Greetings Wargamers & Players, Welcome to Miniature War, I'm Meinkopt and in this painting guide we get to Blood Bowl and see how to give color easily to the Human Team with the scheme of the Reikand Reavers.
For this I'm using one of the miniatures from the line men. Practically al the miniatures are the same, so the only difference it's that some have extra fabric or the ball, we're only going to use one guide for the team.
How to paint the ball, the pass ruler or how to do the bases we shall see them in another tutorial.
We start with the armor of the player, for this we start giving the layer base with Caledor Sky.
We give as many strokes as we need it and cover it very well.
In this point, with the armor already painted, we pass to the wash with Drakenhoft Nightshade, to give some deep and to stand out the notches and tears that the armor has.
Now we start giving soft strokes again with Caledor Sky to stand out the base color and carefully not to cover all the nocks and the damage that are already profiled with the tint.
We not start to give some light and profile in the armor using Teclis Blue. I recomend to use a detailed brush, cause this have a small and fine point. Making it easier to paint and to avoid the already painted parts that doesn't need the paint.
For the final results I use Lothern Blue and not in all the borders, only in some of the corners.
For the protection and details of the helmet I shall use gold. For the Layer base I use Balthasar Bold, and then a wash with Agrax Earthshade.
For the lights we finish them with Gehenna Gold mixed with Auric Armor Gold. Adding for the final light some Ironbraker Armor to the mix.
Now we proceed to paint the clothes of the player. For this we start giving a layer base with Rakarth Flesh. When this is well done and covers all the clothes completely we give it a wash with Agrax Earthshade and leave it to dry.
Now we mix Kherni Brown and Rakarth Flesh. If we dont have Kherni Brown we can add a little of Agrax Earthshade to the Rakarth Flesh.
With this mix we give deep and profile to the clothes. We add more quantity of Rakarth Flesh so we can give more light to the garment, until we have the color that we like.
For the player's skin, we use a mix for the base between DarkFlesh and Cadian Flestone in the proportion that Dark Flesh be bigger, using a more dark tone for the skin.
With a fine point painbrush or a detailed one, we cover very well all the parts that have skin.
And when the layer it's dried, then we give it a wash with Reikland Fleshade.
Now we add little by little Cadian Fleshtone to the base mix. With this we add little by little the muscular volumen and the lights of the skin, until we get the tone that we like. For the final lights we can create them adding a little of Ushabti Bone to the mix.
Now it's turn for the blades and some other detailes that will get some gray metal.
The base will be a mix of Boltmetal Gun with Abaddon Black. The more dark it's the base, then the more off will be tha metal and this will make a more old effect in the wear.
When we applied the base, then we give it a wash to all this zones with Nul Oil.
Then we give them some scratches with Ironbraker Armor, following with another wash of Agrax Earthshade and finally with Ironbraker Armor again for the final lights.
For the straps we use a dark toasted brown tone. For this we use for the layer base Rinox Hide.
Then, to this base we add Mourfang Brown to give it a lift to the color to the light. The edges and final touches we give them with pure Mourfang Brown.
For the fabric of the kneepad and the footwear are going in a red tone. For this we give it a layer base with Mephistone Red.
Then, we give it a soft brush with khorne Red.
And carefully we stand out the edges and give it some light with Evil Sunz Scarlet.
For the details of the equipment and symbols we use the transfers that the game has, but the marks that are lines, we are going to paint the by hand.
For the details of the equipment and symbols we use the transfers that the game has, but the marks that are lines, we are going to paint the by hand.
For the last details. To give some deep and stand out each part of the miniature, I recomend to profile the unions with some of Agrax Earthshade, this will make them stand ou more and will look that there's some dirt in those zones.
For the scratches in the line marks, just paint with the original color of the armor and create more nooks and wear, the fastes way to profile is with some Abaddon Black and then with some little of Ironbraker Armor ver it but leaving a black ledge.
And well, with this simple steps you can have in no time you team ready to destroy your opponent. Hope that you liked this new painting guide, and I invite you to suscribe to keep up to date with our new stuff.
Thank you for watching us and till next time!
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