Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 29 2017

This video is going to be very quick

Today I'll teach you how to pass an exam like ENEM

or an Entrance Exam

at a University, for example

even if you don't know English

You just have to follow four steps...

4 rules, ok?

So, please watch this video until the end

1- watch this video with the subtitles in Portuguese 2- watch it with the subtitles in English 3- Watch it without subtitles

The first step is:

read the questions

I'll show you an example from a real test:

This is a classic question from ENEM

The text is in English but the questions

are in Portuguese

So the first thing you do is:

ignore the text

and go straight to the questions

read the questions first

because when you read the questions

yuou can identify

what the text is about

You can get the general idea of the text

so, first rule is Ignore the text and read the questions first.

The second step is:

now look at the text and

try to find cognates


What is a cognate?

a cognate is a word that is similar in different languages

for example "television"

this word is similar in different languages

in Spanish, Portuguese,

in Romanian

and in English, so it's a cognate

I'm going to give you some examples of cognates:

Wow!!! There are many cognates!!!

Yes, a person who speaks Portuguese or Spanish

This person knows at least 500 words in English

because of cognates

Did you know about that?


It's mind blowing

So the second step is for you to identify the cognates

in the text

at this moment you don't have to read the text with attention

Just identify and underline

the cognates

because with the questions and with the cognates

you can imagine

what the text is about

even if you don't know English

The third step is:

Now read the text

Maybe you will know something that is in the text

We all know something in English

Everybody knows

the verb "play"

The verbs "go", "love", etc

Maybe you know something else

in the text

and that will help you understand the context

so the third step is "read the text"

and the fourth step is "go back to the questions...

and use the elimination process"

so you're going to read th questions and

you will eliminate the ones that you feel

that are not correct

now I'm going to show you an example with me

doing it

so take a look at this text here

it is from a real exam

So let's do it together

So what's the first step? Do you remember?

The first step is to ignore the text

and go straight to the questions

to the alternatives

Please read the alternatives for me

The question is:

"Online education has become very common

it is being debated

around the world


so the question here is about the author's opinion

about online education

and the alternatives


A- He is against online education because it's not personal and it's less efficient

B- He defends online education because it's a good opportunity for the poor

C- he is against online education because it's very expensive

D- he says that it has become important nowadays in the academic world

E- he says that handicapped people still prefer face-to-face education

Very interesting, right?

No! It's boring

but just by reading these questions

and the alternatives

what is the text about?

Well, the text is about online education

and the question is "what's the author's opinion about it?"

so the text is about online education

I imagine

We didn't need to read the text to know that it is about online education

What's the second step?

The second step is to go to the text and find cognates

now take a look at the text and

try to find cognates

words that are similar in English and in your language

I can find some cognates here

In your opinion

Are these words positive or negative?

In my opinion? Well, I could find here, for example:

efficient, important... Well...

in my opinion these words are positive

ok, so before we read the text

Do you believe that the author likes online education or not?

well, I think that he likes it, because

I see the words here "important" and


I don't know

So we don't know yet


What's the third step?

The third step is

for me to read the text

and try to confirm my ideas

Now please pause the video

and read the text

but you read the text in one second

now what's the fourth step

the fourth step is to use the elimination process

now read the alternatives and

let's try to eliminate them

what1s A?

a- he is against online education because it is not personal and it is less efficient

In my opinion we should eliminate this one

because the text is saying that it is efficient

and here it is saying that it is not efficient

so I would eliminate it

B- he defends online education because it is a good opportunity for the poor in Rio de Janeiro

Well, he defends online education so maybe this one is correct

really? but in Rio de Janeiro?

Can you find "Rio de Janeiro" in the text?

is it mentioned?

Oh no!!!!

in the text, I didn't read "Rio de Janeiro", so

so we can eliminate it

it's not connected

so we can eliminate A and B

C- He is against it because it's expensive

in the text I didn't read anything about money, so

I would eliminate it

D- he says that it has become very important nowadays in the academic world

Maybe...It's a positive idea, so

Maybe...So maybe D is correct

In my opinion, using the elimination process

I feel that D is the correct alternative

and...You are correct!!!

D is the correct alternative!!!

Wow, this method really works!!!

Thank you for watching this video

and I'm going to make a series of videos

for you to study for ENEM

and for Entrance tests at Universities, ok?

so please stay tuned

go to my playlists and look for

"Vestibular/ Enem"

Thank you very much for watching this video

please hit the LIKE button, subscribe to the channel

because if you subscribe to the channel

you'll be given access to the pdf files for

this course

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thank you very much and I'll see you next class

For more infomation >> ENGLISH FOR ENEM [*activate the subtitles*] - Duration: 9:22.


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For more infomation >> Feria de Cursos A+S de Odontología UC - Duration: 2:17.


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¡La tenemos!: la polémica foto de Carmena que Ahora Madrid ha querido esconder - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> ¡La tenemos!: la polémica foto de Carmena que Ahora Madrid ha querido esconder - Duration: 2:30.


Recomendaciones de En Busca de la Verdad. - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> Recomendaciones de En Busca de la Verdad. - Duration: 7:25.


Les 4 types de joueurs - Duration: 6:16.

In fact, what motivates you to play video games ?

I have never asked myself the question

A little bit geek

A little bit serious

Amy or Emi

Hi everyone, today I am gonna to speak about the sorts of players

because it's a part of the basic to know

Such as elves, trolls or dwarves ?

Nothing to see!

Before to go further, I strongly advise you to watch my first video which

explains the basic of the gamification and what I speak in my video

I warn you, if you didn't watch it, you may not understand everything

You just need to click on this link

it's done? Let's go back!

Today, I am gonna to talk about

the Bartle's research realize in the 90s.

He determined 4 types of players who do not find the

same things "fun" in a game and therefore are not motivated for the same thing.

Before I go further, if you want to do the test to know your gamer "profile",

I advise you to do it before watching my video.

Otherwise, you could be influenced

To do it, click on this link.

It's only in english and specific for

MMORPG games.

MM...what ?

Massively Multiplayer Online Playing Game

Or in french Jeu de rôle en ligne massivement multiplayeur.

You're not used to that I know something you don't know!

Can I continue or will you still interrupt me?

okay, got it.

To resum, where I was,

there is also an application to take the test , you just have to mark Bartle test and you should find it.

it's still only in english. I didn't found any link in french.

If you know a link in french, please add it in comments.

and if the issue, is the MMORPG,

you can still try but it's a bit like if you were taking a test on "which sort of driver are you"

while you have never driven.

You can imagine your behavior but it will be less objective.

Well now I can explain all this!

Bartle, it's him. Richard Bartle.

English, professor at the Essex university, he is in particular famous for having

created the game MUD 1 in 1978

You never heart about it ?

And if I tell you that the D is for Dungeon!

But the game looked like that,

we have to remember that in 1978 computers also looked like that!

Anyway, he know well video games!

He even wrote in 2005 a book that is often called "the bible of MMORPG design".

But in this video, I will especially speak about his research

published in 1996 on the types of players

Although published more than 20 years ago, this theory remains the best known and most used.

He identified 4 types of players:

Killers, achievers, socials and explorers.

As we can see,

killers and socials are more attracted to the "player"

while the achievers and the explorers are more looking at the "universe" of the game

In the other axis,

we can see that the killers and the achievers gives more of importance to action

while social and explorers are more interested in interaction.

But let's take one after the other:

First of all the killer:

It is easy enough to represent him. He has 2 goals in a game

win and be sure the other players know he won!

He will not hesitate to boast of his results, loves to compare himself to others,

challenge them and especially win. Competition is his motivation

The achiever

For him the end of the main mission of a game does not mean the end of the game

To have the feeling of having finished the game

he will need to finish all the secondary missions and the quests,

to find all the hidden objects, to have reached the maximum level.

In smartphone games, he is the one who will be willing to spend

a fortune to have the last super rare object that no one has

Collecting is the main motivation: points, levels, objects, etc

He is a true perfectionist compulsive.

The explorer

When he was a child he had to love the egg hunting!

He is curious, loves discovering a universe, solving problems in an original way,

testing new products, interacting or living a story.

If part of the game is only accessible with certain characters, he will be ready to

start the game again with a new avatar to go there.

Bigger the game is, the more motivated he will be.

The social

He is easy to explain, he wants to be friends with everyone.

Being accepted into a guild is almost more important than winning a battle.

He likes to share, help others, exchange and loves the "like" button on social networks.

We will live in the trees and we will mates with the birds.

Obviously it is impossible to be 100% one type of player and 0% the other 3,

however there are still character traits that are more dominant than others

and it can even change over time.

But the most interesting fact is that killer type players

represent less than 5% of players and are almost exclusively men!

About 10% of achievers, 10% of explorers

and almost 80% of players are social type!

It's not a surprise we love so much social networks !

Nowadays, we can see always more competition everywhere.

whereas we realize that collaboration should be more effective

we can therefore see that creating competition without a social side

will not be very effective to see if not at all.

Imagine the Olympic Games, without public,

without this spirit "country competiton",

without comments from journalists,

it would not be the same ...

Whether it's a game, a sport or anything else

it's always the same!

If you want to gamify something it must be fun for everyone!

If you like my video and you're social type don't forget to add a "like" :)

You can even subscribe to my channel if you don't want to miss my next videos

and if you did the test, tell me in comment what type of player you are the most!

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