Open that mouth, son of a....
Jaime's life
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Golazo de Vigón y Atlas ya le gana a Cruz Azul - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
ABORTING THE DELIVERY - JAIME'S LIFE - Duration: 1:32.So, lady, the evening delivery has an additional hazard pay...
Because the biker, you know, goes through every kind of situation to
to deliver the lady's gift, right?
But you can rest easy, we will do. a nice deal, I just have to...
Wait a minute, there's a girl calling me here, wait a minute.
Hi, my little princess! My cocoa candy!
How I miss my baby.
Where's baby? I found! I found the baby...
What's up, brunette?
Motel coupon?
Ai, ai, ai... today I can not no, my ebon.
Today I have a delivery to do that...
Oh, you're lying ...
You swear?
You swear you do it to daddy?
Oh my god! You're going to kill me, my ebon!
So, okay, let's do this: we go at the pizzeria that
I have a credit there, we eat quickly and we're going
straight to the motel, because today, woman,
today I will destroy you! Today I'll break you down! Oh, woman...
Today I will use you in such a way...
That you're going to get out of there crippled! Limping! That way I
I know you love it, bitch!
So, seven hours. I'm catching you, right?
Do not go in skirt because I'm on a motorcycle.
Take a cap too, cause I I think it's going to rain. Ok?
So kisses on that sweet and little pussy! You naughty!
So, lady. I am thinking here I do not like to
take deliveries at night, do you understand?
Even more having to take every type of weather to deliver
children's gift... It will not gonna happen, right?
But you can rest easy that I I'll give you Armpit's contact,
the comrade is good, he delivers for you.
Now let me run, lady, cause I still have to shave the balls today.
Jaime's Life
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La petición pública de trabajo de María Teresa Campos - Duration: 6:14.-------------------------------------------
Hablamos con Carmen Borrego horas antes de someterse a su operación de estética - Duration: 2:51.-------------------------------------------
BECOMING A COMEDIAN - JAIME'S LIFE - Duration: 0:38.Look, Jimmy, first of all I want to make it clear that this meeting is a secret
between us. Right?
Secondly, I'm just doing this because at your age I've never had anyone
to teach me shit.
- How old are you? - Fourteen.
Is this a butcher shop?
Shut up. I ask, you answer.
And what would you like to do, if you could be funny?
I would like to get a microphone and do everyone laughs like Danilo Gentili.
I know ... so the deal is: in first, Jimmy, you gotta understand.
that you are nothing, nothing, nothing funny.
No fucking way!
You're absolutely boring and would never make anyone laugh if you didn't learn
what I'm going to teach you.
Do you understand what I'm talking about?
Yes, I am, Zula.
And from now you'll call me master Zula.
All right, Master Zula.
Jaime's Life
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Mansão de luxo que Xuxa Meneghel colocou à venda impressiona por conta do tamanho e cômodos espaçoso - Duration: 4:21.-------------------------------------------
Envolvidos em polêmica de salário, saiba quanto ganham William Bonner e Renata Vasconcellos - Duration: 4:24.-------------------------------------------
Depois de se separar de Xuxa, Sheila Mello está andando de cadeira de rodas - Duration: 4:47.-------------------------------------------
Streets of Los Angeles, the good and the bad - Duration: 10:07.Activate subtitles for your language
How are you friends? again here Raul.
Once again, we will go through the streets of Los Angeles.
The Downtown Los Angeles.
What can I tell you about that?
And what about this?
A combination of the good and the bad of the city of Los Angeles.
Or rather, the county of Los Angeles.
Although, in this case.
As I was saying.
Here is the Downtown Los Angeles, what we are talking about.
What is this street? This is Hope Street.
I can not see the name of the other street.
It's the 7th street.
As you can see.
This is another one of those simple videos without editions.
This is the simple reality.
Everyone looks at what they want to see.
What do you want to look at?
Look at the good or the bad, that's your decision.
Within the bad that there is here.
What to say?
Here there are many homeless people.
You can see them in the streets.
What is inside good things?
Among the good things, this city is multicultural.
I'm going to cut the video, I'm going to continue recording from the other side of the street.
As I was saying.
It is a multicultural city where you can see people of all races.
Sometimes when you see blond people.
Suddenly you hear them speaking Russian or French.
And when you look at an Asian person, they are not always Chinese.
I said that they are not always Chinese, because that is what many people always say.
The reality is that they are often Japanese or sometimes Korean.
While we walk, you can see people around.
Maybe we're lucky and you can listen when they talk.
Today is a normal day like any other day on the streets of Los Angeles.
You can see the reality of the streets.
Wow friend, the bus ran away.
Inside the good things and the bad things.
Within what is good and what is bad, you will see what you want to see.
Here are some buildings.
At this moment it is late.
You can no longer see the sunlight, you only look at it above the small buildings.
Earlier there are many people around here.
What to say of the night?
In the night here it is dark and lonely.
But that's how all cities are.
We have to tell the truth.
All cities are dark and lonely at night.
Although some cities are more special.
For many people this video will look like very simple and without reason.
Especially for those people who live here in Los Angeles.
But you must understand.
There are people in other states or in another country.
They would like to know what the streets of downtown Los Angeles really are like.
Most people who make a video of this city only show you the beautiful and tourist places.
Maybe that's his style, on his YouTube channel.
I do not look for likes.
I just wanted to show you the reality.
These videos are simple and without much editing.
Sometimes I cut the video.
This is because I see someone who turns around or gets upset because he watches me recording with the camera.
I prefer to cut out that part of the video.
I do not like to show you a bad face in the video.
The noise of an ambulance is heard.
I think it's the firefigthers;
What can we do?
This is how the streets are always, here in Downtown Los Angeles.
The fire truck has already passed.
It's like some people say.
Here the siren of some vehicle always listening.
What do you want to see, the bad or the beautiful?
That is what I want to see.
Another pinch that my girlfriend is going to give me.
Or do you want to see that?
{Man shouting alone on the other sidewalk}
Everyone looks at what they want to see.
Again that noise comes.
Welcome to the streets of Los Angeles.
This is how the streets of Downtown Los Angeles always be.
The street where I am walking is the 7th.
If I keep walking straight, I'll enter Skid Row.
I really do not want to go into that place.
I'm just going to walk the limits of Skid Row.
I do not want to go where it is very ugly.
Let me continue here.
Here is a dark alley.
That smells really bad.
As I had told you before.
I know many people do not find the purpose of this video.
It's okay, everyone looks at what they want to see.
Nobody forces you to look at it.
But, you also have to understand.
There are people in other parts of the world.
They want to know what the streets of Los Angeles really are like.
Here is a simple video without edits.
This is 7th street and Los Angeles street.
Over there is Skid Row.
But, I do not want to enter that place.
I'd better go straight down this street.
Hello man.
Would you like a cold water?
Let me give you something.
I do not have money
I do not have cigarettes
This is for you.
God bless you.
Not cigars, not money.
Poor people.
See you in the next video friend.
Here, at the limits of Skid Row.
I invite you to watch the following video.
I took a wrong turn in the streets of Los Angeles.
I took a turn in the wrong street.
{Get back}
Thanks for watching the video.
First person videos, around Los Angeles.
Exploring Los Angeles, with subtitles in Many languages.
Isabel de Bélgica se despide emocionada de sus hermanos al marcharse a estudiar a Reino Unido - Duration: 2:41.-------------------------------------------
Vestidos rojos, tiaras y mucha complicidad en la visita de los Macron a la Familia Real Danesa - Duration: 3:54.-------------------------------------------
L'astuce mode de Kate Middleton -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:06.-------------------------------------------
Lutando contra câncer, Beto Barbosa faz revelações e lamenta anos de vício no tabaco - Duration: 3:34.-------------------------------------------
Grazi Massafera choca, recebe proposta de emissora e deve deixar a Globo - Duration: 4:32.-------------------------------------------
ITAGUARAÍ NEWS - JAIME'S LIFE - Duration: 1:12.Urgent! The police just arrested Bruno Prickass, accused this morning of
smoking in the public square. According to witnesses who evacuated
immediately the place, Prickass lit a cigarette in the middle of four people
which are now quarantined for further observations.
According to the witnesses, Prickass committed the crime within 50 meters of the
the nearest bubble. Now with the word our correspondent Duilio Costa, who is
in the 1st civil police station of Itaguaraí to talk to the suspect. Duílio.
Thank you, Gilberto. We're here with the character of this story, Bruno
Prickass, which caused this morning four victims with his biological attack.
Brazil needs to know: then, Prickass, what led you to commit such an awful crime?
I did nothing!
I did nothing! I only lit a cigarette!
Well, Gilberto, it seems that the police is having trouble taking Prickass,
but the prosecution has already said that they will ask the maximum penalty for the suspect.
Thank you, Duílio. We now close the Itaguaraí News and
we inform the population: you can return to move smoothly, because now Prickass
is already on the death row.
Good ev ening.
Jaime's Life
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Good morning, Mr. Jair!
You have just been awarded an incredible opportunity of enrichment!
God is father!
Did I won the lottery?
Better, Mr. Jair!
I'm Ricardo Nolasco and I'm talking of Chickens and Technology Development Corporation,
to say that your profile has been selected from thirty thousand to become a member of our
Become a member?
That's it!
To profit even on the bear markets!
Our company, Mr. Jair, is synonymous of excellence in the creation and export of chickens.
Our business model ensures the profitability and the sustainability of the enterprise.
Well... Mr. Ricardo.
I'm not understanding very well ...
I'll summarize for you, Mr. Jair: you will work little and earn a lot.
And what do I have to do?
We emphasize that this connection is being recorded and with only a verbal confirmation,
will be sent to your home the policy of three fowls in exchange for an investment
of R$ 5 thousand, with an expectation of return of 1000%.
Did I earn R$ 5 thousand?
No, Mr. Jair.
You can earn fifty thousand.
You can earn even more!
The initial investment that is five thousand.
Just think: five thousand of me, plus five thousand of you, plus five thousand of your wife, plus five...
I'm on garbage, Mr. Ricardo.
I'm a bus driver...
We also have an economic quota created just for people in your situation...
Oh, you know what? Go to f****** hell!
Who was it, dear?
One of Ricardo Nolasco of Chinglen Interveloment, saying that if I invest five thousand I
will earn fifty.
And how was he going to achieve that?
Creating chickens.
Oh, dear.
This Ricardo calls here every week.
Just change the name.
Then was a lie?
My love, my mother always taught: whenever someone smile and offer you money,
put your butt on the wall.
Jaime's Life
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'Honestidad' Los motivos de la demanda de Chabelita Pantoja contra Alejandro Albalá - Duration: 3:26.-------------------------------------------
COMPLAINING TO THE SHERIFF - JAIME'S LIFE - Duration: 0:41.In honor of Nelson Rodrigues
Excuse me, sir...
Oh! Take it easy, jolly kid. Who let you in?
My car was vandalized and nobody does nothing!
The clerk is just on the main entrance.
But I want to talk to the sheriff!
Listen to me, jolly kid, I'm busy.
Please, go talk to the clerk.
Only in this month I was already victim of two robberies, and now they're breaking my f****** car.
Are you deaf, jolly kid?
I want to know who is the ...
I am the sheriff! And if you do not get the f****** out of here now I'll arrest you for contempt!
Jesus f****** Christ!
You're in a police station! Go talk to the clerk!
Jaime's Life
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