Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 29 2019

What better than a potato ...?

I am Nacho Cabrera Newscaster Voice Talent from this moment!

I'm with "Mr. Potato Head" Toy Story is a film that has inspired

generations. We begin to explore the voice of Jesse Conde, this Mexican actor who is a legend in the

dubbing and right now we are making contact with this

character of Mr. Potato Head. This character will be changed parts of your face

then it is a kind of Picasso, including references to this are made in the film.

Queresmos know his voice well

we hear!

"Silver silver silver" I will be very useful to take this consideration. Voice very

designed, very clean out may not be of good help. forever

one must consider the colors and

timbres that are on the other side watching the videos. Thus we must take into account

how to do this, but I realize for example in my voice, make an exit

very strong and very clear and clean

"Silver necklace" does not help me because I was away from the timbral sound Jesse Conde.

This is the sound ........

Important features ; Veteran voice, is not a youthful voice

absolute. Jesse Conde right now already has 66 years, is a legend

absolute dubbing, is dear and loved by generations, their characters and their

different interventions always have something crazy. It handles a

histrionismo to the surface that makes it known and expresses

in various interviews that made him. It is now very

histrionic, with crazy attitudes like crazy and that it can also

fel on his characters. You have to go adjusting your sound so that the part

younger of your voice (if you have it) must disappear.

In his characters handling much laughter, so when you go making

and getting close to that laugh, surely you are connecting to one

of its most important aspects.

Notice how this sound contrast sounds .....

If parts of your normal voice, then sound your own ....

In either case, both your voice is very serious, is very low, very heavy or sharper,

that sound that seems also very easy to do, can reach

wearied, perhaps Scrape because in fact it feels like a voice with

crisp light feature. So beware, beware!

And then of course everything that has to do with cheer laugh, release

laugh, be very expressive and also give a degree of madness, will

essential to compose the character. They spent a few minutes and want to know more

details. Of course. A career of lifelong learning has so many details. Every

particle sound that you hear has a special job. When we want a video

tutorial a couple of minutes in two achieve what working life ....

You will think; is this possible ...?

I do not know. "Commissioner sorry, because I have a wife !!"

"Commissioner sorry, because I have a wife !!"

Tight voice sounds like, it's like as compressed. Within our

artistic package on editing, compressing voice and tighten to

have a certain stability, it is accomplished with apparatus and plug ins

which they are widely used in the field of sound editing. Here's voice

this intervention Jesse Conde is well guarded and tight

No sound exaggerated contrasts in dynamics

but it is as within a soundtrack to a given sequence

sound level. That's also very interesting technique

Several voice professionals know master, his voice compressing themselves naturally.

Regardless of the equipment they use their own voice and compress this

It is one of the techniques and one of the best kept secrets of all

those who have a sound stability.

"Commissioner sorry, because I have a wife !!"

"Commissioner sorry, because I have a wife !!"

"Silver silver silver," Commissioner sorry, because I have a wife !! "

Let's see how you manage to achieve

of the work that this teacher for so many years has given

satisfactions to various audiences all over the world, where they follow

Fans overdubs Latin Spanish. Jesse Conde one

Figure really interesting to work. It will be up next, Nacho Cabrera

Newscaster Voice Talent, training your voice is this channel, as can always leave

comments and if you want to subscribe there

a button there

For more infomation >> 🔷La VOZ de CARA DE PAPA🍠 ! Toy Story - Duration: 6:06.


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El Secreto de Puente Viejo Capítulo 2004: Carmelo, roto de ira, no puede con los comentarios de Eustaquio y toma una drástica decisión

La situación es incómoda en el encontronazo entre las dos "parejas",

todos procuran que se prolongue lo menos posible, luego Isaac se muestra terriblemente celoso.

Y es que los chicos siguen intimando: Álvaro cuenta a Elsa su triste historia de amor.

Todo el pueblo parece enterado de la heroicidad de Álvaro cuando en el pasado sanó a los niños de Portugal; lo saben por boca de Elsa.

Así, Álvaro cree que es justo que la gente sepa que fue Elsa quien le dio el dinero, pero ella se niega,

Irene responde que no puede trabajar para Anacleto: tiene que cuidar de Adela. Amable, él les ofrece su ayuda.

Saúl viene preguntando por Julieta, pero Consuelo hace rato que no la ve.

Saúl llega y da la voz de alarma: Julieta ha desaparecido, ha encontrado su cesta tirada y teme que se le hayan llevado por la fuerza.

Saúl busca a Julieta en La Casona, pero Prudencio no ha tenido nada que ver. Todos ofrecen su ayuda para buscarla.

Don Berengario y Carmelo se encuentran con Los Molero jactándose de todo el ejercicio que han hecho:

Julieta está en un chozo en un estado deplorable, la han ultrajado.

La chica le pide que no diga nada, Saúl no soportaría el dolor…Carmelo,

roto de ira, no puede con los comentarios de Eustaquio que se ríe de lo que acaba de hacer y decide tomar una drástica decisión.

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