This video is going to be very quick
Today I'll teach you how to pass an exam like ENEM
or an Entrance Exam
at a University, for example
even if you don't know English
You just have to follow four steps...
4 rules, ok?
So, please watch this video until the end
1- watch this video with the subtitles in Portuguese 2- watch it with the subtitles in English 3- Watch it without subtitles
The first step is:
read the questions
I'll show you an example from a real test:
This is a classic question from ENEM
The text is in English but the questions
are in Portuguese
So the first thing you do is:
ignore the text
and go straight to the questions
read the questions first
because when you read the questions
yuou can identify
what the text is about
You can get the general idea of the text
so, first rule is Ignore the text and read the questions first.
The second step is:
now look at the text and
try to find cognates
What is a cognate?
a cognate is a word that is similar in different languages
for example "television"
this word is similar in different languages
in Spanish, Portuguese,
in Romanian
and in English, so it's a cognate
I'm going to give you some examples of cognates:
Wow!!! There are many cognates!!!
Yes, a person who speaks Portuguese or Spanish
This person knows at least 500 words in English
because of cognates
Did you know about that?
It's mind blowing
So the second step is for you to identify the cognates
in the text
at this moment you don't have to read the text with attention
Just identify and underline
the cognates
because with the questions and with the cognates
you can imagine
what the text is about
even if you don't know English
The third step is:
Now read the text
Maybe you will know something that is in the text
We all know something in English
Everybody knows
the verb "play"
The verbs "go", "love", etc
Maybe you know something else
in the text
and that will help you understand the context
so the third step is "read the text"
and the fourth step is "go back to the questions...
and use the elimination process"
so you're going to read th questions and
you will eliminate the ones that you feel
that are not correct
now I'm going to show you an example with me
doing it
so take a look at this text here
it is from a real exam
So let's do it together
So what's the first step? Do you remember?
The first step is to ignore the text
and go straight to the questions
to the alternatives
Please read the alternatives for me
The question is:
"Online education has become very common
it is being debated
around the world
so the question here is about the author's opinion
about online education
and the alternatives
A- He is against online education because it's not personal and it's less efficient
B- He defends online education because it's a good opportunity for the poor
C- he is against online education because it's very expensive
D- he says that it has become important nowadays in the academic world
E- he says that handicapped people still prefer face-to-face education
Very interesting, right?
No! It's boring
but just by reading these questions
and the alternatives
what is the text about?
Well, the text is about online education
and the question is "what's the author's opinion about it?"
so the text is about online education
I imagine
We didn't need to read the text to know that it is about online education
What's the second step?
The second step is to go to the text and find cognates
now take a look at the text and
try to find cognates
words that are similar in English and in your language
I can find some cognates here
In your opinion
Are these words positive or negative?
In my opinion? Well, I could find here, for example:
efficient, important... Well...
in my opinion these words are positive
ok, so before we read the text
Do you believe that the author likes online education or not?
well, I think that he likes it, because
I see the words here "important" and
I don't know
So we don't know yet
What's the third step?
The third step is
for me to read the text
and try to confirm my ideas
Now please pause the video
and read the text
but you read the text in one second
now what's the fourth step
the fourth step is to use the elimination process
now read the alternatives and
let's try to eliminate them
what1s A?
a- he is against online education because it is not personal and it is less efficient
In my opinion we should eliminate this one
because the text is saying that it is efficient
and here it is saying that it is not efficient
so I would eliminate it
B- he defends online education because it is a good opportunity for the poor in Rio de Janeiro
Well, he defends online education so maybe this one is correct
really? but in Rio de Janeiro?
Can you find "Rio de Janeiro" in the text?
is it mentioned?
Oh no!!!!
in the text, I didn't read "Rio de Janeiro", so
so we can eliminate it
it's not connected
so we can eliminate A and B
C- He is against it because it's expensive
in the text I didn't read anything about money, so
I would eliminate it
D- he says that it has become very important nowadays in the academic world
Maybe...It's a positive idea, so
Maybe...So maybe D is correct
In my opinion, using the elimination process
I feel that D is the correct alternative
and...You are correct!!!
D is the correct alternative!!!
Wow, this method really works!!!
Thank you for watching this video
and I'm going to make a series of videos
for you to study for ENEM
and for Entrance tests at Universities, ok?
so please stay tuned
go to my playlists and look for
"Vestibular/ Enem"
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thank you very much and I'll see you next class
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