Hi it's NGZ
PRIMAVERA DE FERNANDA (FERNANDA'S SPRING) / 🏆 FILME PREMIADO (AWARD-WINNING FILM) #VisibilidadeTrans - Duration: 19:34.- Don´t call me shemale! I did my job and you owe me! - Fucking shemale!
Give me my money! Give me my money!
You're fucking sick!
Give me my money!
There's no money!
I'm disgusted, you creepy crawly freak!
You disgust me!
I just want my money!
My money.
Fucking bitch! Son of a bitch!
Do not call me son of a bitch!
You crap, you fucking motherfucker!
Vicious old queen!
You filthy bitch! You freak! You're gross!
Shut up!
Now you're gonna go back home full of scratches from my nails in your face!
- You're fucking garbage! - Call me son of a bitch again!
- You're garbage! You freak! - Shut up! I told you to shut the fuck up!
Shut up! I just want my money.
Give me my money.
Give me my money.
I said it was 60,
but teachers pay half.
I'll be back!
Filthy bitch!
Fernanda's Spring
Nanda! Nanda!
Where were you girl? What happened?
You're asking where I was? I was solving a little issue with a motherfucking client.
Is it too bad?
No, just needs some cleaning.
Girl, be careful, this one is already known.
He threatened some girlfriends of mine,
I even heard he killed one, already.
God forbid! I'm gonna stay away.
Your man came to see you today, but he already left.
Is he all right?
Sure, he's fine.
He gave you this.
One sec.
Take it. Right.
Thanks, girl.
I'm really gonna take a break, this is crazy shit.
I wanna be out of it.
Well, let me go then, I'm totally busted.
- Bye girl. - Bye.
"I changed my number. Renato"
Good morning, mr. Valdir.
- Hello, sweetie. - Hi, auntie.
Everything all right?
Not much,
I think I have a cold.
Just that?
Elder didn't pay child support again,
the rent is late and
that bitch keeps calling all the time to charge it.
Here. Buy something for your cold.
What's that on your face, Fê?
Leave it to me. I can take care of my problems.
Here's for you to buy a snack.
- Thanks. - Sure.
The money for the rent is on the table, ok?
It's almost everything here.
Do you want me to call the store telling you're not going to work today?
I already did.
go get your backpack,
it's time to go.
Here, Fê.
I'll take her there and I'll be right back, okay?
Let's go?
Bye auntie.
Goodbye, honey.
Hey, do not get yourself in trouble, okay, young lady?
There's a job opportunity at the minimart, did you see?
What kind of job?
In the bakery, I think.
Why don't you go there?
For what?
See the job, huh.
And when did they start hiring trans people in a bakery?
If you don't try, you'll never know.
And haven't I tried?
God knows how many doors I knocked
looking for a job.
But this time it may be different, Fê.
I don't know,
you're always coming home injured.
It can get serious.
This is not life.
And do you think the money you make on that store is enough to support Erika?
If it depends on Elder's goodwill,
the girl dies on hunger.
I just want you to stay well,
doing what you like.
Do you remember how good your "coxinha" was?
Mom said you were doing better than her.
I wish I had a hand like that.
Poor mommy...
When she was not at the church, she was working.
You should go there.
The minimart is right on the corner.
Looking good.
I bought it in a thrift store downtown.
They say it's Chanel, who knows.
"I am Jesus' little flower.
I am Jesus' little flower.
I open my mouth to worship.
I close my little eyes to pray.
I am Jesus' little flower…"
Remember when mom used to say: "You are not Jesus' little flower,
you are Jesus' little soldier!"
And I used to say: "I am Jesus' little flower!"
You nail it!
In the name of Jesus!
Excuse me.
Who do I need to talk with about the job at the bakery?
- Just go to the bakery, it's back there. - Back there?
Thanks. Thank you.
Excuse me.
One moment, my dear.
It's about the job post here in the bakery.
I brought my resume.
You can give it to Dieter, later.
What I really want to know is what you can do.
Because, as you can see, my child,
here we only sell good stuff.
I have no doubt.
You can tell by this Schweineohr's look,
it's so hard to find it around here,
even more a good one like this.
Do you know Schweineohr?
If I know? I used to eat lots of it!
I even know how to make it.
But my specialty is the Apfelstrudel.
My God. You would cry eating it!
What's your name, my angel?
Oh I'm sorry.
My name is Fernanda Oliveira.
What's yours?
Where did you learn all this, my child?
I lived in Germany for a while.
You learned right!
What about salty snacks?
My mother used to be the best baker in this neighborhood.
I learned everything from her.
No one's better than me making "coxinha" and "risoles"!
I'll talk to my son. He is the manager.
I'm sure he'll love you.
It's okay, I'm the one who's in charge here.
Is that your baptismal name?
It's social.
And why do you want to work here, Fernanda?
Well, in the first place because I need it.
Then because it's close to where I live,
and I've worked with this before.
And what's this?
I used to help my mother who was a baker.
I learned everything from her.
Oh, your mother.
And where is your mother now?
Passed away.
Look, I'd like to talk about my resume.
You refuse to talk about it?
I don't know what this has to do with my interview.
About your last job,
what did you do?
It's here,
right at the end.
By the dates here,
it seems like a long time ago.
It's been a while.
And what did you do after that?
I had the insurance.
And then?
I've been looking for a job ever since.
My point is, Fernanda:
What makes you think that here at the minimart there's a place for people like you?
Yeah, I guess I was wrong.
There's nothing here for people like me.
Excuse me.
<i>Hi, Fernanda?</i>
<i>This is Dieter.</i>
<i>The manager.</i>
<i>You didn't have to get out like that.</i>
Look, I don't know who you're used to talk to,
- but I've learned that people with a little educatio... -<i> Calm down, calm down.</i>
<i>I'm sorry.</i>
<i>Mother said she wants you to start tomorrow morning.</i>
<i>The time is 5am.</i>
Thank your mother,
but I don't need to be hearing any kind of humiliation,
neither from you nor anyone else!
<i>Nothing I tell her changes her mind,</i>
<i>she wants the position to be yours.</i>
<i>Can you make it?</i>
<i>I'm sorry.</i>
<i>Hello, Fernanda?</i>
<i>So, can you make it?</i>
Tell ms. Elfriede I'll be there at 5am.
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Les Feux de l'amour (spoiler) : Sharon (Sharon Case) meurtrière ? - Duration: 1:52.Alors que le succès ne se dément pas pour le soap américain, Sharon Case s'est confiée à Télé Loisirs sur l'évolution des intrigues.
L'actrice a reconnu que les scénaristes préparaient la relève de Victor à travers Nick.
« Je crois que c'était d'ailleurs le plan des producteurs dès le départ il y a plus de 20 ans ! Nous sommes les nouveaux Victor et Nikki.
Nos personnages sont arrivés à une certaine maturité », a-t-elle expliqué.
Tout en soulignant que les deux personnages avaient pour volonté de « toujours mettre en avant le clan Newman »,
la figure historique des Feux de l'amour a assuré : « Victor et Nikki auront toujours le dernier mot ».
Concernant l'évolution de Sharon, Sharon Case a jugé que les scénaristes avaient compris qui elle était vraiment.
« Pendant longtemps, elle était seulement l'épouse de Nick et quand elle ne l'était plus, elle restait enfermée à la maison.
Sharon a été pendant longtemps une personne qui a dû faire face à ses problèmes de santé parce qu'elle est bipolaire.
Aujourd'hui, après Nikki, c'est au tour de Sharon de prendre de la hauteur et d'avoir un rôle de matriarche », a-t-elle précisé, avant d'ajouter : « Je rêve que Sharon devienne une meurtrière ! ».
L'actrice a également confessé qu'elle souhaitait que son personnage « commence encore plus à botter les fesses des gens ».
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