Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 8, 2018

Waching daily Aug 30 2018


Welcome to my channel!!!

Today we are going to do some balance exercices.

Working out with a fitball is aproving your stability.

In this Kind of exercices,we almost always use our hands our feet as a support.

In today´s exercices,we are working without support,we will keep our balance with the fitball only.

These exercices are important to improve the bad body position we adapt day to day.

We keep a correct position of the shoulders, be balanced.

This is excellent to adapt correct body positions.

Are you ready?Lets go!!!!!

First exercise,the most basic one.Lean your hands on the fitball and lift up one leg

trying to keep your balance,then little by little,lift the other one.

It not easy.These are progressive exercises and you should be constant,

your body has to dominate the fitball.

An other exercise, a little bit more intense,is,leaning your kness on the fitball.

When you achieve it,then lift your arms

relax your shoulders and cross your hands.Contract your abdomen.

An easier way to learn how to get on the fitball is.....

take place in front of a wall,without the ball touching it.

Place one knee on it,and then the other.When you feel sure,

start lifting up your arms.

I hope you have been trying.

Fitball exercises are very beneficials.

They improve your balance coordination,strenght,resistance.....

It is an intensive work out and it is very positional.

I encourage you to try it,

For those who are looking to buy a fitball, I leave the link in the description in order to achieve one.

Thank you very much,

see you soon!!!!!!

For more infomation >> FITBALL (Ejercicios de equilibrio) Body balance with fitball - Duration: 3:37.


Knee Pain Causes And Remedies For Inflammation - Duration: 4:53.

many blessings and health to all

our followers and welcome to a

new video from our channel today

we will talk about causes and remedies for the

knee pain knee pain

It can be acute due to an injury

recent or chronic due to injuries

badly cured or other health problems

The truth is that the knees suffer the

weight of our body and can be seen

affected by overloads or movements

abrupt then we explain you

what are the possible causes of pain

of knee and we share the best

remedies that we can prepare at home

to relieve and treat pain with

medicinal plants oils or even

possible vegetables causes we reviewed

some of the most common causes of

knee pain arthritis

inflammation of the joint verza and

tish inflammation caused by a

overload or continuous tension in

knees tendonitis inflammation of the

tendons that can cause pain when

running jumping or walking fast the

tendinitis of the knee can

increase the risk of tears

Major tendon injury or breakage

of ligaments is usually felt a crunch

or tear and a sharp pain injury

meniscus is usually produced after a turn

abrupt knee and causes pain

diffuse that can appear immediately

or until two days after distension

muscle or sprain also in a

ligament injury but minor

caused by a sprain cyst of

baker in this case there is also swelling

due to the accumulation of liquid that

we must do if we have had an injury

acute the first thing will be not to mobilize the

area apply cold and be at rest

we will go to a family doctor for

to perform the relevant tests as well

as the diagnosis if the problem is

old or chronic or it appears without

Apparent motive or injury we can also

go to a physiotherapist and osteopath

Professional we also recommend

especially to be able to go to a

therapist who performs the technique of

kinect ap that is based on the use of ones

Elastic plasters of colors that

they use

many professional athletes with

incredible results

we also review some of the

best natural and home remedies

to relieve and cure pains in the

knees cabbage compresses the cabbage is a

excellent anti-inflammatory food for

prepare a cabbage compresses we will use

green cabbage we will put the leaves

instants in the boiling water to

then we have to chafar

take their juice we will put them

directly on the inflamed knee

we will cover it with a cloth and over

we will put albal or laminated paper what

we will leave 30 minutes or more oils of

massage according to the temperature of the

knee we will prepare a homemade oil

therapeutic or another that we can

Apply daily to warm up or

refresh the area

If there is reddening inflammation and the skin

50 milliliters of oil is hot

almonds plus 15 drops of oil

mint essential if there is pain but the

skin is cold olive sesame oil

+ 15 drops

ginger essential oil iu oil

parrot a very therapeutic oil that

we can prepare ourselves is the

of iu parrot that has the property of

improve circulation is also useful

for blows burns scars

etcetera and that also works

as a natural antidepressant we will

macerate fresh Iberian flowers in

Olive oil for 30 days on the air

free the oil will turn color

reddish we will apply it two or three times

a day on the knee massaging

gently treatment with arnica the

arnica is possibly the most

known to athletes and

people who suffer problems

inflammation due to its wide use in

natural medicine and homeopathy for its

anti-inflammatory power this plant the

we will find in the form of cream or gel in

herbalists and pharmacies if we decide

take homeopathy which we can

combine perfectly with the application

of the cream the remedy is called arnica

montana 9 s h and we'll take three balls

under the tongue 3

a day separate from meals drinks

and strong flavors and menthol chewing gum

toothpaste and so on if it turned out to be

utility this information share it with

your family and your friends do not forget

subscribe to my channel for more remedies

natural many blessings


For more infomation >> Knee Pain Causes And Remedies For Inflammation - Duration: 4:53.


🤔 ESTA BOTELLA DE LOS '70 OCULTA ALGO INTERESANTE... | MochiLeandro 43 🌎 - Duration: 14:31.

For more infomation >> 🤔 ESTA BOTELLA DE LOS '70 OCULTA ALGO INTERESANTE... | MochiLeandro 43 🌎 - Duration: 14:31.


RHONY: Did The Ladies Know Luann De Lesseps Was Drinking Again? (Season 10, Episode 21) | Bravo - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> RHONY: Did The Ladies Know Luann De Lesseps Was Drinking Again? (Season 10, Episode 21) | Bravo - Duration: 2:29.


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For more infomation >> Hacer que un Seguro de Vida sea parte en la Historia de su "Vida" | Bankers Life - Duration: 2:00.


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For more infomation >> Brincadeiras de criança podem ser ferramentas para a formação educativa - Duration: 3:26.


As 5 maiores surpresas da Parada da Vitória de 2017 - Duration: 8:59.

For more infomation >> As 5 maiores surpresas da Parada da Vitória de 2017 - Duration: 8:59.


12 habitudes dangereuses que vous devez éviter avant de dormir - Duration: 7:37.

For more infomation >> 12 habitudes dangereuses que vous devez éviter avant de dormir - Duration: 7:37.


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For more infomation >> Karol Lucero se llenó de bromas tras lucir su nuevo look: apostó por barba y bigote - Duration: 3:10.


Brasil pode assumir Missão de Paz da ONU no Líbano, país da ascendência de Temer - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Brasil pode assumir Missão de Paz da ONU no Líbano, país da ascendência de Temer - Duration: 4:13.


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For more infomation >> Kate Middleton reaparece de rigurosa etiqueta junto a la reina en Balmoral - Duration: 4:27.


Un baptême du feu : pourquoi le prochain voyage de Meghan Markle sera crucial News - Duration: 6:18.

For more infomation >> Un baptême du feu : pourquoi le prochain voyage de Meghan Markle sera crucial News - Duration: 6:18.


U&D, anticipazioni: Giorgio Manetti dice addio alla trasmissione di Maria De Filippi - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> U&D, anticipazioni: Giorgio Manetti dice addio alla trasmissione di Maria De Filippi - Duration: 4:07.


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For more infomation >> Rodéate De Personas Positivas NO - Rodéate De Personas Positivas Que Sean Gigantes - Duration: 2:01.


Le concours de la carte Big Mac® Or de l'appli Mon McDoMD - Duration: 0:07.

For more infomation >> Le concours de la carte Big Mac® Or de l'appli Mon McDoMD - Duration: 0:07.


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For more infomation >> Hudson segue de fora e Nenê dá susto em treino do São Paulo - Duration: 2:31.


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For more infomation >> Se filtra la cita más discreta de Doña Sofía en Palma, ajena a miradas curiosas - Duration: 2:17.


Estratégias de Marketing Digital - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Estratégias de Marketing Digital - Duration: 3:43.


El Banco Central de Brasil intervino en el mercado cambiario para contener la depreciación del real - Duration: 3:33.

REUTERS/Ricardo Moraes El Banco Central brasileño anunció hoy una intervención en el mercado cambiario para contener la fuerte depreciación en las últimas semanas del real frente al dólar, que hoy llegó a ser vendido a 4,21 reales a media sesión

El ente emisor anunció una subasta de swap por valor de 1.500 millones de dólares e informó en un comunicado que "las intervenciones buscar proveer liquidez y garantizar el buen funcionamiento del mercado cambiario y, por tanto, el régimen de cambio fluctuante"

El Banco Central precisó que los "instrumentos empleados" permiten que el "régimen de cambio fluctuante" puedan "amortiguar los choques de la mejor forma"

"La intensidad y la frecuencia de las intervenciones dependerán de la dinámica y la disfunciones observadas en el mercado", señaló el emisor en la nota

El real brasileño aceleró hoy su depreciación a media sesión, presionado por el exterior y las dudas electorales que persisten en Brasil cuando falta casi un mes para los comicios presidenciales

Sobre las 13.30 hora local (16.30 GMT), el real se depreciaba un 2,25 % frente al dólar, moneda que era negociada a 4,208 reales para la venta en el tipo de cambio comercial, aunque llegó a ser vendida a 4,21

No obstante, con el Banco Central vendiendo dólar en el mercado, la demanda por la moneda extranjera tiende a caer, así como su apreciación

Después del anuncio de la intervención, el alza de la moneda estadounidense perdía fuerza y era vendida a 4,16 reales

En lo que va de año, el real se ha devaluado cerca de un 25 %, mientras que en los últimos siete días acumula una caída de alrededor del 0,5 %

Además de la depreciación del real provocada por el fortalecimiento de la moneda estadounidense en otros mercados, el mercado cambiario también se ha visto afectado en Brasil por la incertidumbre frente a las elecciones presidenciales de octubre

Según las últimas encuestas, el favorito para las elecciones es, con casi el 40 % de las simpatías, el expresidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, pero su candidatura puede ser vetada por la justicia, pues está en prisión y condenado a doce años por corrupción

Si Lula quedase fuera del pleito, los sondeos, completamente atomizados, sitúan en primer lugar al ultraderechista Jair Bolsonaro, con casi un 20 %, seguido por la ecologista Marina Silva, con 15 %, y el socialdemócrata Geraldo Alkcmin y el laborista Ciro Gomes con entre un 6 y 9 % de las simpatías

Con información de EFE MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: Otra jornada difícil para las monedas emergentes: caídas en Turquía, Brasil y Sudáfrica Los medios del mundo destacan la caída del peso argentino Wall Street cotiza a la baja y acompaña las caídas de las bolsas en todo el mundo

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