Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 29 2019




For more infomation >> Imran khan changing chief minister usman buzdar | chief minister punjab | LABBAIK NEWS HD | - Duration: 2:34.


安田顕、"葛餅"を「葛飾」と読み間違え会場爆笑 - EP News - Duration: 5:58.

俳優・安田 顕(45 )と女優 ・倍賞美 津子(7 2)が2 9日、都 内で行わ れた映画

『母を亡く した時、 僕は遺骨 を食べた いと思っ た。 』( 2月22 日公開)

の完成披露 試写会に 出席。 そ れぞれの キャスト が"食べ たい!

と思うほど 愛してや まないモ ノ"を発 表。

倍賞は『葛 (くず) 餅』とフ リップに 記入した が、安田 が「葛飾 (かつし か)

ですか?」 とまさか の読み間 違えで、 会場は大 爆笑に包 まれた。

 赤っ恥を かいた安 田だった が、すぐ に冷静さ を取り戻 し、

自身が記入 した『麦 焼酎』の 話題に。 「お酒っ て食べら れるもの なら食べ てみたい 。

飲むことし かできな いじゃな いですか 」と力説 。

葛飾と読み 間違えら れた倍賞 は「葛餅 、好きな んです。

きな粉かけ ながら食 べるのが 大好きな んです」 と"葛餅 "への愛 を語り尽 くしてい た。

 撮影は2 年前だっ たことか ら、「ほ とんど覚 えてない んです」 と安田。

恋人役の松 下奈緒( 33)と の共演シ ーンの思 い出を聞 かれると 、撮影の ことでは なく

「奥さん役 が多い。 いろんな タイプの 奥さんを やってい るから、

いつだって 奥さんに なる準備 はできて いると話 していた ことは覚 えてます 」と暴露 。

松下も照れ 笑いを浮 かべなが ら「本当 にいろん な奥さん をやらせ てもらっ ていて、

ただ今回の は初めて な感じで した」と 振り返っ た。

 倍賞もあ まり覚え ておらず 「あそこ で食べた アイスク リームが おいしか ったとか 、

作品は温か いという こと。 気 持ちよか ったとい うことを 覚えてま す。

以上」と、 2年前の 思い出を 振り絞り ながら話 していた。

 同映画は 、作者の 宮川サト シ氏が体 験した母 との最期 の日々か ら葬儀、

その後の生 活を母親 への愛情 を散りば めて描い た同名の エッセイ 漫画が原 作。

主人公・サ トシを安 田、母・ 明子を倍 賞が演じ ている。 この日は 、村上淳 (45) 、

石橋蓮司( 77)、 大森立嗣 監督(4 8)も登 壇した。

For more infomation >> 安田顕、"葛餅"を「葛飾」と読み間違え会場爆笑 - EP News - Duration: 5:58.


Lake Powell News Network LIVE: News and Entertainment For Page and Lake Powell - Duration: 35:36.

For more infomation >> Lake Powell News Network LIVE: News and Entertainment For Page and Lake Powell - Duration: 35:36.


Leona News 2019 Week 4 - Duration: 6:46.

Hi, welcome to Leona and friends


Before we begin this week's news, remember to click on the subscribe and notification

button to be kept updated on any new videos.


I'm Leona. and I'm Toadie.

Why are you back again?

I thought the producers replaced you!


It'S Leona and Friends....

With an 's'.


So the producers just want to showcase other friends.

We've like Woofie, aka Woofster, Dolphie, Oinkie, not forgetting everyone's favourite

Toadie, among others coming up on the show.


Let's get on with our news then.

In a recent advertisement in the form of an anime, Instant Noodle Maker, Nissin, had made

recent Australian Open 2019 winner, Naomi Osaka, look whiter than she actually was.

Oh that's so nice of them!


No that's not nice!

What if people made you look like a white toad?

Hey! I'm a Pickle Green Toad!

Not White!


And that's racist!

Ya that's... that's what?


Means you disrespect someone because of their race or how they look.

Isn't that the word we use to call people who take part in a rally car race?


They are called racers!

Speaking of cars, Boeing has finished the first test flight of a flying car prototype.

Back to the Future!

Arhhh Hahaha Chicken!

Chickens don't fly!

No, I'm calling you a coward.

Well say that to Chris Hemsworth, the guy who acts as Thor in the movies.

Anyways, recently he launched his own app called Centr.

What does it do?

Let you summon your own 'Thor'nado?



It's a fitness app that motivates you to get healthy and fit!

Looks like you could download that app Leona.

You seem to be putting on weight!



Err... that's just cause I've been really busy.

And speaking of busy, James Dyson certainly must have been really busy because he is now UK's

richest man after a record profit last year!


James, if you are watching this, we need some sponsors and we love you!

Speaking of Love, people seem to be loving Philippines quite a bit last year as news

has just come out that they broke their tourism record in 2018.

Who wouldn't love the Land of Thousand Islands?

That nickname is for Indonesia!


Then what's the common nickname for Philippines?

They are called the Pearl of the Orient.


What's so funny?

Haha, because I suddenly remember that the Chinese word for Pearl is 'Zhen Zhu',

which sounds like Pig, 'Zhu'!

You really have a weird sense of humor.

Anyway speaking of Pig, Peppa Pig is making headlines in China after it recently launched

a animated teaser for its featured film.


Hey Oinkie, you're gonna be famous!

Please, it's going to be the Chinese Year of the Pig soon after all.


Hey Oinkie, you heard that?

You're gonna be SUPER FAMOUS!


Anyway, on to the next news.

Japanese Apparel Maker, Original Stitch has teamed up with The Pokemon company to produce

shirt designs based on the original 151 Pokemons!

Erm... what are Pokemons?

You don't know what are Pokemons?!

Have you been living in a well?!


How did you know?

Sigh, Pokemon are some game characters found on Nintendo's game machines.

And speaking of Nintendo, they just had the best holiday season ever for their game machine,

Nintendo Switch!

Switch what?

Is that an app game?

I'm not so good with game stuffs, you know.

No, and speaking of apps, Facebook will be looking to integrate Whatsapp, Instagram and

Facebook Messanger really soon.



That would be horrible!

I don't want everything to be on the same app.

Toadie, stop being so dramatic.

You don't even use a phone.

And speaking of Facebook, it has been found that Facebook has been allowing kids to spend

on games without parents permission, causing some children to rake up thousands of dollars in credit

card bills!

That's a lot of money!!

Hey kids, if you are spending on games, you can also donate to me too you know!

Toadie, stop asking for money, we're not that poor.

Not you maybe.

You're eating meat and all.

I'm only surviving on flies for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

Isn't that what toads usually eat?

And please, we're puppets, we don't eat anything!

We don't!!??

Oh my goodness!

Feed us!



Toadie... stop being dramatic.

Producers, I think we better end the news here this week.

Ya, and If we missed out any news that this week that you feel are newsworthy, please

share in the comments.

Also, if you see any fun news that you feel should be included in next week's news, do

comment and message us as well.

You're suddenly okay again?

Remember to subscribe!

See ya!

For more infomation >> Leona News 2019 Week 4 - Duration: 6:46.


Herzogin Meghan: Traurige Baby-News während der Schwangerschaft! , NACH UNFALL-DRAMA - Duration: 11:50.

For more infomation >> Herzogin Meghan: Traurige Baby-News während der Schwangerschaft! , NACH UNFALL-DRAMA - Duration: 11:50.


Herzogin Meghan: Traurige Baby-News während der Schwangerschaft!! - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Herzogin Meghan: Traurige Baby-News während der Schwangerschaft!! - Duration: 3:15.


Liverpool transfer news: Reds quoted £30m price tag after scouting mission on Sunday - Duration: 3:23.

 Liverpool have enjoyed a laid-back approach to the January transfer window with Jurgen Klopp happy with the players at his disposal

 But Michael Edwards and co. are perennially looking at ways they can improve the German's squad, both immediately and going forward

 Tonali emerged as a Liverpool target last week, with Brescia owner Massimo Cellino revealing the Reds had been in touch regarding the midfielder

 And it seems Cellino has a price in mind for the highly-rated Italy Under-19 international, who has been compared to Andrea Pirlo

 Italian outlet Tutto Mercato Web claim Cellino has no intention of letting Tonali leave Brescia on the cheap

 And that means Liverpool have been quoted £30m (€35m) by the former Leeds United supremo

 Liverpool are not alone in targeting Tonali, with plenty of top European clubs on his tail

 However, they are apparently keeping him aware of their interest by having him watched

 A Liverpool scout was reportedly in attendance on Sunday as Brescia drew 4-4 with Spezia

 And Tonali was the man in their sights, with the 18-year-old getting his name on the scoresheet

 AC Milan are also said to have run the rule over Tonali during the Serie B thriller

 Aside from Tonali, Liverpool are believed to be interested in snaring Paris Saint-Germain contract rebel Adrien Rabiot

 Former Premier League midfielder Craig Burley cannot see Rabiot heading to Anfield when he leaves the Parc des Princes

 But he can see Tonali joining Liverpool should he decided to call time on his Brescia career

 "Well [Liverpool] are interested in Rabiot but so are one or two others, particularly I think Barcelona," Burley said

 "I'd be surprised if Rabiot goes to Liverpool with the other offers he's got. "The one thing I'd say with this [Tonali] that makes me think it might happen is because Liverpool's transfer policy has been pretty good of late, certainly since Klopp has come in

 "They're trying to bring the squad through as a younger squad. "[Naby] Keita came in in the summer, they've made some good signings, got ahead of the game

 "That's why that could be a possibility."

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