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The largest fentanyl seizure ever coming as the border security funding negotiations grind onward give reaction for the White House tonight
Counselor to the president Killian Conway joins us now Kelly and great to have you with us Thank You Shannon
I mean this thing is historic the amount of drugs that we're talking about and looking at in the scope of
The amount of overdoses that are happening here in this country every year
I mean this bust is literally historic it is and when people say there's no crisis at the border. It's manufactured
I would point them to what happened. What was released today and happened over last weekend
250 pounds of fentanyl Shannon is enough to kill over 50 million Americans
It has a street value of about 102 million dollars. So it's lucrative
But it's also lethal and the CDC has reported and Centers for Disease Control has reported that
fentanyl is
contributing the highest most
Accelerating rate to or overdose deaths because just two milligrams tiny little grains of fentanyl is enough to kill you
It's being laced into Street pills lacing to marijuana
cocaine meth and
We know that it's being manufactured predominantly in China
Many people call it Chinese fenzel at this point President Xi made a commitment to President Trump in Borno
Saris in the early December to schedule fentanyl and so that it would be a controlled substance meaning a crime punishable
Really at the highest levels in China. We we know that he will make good on that commitment because we know that this is killing
Millions well thousands of Americans but these millions of doses. I mean people have to just stop and think about all the news
That's never being covered
if this is one of the only programs and programs tonight or networks tonight that is covering the fact that
There was enough drugs to kill over 50 million Americans seized by our brave men and women at border patrol in Arizona
we have a problem the last thing I want to mention about it is that
this happened at a port of entry and so I did notice today that
Many of the president's critics and our critics isn't seeing the wall Stockman, you know, while the low and help. Excuse me
This is the this is what we know about because it came in a port of entry through a produce truck
What about what we don't know about what's coming over because we don't have a physical barrier. We don't have a wall
So this all comes against the backdrop of the clock is ticking potentially to a potential another shutdown in February 15th
The hill had an interesting headline today
It said Republicans want Trump to keep out of border talks and they quote Susan Collins who talked to reporters Senator
Susan Collins says, I think it would be more worthwhile and effective if the president would allow some space
For these negotiations to occur and not be doing commentary at this point
I think she was referring to some of his tweets
But basically what he said is if you're not talking about a wall or some kind of physical barrier
Don't bring it to me because I'm not going to sign it
Is there a deal that can thread the needle of getting through the House the Senate and the president actually signing?
Let's hope so because this is border Security's national security and you have had many Democrats making many
joyful, noises about walls physical barriers steel slab barriers
If you need a physical barrier that somebody can't climb over
or crawl under or drive through or walk around you've seen all the photos where that in fact has happened and
In addition the other things that were on the table
Daca was on the table TPS was on the table these these
Incredible investments billions of dollars for detention beds and drones and technology and humanitarian needs that the immigration judges
Let me repeat the Border Patrol personnel
Increasing when I was 3,000 all of that was in the package that the president
Produced for all to see publicly several weeks ago and to this moment we've never had a counter offer when speaker Pelosi says no
Or $1 or doesn't respond at all. That is not a negotiation
It certainly isn't a compromise but this president is willing to sign into law something that he feels will protect us
Well, they've got a couple of weeks left in the meantime
I'm hopeful my much was made of the hearing this week with the intelligence leaders on the hill
And a lot of reports that they were not in sync with the president
He's sweeted today that they were mischaracterized that they sat down
They are all on the same page when it comes to important things like North Korea and Iran - that kind of thing
Here's what speaker Pelosi had to say
the president and the intelligence community
dismaying factor of it
All is that the president just doesn't seem to have the attention span or the desire?
To hear what the intelligence community has been telling him
So for him to make this statement that he did yesterday
That's cause for a concern
your response
My guess is she were the president which of course she's not she can run her intelligence briefings differently
But this President had his intelligence team in today eyetality of illegal immigration on our southern border
This is the cycle of human suffering that I am determined to end
My administration has presented Congress with a detailed proposal
To secure the border and stop the criminal gangs drug smugglers and human traffickers
It's a tremendous problem. Our proposal was developed by law enforcement
professionals and border agents at the Department of Homeland Security
These are to see them coming into the Oval as I was walking out for an entirely different meeting there
They were and he had his full presidential daily briefing
tweeted out afterwards and what he's saying that they
Because he thinks that he he knows there is progress in North Korea in other words
We're already ahead of the game the president and chairman Kim sat down and started talking about
The demands and the demand by this president has never changed. So I
appreciate more a speaker of the house from the opposing party who comes forward and says here are the areas where we think we can
support the President on
Intelligence and where we think that intelligence is still a nonpartisan issue that has bipartisan support
I really never hear her say that she she needs to get I think control of
her words and occasionally her temper about this president and show
Americans a speaker who's willing to come halfway with a
President who has invited her to the White House any number of times and who has said and I suspect will say in his State
of the Union next Tuesday that there are many areas that unify this nation where we can feel uplifted as
Americans to come together and soft well to the point about
The Intel community and whether there are some daylight between them and the president. I want to play something from CIA director hospital
This is what she said about North Korea
Have you seen any change in their behaviors? I don't think I can point to any specific
Changes over the last couple of years with the president disagree with that
The president wants there to be changes in the behavior
And that's why he's willing to sit down with chairman Kim, but he's talked about changes
well, we know there haven't been in the last couple years because President Trump says that President Obama told him that his biggest problem would
Be North Korea one that we certainly inherited
From that president and others but this president is he feels he's duty-bound to at least try to get that agreement
Of denuclearization things like this take time. These people have been at war for almost 70 years and
They've been I I guess piling up their nuclear capability for some time with this country largely looking in the other direction
So at least America sees a president who's willing to engage and once and to make good in the meantime
sanctions remain
This is a president who has not been shy about
Sanctioning individuals and nations and bad actors everywhere when he feels that it is appropriate
He's done that with any number of Russians. He's through the Treasury Department
He certainly has done that in North Korea and I'll swear he's somebody's taken us out of the ridiculous Iran nuclear deal
Israel and others have thanked him for that on the other issues of foreign policy though like Syria and the conversation about pulling out there
And Afghanistan and other hotspots there have been Republicans
I mean key is Senate voices who have stepped up to say they're not in agreement with the president about some of these big decisions
The president said he's not pulling out of Syria tomorrow or next month. He just doesn't believe in these endless wars and
And this president has said it will be done responsibly over time. Obviously, he is in consultation with
His military leaders and others as to that best
Timetable he has spoken about this from his president has spoken about the Secretary Pompeo and others
our chief diplomat has spoken about this, but I think though when the president speaks everybody always is looking for
to pounce instead of to listen
But the president has made very clear in his Afghanistan speech and I'll say September so 2017 he made clear to the world
this is not
President Bush's policy in Afghanistan is not President Obama's policy in Afghanistan
I'm not going to pull out tomorrow, but we're not going to stay there forever either indefinitely
And so I think nobody should be surprised when President Donald Trump who ran the sleaze
Successfully full rifle that's what it was gonna do. This is what I'm going to do
But he respects his intelligence advisors. They were there today for the briefing they all they were all there
They all showed up mentality of illegal immigration on our southern border
This is the cycle of human suffering that I am determined to end
My administration has presented Congress with a detailed proposal
To secure the border and stop the criminal gangs drug smugglers and human traffickers
It's a tremendous problem
Our proposal was developed by law enforcement professionals and border agents at the Department
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