The Great Tribulation is the period of time of 3 and a half years at the end of our times
and it's when "The Beast" or the Antichrist supposedly will take the people and begin the destruction
and chaos by means of the sword, the flame, the captivity and the booty. We can find
this in Daniel 11: 32-34 and Revelation 13: 9-10. In addition to being called The Great Tribulation,
this time is also known as "The Time of Affliction "" The Days of La
Revenge "or" The Time of the Problems ".
It will be a time of intense and deadly persecution against the people of God, both Jews and
Christians should fear for their lives. This persecution, some say, will take it
out a political ruler we'll call The Antichrist, and a religious leader called
the False Prophet.
Its duration is expressed in different ways, but all of them amount to about 3 years
and a half. Some biblical passages refer to its duration as 1,260 days, or 42 months,
Where all the believers will be placed to test in their faith and fidelity, for after
win or not, eternal life.
I Am, The DoQmentalist ... The Great Tribulation
The great tribulation will of course have an end, and it will be when God intervenes to
Rescue his people and judge the wicked. This period of God's intervention
it is known as the Lord's Day, and it corresponds with the judgments described in Revelation.
for example:
In Matthew 24:21, because then there will be a great tribulation, as it has not happened since
the beginning of the world until now, nor ever it will happen 22 If those days had not
shortened, no life would have been saved; but because of the elect, those days
they will be shortened
Matthew 24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will
it will darken, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers
from the heavens they will be shaken. 30 Then the Son's sign will appear in the sky
of Man, and then they will regret all tribes of the earth, and they will see the Son of
Man coming over the clouds from the sky with power and great glory.
Revelation 7:13 Then one of the elders He replied: "These who are dressed
with white robes, who are they and who Where did they come from? 14 I said to him: "My lord,
you know it. "He told me:" These are the that have come out of the great tribulation, and
they have washed their garments and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
Revelation 17:14 These [the Antichrist and his allies] will make war against the Lamb [Christ],
and the Lamb will overcome them, because He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are
with Him they are called and chosen and faithful.
In addition to the persecution, another thing that will happen during this period of great tribulation
is that God will have two witnesses (mentioned in Revelation 11: 3) that will be hitting
the earth with plagues. These pests, yes no I'm wrong, they include at least the first
four "trumpet events" that will make much damage to some important aspect of
the earth (this is described in Revelation 8).
And it is precisely in The Apocalypse of the bible where there is a prophecy which says
that 7 messages will be sent to the churches and that these messages are warnings for
all of us, including warnings for that sinners repent or face
to the final judgment.
There is a very interesting track in Revelation that says: The persecution will come against
the saints, that is, the believers, because God is disgusted with his infidelity, especially
the churches, maybe we would be talking of the pedophile priests, corruption
of the high ecclesiastical commands, or even the perversion of some parishioners who come
cynically to churches pretending to be for good people when they are really
the worst kind in the world.
But there is more, they exist in the bible passages that predict the corruption of
churches, if you're interested in consulting some of them, you can check it in, Matthew 24: 9-12,
2 Tim 3: 1-7, 2 Tim 3: 12-13, and 2 Tim 4: 3-4).
During the time of Christ's coming to power in his kingdom, the ones elected to govern
with him in the heavens they rise first from among the dead, that will be called (the
first resurrection) and if any of the elected as rulers lives on earth
during the time of presence (invisible) of Christ, they will be reunited with Christ in a
This resurrection will occur before start the war of Armageddon. The reason
why we know this is for a script in Revelation that speaks of the elect,
who will also be present in the battle of Armageddon. (Revelation 17:14) says "These
they will fight against the Lamb, but as it is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb
will beat them. Also those who are with he and they are called, elected and faithful will do it ".
So there will be certain people who will have the privilege of being The Chosen and these
chosen will help Christ in battle. Let's see the scriptures below:
2 Timothy 2:11 Faithful is the word: Surely, if we die together, we will also live together;
12 and if we continue to endure, we will also govern together as kings and queens;
In Revelation
"And you made them a kingdom and priests for our God and they should rule like kings
on earth. "" They will be priests of God and of the Christ, and they will rule as kings with
him for a thousand years. "
Most people who survive to the war of Armageddon will continue to live
on earth, including many believers. After Armageddon, something will begin that
it is known as (the second resurrection) where millions of people are killed
it gives them the opportunity to live forever on earth if they continue to abide by principles
and fair rules.
At the end of the thousand years, all those who lived on earth at that time will be tested
again, what will end in a war final.
(Revelation 20: 7,8) says: As soon as the thousand years have ended,
Satan will be released from his prison, and will go out to deceive those nations in the
four corners of the earth, Gog and Ma'gog, to call them to
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