Mumble ok. Twitch ok. Blizzard ok. Come on, here we go !
Hello everyone. We are going to stratholme and mainly in
the stratholme service entrance. For that direction the miresters of
the east, the north pass tower and you go follow this little path that
I tell you that right away fly. You go straight west
and you find this little tower. There no longer needs a key today for
do this dungeon. We will do together
the main bosses of the entrance of service because the goal is going to be to loot the
destrier of the death of Vaillefendre.
It is a very rare mount. The rate of loot is only 0 7%.
For this you will have to face the first three bosses in the order as
I'm telling you in the map in starting with Nerub followed by
Baroness. So once you've shot down those
boss, there is a small crypt just behind them. You enter the
crypt and you kill the acolytes who are there found, in total five acolytes. Yes
you do not do this well and well you will not be able to access the latest bosses
which would be a shame because it is mainly for him we come
in this dungeon. I recommend you to do the three
bumps in the order that I have you indicated. I do not know if it really
importance to have a chance or not to loot the mount
but some youtubers recommend it so I recommend it too. A
once you've killed those three bosses, you arrive on the square
central and you kill Rammstein who is here and then
the sentries, five officials exhibit. Once you have occi
all this little world you can enter the last crypt just behind the
sentry and that's where lies the Lord Vaillefendre with his
fabulous mount. I would not have had lucky to have it this time. Tell
me in the comments if you have managed to get it.
In any case I tell you very soon for new raids and dungeons in
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