Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 29 2017

Today Bangla Breaking News Update, Bangla News update,

bangla news, Bangla tv News, Bangla News today, Today Bangla News

For more infomation >> ATN BANGLA News today 29 november 2017 Bangladesh Latest News Today News Update bd news all bangla - Duration: 22:00.


SLUSNY NEWS 06 - Testing fingerspin yoyos / Paolo Bueno / ENG SUBTITLES - Duration: 12:04.

Hello all yoyers, Here is Vashek and Welcome to next 6th episode of SLUSNY NEWS

We will take a lot at some new releases from our shop

First yoyo you might noticed on Instagram and its Vapormotion

You can cop this yoyo in our store for about 60USD

Its collaboration between magicyoyo and c3yoyodesign

There is brand new box for it

And we will take a look at it

You can see its a combination of plastic body and metal rim

that cover whole outside of a yoyo and you can find this fingerspin hub

This yoyo plays well and It has amazing feel on string

Plays really smooth with no vibration

Grooved bearing inside

Lets take a look at next one

Next we have Metal Skyva

you might be familiar with skyva

Its metal yoyo with delrin cap

we have finger spin hub again,Center-Trac bearing, slim pads and bead-blasted surface

First color is this khaki green

The second one is this fall orange one

for 67USD

versatile great yoyo that is amazing for finger spins

Last one that we will talk about is Mojo

from chinese brand TopYo

Its plastic yoyo with Center-Trac and again it has great fingerspin hub

Its yoyo for 16USD

Its a great price and it can do quiet a lot for such price

plays amazing. Good yoyo for sure!

You might noticed that all yoyo today has fingers

We will test all of them and will see which grinds the best

For the video of a week we choose MOWL ANARCHY ft. Fiji Okuyama

This world champion won this throphy in 2007

In this sneaker and with this yoyo

He is releasing new yoyo MOWL ANARCHY

You will be able to find this yoyo in our shop. Today I placed and order so we will see when we will get it

Meanwhile you can watch Eiji's video. Its pretty cool!

We also had two contests

The first one is JY Festival that took place in Korea

To be honest I had no idea about scene in Korea

But this festival looks amazing!

It was one of the biggest contests this year with more then 700 people attending

there was even Gentry,Shu Takada or John Ando

They even had some small contests for parents

As a special guest John Ando performed a demo

We usually don't see much from him but his 1A is really amazing so check it out

If you would like to see full video hit a link under this video

Second contest was Japan Yoyo Open that took place in Tokyo

This contest was organized by Kengo Kido from YYR, Take from SpinGear and Hiroyuki Suzuki from Something

They had a bit modified rules

For example no major deductions

You can compete only with yoyos from brands sponsoring this contest

that makes sense to me

Evaluations were reduced from 8 categories to 3

They only had Cleanness, Choreography and Overall Presentation

Another interesting idea were electronic clickers

That means that you were able to see how the judges clicks live on video

Iam really happy that someone is trying new things

That they were not afraid to try new things even tho it might not be the best way

They try to make yo-yoing more interesting, more fun and more exciting

Thanks you and ig thumbs up!

In the 1A Yamato Murata takes 1st place with his fast and great freestyle

worth mentioning was freestyle of Takeshi Matsuura

He used extremly oversized yoyo

Chameleon by Turning Point

He was able to hit all his hardcore tricks even on such yoyo

Hajime Mijura did great job in 3A and won the division

In 4A he placed 3rd

He showed big progress

Perfect control during soloham

He might try to take 4A title in Shanghai this year at World Yoyo Contest

We can't forgot about a contest tfrom last episode

You were learning Malík's trick Collision

You were posting this trick on Instagram under hashtag slusnynewscollison

And the winner is...

Congratulation and you will get splash Horizon with Malík's signature

Now is time for our international guest

So we are switching the subtitles

I will switch to English

A naším dnešním hostem je Paolo Bueno!

Ahoj Paolo!

Jak je Vashku?


Je mi ctí!

Mužeš se prosím nejdřív představit?

No jasný! Jmenuji se Paolo Beuneo, je mi 19 let a jsem sponzorovaný yoyofactory

Mužeš nám říct kde jsi se narodil a kde jsi žil?

Narodil jest se v São Paulo v Brazil

Když mi bylo asi 8 let tak jsme se přestěhovali do Californie

Tam jsem vyrůstal a žil až do léta minulého roku

Momentáně žiji v Lisabonu v Portugalsku

Takle nějak proběhl můj přesun z americké scény na tu evropskou

Bylo pro mě velmi zajímavé mít možnost porovnat tyto dvě scény

A zasoutěžit si jak v Americe tak v Evropě.

Mohl by jsi tyto dvě scény porovnat?

byl jsi na mnoha soutěžích na obou kontinentech

Takže co si myslíš že jsou největší rozdíly?

V Americe jsou yoyeři více zaměření na soutěžení

Naproti tomu v Evropě jsou yoyeři více zaměřeni na svůj osobitej styl

Myslím, že tohle přináší kreativitu a je více zajímavé koukat na evropské yoyery

Přijde mi ale, že v poslední době se evropští yoyeři začali více soustředit na soutěžení

a že se úroveň velmi zvedla oproti poseldním dvěma EYYC

Dokonce i výkony na YYMCR byly na velmi vysoké urovni

Obě scény jsou opravdu skvělé

Přijel jsi do Čech na YYMCR. Jak se ti contest líbil?

Mistrovství bylo velmi zábavné a úroveň byla velmi vysoká

Contest byl fantastickej a prostory byly bezvadný

Bylo to jako malé EYYC

Pár epizod nazpátek jsme mluvili o Paolistovi což je Paolův signature

Od yoyofactory

Mohl by jsi nám vysvětlit jméno tohoto yoya

A mohl by si nám říct více o designu Paolisty a o jeho vzniku?

No jasný! Začnu s jménem

Paulista je někdo kdo pochází z města São Paulo

v São Paulo jsem se narodil takže dávalo smysl tak toto yoyo pojmenovat

Paulista se píše s "U"

Moje jméno se však píše Italisky s "O"

Takže je to víc osobní jako Paolista oproti Paulista

Taky to zní trochu jako Yuuksta

které se jmenuje podle Yuukiho s přídavkem "sta" takže to dávalo smysl

Tak to je o jméně

No a design

Použili jsme design/tvar Space Cowboye

Udělali ho trochu ostřejší

Namísto ocelových zatěžáků díky kterým je váha rozložená hlavně na krajích

Jsme udělali tady okraj trochu tlustší

Takže je váha stále koncentrovaná na krajích ale neni to bimetalové yoyo ale jen monometal

Což drží cenu dole a přitom stále jede přesně tak jak já potřebuji

Takže dnes jsme se bavili o těchto třech nových modelech

Otestujeme které z nich je nejlepší

A uděláme to jako battle. Já proti Paolovi

Jako první tu máme MOJO od TOPYO

tři - dva - jedna - teď!

1 - 0

To už asi nenabinduju

Takže fingerspin batte je 1 - 1

Já jsem vyhrál s Mojo a Paolo mě porazil s Vapormotion

Teď máme poslední a tím je Metal Skyva

Tak jdeme na to!

Tak co Paolo? Co si myslíš o těchto třech yoyích?

Mojo za tuto cenu jede skvěle

Hodně zábavný!

Vapormotion je také velmi zábavný

Má skvěle rozloženou váhu a kdyby jsem si měl vybrat yoyo na soutěž tak si vyberu právě Vapormotion

A Skyva

Je nejzábavnější, všestranný yoyo s kterým jsou fingerspiny hračka

Ale kdyby jsem si měl opravdu vybrat pouze jedno tak si vyberu Paolistu

Dobrá volba!

Mužeš nás Paolo naučit trik?

No jasný!

Čau všichni! Já jsem Paolo Bueno

a tomuhle triku říkám Bergy's Thing

Začneme trapézou

Uděláme wrist whip

Použijeme ukazováček a malíček k chycení těchto dvou provázků

Vytvoříme očko

To očko pustíme do yoya

a ted pustíme tuhle smyčku co máme na malíčku

A celou smyčku whipnu do yoya

A ted už jen nabindovat

začneme trapézou

wrist whip

Chytíme tyhle dva provázky

Pustíme smyčku


A nabinduju

Tak tohle Byl Paolo Bueno, náš dnešní host

Díky moc, že jsi přišel!

Díky za pozvání!

Díky moc a vidíme se za týden!

For more infomation >> SLUSNY NEWS 06 - Testing fingerspin yoyos / Paolo Bueno / ENG SUBTITLES - Duration: 12:04.


BREAKING: NBC News Today Fires Matt Lauer Over THIS(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 13:25.

BREAKING: NBC News Today Fires Matt Lauer Over THIS

we have some breaking news right now the New York Times is reporting that Matt

Lauer at NBC News has been fired for misconduct we are just getting new

information here rich and what else do we have what is the New York Times

reporting with regard to the Today Show and Matt Lauer which obviously is one of

the golden boys at NBC a major moneymaker is the Today Show on NBC News

and Matt Lauer has been fired over inappropriate workplace behavior this is

from the New York Times the report just coming on the wires back and former

White House press secretary under President Trump Sean Spicer joining us

right now Sean good to see you thanks so much for joining us

you bet good morning Maria Wow I mean what a tipping point Harvey Weinstein

and and and and then and then and then and then and this morning we've got news

on Matt Lauer we don't have a lot of information Sean I don't know if you

have any but right now all we know is that Matt Lauer has been fired from NBC

News according to the New York Times for inappropriate workplace behavior what is

going on well I think considering Matt Lauer stature with both within NBC News

and within the news media this is a huge huge deal because it really shows that

there is a fundamental paradigm shift and how those issues are going to be

handled and that there the tolerance level for inappropriate behavior is

continuing to become a place where men in particular in this case have to be

very careful and I think that the idea that that NBC News in particular is

taking this seriously shows how big of a deal it's becoming you remember

initially they were the they were the outlet that had the Harvey Weinstein's

story and then story circulated that they did everything they could to not

air that story and had their correspondent Ronan Farrow actually go

to another publication to put it out so for NBC News to be taking this kind

of a drastic step with one of the principal anchors of NBC News shows how

serious this issue has become not just at NBC News but throughout our country

yeah you're absolutely right and now I guess it's triggering more people to

come out more people to say look this happened to me and

Michu and that's a good thing because women or anyone who has been assaulted

or the victim of misconduct they're no longer afraid Sean no and that's right

and I think that's why that's when you see when you see big people like Harvey

Weinstein who in that industry when you see Matt Lauer when you see an Al

Franken oricon yours all of these people in these prominent industries who are

large you know giants if you will within their respective industries in some

cases beyond their industry fall I think that is a very positive sign for women

to say you don't have to fear any longer you can speak up when something is

inappropriate over the line or you feel uncomfortable because you're just trying

to do your job or advance yourself in your career yeah now we don't have the

details but apparently staffer a staffer had made a complaint we are hearing now

that NBC has confirmed this so we no longer need to attribute this to the New

York Times NBC the Today Show has confirmed that Matt Lauer has been fired

for inappropriate workplace behavior and we will likely find more details about

this what do you want to say in terms of what's happening in Hollywood right now

Sean because it feels like you know when you look at what happened with Harvey

Weinstein you look at others in you know Kevin Spacey a lot of this stuff was

going on and everybody knew about it and yeah you just said you simple now

you're telling me and now you know it you're coming forward and you're

denouncing Harvey Weinstein but how many years were you complicit and actually

allowed this to go on right and I actually think it's one of the things

that's overlooked in this discussion because we focus on the individual is

how many women in particular careers did not blossom or take off or were

railroaded or frankly switched industries because of the workplace

environment that they were in and I think that's really interesting how many

careers didn't take off how many careers were you know capped if

you will because somebody felt that they couldn't speak out in the environment

and I think that that is that is sort of the lost piece of this discussion that

there's so many things that could have happened if these things that have been

dressed earlier but I think you know looking at some of these industries

particularly these left-leaning liberal institutions NBC

newse you know all of Hollywood and recognizing that these folks on the hard

left need to take a look in particular at their own behavior and the way that

they treat women for the champions that they claim to be and I think we all need

to do it as a country so this isn't just isolated into one thing but I think for

folks who have spent decades preaching the higher ground it's time that we look

at how people are dealt with I think this is a very positive development that

people whether whether they're male or female or how high they are on the totem

pole they can finally feel a little bit freer now to speak out yeah look maybe

they can stop lecturing the rest of us now but but look you mentioned the left

let's be fair here there are issues right now on the right you've got Roy

Moore in a problem of its own right now and then of course last year during the

election there were several women who accused President Trump then candidate

Trump of misconduct where does that stand right now by the way Shawn have we

heard from those 16 women recently the people who charge then candidate Trump

with misconduct during the election I don't know I have not heard anything

additionally in the last several is different how is this - how might this

be different well I think the only thing that makes it different frankly I think

first of all I would say that all allegations should be treated seriously

I think we can't dismiss people who make those but I also believe that we need to

make sure that we we do give people we are a country of due process and

individuals need to to make sure that they have an opportunity to confront

their accusers as in any court as in any you know accusation that is made under

our judicial system so I mean we have to take a look at the individuals but then

we have to have a system of due process and to make sure that people can't just

be accused and be dismissed and so I think there's a difference between a

workplace environment and a legal matter right so in a workplace matter that is

up to the HR department to decide whether or not within the confines of

those employment agreements somebody is is violating the standards and practices

that they have set forth in their employment and in some of these private

organizations whether it's NBC News or the Weinstein companies or what-have-you

that's one thing I think in cases where you have an elected official in some

cases depending on what level of government is there are

appropriate venues if that can be discussed in so in the head case of the

house of the Senate there's a house in Senate ethics committees but ultimately

beyond those venues then there's obviously voters you get to make a

decision whether or not the allegations that they feel have been made you know

are they have to weigh those in terms of how they're going to vote for a

particular individual so it's not as clear-cut in in the cases of elected

officials in the sense that in a private company the just a matter of employment

can be dealt with at the HR then if that individual wants to look at civil

activity that's their their ability to pursue that or criminal charges beyond

that yeah I want to find out really what this is going to mean in terms of hiring

how the workplace changes but first as I mentioned earlier Sean the Today Show

has confirmed that Matt Lauer has been fired from NBC for inappropriate

workplace behavior right now Judge Andrew Napolitano judge good to see you

thanks for joining us good morning or troubling news yeah I mean the question

is what level of due process is an employee of a private entity entitled to

before the bosses decide we believe these allegations and you're out it's

obviously not the same level of due process as when the government wants

your life liberty or your property but there has to be some basic fairness now

from this we can conclude that an entity the size of NBC with the internal legal

staff that it has was advised there has to be some investigation you have to ask

the the defendant his version and then you can call it you don't need a trial

you don't need confrontation you don't need lawyers but there has to be some

basic investigation and basic fairness so that you are satisfied that the

decision you're making is correct otherwise he has a substantial course of

action against NBC because he's protected by a contract and ELAC the NBC

News president in the statement that was put out said that

while it is the first complaint about his behavior in over 20 years that he's

been at NBC News we are also presented with reason to believe that this may not

have been an isolated incident they can that's a great observation taken and so

the question now becomes can they take into account what the law calls prior

bad acts uncomplaining about unprosecuted behavior but behavior which

if complained about and if pursued and if proven would be sufficient to fire

him and the answer is yes they can take into account almost any information or

data they can gather about him as long as they present it to him and his

representatives and he and they have an opportunity to challenge it again we're

not talking about a jury trial we're talking about something that can happen

in 24 or 48 hours I doubt that this broke last night it sounds as though

it's been brewing for a little apparently the the complaint was made

Monday night from one staffer I don't know what happened in terms of looking

at the past 20 years in terms of his contract does that mean it's over

there's no I mean because he's very high highly paid yes termination for cause

clause probably right this is a termination for clause then

theoretically NBC would owe him nothing and they were would be exercising an

option given to them under the under the contract now his lawyers may very well

say look here's five ways we can challenge this we won't challenge any of

it if you buy us out and and often that happens but if NBC really wants to make

a send a message to its employees and to the world obviously on this particular

issue they may say we're not buying out at all this is the cause this is Swift

this is swift action if everything this allegation was made on Monday I'm

surprised at what you both told me that it was made on Monday because a a person

as highly compensated and highly regarded and well known as him it's hard

to believe that all of this happened in less than 48 hours

Monday night on Monday night we received a detail complaint from a colleague

about inappropriate behavior in the workplace due process this basic

fairness that your employer was not the government owes you really happened

quickly yeah let's recall the CEO of Comcast is Brian Robert Knight the

Robert's family has ethics beyond reproach it's been a family business way

before it went public way before and and I don't think he would ever put the

reputation of his family and his company at risk irrespective of how amazing this

person may or may not be about 20 years and in that time frame the company was

also owned by a General Electric not just Comcast I'm just talking the

Comcast yeah no you're right though that's a good point about Brian Roberts

you want to quickly hit on the Consumer Protection Bureau

you've got Mick Mulvaney a victory here yeah it is it is a it is a temporary

victory this was a preliminary application meaning it goes back for a

full fledged trial and then there's the right to appeal short circuit all this

the president ought to nominate today whoever he wants to run this entity

permanently and the Senate should confirm that person and then this will

be over with will that whatever you think of this of this Bureau it is

entitled to a full time director this is not about who should run it but while

we're going into a budget process it's hard to believe that the head of the OMB

should also be running the Consumer Protection it's hard to believe that

these two Cordray and his Leandre Costanza that the Wall Street Journal

calls are did an end-around and it basically is an exclamation point on the

fact that the Democrats created this this Financial Protection Bureau

unaccountable to get around this in a sense I am glad that the litigation

happened as frustrating as it as it has been because the American public is

titled to note did the Congress enact some entity alien to the Constitution

immune from politics insulated from the President of the United States and if so

is that lawful and Constitution yeah I know you're smiling because you know

how I would answer that question probably I differently we met in the

journal a drama queen loses her head I judge good to see it thank you so much

their gender Napolitano there

For more infomation >> BREAKING: NBC News Today Fires Matt Lauer Over THIS(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 13:25.


BREAKING NEWS Out Of VIRGINIA… It's WAR - Duration: 3:03.


A Fredericksburg, Virginia woman has gotten a permit to erect a large Black Lives Matter

flag on her property, a flag she says is in opposition to a 30-by-30 foot Confederate

flag visible from the main highway, Interstate 95.

Several brainwashed liberals have demanded that the Stars and Bars flag removed but it

looks like they are sh*t out of luck as the Stafford County ruled earlier this month that

it can stay put.

The flag is on private property and it is there to stay!


Susan Kosior says she now has to raise $20,000 to $25,000 to buy a flag and pole that match

the size of the Confederate flag a few miles from her home.

The flag has been up since 2014 and some are angry that it is visible from the highway,

Fox 5 DC reported.

�There was one gentleman who says when he drives by it every day for work, it takes

him 10 or 15 minutes to calm down,� Kosier said.

�It really is a very frightening and visceral reaction people have to that flag.�

Give me a freaking break.

That �gentleman� is a weak, liberal scumbag who is clueless as to what the flag stands


He, like many others have been poisoned by Obama and his racist bullsh*t.

The Confederate flag is flying on the property of Hubert Wayne Cash, but was put up by a

group called Virginia Flaggers.

The group flies flags like this one along highways across Virginia.

Cash says the group paid him $1 for a 100-year lease of his land.

�There�s no hate, there�s no hate here,� said Cash.

He says for him, it is all about his ancestors who died fighting in the Civil War.

�We are just trying to preserve our history and our ancestors were Southerners.

This is the South,� Cash said.

He says the people offended by his flag shouldn�t look at it.

�I�m figuring if they are going to put up a flag down the road, Black Lives Matter,

I�m not going to sit there and stare at it and feel bad about it,� he said.

�I mean it�s their flag, it�s there right.

If they do it, well, God bless them.�

Cash even offered to help her install the flag pole lol!

How about hanging a Blue Lives Matter flag up lady?

After all, if some filthy Black Matters Thug comes and robs you, beats you and rapes you

(yuck) who are you going to call?

Black Lives Matter or the police?

I think we all know the answer.

Liberals are the scourge of the planet.

That�s my opinion and I stand by it.

Feel free to cut loose in the comments below.

Black Lives Matter is garbage.

So is AntiFa.

They can all go to hell as far as I�m concerned.

For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS Out Of VIRGINIA… It's WAR - Duration: 3:03.


KPOP NEWS - 더불어민주당에서 컷오프 관련 많은 논란이 있었는데 - Duration: 8:15.

For more infomation >> KPOP NEWS - 더불어민주당에서 컷오프 관련 많은 논란이 있었는데 - Duration: 8:15.


Grande Fratello Vip: i tre eliminati, Luca e Tonon al televoto| STARS NEWS - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello Vip: i tre eliminati, Luca e Tonon al televoto| STARS NEWS - Duration: 4:49.


News Korea | 최신 뉴스 : 조덕제 성명서, 무죄를 주장하다 - Duration: 8:35.

For more infomation >> News Korea | 최신 뉴스 : 조덕제 성명서, 무죄를 주장하다 - Duration: 8:35.


KAJ 10:00 News ON DEMAND: 11.28.17 - Duration: 11:05.

For more infomation >> KAJ 10:00 News ON DEMAND: 11.28.17 - Duration: 11:05.


10:00 News ON DEMAND: 11.28.17 - PART II - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> 10:00 News ON DEMAND: 11.28.17 - PART II - Duration: 3:48.


10:00 News ON DEMAND: 11.28.17 - Duration: 9:43.

For more infomation >> 10:00 News ON DEMAND: 11.28.17 - Duration: 9:43.


KPOP NEWS - 이철희와 박영선 의원의 개입이 있었다고 본다며 아니라면 고소하라는 - Duration: 10:39.

For more infomation >> KPOP NEWS - 이철희와 박영선 의원의 개입이 있었다고 본다며 아니라면 고소하라는 - Duration: 10:39.


[Video Viral News] सिलेंडर से गैस चोरी करने का एक वीडियो वायरल हो रहा THE NEWS INDIA - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> [Video Viral News] सिलेंडर से गैस चोरी करने का एक वीडियो वायरल हो रहा THE NEWS INDIA - Duration: 1:27.


Congress - N B C News - Duration: 46:16.

For more infomation >> Congress - N B C News - Duration: 46:16.


보아, 화려한 오프닝 무대..황민현 깜짝 컬래버 - Hot News 24/7 - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> 보아, 화려한 오프닝 무대..황민현 깜짝 컬래버 - Hot News 24/7 - Duration: 2:18.


Happening Now 11/29/17 11AM | November 29, 2017 Fox News HD - Duration: 37:39.

For more infomation >> Happening Now 11/29/17 11AM | November 29, 2017 Fox News HD - Duration: 37:39.


Happening Now 11/29/17 11AM | November 29, 2017 Fox News - Duration: 32:46.

For more infomation >> Happening Now 11/29/17 11AM | November 29, 2017 Fox News - Duration: 32:46.


একাত্তর টিভি রাতের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ সংবাদ ২৯/১১/২০১৭ ইং। Exclusive news - Duration: 6:55.

For more infomation >> একাত্তর টিভি রাতের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ সংবাদ ২৯/১১/২০১৭ ইং। Exclusive news - Duration: 6:55.


Man Utd team news: Ibrahimovic pushing for Watford start, Bailly or Jones could return - Duration: 1:28.

Man Utd team news: Ibrahimovic pushing for Watford start, Bailly or Jones could return

Ibrahimovic, 36, has made three appearances from the bench for Manchester United since returning from a serious knee injury earlier this month. While midfielder Paul Pogba played his first 90 minutes against Brighton after nearly 10 weeks out with a hamstring injury.

Marcos Rojo, who started in the Champions League defeat to Basel last week after seven months out with cruciate ligament damage, could be rested if fellow defenders Eric Bailly or Phil Jones recover from injury.

But captain Michael Carrick is still building his fitness after having a cardiac ablation to deal with an irregular heart rhythm. Watford captain Troy Deeney returns for the visit of United after completing a three-match suspension.

Defender Miguel Britos is a doubt after suffering a knock in the 3-0 victory over Newcastle and will be given a late fitness test.

Defenders Craig Cathcart (knee) and Younes Kaboul (hamstring), midfielder Nathaniel Chalobah (knee) and forward Isaac Success (knee) are likely to miss out once more.

Watford provisional squad: Gomes, Karnezis, Bachmann, Femenia, Britos, Mariappa, Kabasele, Wague, Zeegelaar, Holebas, Deeney, Janmaat, Prodl, Cleverley, Hughes, Doucoure, Capoue, Watson, Carrillo, Pereyra, Richarlison, Gray, Okaka, Sinclair.

Manchester United provisional squad: De Gea, Romero, Pereira, Valencia, Young, Tuanzebe, Jones, Bailly, Darmian, Lindelof, Rojo, Smalling, Shaw, Blind, Pogba, McTominay, Matic, Herrera, Fellaini, Lingard, Mata, Mkhitaryan, Rashford, Ibrahimovic, Lukaku, Martial.

For more infomation >> Man Utd team news: Ibrahimovic pushing for Watford start, Bailly or Jones could return - Duration: 1:28.


F1 news: Lewis Hamilton compares race win to Anthony Joshua punch on Sebastian Vettel - Duration: 3:20.

F1 news: Lewis Hamilton compares race win to Anthony Joshua punch on Sebastian Vettel

Vettel and Hamilton went head-to-head for the 2017 drivers championship with the Ferrari man having the better of the first-half of the campaign.

Hamilton turned things around after F1's summer break - and the Brit has identified his win at Silverstone on July 16 as the key to his form turning around. Wed just won Silverstone, Hamilton said. That was really turning the wick up.

It was like youve been sailing without wind then suddenly you pick up the gust - the right blow, like when Anthony Joshua gets the right punch and the guys on the back foot after that.

"Suddenly you pick up the gust - the right blow, like when Anthony Joshua gets the right punch and the guys on the back foot" Lewis Hamilton We were not quick enough in Hungary (the next race) but I dont feel like it unnerved us at all.

"It was a special weekend because of the difficulties we went through, plus the scenario really solidified the dynamics in the team and sent such a positive ripple effect.

It was like: OK, this is what we are here to do. This is how were going to operate. These are our core values. It was a huge win in terms of our unity.

It really just added a good amount to the foundation of the relationship with the team, with the engineers as well. We just worked better from then on.

I did some studying during the summer, to analyse where I had been with the car and was just basically jotting down: This is what the car wants, this is how Ive gotta drive it. And then I just did that consistently throughout the season." Speaking to the BBC, Hamilton added he's pondering life away from the track after Formula 1 racing.

"I want to keep racing but there are these other things I want to do," he said. "I want my cake and I want to eat it.

I just want to make sure I choose the right time, but I think I will.

"I'm really starting to focus on the future as my time comes to an end in F1, putting things in place for that part of my future..

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