Lighthing mcqueen jumping competition
Hd Vision Visor - first user opinion. - Duration: 5:25.Hello!
Today I will test
HD Vision Visor
I bought it recently, becouse I wear eye glasses and I can't wear sun glasses.
So I will test how good it is.
This is Vision Visor
It mounts on the car sunvisor
For the begining I have to take of the protector film.
I'm sure it will get dirty
I paid 25 lei on it.
And I can say it doesn't matter
Ironically, I bought it cheaper from a local store then on ebay .
Ok. Let's test it.
It mounts like this.
It sits unevenly.
Thank you Skoda, for making the visor inclined
I don't know if you see any differences
Ok. First test with the sun.
My first impression : I can't see nothing!
Still nothing...
Let see if it act different on moving
the truth is that with the visor is a little bit darker.
But just that.
My safty belt is on, but the sensor is malfunctioning
i can't see any difference
It seems a little bit darker
but I can't say it is very good.
At the day test I wasn't to happy about it. But at night it worked very good. It protects you from the oncoming traffic lights.
It protects you from the oncoming traffic lights.
Treinamento: Cadastro de Grupos de Itens (ID7) - Duration: 1:55.-------------------------------------------
Création de bijoux en pâte polymère avec Isabelle (artisanat) (w/sub) - Duration: 11:39.Hello!
Today I'm taking you with me to Bereldange.
It's just north of Luxembourg-Ville .... Right there. And I'm meeting with Isabelle
who is a jewelry designer and who will tell me more about her job and show me how she works.
Let's go!
So the jewelry ... You told me there made with polymer clay?
It's polymer clay.
It is malleable and miscible as long as it is raw, which allows to create colors and create the shapes that one wants.
And then, once it goes into the oven, it hardens
And from there, there is a whole work of sanding, polishing, threading to get to the results we have here.
How did you come up with this desire? I love to create and always have to
do something with my hands. I was waiting for someone in a store when I saw
a book on polymer clay. And then I thought, "Well, why not? Curious as I am, I'll give it a try."
I never stopped, and even went to Canada to do
trainings. Oh waouh!! You created jewelry right away? Yes, very basic
jewels, very simple, and then one gains confidence, tames the material,
begins to understand that "I can do this, I can do that, I can try
another form than just round pearls". So we actually do what we want? We do
what ever we want. In shape, in color .... in everything. Imagination is the limit! Exactly.
On the shortest necklaces, a super system of magnetic clasp!
It goes all by itself. It's awesome! And it does not move? During the day it does not fall? It does not fall,
no, no, no, no. That's why just the shortest models
can afford to have such a clasp. And on the others it's more
conventional clasps? Yes. The demand is often carabiners wide enough
to be handled easily
I have a client who recently ... She saw this, she also saw this pair of earrings.
She asked me to turn the collar into a brooch, and the earrings, to make them mounted on clips.
Oh ok! so we can really do what we want. We can do what we want.
We're going to make a light pendant. We will start from two colors, yellow and red.
We're going to do a gradient.
First I have to cut my dough so that I can put the two colors together
The red being much stronger than the yellow, I will put less red than yellow.
I reconstituted my rectangle, roughly, so I fold, and we will go into the machine
Rule number 1: always with the fold down to avoid making air bubbles.
I put it into the machine. I'll have to spend 15 to 20 times
- oh ok!! - and each time, always this same movement
Now the gradient has been obtained, I'm going to texture with this rubber pad
I will cover that part. So I'll put my dough on my working plan
Will it reduce by cooking or not? Not at all. Okay.
I pressed the pad well on the dough. Now I remove the stamp ... and we have the drawing.
I'm gonna cut more or less the shape I want for my pendant.
Now it must be cooked. So, the support for cooking.
I do not want a pendant that is all flat, so I put my piece on the PVC
and once it is cooked, it will have this shape
So when we do a project like this, we already think about threading and
I rolled two pearls, a red one and a yellow one that will be used to make the finish
near the clasp. So we're going to cook for ....? For 40 minutes. The oven is at
a temperature of 130 ° C.
So the pendant was cooked. It has cooled down
Now, we will create a support at the back that will allow the threading and we will cover the piece
with black acrylic paint.
And I take it off ... Here, we have a tube that
will be fixed to the back of the piece that is here.
To glue baked material to raw material, liquid polymer paste is used
which I apply like a glue
And now I take black acrylic paint,
and I'm gonna spread it on my pendant.
It has to be cooked again 40min at 130 ° C.
Welcome to my bathroom! That's where I do all the sanding work
So, it was taken out of the oven, the paint was fixed with the cooking, the back part
also. So now it no longer fears water. I put it in the water and I will take
the three different papers with which I will sand.
The sanding is complete. I'll dry the pendant and we'll shine it now.
So it's going to make some noise. I'm just gonna let it spin and pass the piece over so that
the fiber rubs well over the whole piece. It will take 2 to 3 minutes.
So now we will proceed to the assembly
We have a rubber tube, a metal cable, a magnetic clasp,
the little pearls that will finish the rubber, and
beads to crush. I will start by taking the measurement of the rubber tube.
In general I put 46 to 47cm
Before the clasp, I will thread each of the end beads.
And so that everything holds, I have to put pearls to crush.
My magnetic clasp ....
I'll do the same thing on the other side
Here you are
You still work in a bank ... I work in a bank, yes, because
unfortunately I can not live from my activity. So I have to ensure a minimum.
I work part-time in a bank, and the other half time is for my passion.
You made the choice of being filled and happy ...
.. doing things that I like
against the fact of having more money yes. More money ... and we work all day, we work
all week, every month, years pass without being seen and then
we accumulate money or we stupidly spend it in things that are not necessary.
Is it difficult to reconcile a family life, a part-time job and
a job-passion where you do not necessarily count hours? I do not count my hours. I was going to say,
it's not difficult when you know that what you do makes you happy. For my being happy is
to spend hours to create, to imagine ... When I go jogging I create,
when I sleep I create, and I always have ideas, I must be active
all the time ... So I really feel like ... I feel that I live
fully. And I often said, if it something happens to me now,
I'd still like to do a lot of things, but if I were to leave now I could
say « great! I did a lot of things that made me happy » and if it is the time
to go well, I'd have to go but .... You are satisfied with your life, you are
happy with what you have achieved? Absolutely.
Thank you very much Isabelle! - With great pleasure!
Abraham Hicks - Como Ser Um Mestre Da Lei Da Atração - Duration: 9:45.Thank you for this opportunity!
I love you so much!
So, my whole life I've been very fascinated with what I call: spiritual masters.
People who have mastered vibration....
And feel unconditional love and alignment
Till are able to be catalyst to express knowledge of source and of life.
- It's nice to see anyone demonstrating the receptive mode.
You see it in sports all the time.
- Yeah!
-You see it in music all the time.
In all walks of life.
- Yeah! I love it!
So, I've been very interested specifically in Eastern.
Philosophies and in ways of life...
People who I consider spiritual masters...
The Buddha.
Dalai Lama
Even more modern people today, like Eckhart Tolle...
I'm sure you're familiar with all these people.
They're humans, right?
Can I just be...?
Like, they're not aliens!
* Audience laughs *
People like the Buddha... People...
For instance, I've been very fascinated by the saint, in India, called Neem Karoli Baba.
Who is able to read people's minds...
And influence people to open up their hearts....
And to live such pure lives...
People like ramadasa and all these other spiritual teachers over time
So my question is: what is it that they have done or are doing that makes them so special?
Or able to be these catalysts of unconditional love?
- It's the consistency of the receptive mode.
- So just being in the vortex all the time
- Well, not all the time!
- Right... 'Cause we have to live all the contrast.
- Not one of them!
They all have Step 5 moments!
Step 5! You know what we're talking about there?
Step One is where contrast causes you to ask.
Step Two is: you've launched this asking into this vortex
And sources answered it.
So it's vibrationally already been given.
Step three is you tune your frequency to the frequency of your vortex,
So that it can move seamlessly from the vibrational realm
Into your "see it, hear it, smell it, taste it, touch it" realm.
And Step Four is just mastery of that!
Step Four is being so good at that, that you know when you're on and you know when you're not.
It doesn't mean you're always on
But it does mean you know when you're on and you know when you're not.
And then step 5 is having mastered it
And now, no longer being mad at yourself when you're back in Step One.
Because that's the trip for most of you.
In other words, that's when most masters lose their steadiness
Because they are frustrated with themselves that they are not able to maintain it more.
So, they are nicer to themselves!
They are living a compassionate about self.
They are allowing themselves the benefit of movement within the energies.
And so, we would like to say that they understand the energies more.
So, it's the consistency, is the momentum of it
And it's the ease with which they can move into that
- So, because they're in that place,
They're able to receive and download infinite intelligence in an effortless way pretty much?
- Yes! And so it's just a natural life experience...
- But we can all do that too, correct?
- Everyone, without exception!
- I feel like a lot of people don't!
There was one Buddha... There is one Jesus...
Well, You could call it the power of desire!
You could call it, in some case,s momentum coming in.
Strong intention for that coming in.
You could call it discipline!
(While we don't like that word much.)
But willingness to feel good and a discipline that says:
"I'm not willing to spend long periods of time where I don't belong."
Someone said to Esther the other day as she was in a receptive mode
Not this one, but this one.
* Audience laughs *
"You don't cope with negative crap very well, do you?"
Esther said: "I can't cope at all!"
"I've lost all my coping skills with negative emotion ."
"I cannot cope with negative stuff!"
" I can't cope with it anymore!"
"I belong here and when I'm not here, I'm really miserable!"
And that's mastery!
That's mastery!
That's reaching that place where you cannot bear it unless you're here
And then you're willing to do whatever it takes, even if it means be irrationally happy.
- Have no friends! *Guest laughs *
- You certainly can't hang around with those friends!
- Yeah!
- Love attraction won't put you there anymore!
- Yeah!
So, Neem Karoli Baba, for instance...
My mother and I, who's here, we've been watching documentaries about him,
I've been really fascinated with this saint.
We were walking the other day for my birthday downtown
And we walked past this bookstore
And we had an impulse to go into this bookstore.
And we look right on the counter...
I looked on the counter.
And right there was a book about Neem Karoli Baba that just got brought in that day
It was a used bookstore.
And I was like: "Be kidding me! That's awesome!"
- It's like our friend was talking about: "Timing!"
Whatever is active in your vibration, the universe is saying: "Here you go!"
-Right! - "Here you go! Here you go!"
But that's happening to you all the time and everyone else all the time.
But the most important thing to focus upon here, it's that you were in the receptive mode of it
And so that idea turned to a thing immediately!
As will all ideas turn to things immediately when you hang around in that receptive mode
- So, I want to be one of these people.
* Audience laughs *
I want to be able to...
- It would be better for you to say: "I am!
- I am! Right!
* Audience applauds *
I believe that!
- And then really mean it!
And don't make a big deal when you're having a Step 5 moment.
- And i'm doing pretty good!
- The most significant thing that we want to give to you...
Those who find alignment are advantageous...
Because they help you to know that it is a possible human trait
The disadvantage is that you sometimes compare
Where they are after a lot of momentum of alignment
- Uhum!
- And where you may be as you are finding your place within it.
- Right!
- That is disadvantageous to you!
And so appreciate your own sainthood!
Or your own God force...
When you see it !
The thing about so much of what you hear that others have lived
Is that, a few hundred years from now,
The story that our friend told us about his experience with his son
Few hundred years from now...
The story will be told like this:
"My son was on his way..."
* Audience laughs * * Guest laughs *
"To be anointed a very important award."
* Audience laughs * * Guest laughs *
"And he was prepared for it!"
"And as he traveled without a vehicle, floating across the sky..."
* Audience laughs *
"In this jet body..."
"He realized that he didn't have with him something."
"And so he held a thought and it appeared in his hand in that moment"
* Guest laughs * * Audience laughs *
That's the way they'll tell the story!
- Yeah! Totally!
- And you all will say: "I can't do that!"
* Audience laughs *
But if you could go back to what really happened
His dad brought it to it!
* Guest laughs * * Audience laughs * Applause
Because they were both in the zone!
Because they were both in the vortex!
Because they were both in the receiving mode!
And the Magnificent Law of Attraction and all of the energy that creates worlds accommodated it, you see?
You've got to experience your own miraculous!
This is a modern-day miracle!
And these things are happening to you all day, every day!
As the cooperative Universe is bringing the components to you! You see?
But when you compare it with stuff of other times and other languages...
That has been translated and...
We are not for a moment suggesting that you should enjoy everything that you're reading
We're just saying: your own connection to source energy is where your worthiness will come from
And that is the component that all of them came to understand!
It's that feeling of worthiness!
And you will not feel your own worthiness until the Universe yields to you!
Till you've got your hands in the clay!
Until you watch something unfolding a magnificent way for you!
Until you felt the impulse!
Until you remember that little desire that grew into a bigger one
And then you remember that moment of the receptive mode
And you felt that thrill of it
And then you watch yourself slip from it
You brought yourself back there deliberately until you knew you owned that vibration about that
And then you watch the Universe yielding to you impulsives and step by step until unfolded
And then you revel in the full receiving of it
And you feel this sense of worthiness and at oneness and wholeness with all that is
That's how you accomplish that mastery!
You don't accomplish it by reading what others have done .
Where you can't feel the worthiness, the personal worthiness
When you read about other masters, you accept their worthiness but it doesn't help yours
You have to let the universe yield to you!
That was really good!
- Yeah!
* Applause *
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