Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 29 2018

plastic washer made with a hole saw and perforated to allow the compressed air to pass

thin washer also cut out with a hole saw

the thin washer diameter is slightly smaller than the thick one

the thin washer have 39mm

the thick washer have 40mm

40mm PVC coupling

the thick washer fits perfectly (no glue needed)

40mm to 20mm coupling

25cm threaded bar (I'm using M8, but this is not important)

nuts and washers for holding the thin washer in place

the threaded bar will be placed in the thick washer

the gap between the thin washer and the coupling is very narrow (0,5mm)

this is very important for the correct performance

40mm sewage PVC cap (must be holed)

16cm of 40mm sewage tube

the edge of the tube must be sharpened externally to create an attack angle

nuts to hold the tube in place

the gap between the coupling and the tube must be adjusted (8 to 10mm is good)

the whistle works just blowing in it

1/2 inch threaded coupling to fit in the compressed air line

feeded with 6 bar (88 psi)

feeded with 3 bar (44 psi)

For more infomation >> Compressed Air Whistle - Duration: 6:02.


Últimas notícia de hoje : SHELL, EXXON E CHEVRON FAZEM A XEPA DO PRÉ-SAL - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : SHELL, EXXON E CHEVRON FAZEM A XEPA DO PRÉ-SAL - Duration: 5:53.





Un día con Josefina Montané en medio de las grabaciones de Pacto de Sangre - Duration: 9:27.

For more infomation >> Un día con Josefina Montané en medio de las grabaciones de Pacto de Sangre - Duration: 9:27.


Los tips de belleza de la figura de Instagram y runner Gabi Dallagnol - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Los tips de belleza de la figura de Instagram y runner Gabi Dallagnol - Duration: 3:25.



For more infomation >> FRANÇOIS FILLON : SA FEMME PENELOPE SORT ENFIN DE L'OMBRE - Duration: 2:51.


Flamengo anuncia demissão de Maurício Barbieri - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Flamengo anuncia demissão de Maurício Barbieri - Duration: 1:13.


Marie Fillon : qui est la fille de François Fillon ? - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Marie Fillon : qui est la fille de François Fillon ? - Duration: 3:54.


Horóscopo Capricornio Semanal Buena y Mala Noticia 1 al 7 de Octubre - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> Horóscopo Capricornio Semanal Buena y Mala Noticia 1 al 7 de Octubre - Duration: 5:30.


Visiting the public market of Jerusalem - Mahane Yehuda. Feat @Paty - Duration: 8:52.

La Guaty - Living in Jerusalem

La Guaty - Living in Jerusalem

La Guaty - Living in Jerusalem

Hello "Muchachos y Muchachas" {I had brackets when I made this video}

Today we are from the public market of Jerusalem

From Mahane Yehuda

You can watch it there behind of us

all this part....

That is the entrance

The entrance to the market...

Today I am with Paty again... Hello Paty...


We are going to take a tour, I will take you or we will take you for a tour...

throughout the Jerusalem public market... Mahane Yehuda...

known simply as the shuk...

we go to the Shuk, that is the market

What does Shuk mean in Spanish? - Market

When you come to Jerusalem you say... we want to go to shuk...

... Or we want to go to the Mahane Yehuda...

... it's longer but do not get confused...

So let's go and see what the market looks like

{Spices for food and tea}

See the variety of nuts in the shuk...




...Sunflower seeds...

...People like to buy these nuts...


¡¡ Say Hello !!

These are halva

What is halva, Paty?

I think they are made of sesame...

from sesame seed

but they put different flavors...

...They put nuts, pistachios, chocolates.

What is that?

I love you so much

This is for salad, for yogurt...

...This is for tea...

For What?

Cider, cinnamon, apple...

All... Jennifer Lopez!!

{What?? Jennifer Lopez??? }


Say hello to the people in Colombia

{-What? -I don´t speak Spanish -Why Did I say Jennifer Lopez? }

You can also find stores where there are imported cheeses...

and look at colorful cheeses

There are even spicy cheeses

{ Different kinds of salads }

{ Olives of all colors }

Getting to the market is very easy because there are buses ..

...There is a train station named Mahane Yehuda...

...Then getting to the market is super, super easy...

... there is no way to get lost and it is in the center of Jerusalem...

...But keep in mind before you come to shop

Think well that you are going to buy...

... because otherwise You are going to buy something You did not need...

...And if You know You are going to buy a lot things, bring a shopping trolley...

... here is called "Agala"...

...because otherwise You will have to carry the bags... and ¡¡Oh my goodness !!

...Keep in mind the busiest hours such as Friday at noon...

...from noon to evening because the Shabbat begins...

...because those who have not bought, are desperate to buy...

...There are many people, tourists, young people, soldiers, singers, musicians...

Of everything!

...And cardboard boxes fly over your head from one side to the other ...

Friday morning or midday, it's not a good day to shop

...Unless you want it as an extreme experience

Extreme... that is an extreme sport..

...Let's continue with our tour...

...Here we are in a food court, juices, (restaurants) ...

...this is a very famous drink place...


...and now we go to the part that has no ceiling.

¡¡¡ We come to the sun !!

It's the part where I've come most...

...I think is cheaper...

...There are some stores too ... (According to Paty it's cheaper)

... Supermarkets, there are coffee shops, there are larger spice stores.

{ Gummies }

We are going to finish our tour by having a coffee

Coming to The Shuk is always going to be a good experience...

...It is highly recommended...

...If you come to Jerusalem, you must come to the market "The Shuk"...

...It's not big, walking slowly, testing here and testing there...

...It can be walked like in one hour...

... and you can find restaurants like this one that is a coffee-restaurant...

... where you can eat something tasty

It is very good to come to the Shuk because you will see colors...

...many things that are part of the Middle East...

...textures, spices...

...Here you can find nuts, all that you can imagine.

And people, I like to see people...

...Because you see the people of the place, because they come to buy here...

....Although many tourists come...

...But for the people from here, it's typical to come to the Shuk to buy ...

...You can see what culture is like...

...And if you are already living here and you are going to buy here... start having the first transcultural Shocks...

...As "They throw the bag, They throw me change, They shout at me"...

...But It´s learning the culture...

...And how They interact...

...There are people who speak Hebrew, there are people who speak Arabic...

...Means, there are Jews, there are Arabs, there is everything...

...and how it interact.

And many people feel shock when they come to buy...

...and the food is not covered and people talk over it...

...or that one pays and with the same hand with which they receive the money deliver the food...

...It´s about sanitation, and I think here They aren´t very strict...

[I was called to receive my order]

Our coffee is here!!

We are finishing our tour with coffee... a roll.. that is a Danish cinnamon roll...

Paty asked for a cookie, and they gave to her a cookie...

(That is like the half of the cookie... look!)

...And cold chocolate...

And because it's summer and We have to hydrate. We have to drink a lot of liquids in summer here,


So we finished the tour of the public market of Jerusalem...

...You know? I was reading that it is one of the oldest markets in the Middle East...

...It´s one of the oldest...

So We finished the tour... that is one of the main entrance...

...It is the one that doesn´t have ceiling...

...I hope you enjoyed it a lot, as We have enjoyed it...

...and if You come to Jerusalem, obviously You have to come to the market... (come, come)

...So We will meet in another opportunity!!


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