Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 1 2017

Hello, welcome to Open, where your dreams come true ...

Good afternoon and welcome to Open. Today we are witnessing the parade

October 28 in the Zocalo. It is the parade of Day of the Dead, which is

prepared by the city here came catrinas. The parade lasted

about an hour, it was so interesting.

This is insane, there are many people, If you want to see the parade and have a good

place to do it, you have to arrive at least one hour in advance.

Yes, that's right, the truth is I do not know how many people have come but the truth

is that surely came over 10,000 people. It is difficult the

access to the historical center.

Later, you will have all the images recorded in the parade

Now we go to the Zocalo to see the offerings

join us ...

The event began with a tribute to s19 rescue workers

It was a parade with lots of prehispanic taste

We arrived at the conquest

Between angels and devils

The revolution and its locomotives

Tribute to Rius

Monumental Skulls


Band and flags

Party skulls

Catrinas in love

The Burron family

At the end attended by more than 1 million people

It was impossible to walk on the esplanade of the Zocalo

Well, after the parade, floats came to leave

all their stuff within the same cars, here

in Zocalo. Subsequently assembled a

sound and light show, it is folk music is pretty good.

There are many people, there are offerings in each of the poles

but pretty well the whole issue. That was our Open coverage for

Parade October 28 with reference to the Day of the Dead 2017.


He was Oscar, I'm Eric, see you in the next event ...

This was Open, good night and sweet dreams ...

For more infomation >> Open Project - Eventos - Desfile día de muertos 2017 - Duration: 7:38.


Bem-Vindo Romeiro | Mensagem de Fé com Dom Orlando: refletimos a morte como transformação - - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Bem-Vindo Romeiro | Mensagem de Fé com Dom Orlando: refletimos a morte como transformação - - Duration: 2:44.



For more infomation >> ¡¡SU MAYOR IDA DE OLLA!! ¡SE CUELA EN LA CASA DEL VECINO! - Duration: 1:03.


Lombinho de Porco no Tacho com Molho Escuro - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Lombinho de Porco no Tacho com Molho Escuro - Duration: 3:40.


La Guardia Civil revela lo que Junqueras cree de Puigdemont y el "puto proceso" - Duration: 10:32.

For more infomation >> La Guardia Civil revela lo que Junqueras cree de Puigdemont y el "puto proceso" - Duration: 10:32.


Stronghold Tournament (In a Castle!) - Duration: 5:45.

Hi it's the morning of the big event, I just got up,

out there you can see the castle that I'll be going to in a moment and before I go there

I wanted to take a warm shower but the pipes in the hotel broke so now I'm gonna have to

get the real medical experience of showering cold before climbing up to the castle.

I'm on my way now to castle Trifels and the reason we're doing the party on this castle specifically

is that after the third Crusades, Richard the Lionheart was held captive on this castle.

He was kept there from anything between four weeks and a couple months - historians aren't quite sure -

but he was a prisoner until he paid 23.4 tons of silver for his release.

And I'm now gonna go up and I'm gonna meet the people from Burgenfuchs and GDKE,

the two organizations that helped put this event together and let's see what awaits me.

I'm almost at the castle Trifels, this is as far as we can go by car.

Behind me, you can see the castle. It's still one hundred meters up on the hill.

That's where I'm gonna walk to now. Wish me good luck, I hope I can survive the way up.

Castle Trifels, war dog free zone.

Okay, I made it up the hill, it was a long journey, but I survived.

I don't even want to imagine what was like in medieval times,

but behind me you can already see the castle walls of castle Trifels.

I'm finally here, so let's go inside and see what it's like.

I'm on top of castle Trifels, as you can see it's a wonderful view from here.

You can see all the invading forces from miles away and archers up here definitely had the better position.

Behind me here are the German crown jewels. These are the reason that this castle exists.

This castle was built in order to defend these crown jewels because whoever had these was in control of the country.

And they built this castle and three others or four others around in the circle

so that they could see any invading forces and no army ever reached this place.

Behind me downstairs are 18 teams of players

competing against each other in Stronghold HD and Stronghold Crusader 2. Let's see who the winner will be.

Aaaaaand ... the winners of the Herr der Klinge Tournament are ...

the team with a score of 89739 points. Please help me welcome - with a drumroll ...

Team 16!

But what did Team 16 actually win?

That's the big question: What's the main prize?

For one, Team 16 will receive

A voucher for a trip including return flights & accommodation for one night to visit Firefly Studios in London.

Well, I didn't expect a prize this great, I'm already looking forward to it.

It's surely going to be fun and interesting.

The event was generally fun.

Yeah, I'm also happy that we won. The prize, obviously, is really nice.

Stronghold 1 was one of the first ever strategy games I played.

We used to play it together at his place with two laptops.

That we now - 10 years, or however many years later - win a prize in this game is obviously great.

And then on a castle, especially with Richard the Lionheart, who is part of Stronghold Crusader,

that was nice, it really was a nice event.

- And I'm sure we would do this again. - Definitely.

If you enjoyed this video, don't forget to like share and subscribe.

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and get more weird videos of us doing stuff on castles and get the latest updates on our newest games.

Hope to see you soon.

For more infomation >> Stronghold Tournament (In a Castle!) - Duration: 5:45.


GyF | Disfrazados de supehéroes: así celebraron Halloween Lili y Raúl - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> GyF | Disfrazados de supehéroes: así celebraron Halloween Lili y Raúl - Duration: 2:43.


Conceptos estratégicos de Go: Kikashi. English subtitles. 3 de 8 - Duration: 16:29.

Kikashi is a movement that forces the opponent to answer generally one way,

resulting in an exchange of rocks favorable to the player taking the kikashi.

Kikashi and sente may look the same, but the kikashi applies to movements that are

more or less incidental to the main flow of the game.

And once the stone that makes kikashi play, it can be abandoned without any problems.

The kikashi must be played at the right time.

If you miss the opportunity, it is lost forever.

This is kikashi, black must respond, since failure to do so this is a very big loss.


And right now, this point is crucial for both players, also black.

But, before playing this point, White will kikashi play again.


Black defends.

Before coming here again kikashi, black must answer, not to do this

It would be very large, it is the entire corner.

Black must answer.

This stone helps for the future, to close the corner, white territory.

In the absence of this stone it is easier to land to black.

Before playing here, white makes kikashi again, it agrees to defend this stone,

and now, white stands here, and black I would play this, but it is too

aji with these stones, therefore plays thus.

Aji still running, but this is important.

And this is a typical sequence of joseki.

When so if white plays the key point directly, without playing kikashi,

loses the opportunity definitely play here as black, black and white answers

reinforces this point, there is now no possibility of playing kikashi in a useful way.

When white plays here, it is important to respond black here, and should not worry

If white stretches in this way, since this typical Semai is favorable for black.

Here white is going to sacrifice a stone, a stone coming here, black jack, atari,

black champions semeai is favorable for black,

White has only two liberties and three black.

Therefore, this move does not work, black defends here.

Now White here, black stands, and stretches.

The order of the movements is very important, if white instead of starting here, begins

here, the result is not the same, because now when white plays here, not black

have to answer here, but playing here, and now must play, no longer exists

this movement since it does not require playing black.

After this move white, as mentioned, is dangerous to play this, it is more correct

play here, to reduce bad aji of this white stone.

If black plays here, imagine a situation, it is turn white, after

played this white makes Hane, and black is the right thing to eliminate bad aji directly

with this play, if you play up, ikken Tobi, could follow a sequence of this style ...

This is a sequence that occurred in a game of amateur players.

Black is expecting this type of play, then sacrifice these two stones in sente

However, thanks to that stone aji, white has a tesuji.

This move takes advantage of this stone Aji in conjunction with the corner, he is threatening

Here, she is capturing the two stones, and is threatening here who will not play this serves

because of this.

Therefore, when white makes Hane, the correct answer is this.

Let's see an example of kikashi that occurred in a game between two amateur players.

It's turn white, and plays kikashi here, It is threatening to cut, and if black advocates,

Indeed, this move is kikashi, forced to answer.

The game could continue this way.

Black plays here to prevent the escape of white, white should play this, to live,

sente and black jack, playing kakari, this way.

If white omits this move and is for example here, black is able to kill the target group,


Therefore, this move is mandatory and black in sequence just sat.

However, sometimes, a move that apparently kikashi, as in this case, may raise

doubt, black here, for example, could play like that ..., white, black, white ...

and now White takes sente and play here, it has not been necessary to defend, since the court

no longer exists, takes two black stones, the cut does not exist, and ends over white sente,

defended not black, however, the resulting final situation is not bad to white, as

He sente and ending in the group is alive.

He did not answer kikashi, but neither was very favorable outcome.

The question arises whether black advocates, If White tries to live the way we

seen now, a moment ago, and now white sente would apparently this group is

I live, but it is bad aji.

Atari, defends, short, and the target group It depends on a ko.

Ko favorable for black, since they have little to lose and much to gain.

White took sente, but this group is in danger.

If this were not played, this ko is very strong for black, can not afford

this movement, since it would be very large, therefore ko can not fight,

It is favorable for White.

So in conclusion, the kikashi, it really was, and black should be connected.

Sometimes there is a fine line between kikashi and aji Keshi.

Perhaps the main purpose is to create aji kikashi.

And in this sense it differs from sente.

Therefore, movements that cause bad aji to eliminate the opponent, not be considered kikashi

unless achieve something important.

For example, giving atari may seem unnecessarily kikashi, if forced to respond to the adversary,

but often, when giving atari we are strengthening

without achieving anything in compensation.

In this position Black can give atari above, is kikashi, since it requires

answer to white, can also give atari here is kikashi, since it requires

white answer, but in either case, black will always have

to defend this point.

And that's the right move, neither kikashi is right at this time, since

it is not known how the game will unfold, and which one will be more interesting.

If you connect white, now black you have sente, and can choose to play here instead of

Here, as if he had been given atari above, since it is this court.

And if you play here, also it has black and white sente have bad aji position here

... is a possible cut, after a Hane pair down is bad aji for White.

In this position, the correct play is here.

Either kikashi is aji Keshi, because they are eliminating possibilities.

Although it may seem, because it requires answering the opponent, this move is not kikashi,

Keshi is aji, since the possibility here, which threatens to come here is removed.

When the position is this, this threat no longer play the same way.

In this position this move is kikashi since it obliges white answer, since

no answer, this cut is very strong.

You must defend here, and this sequence is not good for white, which is divided.

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