system.

Here is a basic test system, research and studies, with two Eaton batteries, the batteries

here of 500 watts per cell, are different batteries than you are accustomed,

I can bring a video talking a little about these batteries later.

But what I wanted to show you today was just that, what happens with a MPPT.

For more infomation >> (Controlador de Carga MPPT) em 3 Minutos | Resposta FLASH T2 • EP 7 - Duration: 3:01.


🤑 Como ser um Infoprodutor de Produtos Digitais na Hotmart - Monetizze e Eduzz? ✅ - Duration: 13:37.

For more infomation >> 🤑 Como ser um Infoprodutor de Produtos Digitais na Hotmart - Monetizze e Eduzz? ✅ - Duration: 13:37.


¡Sebastián Yatra está en le mejor momento de su carrera! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 6:41.

For more infomation >> ¡Sebastián Yatra está en le mejor momento de su carrera! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 6:41.


Irina Baeva le respondió en Instagram a Geraldine Bazán | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> Irina Baeva le respondió en Instagram a Geraldine Bazán | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:57.


Belén Esteban sobre la subasta de la casa de Toño Sanchís: Os vais a echar las manos a la cabeza - Duration: 2:45.

Después de que se vieran la cara ante los tribunales y estos le diesen la razón a la colaboradora,

la vivienda se puso en subasta y la puja fue cerrada el lunes 18 de febrero alrededor de las once de la noche siendo la vivienda adjudicada a alguien anónimo

que la compró por 376.000 euros. El conflicto judicial entre Belén Esteban y Toño Sanchís está a punto de acabar.

Por supuesto, Belén Esteban quiso estar en el plató de 'Sálvame' para hablar sobre cómo se sentía después de que por fin pudiese ver la luz tras los casi tres años que ha estado de conflicto judicial con su expareja:

Lo único que tengo que decir es que estoy muy contenta y que en cuanto mis abogados me den permiso,

os vais a echar las manos a la cabeza, explicó la colaboradora que dijo tener mucha información aún que dar.

Pero claro, Esteban dejó claro que sabía perfectamente cuanto podía decir de momento y que, por ahora,

no podía hablar del tema, pero de lo que sí que habló fue sobre las deudas que tenía la casa de Sanchís:

Quien se queda la casa se queda la deuda de la hipoteca, dijo la colaboradora,

que afirmó saber quién la había comprado: El que ha pujado es anónimo y yo tengo claro quién la ha comprado, afirmó Esteban.

La colaboradora a pesar de no poder hablar de este tema sí que se quiso pronunciar sobre el incidente del pasado programa entre

Toño Sanchís y el periodista Kike Calleja reprochando bastante su comportamiento: Yo creo que las imágenes hablan por sí solas, me parece vergonzoso, añadió. Pero la cosa no quedó ahí.

El dinero que se llevará Belén Esteban; Aprovechando esta situación, el programa decidió traer a un experto en finanzas para aclarar algunas dudas sobre qué sería lo que se llevaría la colaboradora de esta situación:

Va a tener que abonar los 376.000 euros que van íntegramente a la ejecutante, en este caso a Belen Esteban, dijo el experto,

que añadió: Una vez que se ha subastado, las deudas las asume el que lo ha comprado, como había una hipoteca esta la asume el que ha comprado la vivienda, concluyó.

For more infomation >> Belén Esteban sobre la subasta de la casa de Toño Sanchís: Os vais a echar las manos a la cabeza - Duration: 2:45.


Caroline de Monaco remuée, ce gros service rendu à Karl Lagerfeld -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Caroline de Monaco remuée, ce gros service rendu à Karl Lagerfeld -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:26.


Charlotte Casiraghi « maman poule », cette décision implacable pour l'équilibre de son fils - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Charlotte Casiraghi « maman poule », cette décision implacable pour l'équilibre de son fils - Duration: 2:17.


Programa de capacitación y reconocimiento Proveedor Responsable | Impact Work - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Programa de capacitación y reconocimiento Proveedor Responsable | Impact Work - Duration: 1:34.


Macron sommé de durcir la répression contre l'antisémitisme - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Macron sommé de durcir la répression contre l'antisémitisme - Duration: 4:20.


Amarrados a Sánchez: el pavor de todos los candidatos socialistas a un "suicidio colectivo" - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Amarrados a Sánchez: el pavor de todos los candidatos socialistas a un "suicidio colectivo" - Duration: 2:46.


deixa Marina Ruy Barbosa largada em linha de frente e atriz vira alvo de perseguição - Duration: 2:37.

No último fim de semana caiu feito uma bomba a notícia de que o ator da Globo José Loreto e a atriz Débora Nascimento haviam colocado um ponto final no casamento.

Até então, seria uma notícia triste, mas depois a vida segue, não é mesmo? Porém, nem tudo são flores, e o que saiu na mídia, ainda que a assessoria do ator tenha negado, foi que José Loreto traiu a sua ex-esposa.

A história que vazou diz que ele teria se relacionado com uma atriz de O Sétimo Guardião que também é comprometida.

E desde então o burburinho começou a ferver nas redes sociais e encontraram um alvo, a atriz Marina Ruy Barbosa, que atua ao lado de José no folhetim O Sétimo Guardião.

Em pouco tempo, a própria artista já tratou de negar que seria o pivô da separação do ex-casal, porém essa história ainda está rendendo e muito.

Uma parcela das pessoas invadiu as redes sociais da intérprete de Luz na novela das nove e a detonou por algo que sequer foi provado.

Acusado de ser infiel, José Loreto não apareceu mais para livrar Marina da alta exposição e só piorou a situação que já está muito tensa, afinal de contas envolve uma bebê de 10 meses.

Os nomes de José Loreto e Marina Ruy Barbosa foram parar nos assuntos mais comentados do Twitter.

Vale lembrar que no começo desse ano, José Loreto era só amor para com Débora, a quem conheceu em 2012 no fenômeno Avenida Brasil: "O que tive com a Débora foi um encontro de almas,

uma paixão avassaladora que se transformou em amor e depois em família", declarou o ator em entrevista para a revista GQ.

Além disso, Loreto fez parte do programa Amor & Sexo de Fernanda Lima e o público tinha uma visão dele ser um cara desconstruído e boa gente.

Parece que isso mudou!

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