Juan Echanove, Juan Echanove!
Juan Echanove has recently said the most stupid thing that
I've ever heard in my fucking entire life.
During an interview, the interview was nothing to do with this topic
but all the sudden he said very proud.
Here, what it bothers me is the way to say. Very proud.
I will never be a pederast!
What a shit argumentation is that.
I will never be!
You know, as if this will take him a special effort to achieve that.
Most of the people we are not pedophiles.
This is not something to be proud so you can say: I will never be
What do you want? A medal or something?
No seriously, Juan Echanove didn't say that
Didn't say it... but It's funny, I thought he could do this. That's why we are here
I think that I have been dedicating 10 years of my life doing this.
Now, for the rest of my life , there will be someday a whole performance of 1,30h only talking about creepy stories of Juan Echanove.
Let's imagine, every day Juan Echanove training himself very hard to never become a pederast.
I will never be!
He has like a gym, everyday when he gets up, he train about half hour, to achieve not to become a pederast.
Later, he will suffer a lot for 23 hours and 30minutes. That day.
But he train and play the music of "eye of the tiger" by "Survivor".
I will never be!
Fuck! Is that you, right? The crazy famous guy.
Fuck, you are not going to believe this but I have been taliking abot this all night.
And now, I see you here, wait a second.
just a second, do the thing.
[deaf-mute sound]
The problem is that my ex wife don't allow me to see our daughter Silvia.
She doesn't allow me to spend a weekend with her or share the holidays. What it is normal.
She allow me sometimes but only during the weekdays from time to time.
So I say to her; Look Estefania,
our daughter has almost 5 years old. When do you think she can start to spend more time with me?
And she said; when you recover from your illness.
What illness?
She thinks that I have a compulsive disorder, that I'm basically crazy.
So I should follow a special treatment to cure my illness.
She said that I'm an alcoholic and that I consume pornography.
You don't need to take off your underwear.
ok ok
So consuming pornography compulsively. How cannot be pornography consumed compulsively?
But she will have to prove this. She will have to prove that I don't consume pornography in a responsable way.
She also say that I buy books!
Well at least she said something about the books.
Fuck,I also thought the same thing, because that made me to look better.
So I seriously thing that from her point of view this is a mistake.
You know? because this put me in a good position. so what? I'm an alcoholic, I touch myself like a fucking monkey but so what?
I always find some time for reading books.
Seriously Joaquin, appeal to the justice way is not something easy for me.
I know
But i´m trying in all different ways
See if the petal can be more behind. Put it more...there.
I don´t feel bad for appealing to the justice way because I´ve trying my best to fix this through the right way
Maybe it´s true that I´m a little bit annoying but the communication between us doesn´t work
She closes the door, hung up the phone or If I wanna say something that she doesn´t want to hear,
she covers her ears, close the eyes and start blah, blah, blah ....
so this makes even harder the communication between us.
start blah, blah, blah, blah............
......blah, blah. you know? and anytime she does that, I take the advantage and I speak Russian
that's my little revenge.
you know, she cover her ears, close her eyes and start blah, blah, blah...
I know this is hard to believe but I swear it's true
She does that and the is when I take advantage an I speak Russian to her
[he speaks random Russian words]
What does it mean?
No, I don't speak Russian, I just make it up
I do it just to say who is laughing now
then, she opens her eyes, she takes her hands off from her ears and I start talking normally too
But I swear when she starts blah blah... I take advantage to express my feelings
I don't what sort of crazy thing I would be able to do without those moments
Expressions like; who is laughing now, express my feeling or I don't know what sort of crazy thing I would do if...
Are things that we should avoid to say in front of a judge for getting Silvia's custody.
This way you talk already help me. I feel like we can talk between us.
First you talk, I listen to you maybe later I can also talk
Let's see Juan Ignacio,
now the important is that I review the information you just gave to me and I study how viable this is. okay?
Viability. These are the good words that helps me.
I will see you after tomorrow. okay?
It happened something to me, holding my daughter someone stole my wallet.
I didn't realize until where were about getting in the underground station
In that moment, I was about grabbing it and fuck...
Someone stole my wallet and I didn't even notice holding my daughter.
My daughter realize, she looked at me and she said: daddy, what's wrong?
I said: Silvia, we will have to call Batman.
I don't know why I say that fucking shit
Normally, I play with my daughter that I'm Batman you know..
I made that up
I honestly thing that I acted like...... In the movie "Life is Beautiful"
It wasn't exactly the holocaust, someone just stole my wallet but I think I did a little bit like Roberto Benigni.
I really want to play ping-pong. Do you know any place in Madrid where to play?
Yeah.. I used to go to a place in "El Matadero"
Fuck "El Matadero" I really want to go there
well, they took this out because apparently that made a lot of trouble.
Yeah ping-pong can go mad
well, maybe you don't really want to go. right?
I'm just saying that if you really wanted to go, you would have already gone. right?
You live kind of close. How many years have "El Matadero" been open?
I don't know I have to admit it
I think there are dreams more difficult to come true than that.
An underground ticket, this is about 3 stops, Lavapies, Embajadores...
Ah Palos de la Frontera y Legazpi. I't's true, there 4 not 3. you are right, very difficult.
Sorry, Ignacio Farray?
My name is Jose Ramón
Nice to meet you
I´m a big fan, very huge one
I love your comedy because this is not for everybody
No everything is just "El club de la comedia"
Which is good but I don´t like it
And I think you don´t like it neither.
well, I hope you don´t like it because they are not going to call you anymore.
No, I don´t think they will call me.
Seriously, I´m a very huge fan. I have a twin brother than admire you a lot.
I don´t want to bother you but I´m going to tell you
Today is my borther´s birthday Fran.
I was on my way to his birthday party
and I was thinking that you would be the best birthday present if you could perform for him
Thank you very much but this is something that I don´t usually do.
I will pay you well of course
Yeah but it´s not that.. It just I don´t normally do...
500, 630. Would that be enough?
well, it would be absolutely enough. But this is not for the money
I understant. I imagine that nobody is going to dedicate to this profession to end up performing in birthday's party.
But It would be a very short performance. Like 10-15 minutes, that's all.
Even if you could only go upstairs to say hello would be enough.
This wasn't because the money, money is fine but I don't usually...
I apologise, a freak like me show up and say all these things and it seems like I want to rape you.
For the money that you are offfering me is not the reason why I said no.
Frank is going to freak out when I tell him
Listen, congratulations
If you are twin that means this is also your birthday.
Oh no! this is a very funny story
Frank is my older brother, he was born very quickly but me I had a massive head.
It took me 57 hours to get out. My birthday is after tomorrow.
You cannot imagine what a huge head...
I killed my mother. I left her so destroyed.
I guess this is not funny is actually very terrible
But at the end, the best comedy comes from drama
I learned that from you Ignacius.
Yeah, I guess that I teach this kind of things.
I have to go. I will leave you my card just is case you need me.
Frank is going to freak out when I tell him
That guy is fucked up Madness
Let's get inside
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