Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 1 2018

In this lesson, we are going to learn how to pronounce "Main" and "Hun" in Urdu language

A lot of people pronounce "I" as "Main" instead of " MaiÑ "

And pronounce "am" as ' hun ' instead of ' huÑ '

For example

People say, I am Jennifer = Main Jennifer hun

Whereas we need to say " MaiÑ Jennifer huÑ "

in this lesson, I will teach you how the native speaker pronounce "MaiÑ huÑ " instead of "Main Hun"

Let's have a start

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First of all, we have ' I ' which is ' MaiÑ '

Before learn how to pronounce, we need to learn what is the last or ending "N"

A lot of people think that it is silent, but it is not silent

Actually it is unfinished ' N '

That's mean we pronounce it but we don't pronounce it completely

If we pronounce it complete, it will become " Main "

Whereas we need to pronounce it half or unfinished as MaiÑ

That mean we should pronounce it, we can't skip it but we will pronounce half

Now I will teach you how can we pronounce half ' N ' so that the sound become ' MainÑ ' instead of ' Main '

When we pronounce " Main " our tongue touch upper side the teeth or you can say to the mouth's roof

Try to say ' Main ' and observe

so, when you complete ' Main ' the tongue touch roof of the mouth

And it's become ' Main '

As I told you that it is unfinished ' N ' therefore we should pronounce it half

What you need to do

When are you pronouncing ' Main ' you need to suddenly stop before it complete

Say with me ' Main ' and stop before your tongue touch the roof

Before your tongue touch inside the upper teeth, you should stop, (don't let your tongue touch the mouth roof)

By doing this, you can pronounce unfinished ' N '

Repeat with me ' MaiÑ " Don't complete it otherwise it will become ' Main ' not ' MainÑ '

Let's talk about ' hun '

'am' in Urdu is 'Huñ' and use it with ' I '

I am teacher = Maiñ Teacher huñ

The ' huñ ' have same rule, when you pronounce it with full ' N ' it becomes ' hun'

In this case, you need to stop before you complete the 'N ' sound - Hunñ

Suddenly stop before your tongue touch the mouth's roof, and it will become the proper accent as the native speaker use

MaiÑ teacher huÑ, if you use the full ' N ' it will become ' Main teacher hun'

Here we have another word, that is Mother

In Urdu language mother is ' aami ' and it is also ' Maañ '

in here, we will learn ' Maañ ' for practice

If you pronounce ' MaaÑ ' with full ' N ' it will become ' Maan '

You complete the 'N' sound touching your tongue on roof of the mouth and it became ' Maan '

But we need to stop before our tongue touch the upper teeth

Repeat with me = MaaÑ (don't let your tongue touch the upper side)

Another word we have is 'where'. In Urdu language 'where' is ' KahaÑ '

The same rule, if you say with full 'N' it will become 'Kahan'

Whereas the correct is ' KahaÑ ' (unfinished ' N ' )

Repeat with me Suddenly stop in last moments while it is going to complete

Another word we have, it is ' haiñ '

In Urdu language, are is ' haiñ '

and mostly people pronounce it as ' hain' because 'is=hai' and people confused how to make difference in hai & haiñ

We use the same rule, if you pronounce with full ' N ' it becomes ' Hain '

And with half or unfinished ' N ' it is ' HaiÑ '

Repeat with me

Always keep in mind, that we should pronounce the last ' N ' we can't skip it. it is not silent

But it is unfinished "Noon"

In Urdu language, we say ' Noon-Ghuna '

That's mean unfinished or half ' N '

And if we write in Urdu script. It comes without a dot inside it

Let's have a practice

I am a teacher. How to say?

I am teacher = MainÑ teacher huÑ

Where are you = aap kahaÑ haiÑ

repeat with me ' Kahañ haiñ '

Don't say ' Kahan hain '

mean you should pronounce unfinished ' N '

Aap kahñ haiñ

I hope this lesson will help you to correctly pronounce silent or unfinished 'N'

Have a question? Feel free to write me in comments

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Have a nice day. See you in the next lesson

For more infomation >> Urdu Pronunciation Guide - Guía de Pronunciación de Urdu - Duration: 6:26.


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