many blessings and health to all
our followers and welcome to a
new video from our channel today
we will talk about causes and remedies for the
knee pain knee pain
It can be acute due to an injury
recent or chronic due to injuries
badly cured or other health problems
The truth is that the knees suffer the
weight of our body and can be seen
affected by overloads or movements
abrupt then we explain you
what are the possible causes of pain
of knee and we share the best
remedies that we can prepare at home
to relieve and treat pain with
medicinal plants oils or even
possible vegetables causes we reviewed
some of the most common causes of
knee pain arthritis
inflammation of the joint verza and
tish inflammation caused by a
overload or continuous tension in
knees tendonitis inflammation of the
tendons that can cause pain when
running jumping or walking fast the
tendinitis of the knee can
increase the risk of tears
Major tendon injury or breakage
of ligaments is usually felt a crunch
or tear and a sharp pain injury
meniscus is usually produced after a turn
abrupt knee and causes pain
diffuse that can appear immediately
or until two days after distension
muscle or sprain also in a
ligament injury but minor
caused by a sprain cyst of
baker in this case there is also swelling
due to the accumulation of liquid that
we must do if we have had an injury
acute the first thing will be not to mobilize the
area apply cold and be at rest
we will go to a family doctor for
to perform the relevant tests as well
as the diagnosis if the problem is
old or chronic or it appears without
Apparent motive or injury we can also
go to a physiotherapist and osteopath
Professional we also recommend
especially to be able to go to a
therapist who performs the technique of
kinect ap that is based on the use of ones
Elastic plasters of colors that
they use
many professional athletes with
incredible results
we also review some of the
best natural and home remedies
to relieve and cure pains in the
knees cabbage compresses the cabbage is a
excellent anti-inflammatory food for
prepare a cabbage compresses we will use
green cabbage we will put the leaves
instants in the boiling water to
then we have to chafar
take their juice we will put them
directly on the inflamed knee
we will cover it with a cloth and over
we will put albal or laminated paper what
we will leave 30 minutes or more oils of
massage according to the temperature of the
knee we will prepare a homemade oil
therapeutic or another that we can
Apply daily to warm up or
refresh the area
If there is reddening inflammation and the skin
50 milliliters of oil is hot
almonds plus 15 drops of oil
mint essential if there is pain but the
skin is cold olive sesame oil
+ 15 drops
ginger essential oil iu oil
parrot a very therapeutic oil that
we can prepare ourselves is the
of iu parrot that has the property of
improve circulation is also useful
for blows burns scars
etcetera and that also works
as a natural antidepressant we will
macerate fresh Iberian flowers in
Olive oil for 30 days on the air
free the oil will turn color
reddish we will apply it two or three times
a day on the knee massaging
gently treatment with arnica the
arnica is possibly the most
known to athletes and
people who suffer problems
inflammation due to its wide use in
natural medicine and homeopathy for its
anti-inflammatory power this plant the
we will find in the form of cream or gel in
herbalists and pharmacies if we decide
take homeopathy which we can
combine perfectly with the application
of the cream the remedy is called arnica
montana 9 s h and we'll take three balls
under the tongue 3
a day separate from meals drinks
and strong flavors and menthol chewing gum
toothpaste and so on if it turned out to be
utility this information share it with
your family and your friends do not forget
subscribe to my channel for more remedies
natural many blessings
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