Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 1 2019

 "C'est vraiment une maman poule ". Camille Gottlieb est la petite dernière des enfants de Stéphanie de Monaco, qui fête ses 54 ans le 1er février

Il y a presque un an, la jeune femme s'était confiée sur le style de mère qu'était la princesse avec elle et ses deux grands frère et soeur, Louis et Pauline

Réponse sans appel : une véritable maman poule ! "Maman a pleuré quand Louis et Pauline ont quitté le cocon familial

Elle pleurera quand je partirai moi aussi. Elle nous appelle tout le temps, nous dit "je t'aime" plusieurs fois par jour

", a-t-elle confié à Point de vue. Pour Stéphanie de Monaco, les enfants c'est sacré

Et elle entretient des relations extrêmement complices et tendres avec eux. Comme lorsque Louis, fils issu de son union avec Daniel Ducruet, lui a annoncé qu'il allait se marier avec sa compagne Marie Chevalier

Une nouvelle fois les larmes ont coulé : "Elle était très heureuse, très émue. Elle a beaucoup pleuré, comme mes sœurs, qui étaient là elles aussi

Elles m'ont toutes les trois pris dans leurs bras. Je suis ensuite allé choisir la bague de Marie avec maman et Pauline

Une fois dans la boutique, de nouveau elles n'ont pas pu retenir leurs larmes", a confié Louis Ducruet à Point de vue

Si elle couvre ses enfants d'amour, elle ne les étouffe pas pour autant. Stéphanie de Monaco n'est pas une mère possessive, bien au contraire

"Dès que maman l'a rencontrée, elle m'a dit : 'Elle est vraiment parfaite, garde-la, ne la laisse pas partir' ", a détaillé le jeune homme

For more infomation >> Meghan Royal - PHOTOS. Stéphanie de Monaco a 54 ans : les plus beaux clichés avec ses enfants, Loui - Duration: 2:23.


Testing Shield De-Sync - Rainbow Six: Siege - Duration: 6:28.

What's up guys, Rogue-9 here and today I want to talk a little bit about some of the

issues with shields in Rainbow Six Siege.

Occasionally when I use a shield, it feels like I die from being shot straight from the

front (which of course should not be possible except when getting shot in the hand).

So I went ahead and spent some time in custom games running some tests and many thanks to

YouTube user Dtron UFE for initially making me aware of one of the current bugs with shields

with a video he created.

What he showed me really is and odd bug, let me show you what I mean.

Ok, but first off, dying while using a shield and facing towards the enemy can of course

be caused by latency problems.

And with a game as fast paced and close quartered as Siege, even relatively small latencies

can make the ghosting effect that causes peeker's advantage feel significant.

Here you can see some synchronised footage of a shield user and shooter and what it highlights

is that as a shield, you can already be facing towards an enemy on your screen but if you

or your opponent have a relatively high ping, you might still be side on, on his or her screen.

If we slow down the footage a little, this effect becomes even more apparent.

Now of course, for test purposes here, I created a game where we each had pretty high pings

of over 250ms, so in actual games you would probably not experience this effect in such

an extreme way but I hope this kind of highlights the issue.

Now this effect is nothing really new to most players, as I'm sure we've all experienced

ping related issues at some point or another but there is also a shield bug that I want

to show you next that could affect your game if you are trying to angle towards your enemy

while remaining stationary.

Here, let me show you what I mean with some dual screen background footage, so that you

can see the first and third person view of the shield operator at the same time.

Now, when the shield carrier turns to his right while remaining stationary, you can

see that the third person view of the character also turns right in small increments.

So far so good.

Here's the problem though: when he turns to his left without moving you can get this

odd movement where the third person model of the shield will actually turn the wrong

way for a little while, before then snapping back to where the first person view is facing.

In most of our test, we were moving quite slowly to explore the issue but we also made

sure to test if this phenomenon also occurs when the shield op is rotating at higher speeds

and it does; the movement is just faster.

Now the consequence of this odd turning behaviour is that as a shield op, you can end up with

your first and third person headings diverging significantly.

Going by the in-game compass, I would estimate that the reset happens about every 40° and

since the third person model turns in the exact opposite way during that time, you can

end up with your first and third person headings diverging by almost 90°.

In some ways this is quite amusing because your shots will still hit where your first

person view is aiming even if your character model and even the laser pointer on your gun

are facing in a completely different direction.

And I say "amusing"… yeah it's fun and all when you're playing around in a

custom game but in a ranked match, this could turn a whole lot less funny pretty quickly.

If you end up getting a kill like this, your opponent will be mildly infuriated for sure

but what is more likely to happen is that they will simply aim at you and shoot you

straight in the side of the head while you thought that you were facing towards them

thereby giving the impression of getting shot straight through the shield.

What makes this effect even more confusing is that it will occur most of the time but

not all of the time.

As you can see here, when we tested this for the first time in a custom game, the misalignment

was not happening for my character when seen from Pogo's view but it was happening for

him from mine.

But then in a later test, with more players in the server, it DID happen from Pogo's

view for all of us…

So I guess the takeaway is that it doesn't even happen reliably.


We tested this effect in quite a few ways to see what would cancel it and what wouldn't.

You can hip fire and reload while being split from your model.

The effect can occur while crouched or while standing

but when you change stances you character model resets.

Aiming down sights will align your third person model as long as you are aiming and when you

stop aiming, you will sometimes go back to being split and sometimes not.

Droning will also bring your headings together but only for as long as you are using the drone.

But luckily, almost anything else you can do will actually cancel out the effect.

Moving in any way at all will instantly align your headings; this effect only occurs when

stationary and turning to the left.

Throwing an object or extending your shield as Montagne will also immediately realign

you with your character model.

Clash is immune to this bug, since her shield is always either extended or on her back so

of course the easiest solution to this problem is for you to play more Clash!

*editors cough*

… oh… yeah, maybe not.

So ok, yes it can occur that your first and third person headings can be split apart by

almost 90° if you are stationary and turning left (but not right!).

This can of course leave you hugely vulnerable to enemies that you thought you were looking

at but in practice when playing the game, you're moving most of the time, so the chances

of actually dying because of this are relatively small.

Nevertheless it is a curious little bug that may just catch you out now and then.

As minor as it may be in actual games, I do hope this bug gets picked up and taken care

of sooner rather than later.

And that's pretty much all I was able to find while testing shields and trying to figure

out why they can be somewhat unreliable sometimes.

If you have any other theories or know of any other quirks that affect shields, let

me know in the comments section below, I look forward to hearing what else might be causing problems!

As always, thank you for watching, I hope you enjoyed the video and I will see you in

the next episode!

For more infomation >> Testing Shield De-Sync - Rainbow Six: Siege - Duration: 6:28.


Teste do Olhinho ajuda no diagnóstico precoce de doenças congênitas - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Teste do Olhinho ajuda no diagnóstico precoce de doenças congênitas - Duration: 2:51.


Sánchez no se traga los vaticinios de la bruja Lola Tezanos y permanecerá atornillado en Moncloa.. - Duration: 5:24.

Recontadas al 100 por 100 las columnas y editoriales de la prensa de papel de este 1 de febrero de 2019,

podemos afirmar con un margen de error del 1% que ganan por mayoría aplastante las tribunas que se mofan directamente del presidente del CIS,

José Félix Tezanos y sus vaticinios más propios de la 'bruja Lola'.Luis Ventoso, en ABC, se parte la caja con José Félix Tezanos y sus previsiones demoscópicas .

Tezanos acomete sus pillerías demoscópicas con tal brocha gorda que empezamos a tomárnoslo de chufla, como un personaje pintoresco en una política despendolada.

Su caso supone un síntoma más de que el presidente que proclamó que venía a regenerar nuestra democracia la está mancillando como nunca. Un error.

D.: si la mitad de lo que augura el gran Tezanos fuese cierto, Sánchez, convocaría elecciones hoy mismo. (P.

Pero se atornillará hasta el 2020, caiga quien caiga, con las cuentas de Rajoy y con el parlamento paralizado.

¿Por qué? Respondo con otra pregunta: ¿Conoce usted a alguien en su círculo próximo que diga que le gusta Sánchez?).

Carlos Herrera tampoco entiende por qué Sánchez no convoca ya elecciones con esas previsiones tan fantásticas del CIS: Con un presagio así,

de ser verdad, resultaría inconcebible que Sánchez no convocase de inmediato elecciones, no fuera a ser que alguien pudiera cambiar de opinión.

El agobio, digo yo, vendrá de verse el vencedor, y el choque con su voluntad de permanecer en La Moncloa el máximo tiempo posible.

Alma mía, si el CIS te dice que lo estás bordando de tal manera que te vas a salir por arriba ¿a qué esperas?

Igual será que se acuerda de lo que preveía Tezanos a Susana en las elecciones andaluzas (con su característica poca vergüenza) y no se fía...Con razón, por otra parte.

Ignacio Camacho asegura que lo de Tezanos es más propio de la bruja Lola: Sus barómetros erráticos son objeto de chacota no ya en la opinión de la calle, sino en la profesional y la universitaria.

Pregunte lo que pregunte, sus conclusiones están desacreditadas; se ha convertido en la bruja Lola de una sociología de andar por casa que parece apoyarse en prácticas de quiromancia.

Es de la ocupación institucional de lo que se trata: de un designio invasivo con el que su jefe pretende supeditar el espacio público, y por tanto neutral, a la influencia de su máquina de propaganda.

Salvador Sostres opta también por la mofa: Tezanos es un hombre admirable.

Los que le critican parecen no valorarle el nervio que ha de tener para publicar semejantes resultados y salir a la calle normalmente.

Pienso que hay que reconocerle las agallas, el temple, la capacidad que yo no tengo, y que tanto admiro, de saber aguantarse la risa en los más delicados momentos.

Un día me gustaría tomarme algo con él y que me contara cómo lo hace: no las encuestas, sino lo de reprimir las carcajadas.

Es impresionante poder mantener el semblante serio cuando sales a explicar un CIS como el que publicó ayer.

Como en los personajes más controvertidos y oscuros de la Historia siempre nos quedará la duda de si Tezanos lo hace adrede o es que le sale así.

Es decir, la duda de si es un cínico, y un tramposo, o es que definitivamente ha perdido cualquier contacto con la realidad.

La Razón machaca al "publicista" Tezanos y asegura que flaco favor le está haciendo al PSOE: Tratar de condicionar a la opinión pública mediante la manipulación de datos demoscópicos ni es nuevo ni,

sobre todo, es sencillo en un mundo donde reza la libertad de información y operan actores concurrentes en el campo de las prospecciones sociológicas.

De ahí que la última entrega del CIS, ahora bajo la dirección de un militante del PSOE de larga data, no resista el menor contraste con la realidad política del país que pretende retratar.

Santiago González, como muchos, es de los que no se cree el CIS: El principio que orienta toda tarea demoscópica es que quien paga al flautista pide la melodía.

Y Tezanos, el guerrista, ha sido puesto ahí para corromper el CIS a favor de su mandante.

Confieso que resulta turbadora la radiografía de los españoles que establecen las encuestas de intención de voto.

En otro caso ya habría convocado elecciones. Ni Sánchez. Ese sondeo no se lo cree Tezanos.

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