Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 30 2018

Mumble ok. Twitch ok. Blizzard ok. Come on, here we go !

Hello everyone. We are going to stratholme and mainly in

the stratholme service entrance. For that direction the miresters of

the east, the north pass tower and you go follow this little path that

I tell you that right away fly. You go straight west

and you find this little tower. There no longer needs a key today for

do this dungeon. We will do together

the main bosses of the entrance of service because the goal is going to be to loot the

destrier of the death of Vaillefendre.

It is a very rare mount. The rate of loot is only 0 7%.

For this you will have to face the first three bosses in the order as

I'm telling you in the map in starting with Nerub followed by

Baroness. So once you've shot down those

boss, there is a small crypt just behind them. You enter the

crypt and you kill the acolytes who are there found, in total five acolytes. Yes

you do not do this well and well you will not be able to access the latest bosses

which would be a shame because it is mainly for him we come

in this dungeon. I recommend you to do the three

bumps in the order that I have you indicated. I do not know if it really

importance to have a chance or not to loot the mount

but some youtubers recommend it so I recommend it too. A

once you've killed those three bosses, you arrive on the square

central and you kill Rammstein who is here and then

the sentries, five officials exhibit. Once you have occi

all this little world you can enter the last crypt just behind the

sentry and that's where lies the Lord Vaillefendre with his

fabulous mount. I would not have had lucky to have it this time. Tell

me in the comments if you have managed to get it.

In any case I tell you very soon for new raids and dungeons in


For more infomation >> [wow] Stratholme service entrance #donjonsetraidsensolo - Duration: 2:50.


Últimas notícia de hoje : Ficha limpa? Bolsonaro ocultou bens da Justiça Eleitoral - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : Ficha limpa? Bolsonaro ocultou bens da Justiça Eleitoral - Duration: 2:43.


Últimas notícia de hoje : AO CENSURAR LULA, FUX NA PRÁTICA ADERIU AO FASCISMO - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : AO CENSURAR LULA, FUX NA PRÁTICA ADERIU AO FASCISMO - Duration: 3:38.


Pai de Tatá Werneck shippa filha com Rafael Vitti: "Vão ser ótimos pais" - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Pai de Tatá Werneck shippa filha com Rafael Vitti: "Vão ser ótimos pais" - Duration: 2:02.


Ana Maria Braga passeia em jatinho recém-comprado de R$ 7,5 milhões - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Ana Maria Braga passeia em jatinho recém-comprado de R$ 7,5 milhões - Duration: 1:16.


Así fue la impactante reacción de Suso Álvarez ante el edredoning de Techi y Omar Montes en - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Así fue la impactante reacción de Suso Álvarez ante el edredoning de Techi y Omar Montes en - Duration: 3:20.


Steisy trata de desenmascarar a Omar Montes: "Me llamó para hacer un videoclip e intentó liarse - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Steisy trata de desenmascarar a Omar Montes: "Me llamó para hacer un videoclip e intentó liarse - Duration: 2:55.


De capa caída: el Barça no pasa del empate ante el Athletic (1-1) y vuelve a 'pinchar' en Liga - Duration: 7:02.

For more infomation >> De capa caída: el Barça no pasa del empate ante el Athletic (1-1) y vuelve a 'pinchar' en Liga - Duration: 7:02.


MAKING OF 03 - A VIDA DE JAIME - Duration: 3:15.

VINÍCIUS: You will see that they are all his characters.

PEDRO: The most rotten throat ever. VINÍCIUS: The guy smokes so hard...

PEDRO: The guy thinks he's going to eat seven apples and he'll have Hercules' throat.

VINÍCIUS: Apple, ginger and lemon with warm water... It's not enough...

VINÍCIUS: Do it, do it, uh.


LUCIANO: Let the guys pay attention, right? The guys are the biggest motherfuckers!

LUCIANO: You registered there that Nelson Rodrigues said that the prophet is the one who says the obvious, right?

LUCIANO: That Brazil has already won the worldcup. Is this recorded? Well registered?

PEDRO: We'll find out now if you're a prophet or if you're not.

[Jair's voice] I also had some problems with...

LUCIANO: Are you insane?

LUCIANO: It's on the other page. PEDRO: I turned it, haven't I?

LUCIANO: No. PEDRO: Oh, I turned it the wrong way. Wait a second.

LUCIANO: You have to flip it forward. It's because the clips is in the wrong place.

VINÍCIUS: It's because he does not know how to do his job.

PEDRO: Print sheet!

LUCIANO: Pay attention: I recorded script 1 on the front page and script 2 on the back page.

PEDRO: No. But the script 2 I have to read like a manga, right?

LUCIANO: Oh, Fonseca. The camera films up there?

VINÍCIUS: Yes. LUCIANO: Films me where I am?


LUCIANO: Can I record Jean-Pierre?

PEDRO: You have to record it in the microphone, bitch...

LUCIANO: I know, bitch. But I'm doing a staging.

VINÍCIUS: That's it, oh. You have to act.

LUCIANO: I'm angry, man.

LUCIANO: The guy is supposed to be the animator, the animation sucks.

LUCIANO: The guy's cameras turn off every five seconds...

LUCIANO: He places wrong the camera, the camera is crooked, and we have to turn off the camera all the time.

LUCIANO: What about productivity? Who pays?

LUCIANO: The animation of the guy... really serious.

LUCIANO: Have you ever seen Rick and Morty, Pedro? PEDRO: Turns out that I have.

LUCIANO: The guy who turns on the television in Rick and Morty and passes on to our animation: what is he will going to think?

VINÍCIUS: Worst of all, that's not it. Worst of all, I'm coming back from there with Pedro's beer.

THOMAZ: The guy is a beer thief yet?

VINÍCIUS: Let's heats up the voice here.

PEDRO: I think this voice heater is over...

PEDRO: I hope not.

PEDRO: Is there a drink here still?

PETER: Wow! It does. Mercy!

LUCIANO: Let me warm my voice, huh.

VINÍCIUS: It's over.

LUCIANO: Was that it?

PEDRO: You can warm up like this ...

[Jair's voice] Here, take this money. Go, get your bike...

PEDRO: You may go.

[Jaime's voice] But I have no money, Enzo ...

LUCIANO: Ridiculous, right?

VINÍCIUS: That's where you see the....

[Zula's voice] Secondly I'm only doing this because at your age

[Zula's voice] I had no one to teach me shit. How old are you?

PEDRO: Do you think that's better?

PEDRO: I should have taken it before, right? I was fool.

PEDRO: Sweet mother of God!

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