What is good youtube Warstu here with a
video on Avengers 4 so make sure to
subscribe to never miss any in Avengers
based videos so the Avengers 4 reshoot
are just about to start I've been told
by a very good source and that some of
the VFX team are currently already in
ATL and ready for the shoots to start
sometime in September in the next couple
of days I believe so the Russo brothers
address what's really going to happen in
the reshoots are they gonna change
everything is Loki gonna come back I
don't know but it could be interesting
so there's an interview here that I'm
gonna read out which essentially says
Anthony Russo addresses the
up-and-coming reshoots and says that
they will be working on the effects into
the winter in the hopes of finishing the
movie by March obviously the reshoot
aren't gonna be September to March
they're just saying that there's a bunch
of scenes to reshoot and fine-tune and
then they're gonna have to work on the
heavy CGI through Tomas so we've worked
on the Edit all summer and we're excited
to finally get those missing pieces in
the film and then we expect to be in the
post through the fall and winter Anthony
Ruffo said we hoped to get this done by
March it's so gratifying that in a movie
with the scope and stare and that wide
of an audience that we were able to get
to the end with a gut punch in yet the
audience stayed with us and found value
and kept coming back it's a rare thing
to find in a commercial filmmaking and
we know it had a lot to do with the
Capitol that has been built around these
characters for the last 10 years of
Marvel film what making the audience is
so invested in these characters that
they are willing to stick with them even
through the hard stuff it's been it's
been our great pleasure as storytellers
to take them through that hard stuff and
have to be and have to be even
entertaining experience at times so
essentially they aren't letting on to
what they're gonna reshoot they're
implying that there isn't much to
reshoot but if the special effects team
has to work throughout the whole winter
if it's gonna take months this tells me
there's some heavy CGI characters being
added maybe are they adding Galactus are
they adding water
maybe not are they adding kind of the
conqueror I don't believe these reshoots
are fine-tuning things I believe they're
going to retcon things and this channel
is based around conspiracy theories but
the article went on to say this it made
me laugh so while these are rumors of
some cool things happening in reshoot
these are just small missing pieces and
they need to finish the movie and not
the drastic altered changes that some
people are trying to convince you of I
don't believe they're not gonna change
much in reshoots because they shot a Ben
just three and four back to back so if
they did that they wouldn't really need
to reshoot anything now we know there's
multiple scenes that weren't shown
during Avengers 3 which will appear in
avenge 4 but overall the Russos aren't
letting on to anything but I will keep
you up-to-date with all the behind the
scenes pictures
information rumors when the reshoots
actually start drew in September it's
like always guys please like subscribe
and comment and I will catch you in
another video very soon catch ya later
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