Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 8, 2018

Waching daily Aug 30 2018


know, what are the causes that cause problems in your car?

Examine the symptoms your car presents under the guidance of experts in mechanics

and get the final solution of the fault codes that diagnose your automotive scanner,

all here in CODIGOSDTC.COM, Your OBDII code library


The Oxygen Sensors (O2)

must have a minimum working temperature,

which is 750 degrees F,

and this is necessary to send an exact voltage signal.

Depending on the speed with which the sensor reaches that temperature,

faster that signal will reach the ECM (Engine Control module)

In order for the temperature to be reached,

this sensor contains a heating element,

which is controlled by the Motor Control Module

based on the temperature signals of the refrigerant

and the motor load

In addition, the ECM controls the circuit of this heater,

allowing the flow of current to ground,

likewise verifies the voltage signal

that is received by the heater circuit

and there determines the state of the circuit

in comparison with the voltage detected by factory specifications.

Symptoms of the DTC code P0135 Generic

* The Check Engine light is on.

*Fuel consumption may be more than usual.

Causes of DTC code P0135 Generic

A diagnostic code P0135 can have one or more of the following problems:

* The O2 Oxygen Sensor (oxygen sensor) may be defective.

* The O2 Oxygen Sensor Heater Element may be in high resistance

or short circuit.

* The Engine Control Module (ECM) could be defective

or else the wiring.

Possible solutions of the DTC code P0135 Generic.

To solve the DTC code P0135 you can do the following:

* Repair the resistance, which may be short

on the connectors on the sensor wiring harness.

* Replaces the O2 Oxygen Sensor.

Note: The O2 oxygen sensor, cannot be repaired

when the short circuit is internal,

so it is recommended to replace it.

Subscribe to receive updated information from our DTC code library,

if you have any doubt or suggestion, leave us your comment,

for more information go to

For more infomation >> P0135 ✅ SÍNTOMAS Y SOLUCIÓN CORRECTA ✅ - Código de falla OBD2 - Duration: 3:24.


Las vacaciones secretas (y puede que no tan lejanas) de Letizia y Felipe - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> Las vacaciones secretas (y puede que no tan lejanas) de Letizia y Felipe - Duration: 4:53.


2. Amilcar Boscán - Despedida De Soltera - Video Letra - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> 2. Amilcar Boscán - Despedida De Soltera - Video Letra - Duration: 3:58.


"Son de cuarta", un famoso se quejó por la tapa del Bailando - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> "Son de cuarta", un famoso se quejó por la tapa del Bailando - Duration: 2:57.


#MAQE (S01E01) - Bennett Yellin, Dumb and Dumber - Duration: 8:55.

Welcome! This is the first season, the first episode of these interviews I've been doing for a very long time

And maybe I share in short bits on Instagram and many of you ask me about the rest of the interview

Well, I finally decided to start this YouTube channel so you can see the rest of those talks

So let's cut to the chase. Look who I've found

Was written there was a very big producer writer in the 90s and

He was very famous for writing things quickly. So he was

And Warner Brothers and typed up a lot of lot of pages

Love these two characters Harry and Lloyd and he didn't know what to do with them

So he then was looking for writers that he could have come in and give them these pages and say guys

Take a look at these come back to me with a plot and if I like it

You can go write it

We came back to him with this whole the whole plot of dumb endeavor, and he said I love that

I love that you guys go write it

He moved to another studio and this project fell into a black hole and it was dead

So, how do you get the project bugging track?

We just asked him if we could take it around and try and set it up

He said sure go ahead. You just can't use my name

Like to set it up

That's why I can't that's why I can't tell you who it is

You go thread the heads and you make the left over the bridge

That's a lovely accent you have, New Jersey

Note saying this is the dumbest thing we've ever ran. This is so stupid

Every city had passed twice and then willing little company as these two guys named Steve Stabler and Brad poor boy

they had a company of the motion picture Corporation of America and they said oh because

Because when we were taking around we were saying Peter wanted and directed and he'd never directed anything

I don't think he'd even seen a camera. It's like that. That's how

unqualified he wants to do this and

But we were tanking around st. Peter's gonna direct it. They were like, what has he done before?

He said he doesn't that anything ever and so that was another big

Thing against it the moment. They said yes

Suddenly as usual

It creates attraction and then people are like really there, you know, so that's what new line

Became interested in the movie

and then the moment Jim Carrey read it and

They just made the mask with him and the moment he read and loved to do it

Then the whole thing like exploded and I remember

his price at the moment at that time was

$750,000 and they had not released the mask yet. We sent a new line

we said if you want to hire him for this movie hire him at

$750,000 do not wait for the mask. They said no, we don't wait for the mask. Want to see how it does

Well, it came out was a hit and the end of having to pay him seven million

Why do you choose chef Daniels and

We just thought it was hilarious and but he wasn't perceived as a comic actor

He was thought of as a dramatic really dramatic actor

so we loved him and we we were

insisting Jeff Daniels and Jim Carrey really wanted to work with Jeff Daniels because he loved he thought it was a great actor and

That was just one of those things where the moment they met

The chemistry they just had it just when I think you couldn't possibly be any dumber

You go and do something like this

And totally redeem yourself I

Not being inspired like any of your friends Peter knew a guy named Harry dime

So we just named him Harry dot everything. He was not at all like Harry Dunne

oh, we definitely loaded them with all this stupid characteristics of

the Dumber characteristics of our Dumber brand it's filled with

things that he overheard and I even believe that the

and bobby farrelly was on a date and

the whole thing with the broken I

Hope you're not using the toilet it's broken

No, I was just saving

Jim Carrey's manager was sitting next to me and

In the scene with Jeff Daniels at the bathroom scene where he's on the toilet

He turned to me and he said Eddie he looked he was pale I said

Aren't you

When did you decide doing a secret of the movie?

Wasn't interested in making any sequels to anything. He died Jim Carrey. This is probably like


Or 2013 Jim Carrey was up in on vacation and he was in the hotel room

There's watching movies and Dumb and Dumber was on and he watched 78 called up Peter. He said combat movies made me laugh

It's so funny. Let's do another one

Anyway, you catch a bus to pee stains house

We can't we got the bike. Well, that's okay. They got bike rack on the front of buses now


What was weird was we thought that we had captured

The spirit of the first one like we weren't going to try and make it a mock. We weren't going to

modernize the humor we were destined through the same thing the same stupid 1994 humor in

2014 people still say it's the funniest thing I've ever seen

It was my favorite movie as a kid, but when they start down at number two, so they were angry at us

they thought like like they had taken the characters and sort of made them their own and they had

ideas for the way that those characters should be that they thought that we were not being true to them and I'm like

Were the guys who wrote that and we are being true to them. This is what we think it has

Spilling the salt is very bad luck

Driving across a country. The last thing we need is bad luck quick toss. Some salt will be your right shoulder

Well If you watched all the video, thanks a lot. I hope you liked the video, there are more interviews coming

There's plenty of material, more than 50 interviews made on Skype. There are more episodes and seasons coming

In the meantime please visit my social media, mostly Instagram, where I share bits of interviews twice a week

Share, suscribe, comment. I want to read your opinions. Looking forward to seeing you next week

Lloyd, when I was thinking that you couldn't be any stupider, you do something like this

And you totally redeem yourself!

For more infomation >> #MAQE (S01E01) - Bennett Yellin, Dumb and Dumber - Duration: 8:55.


Ex-gerentes de CCAD son formalmente inculpados - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> Ex-gerentes de CCAD son formalmente inculpados - Duration: 0:28.


Alerta de amenaza en secundaria "Bishop Garriga" - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Alerta de amenaza en secundaria "Bishop Garriga" - Duration: 0:36.


Rússia implanta sistemas de mísseis Bastion junto ao mar Negro - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Rússia implanta sistemas de mísseis Bastion junto ao mar Negro - Duration: 2:39.


Los cuatro hombres que podrían arruinar la estancia de Oriana en 'GH VIP' - Duration: 5:25.

Oriana Marzoli (25 años) es la última concursante confirmada por Telecinco para la próxima edición de Gran Hermano VIP.

La hispano-venezolana, una apuesta segura y uno de los nombres que con más fuerza sonaba, es toda una experta en el campo de los realities.

De hecho, hubo un momento de su vida en que vivía más tiempo bajo el foco de las cámaras que fuera de él.

Su paso por Mujeres, Hombres y Viceversa y posteriormente por Supervivientes hizo que los ojos de la televisión chilena se posaran sobre ella.

Así pues, puso rumbo al país latino y se convirtió en toda una estrella, enrolándose, nada más y nada menos que en tres realities consecutivos durante tres años seguidos.

Un récord aún por destronar y una victoria en el bolsillo pese a tener el temporal en contra por su fuerte carácter y algunas de sus controvertidas actitudes.

En este tiempo y debido al contenido del concurso emitido en Chile, Oriana debía tener como pareja a un novio o un exnovio, dependiendo del momento.

No obstante, Marzoli se encuentra por primera vez en la posición de poder lucirse sola.

No necesita a nadie y no querría que ninguno de sus ex amores aceptasen la propuesta de Zeppelin TV,

tal y como sucedió con su compañero de concurso en Chile, Marco Ferri (29), y la truculenta historia de amor con Aylén Milla (28).

Pero, ¿quiénes podrían fastidiar su estancia en Guadalix de la Sierra? Tony Spina, su primer gran amor; .

Oriana Marzoli y Tony Spina (29) se conocieron en Mujeres, Hombres y Viceversa.

Tras dos años de relación juntos y una presunta infidelidad por parte de la polémica colaboradora mientras Spina participaba en Supervivientes, aquello se rompió el mil pedazos.

Pero Tony y Oriana supieron hacer de lo suyo un buen negocio y firmaron la paz con el objetivo de hacerse 'las Américas' a golpe de concurso.

En los tres realitiestuvieron sus idas, venidas, confrontaciones y conflictos, pero en el fondo, y tal y como ellos mismos han confesado, se quieren "como hermanos".

Álex Consejo, el novio intermitente; Consejo ha sido el novio intermitente en el tiempo en que Oriana estuvo y rompió con Tony.

El madrileño aceptó la propuesta de la cadena chilena MEGA hasta en dos ocasiones, momentos que desestabilizaron la tranquilidad de Oriana y por los que estallaba a la mínima.

Y no solo cruzó el Atlántico para compartir experiencia en Amor a prueba sino que también lo hizo para Doble tentación,

concurso en el que expulsaron a Marzoli a las puertas de la final "por el bienestar de su salud psicológica" y porque estaba sufriendo demasiado "estrés emocional".

Luis Mateucci, su segundo gran amor; Se quisieron al mismo nivel en el que hoy se odian.

Oriana conoció a Luis(31) en el reality en el que ambos se alzaron con la victoria, ¿Volverías con tu ex?.

Marzoli y Mateucci, #Luriana como los conocían en redes sociales,

vivieron una intensa historia de amor que tuvo su momento álgido pero que también descendió a los infiernos cuando Luis coqueteó con Gala Caldirola (26),

Tras más de dos años de relación y un traslado a España por parte de Luis, la pareja rompían de la peor manera. otra tronista de Mujeres, Hombres y Viceversa.

En declaraciones para el porta Cotilleo, Mateucci deslizó que "Oriana solo mira por ella. El cordobés la acusó de haberle "robado muchísimo dinero".

Una mujer con la que estás compartiendo tu vida y por la que pones plata (dinero) para todo y empieza diciendo 'la casa es mía', 'el coche es mío'… Eso no va a ningún sitio.

Oriana me ha sacado muchísimo dinero. Desde el mes de julio me está sacando mucha plata. Además, está mal influenciada por sus amiguitos".

Pablo, el joven poeta; Queriendo olvidar a Luis de todas las formas habidas y por haber, en la vida de Oriana se cruzó Pablo,

un joven y guapo escritor que conquistó a la controvertida chica reality a golpe de flor y verso.

Lo suyo empezó oficialmente apenas veinte días después de que Oriana y Luis rompieran.

Las prisas nunca son buenas y con dos meses de relación y exposición internacional a sus espaldas,

Pablo decidía dejar a Oriana y esta volvía a romper a llorar en directo, una vez más por un hombre. No está dispuesta. Esta vez no.

Oriana tiene la oportunidad de demostrar que puede vivir la experiencia por sí misma, que puede crear nuevas historias en relación a la gente fresca con la que ahora conviva.

Por el momento, compartirá casa con Mónica Hoyos (41), Ángel Garó (53) y Aurah Ruiz(28).

Aunque no serán los únicos...

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