Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 1 2019

Talk beauty beauty, how are you? Is everything okay with you, let's play the game.

Dreat out is another game of terror or I'm going to get upset I'm going to die I'm going to infest

but I'm going to stay alive because I'm Samuca Samuca Can only give credit

Just reminding people, I'll ask for you. let me like the goal of this video are 83

likes Can we think I got it right, come on, my name, Samuca Batista.

Okay, do not worry, I'm already scared. That neither started the game is just in the opening

of the game and I'm afraid the audio the audio I think it's fine here.

stop the sadness read I do not have the slightest idea that this game beauty is what

he's talking right here, you can play plaything, my God, heaven, this place, never

I was empty, the force contains no matter what. that he spoke and the animals do not sleep

face is what kind of game you're going to freak out and it will die Let me see if I can let it go

A little clearer here is not that at all That's how the image will look like.

good image is going to die is another game I'm going to die, I'm going to get all creepy.

I'll stay all worked, my everything is crazy Here I want to see Drive Out, come on, girl.

Are you waking up from your dream right now? Come on, Daughter. Give us juice. Run.

Monsters only people are alive or they are dead to my God from heaven

cool I already started the game without knowing Where to go now I'm going to clarito diac

Beauty makes the clarity there you your Just daughter is that same battery has battery

All night long Jesus I think I'm going to die here

What is this, people? I pressed Eu, e You can not you can return

I could not read the translation, I'm already I'm scared I'm famous, I peed in his underwear.

what is ti now the cell phone what is virgin

Why are you coming here, daughter? Tell me. tell us what's going on

here the red sign is the capeta that fright Daughter of the mother we must be I do not know

What is this for Jesus, I'm all over shiver that's dying, it's all right

Goals are dying will be there again, little doll. from the hood until you run that doll.

will be coming after myself doll You can come, I can run from you.

All the doors open I have no idea What do I have to do here? What's the point?

fascist What make beauty I think I have to

Go to all classes and you will not know where you are coming from. A good one is a good question, huh?

Will you be falling behind me, will not you ignore me? This doll I'm going down here towards death heading

To the despair I'll be fine in a little while play horror game in cool when we have

a food court somewhat my mother in heaven because what I'm playing

these games, man, tell me why I'm playing these games life has not been made

for tired daughter problem her eita we Your snoring demon here in Ah we'll find

the demon now that I'm going to take demon scare it's snoring here that fright old disgrace

Who caught the old cow, I'm already there. I died again, it's no use, just a strong girl.

will let in or will not let you leave hence the demon present wanting the devil

You're not from the head What an awful thing, what an absurd thing to do.

there knows the dog watch we are here It has to be there in the mind that day.

We the devil, now I'm going to open this door

I like gramophone, gramophone is missing You can not open the parts here.

You can open here, too. my this sun

these sounds of the demon capiroto It has nothing to do

It gives more fear in the other game there eita p **** she has I will take scare is 123 where the

bicho, you're laughing, the beast is coming. Where are you, oh my God, what's that to hear?

Junior Capiroto there what that guy you It's dead, man. Hi, hands. The guys are delivered.

already for the devil is not good the game I do not I know any objective exactly I just know

that I'm walking around with a new game load game then passing in the food court

AC Where the ladder we go up find the demon again my my friends

the shiver is not low here I do not shiver Giant is not it was from here that I came to rest

Then my friend started a beauty. I'm as brave as it is

Fear of hell, this game is very plus the PAMALI and has that type voltage

Anytime, anything can happen. Understood. here she got tired I'm going to have to go to the morgue

because I've seen Come on, my friend, do not give up.

here is going to have monster here o the pussy pussy snoring again 123 died does not open

not here the crazy dude face in my door ass dumb

ass That moment that I lost myself and did not I know what to do here, I already have to

to turn here the whole Cell phone is good yet Ok I've seen it too

Let's see how the plane descends. Not here, but I'm going to have to go down and do it.

Somethin 'again, come on, rest. Oh my darling, this sound, I'll tell you.

saw that fear of the dog Then I fall behind me, motherfucker.

Too old shivers, let's go up on stage. something to do here bixa will try

from me again I'm not afraid of you bichon our hand the bicharada old hand

I'm all creepy again my friends I I just do not know where I have to go.

to explore something

the doll can not be applied the doll belongs to someone somewhere

the capeta is here again. to press Hi

I'm going to take a picture of the capeta here, guys. I'm lost this is going to be another video that

I'm going to have to do Live with you because Did you know that you want the bixa to be snoring?

here and I'm lost the staff I'm going to close the video here and I hope you have enjoyed it

and come on let's keep things on Pixel because I'm going to tell you I did not know

What I do here, thanks, have a hug together

For more infomation >> DREAD OUT #1... JOGO DE TERROR DA INDONÉSIA! - Duration: 18:39.


Versiones de las casas de Harry Potter 1 en español (noticias diciembre 2018) - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Versiones de las casas de Harry Potter 1 en español (noticias diciembre 2018) - Duration: 1:53.


Malabarismo de contato ou acrobacia brutal? Cia de Cabeza VS Louisse Aldrigues - Só Freestyles - Duration: 4:30.

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And that's why team working will strengthen us

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