Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 8, 2018

Waching daily Aug 30 2018

World 1:18 friends, we continue

with the third issue of these

reviews for the different action

figures released

for the 30th anniversary

of G.I. Joe, this time is the turn

is for the Action Pilot

this member of the Air Force

one of the things I have liked

a lot about this figure are the colors used

these are very flashy colors

warm colors

which takes the figure out of the military pattern

as you remember

the first figure the gets out that pattern

of military colors, green or camo

was Blowtorch

this was the first figure with vibrant colors

you can see the yellow and the red

this commemorative line

amazes us with

very vibrant color

for this action figure

the garments have been sculpted with many details

which are very interesting, very flashy

as for instance

this sculpted life jacket

orange as we find it commonly

also all these straps that allow

the life jacket and the parachute

to be fastened to the figure

very well sculpted

on the leg have been sculpted some navigation maps

similar to figures such as Ghostrider and Wild Weasel

that also came with them

there is a sculpted knife on the leg

it is the only weapon sculpted over the body

let's talk about the accessories

one of the accessories I liked the most is this helmet

with a visor and a oxygen mask

let's snap it to the figure

here you are

the helmet

and its mask

I guess this part

is connected to some device inside the airplane

this parachute that opens

you retire this dowel

and the parachute opens

maybe you can notice

that white thing inside

is the parachute but I do not think to open it

because once

out of its container

it will be very difficult to fold it and take in again

as it came from the package

that is why

I will leave it inside its container

it also came with a rubber band

to fasten the parachute

and also two weapons

a pistol and a rifle

and this has been the third review

for the figures released for the 30 years of G.I. Joe

I hope you have like it

if you have any comment or question

leave your comments below, your likes as well

and subscribe for up to date information

about the wonderful world of 1:18 scale toys

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