Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Dec 1 2017


every morning these soldiers hoist

the flag of greece on its old

citadel the acropolis of athens


the citadel was built 2,500 ago

years until the time when he barely

brought to the world the idea of ​​a city

governed by free citizens


Athens is one of the most

beautiful in the world and in many ways

It was Athens who gave us our ideal


our ideal of citizenship

we live in a modern world

full of big cities the athens

modern is much larger than

It was the Athens of antiquity

even so the athens of antiquity

it was an extraordinary achievement


it was not a place where its inhabitants

live around a king's palace

but the seat of an open government

all aspects of daily life

from the defense to the collection of

garbage were governed by their



basically that system defined a



the Athenian citizens put him

name they called the power of the people

democracy democracy


this is the story of how the Greeks

transformed the idea of ​​the city into a

model that is still alive

the colonies arrived here they made that

place and then they built around


the movie starts to become visible

how they created an urban way of life


I love the fact that they know each other

the names of the stonemasons for example

of the men detailed the

grooves the first constitution

that fixes the rights of its citizens

they built a city that

would become the envy of the world


the Athenians fought for an ideal and

that ideal that we defend today

then I will travel to Rome where 500 years

then they created what we could

call the city's first goal of the

antiquity with many buildings

heights included

What I like most is that this is not

only a piece of archeology is a

piece of living history complex


we are right below the forum and

incredible infrastructures


the construction of the ancient city

Athens and Rome


there is a famous passage from a guide of

travel written in the second century

after christ by a greek called

pausanias and is a guide of all greece

and when a small place of

Boeotia called bread opis says the city

the bread polis or worse then makes a

pause and say if it really is

can you call police to this place and what

what bothers him about bread or phishers and I quote

it literally does not have buildings

public neither gym nor theater nor now

no water that goes down to an ance grandfather

public space public buildings

theaters and eventually even

public libraries like this

those are the elements that

Athenians understood that

transformed into a very populated place in

Say hello to Olga for me

these high expectations were the

product of a system of government that

just gave the world a government of

village for the people and for the people

and that's how it happened

Many people think that the Magna Carta

england of 1,215 is the first

constitution but the document that I'm going

to show them dates from the sixth century before

of Christ almost two thousand years before the

union politeia was written by the great

Greek thinker already Aristotle

difference of the Magna Carta

this document had never been filmed

before, it's here and there, it's not

fantastic I've seen it in many photos

times but it's the first time I see

this in person is a papyrus that does not

it's two thousand years old and it's the only copy

who has survived the constitution

of Athens of Aristotle was

discovered in 1890 arrived at the museum

British and a very young pedrito

union was 27 years old it was put to

decipher i be greek is

incredibly hard to read this

it's only a fragment half of the

papyrus the complete papyrus would arrive

up to this point

in total it measures two meters and there were four

rolls like this

this fragment is the beginning where

Aristotle writes the first chapter

which is about the solon reform

here for example solon so long appears


the Athenians considered Solon

as the founder of his democracy

they chose him as their legislator and

they invited him to write a new code

legal action to rescue Athenians from the

fierce internal conflicts between

rich and poor


this document was at least as

important for Athenians like what

is for us the Magna Carta but its

constitution was much more advanced

that ours was not just a

legislator was also a poet

defending his reforms and here he

says I liberated him on earth the

black earth the great mother of the gods

so the flame is an expression

extraordinary the gods more

important they used to enslave he gave

freedom to the people who worked the


I set him free in the land of Attica

Attica the land of Athens is the text

in longer papyrus that we keep from

the Greek literature tab and it was this what

that changed our understanding of

birth of Greek democracy

democratic freedom and the new

world of the Greek city and they go from the


to understand the radicality of this

Starting point is necessary to know what

what had happened before during the

centuries prior to the solon athens

there were large urban settlements

in ancient greece

just like in China and in the old

Egypt but none of them were

cities just as we the

we understand the most famous of them is

considered for a long time that

it was just a myth

this is no dinners at 120 kilometers from

athens the land of agamemnon of helena

of Troy and the Trojan War

the Greeks of the classical period were

educated with homero's epics and

their stories of kings with riches and

power is fabulous has always been given

supposed that those Homeric poems were

simple fantasy legends about a

heroic age

that was what was thought until the

archeology showed that there was a

historical basis in civilization

Mycenae 6 2

this for the world of 3,500 years ago

It was a big urban center

there were enough houses here

host a relevant number of

people but this was the strength

walled by a single ruler not one

citizenship community

that does not mean it was not advanced

its huge walls built at the most

high on the mountain were so big that


the Greeks would think that they had been

raised by the monsters of a single

eye that ulises made famous

the cyclops is indeed a true

landmark of architecture and work

culminating is the vaulted ceiling more

old world

however, some of the

key ingredients that later will

associated with cities like Athens not

there were public facilities neither

a public space or buildings

public fundamentally this was a

large settlement with streets and houses

clustered around the great hall or

mégaron del rey


around the year 1000 before Christ

Mycenae and other palace cities

disappeared little by little I would begin to

develop a new type of

Greek settlement during the centuries

ninth and eighth before Christ

the Greeks begin to experiment with

communities governed by their own


this model became known as the polis

this beautiful place today is known for

his name roman paestum but before

to be a Roman city was not Greek

founded by Greek settlers around

year 600 before Christ

they called it poseidón and the city of

pose and 12

It may seem a bit strange to find

a Greek city in Italy but the south

of italy and sicily are full of

new cities founded by the Greeks

during that period between the century

seventh and the sixth century before

Christ when they experimented with the

new ideas about what should be

a city been a polis and may that

be in this place better than in any

another where you can see the elements

that constituted the polis

to know what it was that was so

revolutionary in the way in which

this place was planned accompanies me

my colleague from cambridge and nothing new

can you give me an idea of ​​how formal

was to create a new Greek colony a

new Greek city well it was a process

gradual but the settlers arrived here

and I had a very clear idea of ​​what

they needed to build their city and

they had a set of priorities for

way that they started with their main

priority that was the public space

known by the Greeks as the agora

this was the leap of imagination that

more than anything else it made a difference

to the new Greek settlements of

Mycenae in the heart of the Acropolis

there was not the king's palace but a

open space for citizens

they will meet now we are entering into

the southern area of ​​the agora and the agora

huge stretched across a surface

of 10 hectares valley

so it's not just this 10 hectares

is something absolutely gigantic the

public space was really

important for the city

it was the first thing and what most

I was interested when they get here

they booked this great square and said

from that place and then they followed

building around

so this is for the one of us this is

for the people and the inhabitants had

their houses farther if east and to the

west of the agora but this space is not

will play

in total the public space here

including sanctuaries was equivalent to

almost eight soccer fields

that is a quarter of the surface

total city


the agora of the polis put the

inhabitants in the center of a new type

of settlement governed by the

own citizens

the city as we started to meet her


it was here where citizens

politicians will meet to

exchange goods and ideas to buy

and sell and also for simply

talk to each other

agora comes from the Greek word

abolished uo what it means to speak

the idea of ​​a public space as a

place to converse

it may seem harmless but from the

conversation arises the discussion

politics and political discussion

the policy is born

the agora and the idea of ​​politics that

appeared with her it became so popular

in the Hellenic continent as

had been in colonies like those of

poseidón ya opa is you in the 900 before

of Christ there was not a single police

in Greece in the year 600 before Christ

there were hundreds at the time when

it was founded for this

Athens was just one more cops

central Greece but it develops very

quickly but above all his love to

began to evolve not only in

size but also in its little paper

after the year 600 before Christ the

politics in the agora lived a


the agent of change was the reform of

solon government described by

aristóteles their biggest revolution their

six access to it will change everything

here he just does not talk about how he freed the

town of attica

he frees us from the shameful

slavery tully in to ikea and the

makes the laws free

they say that nobody who was born in

Attica can be turned into a slave

the slavery for debts and the

constitution grants them rights

politicians to the people I gave the

privilege and without that the democracy does not

it exists in the year 594 before Christ

solon legis what the instrument for

create freedom and democracy

Solon gave them an expression

assembly in which they had to vote

here where they were free to talk

that freedom of expression is

fundamental for democracy

the reforms of just were not perfect

they excluded women and slaves

foreigners of citizenship but the

Greeks introduced the idea of

government of the people who came to his

apogee in the fifth century in Athens

when male citizens voted

practically all decisions are

decisions were discussed in view of

the acropolis in the heart of the

Athenian democracy on the hill of


one of those who know best how

will work this place is my old friend

john papadopoulos who has studied it

for 30 years

we have a magnificent view of the

acropolis from here true and I guess

what is below was elaborating the place

where democracy was exercised and still

so this is a more important site

for real democracy this is a

iconic place here is where he met

the assembly of male citizens who

constituted Athenian democracy

this is where they met and where they

they made all the decisions and that

there was the platform of the speakers and

it's very important that's where it's

they placed the speakers and to get

that your voice was heard you had to shout

with a capacity of a minimum of 6,000

6,000 citizens is a huge number

all this space is filled with truth and

sent to the people at the time with ropes

to literally drag them with them

the forces were dyed red

to fine those who had

had to force to go to the


so this place was completely

full by definition there had to be

a lot of poor people could not

ignore the will of the people more

poor of society and that was for

supposedly a compelling reason why

democracy expanded


over time it would not expand only in

Athena but all over the world believe that

barnet and candem numbers are the


you have more police in the streets

a very clear question the answer is

yes and answer the question a question

intelligent bobo if order we already started to

cross of the answer

today democracy is still very much alive in the

modern cities and one of the places

who is proud to have arrived is

to all is London the costs yes or no

He said it would be free I would ask him to upload

to the cable car and to stay there

yes united cableway lord mayor is

a system in which politicians

they have to be hard and


the great champion of ancient Athens at

this capital boris johnson is not a

exception but the Athenians in

comparison would have considered

bored this version of democracy

citizens delegated a little in their

politicians and they had the right to do

something more than just voting for

the charge


I want you to imagine that you are in the mix

that you are a speaker in the motto if not

you have a mic at all I know what

I know it would not have been like it would have been

It would have been very difficult

of course the Athenians had the

enormous pleasure of power when they were

tired of someone to be able to condemn him

ostracism for supposedly imagine the

impact your a humble person of Athens

I was never going to be one of those guys but

You could send them to Bulgaria or to

outside for a long time and that must have

be something incredibly powerful

we should recover it

I will not say anything any comment

but none of this was a joke

for the ancient Athenians not only

they had the right to expel those

that threatened his democracy we see that

we have here is a wake a piece

large marble with a long

inscription on the base and on a

woman crowning a man sitting

phichit is rather a celebration of


what we see here is a woman who is

the personification of democracy

crowning a seated man that is the

representation of the town we see

so we have the story both in

an image as written is long

inscription says that if someone

will try to tear down democracy

anyone could kill him that

could kill him with impunity and that

I would be persecuted for it

Athens protected his condition

democratic with pride

even in the current Athens you can still

find clues of how a government

visionary created by the ancients

Athenians took the initiative in front of

your calivera rivals like this

good morning you're good morning

good morning good morning have coins

old archaic no my get more excited

and a great fantastic

how much is two euros 2 euros

If it has made me a happy man, I have to

say that I am very satisfied to have

my own Athenian owl 2 euros is

a small price for this beauty

of course it is not an original of

Athenian owl is only a copy

modern but symbolically in this

All the wealth of Athens resided

the Athenians made these coins

that always coined with the little owl

attends the goddess of wisdom with

silver from the mines of audio and hit

of luck took place a year in

particular the 493 before Christ when

the state made a profit of 100

talents that we do with this his first

idea was to distribute it among the citizens

of Athens would have touched 10 drachmas

per head

but the great politician Themistocles said

no no invest invest invest with

those 100 talents we can build 100

ships Themistocles was a statesman of

Churchillian transcendence for

Athenian democracy

he understood that he had to convince

to its citizens of the need to

build a fleet to defend both

Athenian democracy as its

strategic interests

same as churchill temístocles was a

great speaker get the voters

Athenians will give up that tip and

that instead they invested in their

Nadal power was not a minor feat

control of the sea and commerce

stimulated the growth of the city

most populated of the Mediterranean


this is a replica of a tris reme or

Athenian warship

its design is based on the contrails

of the time it was 35 meters long

and three rowboats at the time was

the pinnacle of naval technology with

170 paddlers a boat like this could

tactically overcome the enemy demanded

a high degree of training and

ability to get

synchronization of all rowers the

boat could turn around in less

of 70 meters that is to say in only twice

the length of the boat your prow

it was a lethal weapon as commander

current boat fee the captain

for us of the modern Greek army

he explains to us they used all the

rowers during the battles for

get power to ram with the

spur to other ships already then the

spur was a very important part

of the ship was the real weapon of the

ship the right thing and what they were looking for was

achieve the highest speed so that

the bronze spur will cross the

another correct helmet

the moneys were free men something that

many people do not know because of course

historically the rowers used to be

slaves and they were often chained

to the oars was a horrible practice and

brutal and it had to be really

unpleasant to row on a boat like

this one was unpleasant but the fact is

that those men

they are free citizens were not slaves and

that's why they give their best

the Athenian fleet the future growth

of the city and the freedom of their

citizens were left like this

inseparably united the investment of

the benefits of the silver mines of

the union to build a new fleet

had huge consequences on the

Development of Athens on the one hand

turned Athens into a great power

naval and led it to new victories

but he also had deep

political implications

the men pulling the oars

they were Athenian citizens

but above all were the

poor citizens of athens and that

it will mean that your voice really

I counted in politics

they voted to go to battle

in the year 480 before Christ persia

invaded greece and the ability of the

city ​​been to resist a great

empire was going to be put to the test

his Athenian leader decided to take a

great risk

the oracle had told the

Athenians who put their trust in its walls

wood Themistocles interpreted that the

oracle spoke of the Athenian navy

instead of defending the city with

soldiers decided to leave athens and

Concentrate your troops on ships

anchored in salamis

according to the Greek historian herodoto

the Persian troops quadrupled in

number to the Greek

but when the night fell

Themistocles a master of tactics

sent messages to the Persians giving

understand that he was willing to change

from side

the verses to defend their positions

while the negotiations continued

they were forced to row all the

night and at dawn when the Persians

they were exhausted

Themistocles attacked by annihilating the


although Athens had been reduced to

rubble and the old acropolis was

destroyed the Athenian people and their

revolutionary government system

had triumphed in the war now it

they were in a position to win the

peace and transform your city so that

stop being a police over

Greece and became the city

most resplendent of the ancient world

to understand the importance of

Salamina as a turning point is

It is necessary to see the landscape from the top

from the hill of the muses

we are seeing the heart of power

naval Athenian is not like that

this is the most magical place in the

History and Athenian topography

right in front of us we have that

bay shaped like a crescent moon and

that is valero and it was there was the

port during the battle of salamis

but as the effort of falero was

too open and too exposed

in the year 480 before Christ or little

then the inspiring leadership came down

of temístocles to protect the port

they decided to move the main port

from falero to three different bays

from Piraeus and where is this

modern skyscraper a port was the

left another port was more or

less there and the main port zeros

it was on the right

The wooden walls of Athens

legendary defense were reinforced

for the famous huge long walls

stone fortifications of 20 meters

of height and six kilometers in length

the walls effectively surrounded the route

from atenas to falero and the video

protecting the connection with the sea and the

future greatness of the athens

democratic as a maritime power

Athenas became a city of

unprecedented dimensions endowed with

a system of ports that converted it

in the commercial center of the sea and trusted the

current video is a huge port for

ferris but it's exactly in the

same place as the old port of the

Piraeus and this gigantic port was the

secret of the commercial success of the

ancient athens

with his political freedom conquered

with effort came the freedom


Athenian naval power meant

that their ships were free to

trade with those who would like to bring

vast riches and goods of all the

Mediterranean and massa

and what is even more extraordinary a


geologists of the Greek agency for the

underwater and institute archeology

Danish in Athens has discovered a

key element of supremacy

maritime city during the century

fifth before Christ the foundations of

naval arsenal from the port of eze to what

we have here is a reconstruction

artistic of the port of Cea and this is

exactly the point where we

we find now

and this is one of the two towers

fortified that could block the

entrance to the cove

right here and the other side of the


exactly one of the towers was here and

the other on the other side and with chains

they could block the entrance because they

they wanted nobody to come in and have

access to their hostages

the port complex occupied almost

11,000 square meters had space

for 196 ship sets

Themistocles not only invested in a

great armada also convinced the

citizens to start a

public infrastructure project

that was unparalleled in the world


when temístocles development is ari

and created its new port system

he built a great wall around him

connected to the acropolis you can still see

how modern streets follow the

tracing of the long wall but temístocles

he also created a residential neighborhood

for it he called a famous architect

strut and we can of mileto so that

will design that new residential neighborhood

for him/her.

and we may not have been famous for his ideas

radicals about how people

he had to live in the new cities in

Sometimes he has been considered the father

of modern planning


there we could dislike the

confusion of the old settlements

of antiquity and wanted to impose a

new order in planning

{0}Greece{/0} {1} {/1}

his was a utopian vision and

democratic also in the athens

current it is difficult to imagine what

aspect had the city of and we can

however there is a place where it is

possible to get an accurate idea in the

north of greece 200 kilometers from the

border with bulgaria are the

remains of the ancient city of olinda is

the best example that has survived from

the structure of a Greek city the

classic period on the south side there is a

early settlement of the century

sixth before Christ with groups of

cases scattered here and there

then in the year 430 before Christ

the scale of the revolution is observed

that the new settlement took place

it was planned with the most absolute

mathematical precision straight streets

long divided into apples of the same

size and in each ten houses all

with the same dimensions

the clear boundaries of the grid

helped to avoid disputes between

neighbors because this was a society in

the one that houses the same size

They symbolized equality between


the development of Piraeus, the work of

Themistocles after the battle of Salamis

had created not only a mechanism for

boost the economy but also to

boost the young democracy


the Piraeus grid was communicating

with the old city and attend center in

a new phase the golden age of the



the key to success was an alliance of

cities all unique and

different with athens at the helm

the victory of Athens over the Persians

it produced an explosion of growth

they may have defeated them but

the Persians remained a threat

real for the Greeks and what athens

did was to form an alliance with all

the cities threatened by the Persians

two hundred cities signed a

great naval alliance the Athenians

they headed that alliance but also the

established in the most

beneficial to themselves

the Athenians told their allies

well six other boats for our

float or you bring us money and little by little

as the money arrived

the fleet was getting bigger and

stronger than the rest of the

allies could not do anything but

continue paying a tribute to Athens in the

year 460 before Christ the Persians

had been expelled from the Aegean and not

there was not a single Greek city

threatened by the Persians and from that

moment for the Athenians was less

important that his fleet grew and

they found other ways to spend their

money in the city of Athens flourished

thanks to his naval victory and his

sea ​​power

or more of me almost immediately

they began to build and the acropolis was

built with the benefits

coming from his great naval alliance


the city was free to make reality

its urban ideal and in the year 440

before Christ under a new and

Energetic leader Pericles gave beginning

this splendid and ambitious plan

constructive although he was born in a

aristocratic family pericles was a

populist and under his government would lead

to Athenian democracy in a

even more radical direction

under his leadership he not only allowed

the poor will be part of the

juries were also paid

generously for doing it he even created

subsidies to allow them to attend



the monuments of the acropolis were

designed for citizens

Athenian currents felt

proud of the successes of their


although the parthenon is the most famous of

those buildings if we look with more

attention we can discover one of the

clues that the Athenians themselves of the

seniority left us about what

they thought that he had made his

city ​​is interesting truth like all

these tourists go around the place en masse

and they only have eyes for the parthenon

everyone knows that this is the moment that

must see in the acropolis and ni

they even stop to contemplate that


may the leo itself seem only

an entrance to the acropolis

but I still have a new and

amazing theory if you are in what

—That's right.

tourists are missing something

Important monuments

the most extraordinary thing and this has been a

riddle for a long time is because the

architect me cycles in the year 427

before Christ I changed the

orientation at almost 40 degrees in that


in that direction before I pointed towards

the hill of the russians and asia falero

but he did not change and nobody understood

why he did it

It is very elegant and simple and represents

what really mattered to the


when you leave the acropolis when you go out

of the problem

sabina is in front of you

mesic captured them for eternity

the crucial fact that defined athens


in the acropolis everywhere there are

signs of human history there are

behind these moments all reveal

the open spirit that would convert

athens in the center of the world

Mediterranean climate

Of course there are the big names

involved in the construction of these

wonderful temples people like order already

they are messi that is they will be

probably Athenian citizens

but and the workers who did the

smaller work come in fact that

It is very interesting because we have

inscriptions with a list of all the

workers who participated and what

they did exactly

this amazing historical document

currently exposed in the museum of the

Acropolis collects the names of all

the workers who built the

erection describing his work his

place of origin and in many cases

even your social status

I love that we know the name of

the carpenters who worked here from

the stonemasons for example the men who

They carved the grooves is very

concrete not who made the columns

but who made the grooves and there are

a man called without jazz who had a

group of four slaves who worked

exactly in the fourth column that

It must be one two three four

that is the work of filmmakers

magnificent grooves


look at the erection one of the great

buildings of ancient Athens of their 86

workers and sculptors that we have

identified 40 were foreign metecos


I think 26 were slaves and the rest

they were free

in other words the overwhelming majority

they were either slaves the most

numerous or were foreigners what

they built the Poles so

saying it was built by workers

immigrants arrived from what would be

then the equivalent of Albania or

wherever it was what the

erecteion documenta is the provision

to welcome the energy and the

talent whenever it could become

in a benefit for the whole city was

an opening that went hand in hand with the



as the prosperity of the video

with his metic merchants he grew

so did the road system

that was transformed to adapt to

increasing number of merchandise

necessary to supply a

growing population

it is not a coincidence that the railway

modern that unites the old now with the

Piraeus today follow the road that linked

dinners with the port in the times



technology has changed but the

preliminary draft of the infrastructure

designed by the Athenians of the century

fifth before Christ is still the

See Table 1

the new transport network meant

that then like today the Athenians

They could choose among many products

International in the agora

an open city means trade


something that he himself pericles himself

he boasted in the fifth century before

christ and thanks to the importance of

our city of all kinds of products

of all the earth are imported with

that the enjoyment with which we enjoy

our own products

we are not more familiar than the

obtained with those of other peoples

but we know thanks to the

description of contemporaries what

rich that was the agora and the broad

assortment of products you could buy

there is a formidable passage of a

satirical poet that I'm going to read says well

you can buy practically any

thing in athens they come from all over the world

Siracusa gives us cheese and good pigs

baited the candles come from egypt and

also this incense paper of syria in

peace the agony 13 in the almond trees

elephant sends his fangs from the

Sands of African Venetians sends their

data and about the waves and letter

rich carpets and cushions well


with so much trade coming and going

from the city

the athenian government imposed a strict

system of weights and measures to ensure

that nobody was cheated when buying

products in the city in a democracy

the rule of law imported and it

appointed officials to ensure that

all aspects of daily life

they were organized with freedom justice

and cleaning


then this John channel is a work of

the time of course

in fact this is one of the elements

most important of the agora

this is the great canary and so that

elaborate be an agora

you have to have a system of

water supply sources

they supplied drinking water to athens the

large sewer removed the excess

water avoiding floods and

eliminating waste for

Athenians will be very important to maintain

clean your city and not only had

these channels also had a body

of officials responsible for their

{0}{/0}{1}{/1} {2}MAINTENANCE{/2}

yes of course the so-called astin today

were the people responsible for

keep the city clean

Astiz the first part of the word

means city

I'm not going means rules narrow laws

so those people were the ones

they kept the channels clean and

they cleaned the city and they were also

responsible for copy is for today

I bought forum and it literally means

exact shit carriers yes and

there are very clear rules and regulations

about where and how far from

the city walls had to

take out human waste

all that is part of the management of

this great city is wonderful

the city of hygiene the city of igt

the democratic government of Athens

had done much more than create the

institutions that could do

operate a great city had

established the reference point of what

that it must be a Greek polis and that

patrol had created the demand


the people's power democracy was a

pattern not only for ancient Athens

but for all the cities of the future

has summed up by one of the biggest

politicians had they were asked to

is his words continue to inspire the

current leaders we have as a rule

respect freedom both in the

public affairs as in the

daily rivalries with each other

without getting mad at our neighbor when

he acts spontaneously and

externalize our annoyance because this

although innocuous she is ungrateful to witness

that's what we want that is

london that's the idea

let people live their life do not have

prejudice of any kind or race

gender or sexual option whatever it is and gives

welcome and be tolerant and that's

in what they believed and that is the

ideal that we defend today and it was

that tolerance that led to the one who

can consider the greatest legacy of

athens for athens

political freedom and freedom of

trade and they go hand in hand but I asked

which is understood that for the

city ​​really grew needed

ideas freedom of thought

this is the modern academy of Athens

but remember the great schools of

philosophy of the ancient Athens as the

plato academy

the spirit of freedom made athens

became a magnet for the

great thinkers of the known world

following the wake of Socrates and

platón and in fact it was aristóteles the

best platoon disciple who

registered the constitution of Athens its

politics and she

the document that gives us a

unique vision of how the

ancient Athens was the legal code of

solón the one who established the link

between freedom and the city and

established for the first time the rights

of the citizens and very soon it

I would confirm how special it was

because his success did not take long to wake up

many rivalries when the threat

Persian decreased took place a long

series of wars with another Greek state


these wonderful pieces are copies of

the sculptures of the Acropolis of

Athenian Athens was full of sculptures

of images of works of art of

{0}1{/0} {1}Monuments{/1}

that was athens here we have the

assassins of the tyrant aristo bitton and

harmonium the originals were elaborate

they were a symbol of democracy

they were the ones who expelled the


instead esparta is almost a free zone

of images one of the rare

exceptions this man that

he is supposedly the Spartan king

Leonidas the king who led the 300

and that he found death in the passage of

the thermopiles street esparta was in

many aspects the polar opposite of

Athens was the opposite of all

ideals solon fought for

the idea that if he was born in the

territory should always be free in

esparta on the contrary there was a

large population of serfs to whom

they called pilotas who generation

after generation they had to work

land for the elite the homo and today or

same as lion

the Spartans had no laws no

they had currency they did not like too much

the commerce and neither the immigrants

in fact once a year they expelled

ritually all the strangers were

I called them in Asia

the expulsion of foreigners and in

Sparta consequence as city not

he had a lot of what they're going to boast about

at least compared with Athens

Sparta seemed to be only one

collection of villages but there was something

that the Spartans did better than

nobody and that was war from the most

early age those like me and they were

trained in the arts of war

they knew better than anyone in greece

how to defend your land and how to raze

the lands of other peoples and when

no one could stop them if the

Spartans prevented him from Athens could

survive without cropland

of attica since the city-state

it mattered most of the

food that he consumed through

port of the piraeus Pericles knew that

in times of crisis

the Athenians could retire after

the long walls of the big city

but it looks good

defensive strategy had a flaw

fundamental that was mecos is the

largest cemetery of the old

athens and it was close to here when

they were digging a new subway line

right there behind where they made a

extraordinary discovery among

individual graves

there was a huge pit full of steele

all thrown and piled up without any

ceremony more than a hundred

all must have been victims of a great

plague the great plague of athens was the

great failure in the strategy of pericles

pericles believed that he could survive

the Spartan invasion bringing together all

the population inside the

long walls

in fact it was an effective strategy but

I had a great

and the ruling was that if you gather a lot

people in the same space the disease

spreads easily burst a

terrible epidemic and we know it with

quite detail because the historian

tucidides was one of its victims and

he tells us with clinical precision

how was the plague

the doctor manonelles papa grigor a kiss

has analyzed new evidence about

how the victims died

manolis to pay and here it has

come with one of the skeletons that

is studying this is the skull of

an 11 year old girl is sure of

who was a victim of the plague and as well

he knows

we have done DNA analysis of the pulp

dental of the skeletons that

we found in the pit the analyzes of

three different teeth belonging to

three different skeletons demonstrate

that the cause was salmonella bacteria

enteric and fi producing fever


what are the symptoms of fever

typhoid as death is

the main symptom was high fever

for this reason the patients went to

Athenian sources to cool off and

to lower the fever and that's how the

disease spread all over athens


tragically the most important low

was the Athenian leader Pericles who

was victim of his own strategy was

in their confidence in the fortifications

navals of Athens and in their system

water supply the pride of their

civil infrastructure the one that struck

a terrible blow to the city but the

idea that Pericles and the city had

defended is still alive

I think the idea of ​​freedom is something that

We need to defend ourselves in our

city ​​we have freedom of expression

freedom of association things that now

it is argued that they are not accepted at all

the sites of the world

those are not trivial values ​​are

embodied here in london just like what

they were in ancient Athens and

we have to defend them

the democratic values ​​that were the

distinctive of the ancient city

they ended up falling apart

but in the end they were not even the

Spartans nor the great plague what

would cause the definitive fall of a

candle was the new capital of the kingdom of

Macedonian who defeated Athens

the defeat against Sparta hit Athens

but he did not knock him down his empire revived

briefly was the loss before Philip of

Macedonian in the battle of that non é a

which put an end to the possibilities of

athens to reach an imperial power

but regarding the operation of

the cities followed the example

Athenian from a public space of a

public water supply and

Public Buildings

on the other side of the Mediterranean another

admired city


although the Athenians had created a

new pattern for human life is

I would need a much more empire

great to create the first mega city

of the world for the old standards


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