Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 29 2018

>> Alright >> Oh wow.

Look at the set. This is crazy.

>> No, this is just like real life.

This is supposed to be Philly? Sheesh.

>> It's like all lyrics. when the kids come back.

Mothers on drugs.

>> Got the little girl on the concrete with the chalk.

I think this is just very with him.

You know imagery. That imagery. Ain't coming back.

Miguel. It's his life. He's like real.

Is this a new song? It's gotta be new.

Got the little girl jump roping. I love his voice.

I like the lyrics--"nothing's impossible."

I like how, I see him what he doing there.

He got on a hoodie. Is that?

Oh, it is. That's deep. That's crazy.

They got the cops arresting innocent black men.

Yeah that's deep.

For more infomation >> De'arra And Ken Have Emotional Reaction To Meek Mill's "Stay Woke" Performance | BET Awards 2018 - Duration: 2:21.


Últimas notícia de hoje : TRF-4 nega recurso à União sobre confisco de valores de Dirceu - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : TRF-4 nega recurso à União sobre confisco de valores de Dirceu - Duration: 4:47.


Susana e Cátia / EP. 150 / 27 de Junho - Duration: 7:25.

- You took time

- I know

- You're getting really confident

- I've always been

- When are you gonna stop that game Cátia?

- Whenever I want

- I thought you were starting to give in

- This is gonna be the last time

- Sorry?

- What you heard.

- Whatever you want

- I'm serious Susana

- I don't have patience for this games

or you want to or you don't want to

- My boss made an ultimatum to me.

he knows everything

- And? do you think this is an easy situation for me?

I have a boss too Cátia

- You know about your professional life

- And the personal as well

or you forgot that we deserve one?

- I'm not gonna risk it

- And me?

- You what?

- Understand something Cátia, you are only here cause you make me horny

stop this shit and go to my bed

- No

- Then...


- No

- Your problem...

is that no one eats you like me, right?

then, let's make a deal

I give you what you want

and you give me what I want

informations that makes my boss satisfied

It's all about pleasure, right?

- If this is why you came for


- I came for another thing

you're wanted to extend our relationship

- Don't try to be smarter than me Cátia

- Do we have a deal...

or not?

- Yes of course, I'm gonna give you

the reports and accounts of the company, oh wait...

all that is a public information

no, but wait, calm down, let me just think a little bit...

I'm sure I have a relevant

information to give you


drinks coffee without sugar

that's why we have such good profits.

we save on the sugar

but if you really want confidential information...

you can always look

what's public

and the work Manuel has already done, for the region of course.

- Are you done?

- Yes, I helped

- A lot

- Good. Take off your clothes

what are you doing?

- Leaving.

- If I was you Cátia, I wouldn't play with me

- That's why I'm leaving

- I'm not gonna play with you. - Don't join a game that you can't win

- You're the one who lost

- You're going nowhere

- Yes I will

and you are gonna stay here


thinking about all the things that i could do to you

but I'm not gonna do.

good luck

- So? you were with her?

- Get out of my way

- You can't tear us apart Cátia, understand?

- Get out of my way.

- We are in love, really in love

and you were just a joke

the stupid girl that was used

and let het do anything she wanted

- So that's why she begged for me to eat her?

you are the stupid girl that didn't do anything

- Remove what you said.

- Calm yourself Laura.

- I'm not gonna calm down, she loves me. me.

are you understanding or do you need me to draw?

- Wherever you want, get out of my way.

- I'm not gonna get out of your way.

you think you are the best, right, mrs. officer

do you want the mrs. officer to take you spend a night in a cold and uncomfortable cell

yes, yes and on the way I tell your boss that you're harassing the customers here at the hotel. you disgusting.

- So, how is it gonna be? are you gonna shut your mouth and you need help?

cause with my help you stay quiet 6 months

- A police officer threaten me?

really? really, this is happening?

I'm being threatened

- Laura

what's this?

you're making a scandal, everyone's looking at you

look at the figure you're making

- What is the problem with the figure, seriously Marta jesus

- I'm not only gonna stop, I'm gonna help you...

If you don't calm down, Manuel is gonna know everything.

you like your position in the school?

so careful if you don't wanna lose everything because of a scene of jealousy

For more infomation >> Susana e Cátia / EP. 150 / 27 de Junho - Duration: 7:25.


Shaila Durcal Grandes Exitos - Sus Mejores Éxitos De Shaila Durcal - Duration: 54:15.

Hello friends ! If you like this channel music please like & share, subscribe channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Shaila Durcal Grandes Exitos - Sus Mejores Éxitos De Shaila Durcal - Duration: 54:15.


Tiroteo en el diario Capital Gazette de Estados Unidos: hay 5 muertos y varios heridos - Duration: 3:01.

Embed #update confirming active shooter at 888 Bestgate Road in Annapolis. Building evacuated

Officers continuing to search building. Relocation point is inside Lord and Taylor in the mall

— Anne Arundel Police (@AACOPD) 28 de junio de 2018  El diario, propiedad del histórico The Baltimore Sun, está ubicado en la localidad de Annapolis, capital de Maryland al noreste de Estados Unidos

Tiroteo Annapolis.png   "Hay cinco víctimas fatales, hasta donde sabemos. Hay también varias otras personas gravemente heridas", informó el jefe policial del condado de Anne Arundel, Bill Krampf, en una improvisada conferencia de prensa en las proximidades del edificio donde se encuentran las oficinas del periódico local

 El mismo funcionario dijo que un sospechoso por el tiroteo fue detenido y era interrogado por agentes de la policía

De acuerdo con testigos, la balacera ocurrió en la redacción del Capital Gazette

 Por el momento las investigaciones no permiten llegar a una conclusión sobre las motivaciones del ataque a balazos contra la redacción del periódico

 Uno de los reporteros del diario aseguró que numerosas personas recibieron "varios disparos"

"No puedo decir mucho ni quiero declarar a nadie muerto", señaló desde el lugar de los hechos el periodista Phill Davis

Embed Gunman shot through the glass door to the office and opened fire on multiple employees

Can't say much more and don't want to declare anyone dead, but it's bad. — Phil Davis (@PhilDavis_CG) 28 de junio de 2018

For more infomation >> Tiroteo en el diario Capital Gazette de Estados Unidos: hay 5 muertos y varios heridos - Duration: 3:01.


Mediaset "destierra" a un reportero para no informar de la corrupción del PSOE - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Mediaset "destierra" a un reportero para no informar de la corrupción del PSOE - Duration: 3:22.


Dan a 20 secuestradores una condena acumulada de mil 102 años de prisión en Tabasco - Duration: 1:57.

 VILLAHERMOSA, Tab. (apro).- Una condena acumulada de mil 102 años de prisión han recibido 20 secuestradores en Tabasco, algunos con pena individual de hasta 137 años de cárcel, reportó la Fiscalía General del Estado (FGE)

 De acuerdo con el fiscal Fernando Valenzuela Pernas, estas acciones demuestran los avances en el objetivo de combatir y erradicar este delito en la entidad, con apoyo de la Coordinación Nacional Antisecuestro (Conase) y la Policía Federal (PF)

 Acompañado del comisario de la PF, Víctor Hugo Torres Miranda, y de Jesús Jiménez Granados, director de Enlaces Institucionales de la Conase, Valenzuela Pernas destacó que en este momento, cuantitativamente, Tabasco se encuentra en el lugar 12 en incidencia de secuestro, fuera de los diez primeros lugares del país

 A su vez, el fiscal especializado para el Combate al Secuestro y Extorsión de la FGE, Juan Francisco Vera Ayala, informó que las condenas fueron dictadas en las últimas cuatro semanas y que provienen de detenciones de 2015 a 2017

 Mencionó que, además de la pena privativa de la libertad, se dictaron multas por arriba de los 300 mil pesos y pagos para la reparación de daños a víctimas

 De igual manera, refirió que, para garantizar la efectividad de estas acciones, se requiere dar puntual seguimiento a cada uno de los casos ante las instancias judiciales, con el objetivo de que quienes son hallados plenamente responsables de los hechos ilícitos reciban sanción acorde a la Ley y no se dé paso a la impunidad

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