Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 8, 2018

Waching daily Aug 30 2018

Os Caras & Carol was created in 2015 by Carol, Diego, Joao, Leonardo and Ruvicio

with an authorial repertoire full of personality and also doing covers of very famous songs,

they have been winning the public.

if you still don't know them, I'm sure that after this interview on Turne Show you will become a fan of this band too!

Guys, it's a pleasure to have you here, Os Caras & Carol

a new band that is coming now in the music scene

but you actually started in 2015, right?

yes, true...

but if I am not wrong, the reason you started all this was not the music

you were taking acting classes and then you started making music, right?

yes, we started all this when we studied together at the Theater and TV school in Rio de Janeiro

which is the Wolf Maya school

Leo and I were students and Diego was the teacher

and Joao is the brother of a friend who was also a student

as a matter of fact was not a band in the beginning, the idea was to do a musical

the musical plot was about a band and we would write these songs

and when we met for the first time

we started showing the lyrics we have written

and we realised that if we tuned this into a musical, would be difficult to present it

we would need to do a season in a proper place, like a theatre or so

and the songs would be attached to that format

so when we did our first rehearsal we gave up this idea and decided to form a band

there was musical soiree at Joao's place and we saw him and wanted him right away

and that's how it started

but the band is made up of you, Carol, Leo, Joao and two others that couldn't be here

Diego and Ruvicio

and how do you coordinate that? because it's a lot of people, right?

with regards to writing the songs, how you will work on your music

how does it work? all the five people together

I believe everyone has their own individual process first to get to a collective process

Leo writes a lot

I write sometimes, it depends on when I get inspired to do it

Joao and Diego also write

so we have this moment to do our own stuff alone

writing or create something

then we bring to the group. and when this happen each one puts their own part in the project of idea and identity

what I also think is that the way we compose is very interesting

because we always think about something more theatrical when we create

as we have this base of the acting classes, the Theater, the stage

so we always try to think about everything that has to do with it like light, the show direction, the video clip

when we are doing the musical arrangement

so I think this is the way we see it

I think it's great to have the broad knowledge of all the creative process of you guys

it's crazy, because nowadays with the internet you need to think about everything

to have the complete product, the audiovisual is very important today

if we don't think about it, how are we going to create our own identity, you know?

what about your influences? everyone has a converging point with regards to taste?

or everybody has a completely different style?

I think we are all from different generations, for example, I'm the youngest in the band,

I'll be 18 years old next week


I don't know when this is going to be broadcast

you will be an adult when this goes on air!

Leo is 24 years old, Carol is 21 years old

no! I'm 26 years old! Unfortunately!

So, I'm not even going to say my age, since your are saying that "unfortunately" you are 26 years old!

there are differences among us and different ages

so when we bring all these different tastes we bring a unity in our music

I was actually talking to my mom about this one day.

this band didn't get together because everybody liked rock , it has never been about it

it happened because everybody brought something different and when we got together

we took all our references of things we listened to all our lives

Ruvicio is a professional musician, he plays with other artists and comes from completely different gigs

Leo has different influences, Joao, Diego and I also have the same

and when we started playing together we realised that we were playing rock

so it was actually a great surprise

it has never happened because everybody was a really big fan of rock

of course we do like it, but it was not the only reason

but the reason was that we really liked music

and when our music met, the rock was born in or band

well, you also asked about references

a good reference that we actually used for our song "Cabelo" was Fleetwood Mac, right?

that we were listening to a lot at the time we wrote it

and decided to bring this influence to our song

The Chain song specifically and also Rumours that was really strong for "Cabelo"

"Cabelo" was the song you released on all platforms and social media that was really successful

you had more that 500k views in two weeks, right?


how was the impact of that for you?

it was something that I really didn't expect

and everybody was making comments about it, saying that they like it

the majority of the comments are really positive

and this is very important for us


we didn't expect such a warm reception from the public

because this song talks about very intimate things, more introspective

and seeing so many people identifying themselves with the song

saying that they were relating their own story with this song

it is really cool that we can communicate with so many people

so when you see the numbers, of course, everything is about numbers now, right?


for you to play somewhere, give a concert, people to give you attention

the followers

everything is about numbers, so when we saw this high number of people watching it

and also the number of people relating themselves to the song

and creating an emotional relation with the song...

it was even more incredible!

besides that, you also come from different places

the majority comes from Rio de Janeiro

but from the capital

and others from the south of the state?

well, Diego is from Rio Grande do Sul

so, not even the south of the state, the south of Brasil!

he is a "Gaucho"

and Ruvicio is from Belford Roxo

so, they are both from Anil

we are from the west zone of the city!

we consider the whole band from Anil, I come from Anil

Do you know Anil Gisele?

Yes, I do guys! I know everywhere in Rio! I've been everywhere in Rio de Janeiro!

that's really cool! whenever you are in Anil let us know and we will bring you to see the waterfalls there!

we consider ourselves a band from Anil, the west zone of the city

because that's the place we go to do our rehearsal, play and be together, at the west zone, so...

we are from there

and you also opened a concert here in Rio de Janeiro

which was very important for you

yes, the Winter Festival

it was very important, we played before the "Paralamas do Sucesso"

so for us was like... I don't even know what to say

for me they guys are like...

it is kind of a baptism of fire!

yes! all of them, "Paralamas do Sucesso", Roberto Frejat, Nando Reis...

and Frejat, man... he helped us a lot

that's true!

he.... well... If you are watching us Frejat, thank you very much!

thank you Frejat!

he talked about us on TV, on RJTV show on the day of the concert

he talked about us during the live broadcast of the concert

this is something that we were not expecting

that someone would help us that much like Frejat did

and to be the opening band of this Festival with these three great artists...

and to be on the same stage that they also played...

so important, we actually learned how to play because of them

one of the first songs I learned how to play was "Por Você" from Frejat

and have him talking about our project, it's incredible, amazing

it's the feeling of mission accomplished

it's the recognition of an idol

for us, or at least for me he has been always an idol

a huge influence.. it's really good, really good...

what about future projects?

besides the song "Cabelo", that is very successful

what are the projects?

we have some stuff that are still in development phase

the moment we are living now is to promote the song "Cabelo"

it is to talk about it a lot

but we already planning an EP, that is going to the recording process now

we also have some recorded songs and "Cabelo" was recorded for more than a year

we recorded it in July last year, 2017

there are things that are ready, things that we still have to do

and things that we are still working on

but what is coming up now is our EP


do you already have a date that you can tell us?

I'd say if I could but I can't...

I won't be able to take this from Carol...

what about the guys? maybe they tell me?

so, if you want to know you'll have to follow us on the social media

you are going to find everything there, because I even didn't tell them the date!

but we are always updating our pages, so follow us to know more about it

very important! Instagram, Facebook and you also have your YouTube Channel

yes! everything is "Os Caras & Carol"

on Facebook, if you type the URL it is "Os Caras & Carol oficial" but the rest is all Os Caras & Carol

really easy to find us

yes, really easy...

guys, I wish you success!!

thank you

thank you Carol, Leo, Joao...

it was a great pleasure to have you here on Turne Show

and I hope to meet you again soon!

a lot of success in your path...

thank you! was a pleasure!

Guys, thanks and see you on the next Turnê Show!

For more infomation >> Entrevista com Os Caras & Carol no Rio de Janeiro - Duration: 13:00.


Un curso de milagros - ¿Qué es la verdadera sanación? David Hoffmeister UCDM - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Un curso de milagros - ¿Qué es la verdadera sanación? David Hoffmeister UCDM - Duration: 4:01.


SALAD OF DOORS with 2 DRESSINGS | Vegan Recipes | Veganamente - Duration: 7:08.

Hi, I'm Rakel and today in Vegan I'm going to make leek salad,

although in reality they are going to be two salads, because I'm going to use two different dressings

For you to choose the one you like the most or use the 2.

To make it we will need leeks, if they are tender and thin better,

that have the white part a little long because it is the one that we are going to use, if we do not have anything left.

These I bought at the local market, to Olmo like the tomatoes, which has some very good products.

For one of the dressings I will use

dehydrated tomatoes

black olives

I recommend that you use them well quality because, of course, then the taste shows,

I'm going to use freshly ground black pepper, salt and virgin olive oil.

And for the other dressing, I'm going to use mustard from this one that comes in granite or old mustard,

salt, extra virgin olive oil and vinegar.

We started by cleaning the leek, we removed the part of the root

but without getting too much in here, so that afterwards the leek will not be disarmed.

These hairs if you wash them and fry them, they can be used to decorate some dish, which give a lot of flavor to leek.

It is very tasty.

We cut what is the white part only.

This piece does not occur to you to throw it away this, for broth, is great

and you have to take advantage of everything!

now we remove the first two capita which are the hardest,

two or three, that you have to look at it.

This will go like that, well, we will pass it by the tap and the steamer to steamed.

And this, I repeat it again, I do not get tired of repeating it, do not throw it out that to make broth it's great.

He has already assured me that they have no trace of land.

So, we'll put them in the steamer,

I will put them in the squid and let them be done, covered, about 15 or 20 minutes until they are tender.



While they are made we are going to prepare the dressings

I'm going to cut the dehydrated tomatoes into pieces and then I'll go through the pan to make them crispy

Bone and chop the olives


The 15 minutes have already passed and these are already tender and at their point.

We have ready the seasonings and the leeks so now we will cut them in the media or in the rooms,

I'm going to cut them in fourths.

As I said, the first dressing goes with the olives mixed with the oil,

so let's pour it over.

Now we put the fried dehydrated tomato,

Some flakes of salt or salt maldon.

And we already have a prepared salad,

awesome to yes

and now we go with the second dressing.

We make sure the vinaigrette is well emulsified

and we simply put over the amount that we want,

a little bit of salt,

and our second option, delicious!


As you can see, a very simple recipe and a delicious and very healthy way to enjoy leeks,

especially when we are in full season

the truth is that at home we like both of them and we have not just decided on any

so I always prepare the two

and what is your favorite ??

leave it down in the comments that I would like to know.

ingredients in the recipe, the link to my blog and my social networks

down in the video description

thank you very much for visiting me.

Now if you liked the recipe, leave me a Like, subscribe, share with everyone

and see you in the next recipe. Bye!!

For more infomation >> SALAD OF DOORS with 2 DRESSINGS | Vegan Recipes | Veganamente - Duration: 7:08.


Exame de Seleção 2019 - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Exame de Seleção 2019 - Duration: 1:16.


VEGETARIANOS CANSADOS DE OUVIR 🙉 Alimentação saudável, vegetarianismo e comentários esquisitos - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> VEGETARIANOS CANSADOS DE OUVIR 🙉 Alimentação saudável, vegetarianismo e comentários esquisitos - Duration: 3:19.





Foi revelado do que é capaz o novo sistema de mísseis russo S-500 - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Foi revelado do que é capaz o novo sistema de mísseis russo S-500 - Duration: 2:11.


Eran campesinos los hombres acusados de robachicos y quemados vivos en Puebla: Fiscalía - Duration: 5:41.

 PUEBLA, Pue., (apro).- La Fiscalía General de Puebla confirmó que las dos personas que fueron quemadas vivas la tarde de este miércoles en Acatlán de Osorio, realmente eran campesinos y que se descarta que hubieran participado en un delito, aunque los pobladores los acusaron de robachicos

 En un comunicado, la Fiscalía informó que inició carpeta de investigación por el delito de homicidio calificado en contra de quien resulte responsable de estos hechos en los cuales fueron asesinados Alberto N, de 56 años de edad y Ricardo N, de 21 años

 "De manera preliminar se descarta que los occisos hubieran participado en algún delito, presuntamente se dedicaban a labores del campo", asentó la dependencia en el comunicado

 Por las redes sociales, una mujer identificada como Charo y quien aseguró ser madre de Ricardo participó en la transmisión en Facebook Live que hizo uno de los pobladores

 En un mensaje desesperado, la mujer pidió a los pobladores de Acatlán de Osorio que no le hicieran daño a su hijo y a la otra persona que ubica como tío del joven, pues aseguró que no eran secuestradores y que eran originarios de Tianguistengo

 "Estaban en la hora equivocada en el momento equivocado, mi hijo es inocente. En el nombre de la virgencita se los pido, no le hagan daño a mi hijo", suplicó la mujer

 "No sé, no sean ingratos. Él es mi hijo, no le hagan daño por favor, él no es ningún secuestrador, él es de Tianguistengo junto con su tío

Ingratos. ¿Por qué quemaron su camioneta si ellos no son secuestradores? Soy madre, siéntanse el corazón por favor, él es mi hijo no le hagan daño por favor, son de Tianguistengo", insistió en otro de los mensajes que envió pero que no fueron escuchados por los pobladores

 De acuerdo con versiones extraoficiales, Alberto Flores Morales y Ricardo Flores Rodríguez fueron detenidos en el poblado de San Vicente Boquerón por tomar bebidas embriagantes en la vía pública y fueron trasladados a la comandancia de la cabecera municipal en Acatlán de Osorio por faltas administrativas

 Sin embargo, algunos pobladores empezaron a divulgar de boca en boca, por WhatsApp y otras redes sociales que los dos detenidos habían intentado robar a dos niños

 Esta acusación causó la ira de los pobladores que aseguran estar cansados de la inseguridad que los afecta día a día y de que las autoridades dejen en libertad a los delincuentes

 Así, unos 200 lugareños se congregaron afuera de la comandancia de la localidad para sacar por la fuerza a las dos personas detenidas a fin de lincharlas y, según ellos, enviar un supuesto mensaje de escarmiento al resto de los delincuentes que pretendieran atacar en su comunidad

 Al dar por hecho que los dos detenidos eran robachicos los sometieron a golpes, los amarraron, los rociaron con gasolina y les prendieron fuego cuando aún estaban con vida

 Un poblador incluso transmitió en vivo el ajusticiamiento de quienes aseguraba eran delincuentes y se escuchan las voces de los pobladores gritar "¡Mátenlos, quémenlos vivos!"

 Trascendió que cinco policías municipales de esa localidad fueron detenidos por omisión y por no haber accionado los protocolos que incluyen pedir el apoyo de la Secretaría General de Gobierno y la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública Estatal

 En el boletín, la Fiscalía indica que se llevan a cabo investigaciones para dar con los responsables de este hecho

 Un linchamiento similar ocurrió el 19 de octubre de 2015, cuando los hermanos Rey David y José Abraham Copado levantaban encuestas en el municipio de Ajalpan y fueron acusados de ser secuestradores de niños

Igual que en esta ocasión, los pobladores dieron por cierta la información que divulgaron unos cuantos y los quemaron vivos

 Desde entonces a la fecha, los linchamientos en localidades rurales de Puebla se han vuelto algo cotidiano

Sólo en este año, 16 personas han muerto por mano de los propios pobladores que aseguran que esto es la única certeza de justicia que tienen a su alcance

For more infomation >> Eran campesinos los hombres acusados de robachicos y quemados vivos en Puebla: Fiscalía - Duration: 5:41.


Conception Web - Les questions (indispensables) à se poser avant de créer un site Web! - Duration: 8:25.

For more infomation >> Conception Web - Les questions (indispensables) à se poser avant de créer un site Web! - Duration: 8:25.


¡Cómo no emocionarse! Espectacular video de apertura en el sorteo de la Champions League - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> ¡Cómo no emocionarse! Espectacular video de apertura en el sorteo de la Champions League - Duration: 3:29.


Exame de Seleção 2019 (com libras) - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Exame de Seleção 2019 (com libras) - Duration: 1:16.





La Rosa de Guadalupe | Capítulo La muñeca - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> La Rosa de Guadalupe | Capítulo La muñeca - Duration: 4:08.



Many wonder about Mary.

In the Bible we have an example of Mary's behavior.

Indeed at the wedding of cana, we inform Marie that there is no more wine, it is not

an illness ... it's not something drama ... but it's something

embarrassing to party ...

We inform Marie ... and what does she do? she do not go to the kitchen to solve the problem,

she does not do a miracle ... she talks about it to Jesus ... and she knows that Jesus will settle

the problem …. because he can not refuse anything to his mother ... imagine Jesus the king of love

... who would not love her mother more than another woman ... who would consider her mother

like a normal woman ... it's just impossible ... we all know

the love that there is between a son and his mother ... unless the mother is not worthy of this love

Jesus a little surprised ... finds that it is a little too early to work miracles ... or

to give blood ... because the wine of Jesus ... it is a little of his blood that is shed ...

And Jesus, despite everything, ... does the miracle ... and the party can continue ...

In Medjugorje ... the Holy Spirit ...

In the sky of Medjugorje, look at this beautiful miracle: the image of the dove, symbol of

the Holy Spirit, in the sun.

Video released in October 2011

She is really beautiful this video, ... well, yeah ... she's not bad ...

So in the white area ... you can see more miracles and dan ska blue zone ...

the last video ...

Every day at 6 pm, I publish 1 video, if you're really interested,

you can subscribe ... by following ... the red arrow ...

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