Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 1 2018

Hello new My dear friends here we are back with the video number 2 of the screen repair LG model 49LF5100

In video number 1 we taught how the fault was representing us this screen which is that we were not representing video signal

We have followed the repair process we have reviewed the status of the T-Con card and we have noticed that it is in good condition

We have done the repair process we have disconnected the flexible cables that connect to the panel

And we have noticed that the problem is in part A of this panel

Okay then we in this video tutorial we will follow the repair process in order to find the defective component

and give him Okay solution This work we are going to do here is very special because it is a very very large panel

Which would be worth rescuing the technique in this video tutorial I'm going to teach is very simple

You'll realize that in an easy and practical way we will give solution to this failure so you stay until the end of the video

And if you have not subscribed to the channel I invite you to do it and activate is the bell of notifications so you do not miss

None of the videos that we get to channel Okay

Then proceed to dismantle this plastic part to have access to that card very well we continue

Very well gentlemen and in these cases it is necessary that we have the whole frame but that would imply that

We have to move the panel then we here if we analyze carefully

We realize that by just uncheating this plastic part is enough to have access to that card

As you are observing here this is enough for us to have access

To the card pre-panel and how you can see there are the components of that card

We've taken the surprise that we only see here

Some SMD capacitors and some Nano resistors

That's all you have this card

Okay then but we're going to follow the process of

Repair as you have taught it

What we're going to do next is this

The flexible cable must be connected to the

How you can observe already connected and what we are going to do is inject voltage into the card

Pre-panel and this we will do according to the reference points that we have presented on the T-card with Okay

It is worth mentioning that if the boy is damaged then this is going to be a problem to rescue this panel

Very well for what we're going to do you need to have a source lab an adjustable source at least 5 amps

and the voltage that we are going to inject in the reference points the T-Con card as I mentioned

It's exclusively 4 volts Okay there at the landmarks we found

Voltages up to 28 volts 16 Volts as we observe in the video number 1 and the point marked as VGL marked with-5 volts

We're going to work with four volts with that enough so we won't be going to burst

or explode some component by injecting too much voltage

So I'm going to put my test leads here and we're going to head for the T card with

And look for reference points marked as VGL, VGH and VDD

These voltage cue points that we talked about in the number one tutorial

Now what I'm going to do is next I'm going to inject this voltage into the dot marked as Vgh

There I am injecting the TV is offline

And how can you appreciate I don't have amp consumption

Which means that this line is released

In this line we have no problem now let's check VDD

How you can see there is marking me 1.9

Consumption amps

There we are 1.9

It means then that the line marked as VDD

We have a serious short circuit

Now to inject voltage into the VGL reference point

We have exchanged the tips

Because we remember that here

The negative voltage

But how can you see we have no consumption

of amperage which means that

In the only point of reference that we have

Problem is the point marked as VDD


Now we have discovered that

The marked dot how VDD is the problem

Then we will do the following

What we will do is

Check whether any of the components on the pre-panel card

As they overheat

Okay then what we can do here is with our fingers

Touch here with great caution

Lest any component be overheated

And go burn our fingers

We can do this

To make the work quick and practical

But I'm also going to show you other techniques that

You can apply to discover

Which component is overheating

So what I do is I injected voltage

In the reference point from which we have discovered

Which is marking me amperage consumption

Pero acá puedo darme cuenta que ningún componente de éstos Se está calentando

Okay then let's review this other part

Here we have the following flexible cable that connects to the panel

And how can you observe

It also has some components over here

We're going to apply exactly the same technique

With great caution we are going to touch those components

And we're going to inject the voltage

And indeed over here

We have a component that is being


Okay So here we could have the problem on this screen

In order to be able to discover also otherwise which components are about overheating

We can also occupy this aerosol

This is a freezing aerosol

But if we don't have this kind of aerosol

We can occupy flux that you are observing

That I have here or if not because you can also use soldering paste ok

And what we do is this

Place a small portion

of this soldering paste or flux

And we're going to put it over the components that we've detected

They're re heating

We're going to put a little flux here and then we're going to inject the voltage

With which we are working on the reference point that we have encountered that has problems

Y vamos a verificar si esos componentes comienzan a Recalentar

So if you heat up you're going to generate smoke

There as you can see

We actually have that capacitor with a very very strong leak

So this is what the T-card with detects therefore it comes into protection

So now we clearly know that it is this SMD component that could be causing this breakdown

means we're going to have to replace it then that's the first thing we're going to do here then I'll proceed to extract it

And then we're going to look for a corresponding replacement

All right now regarding the replacement I have here many recycling cards

In which you will find many of the capacitors that we have found damaged

Remember that for a replacement of these capacitors it is necessary to take into account the color of this capacitor

And similarly the size Okay I already have it here now I will proceed to install it

Very well how can you observe we have already installed

Now what we are going to do is check the voltage that now emits the T-Con card

Remember that when the flexible cable was connected because obviously the tensor did not generate the corresponding function

Because the T-card with went into protection

But now with having eliminated that capacitor that was causing a fault is expected because the T-Con card

Start working properly and the fault has been resolved

All right then let's check here we're going to locate at the main voltage reference points

of which I have taught them and we will take them reading

Very well here the TV already turned on now I will check the point marked as Vdd

All right there I have 16.4 volts

And this was the line that was causing me the problem

There we have 16.4 stable way

Now let's check the dot marked as Vgh very well 28 volts

Now VGL-5 Volts

Now I can tell you that the T-Con card is working properly

Now we will lift the panel and we will check if the fault is definitely resolved

I'm going to lift here with a lot of caution

Very well there how you can see the logo of the brand

It's floating this is the protection screen or screen saver

And we can actually observe that it has worked again in a correct way this panel

There we see in logo of start there to the background we observe the menu of audio and video

Now we can see that the screen has worked properly

We have no stripes or stripes or lines of colors and here because we will only need to connect video signal

And the fault we have solved in a simple and easy Okay

Then gentlemen as you can observe this way we have given solution to this 49 inch LG brand Screen

If you apply this technique because you will certainly be able to solve this and many faults Lque represents these televisions of the new generation

Very good amazing to believe but how can you observe a small component like

This is capable of causing a breakdown like the one we have solved

Very well gentlemen this is another video for the collection of electronic videos Núñez Tutorials

See you until the next tutorial

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El año pasado, la CICIG solicitó el desafuero del presidente Morales al encontrar irregularidades en la financiación de la campaña que lo llevó a la presidencia

Además, participó en la investigación en contra del hermano y uno de los hijos de Morales, acusados de fraude

En ese momento el mandatario se enfrentó al jefe de la CICIG, el colombiano Iván Velásquez, y lo amenazó con la expulsión del país

Por si no fuera poco, también lo acusan de financiamiento ilícito cuando fungía como secretario general del partido que lo llevó al poder

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