Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 8, 2018

Waching daily Aug 29 2018

Travelling between Moscu and St. Petersburg

there are four options:



Fast train

And night train.

This time I'll show you a different night train

a mytical train opened up by Stalin

80 years ago.

This will be a different review,

about the Red Arrow

in Russia.

This one.

Only train in Russia with a opening music when arriving,

"Hymn of a Great City" is played.

Ok, I'm gonna show you my room.


Where to eat,

some fruits…

A sofa and a second place to sleep

Nice bathroom!

It's 23:55pm

and the train's moving.

They are really accurate in Russia.

My own slippers!

Well, I'm moving between russian cities

because I experienced the FIFA World Cup

And looking for options to get to Moscow,

I found a blog where they talk about this train.

I decided to hop on because of it's stylish design

It was made for the upper class at the moment.

First impression: looks cool.

Staff are nice.

Tho they speak not-that-well english.

Let's try some stuff.


Now vodka time, yo.


There are 3 options for this train.

Class 2, shared by four persons.

Class 1, shared by two.

And LUX, like this one.

I wanted the full experience and show it to you.

Price of this option…

A bit expensive—

but it's worth.

Now, let's take a shower before sleeping.

Btw, do you know why do I need this stair for?

They gave a cool toiletry!

It has: scratching thingy.


Shaving stuff.

Brushing kit.

And… this thing?

Let's take the shower then.

[Broadcast issues, sorry for any inconvenience :) ]

[Ok, back to normal]

The staff was pretty cool.

he explained to me about this stuff

that's written in Russian…

This is a souvenir gift menu.

Like a tea glass, if you want to buy it.

Also, russian magazines.

Of course, I don't read any of this stuff.

If you want to get dinner.

There's the vodka option I got.

History about this train.

There's a english menu that I can finally understand.

Showing like what to do in those cities.

Also, he asks what do I want for breakfast.

Delivered at 7 am sharp!

He also explains how to set the bed up.

Which is confusing for me, lol.

[Trying to set it up…]

[Clumsiness issues, sorry for any inconvenience]

Look! :]

I set the bed up!

Looks better from there.

[Definition of happiness]

Now let's sleep.

Good morning, y'all.

Let's see outside.

It was good.

Slept well.

Now I'm waiting

for my breakfast…


What did I get? LOL.

Hot cakes with red caviar.


Some breads.

And a gooood coffee.

Oh, jeez, this caviar's great.

Being honest, I don't do breakfast.

But this food was good.

Meals and beverage in this train has been awesome.

It supposed to arrive at 7:55am.

And we are almost there.

I'll miss this place :(

If you take the LUX option,

there's a taxi waiting for you.

It can take you anywhere!

So this is how this experience is ending.

With the Red Arrow.

Good. Good stuff.

Only downside:

It's a short ride!

Would've loved to stay longer.

Like and share it to the world PLEASE.

See you next time, bru.

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I always wanted to be a "wall artist".

There's something interesting… In the fact that you come to

an art gallery, to a museum, and you make people

walk in the direction of this piece.

Museums and galleries have become places that

offer people an opportunity to ritualize visual experiences.

That's the opposite of the experience that one has…

when we are driving, for example, or walking in a shopping mall…

We are always overwhelmed by images that…

we are becoming more and more capable of absorbing,

but less and less capable of having some kind of… having some discernment.

When you hang a piece of art in a museum,

people will have to walk in the direction of the object…

This selfconscient act of moving towards na image,

I believe that this is one of the most importante things. And that includes

the fact that you're undertaking a material displacement,

that you're walking towards an object...

This object thing… we don't talk that much about it,

because it is still very recent,

but it's transforming even our understanding of what History is.

From the Paleolithic up until now, we used to have an unbreakable, continuous line

in which representations were made in a very simple way,

an idea of establishing an evolution of the simulacrum,

to create images as close as possible to reality,

so that we could understand reality.

So a moment came when the idea of fiction, the idea of illusion,

became something pejorative. But there is truth on illusion.

Illusions were bad because they separated us from reality.

When, in fact, the digital revolution only made clear that

we are still living in Plato's cave, we don't have

any means of understanding the reality around us if not through

the artifices of illusion, which are there to guide us.

I believe that the digital era… it has brought…

the rude awakening… it poured cold water

in this kind of nihilism that we all share concerning to

our image of the world. This world that is so diverse, so complex, right?

It is so hard to understand... It is becoming very similar to

that primitive world, with all those trees full of leaves

and those things that humanity didn't understand, in the very beginning.

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