Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 30 2018

You're too stubborn on July thanks to Uranus, who's forcing you to see the other side of

things and revolutionize your life.

Stay tuned, because this will strongly affect your career.

The eclipse of the 27th has a lot to show you about it.

My Tip: it seems that a certain slowness will get hold of your professional life and you

have to be prepared for it.

And all this happens while you are worried about your home or your family.

Communication in these areas will be messed up and it will be important to have all things

in their right places.

Luckily, the eclipse of the 12th shows you exactly the points at which you can have failure

of communication.

There is one person - most likely your love or partner - who can not only help you with

this but can also be at the center of the discussion.

I think it's your love, because of Venus in Virgo.

And to make things work out, you must accept Uranus' invitation to reinvent yourself.

Take note: career focus: end of the month; to be aware of communication: around the 12th;

worry with family: second half of the month.

Don't be slow…

Like, share and subscribe our channel, and follow our weekly forecasts on Facebook and

daily tarot on Instagram.

And also visit our website.


For more infomation >> Previsões Julho 2018 - Touro - TOURO DE OLHO NA CARREIRA - Duration: 2:01.


6 locais imperdíveis de Medellín - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> 6 locais imperdíveis de Medellín - Duration: 3:48.


Previsão Julho 2018 - Aquário - AQUÁRIO CUIDANDO DE SI - Duration: 2:04.

I can't promise you anything this month.

Especially at its end, because of the eclipse of the 27th, that will let you confused.

If the confusion is too strong, seek spiritual or psychological help.

Or even both.

Not to mention the fights Mars-Uranus, messing with your relationship with the family.

I told you the month wasn't easy…

My tip: keep a light schedule at month's end.

Don't pick lots of things to do, because you won't be able to take care of it all.

And there's more: by that time, your love or business partner at that time, who thinks

you're being selfish.

And everything can become a reason for fighting.


So take advantage of the beginning of the month to get organized, take care of health

and rest a little.

The eclipse of the 12th even wants it from you, to become less stressed.

If you put a lot of attention into work routine, you can get a super welcome cash.

And in health, pay attention to the stomach and feet.

A lymphatic drainage would be great.

Take note: to rest and take care of yourself: first half of the month; fights with your

love or business partner: second half of the month; you messed up and very crazy: around

the 27th.

Do you know what can help you?

To follow Augúrio!

So like, share and subscribe our channel.

Also follow our weekly forecasts on Facebook, daily tarot on Instagram and our website.


For more infomation >> Previsão Julho 2018 - Aquário - AQUÁRIO CUIDANDO DE SI - Duration: 2:04.


La sauvegarde de la tradition du Prophète et de ses règles de politesse [riyâd as sâlihîn 16] - Duration: 12:19.

For more infomation >> La sauvegarde de la tradition du Prophète et de ses règles de politesse [riyâd as sâlihîn 16] - Duration: 12:19.


Koopwoning: De Geestlaan 25, Warmond - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Koopwoning: De Geestlaan 25, Warmond - Duration: 0:55.


Ana Furtado anuncia retorno ao 'É de Casa' neste sábado - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> Ana Furtado anuncia retorno ao 'É de Casa' neste sábado - Duration: 5:20.


Marchan en EU contra política migratoria de Trump - Duration: 5:25.

Al grito de "¡Vergüenza!" y "cierren la detención", una multitud desafió el calor intenso para marchar desde un parque en Manhattan a la corte federal en Brooklyn contra la política de separación de familias del presidente Donald Trump

 Los blancos de su protesta, además de Trump, son el secretario de Justicia, Jeff Sessions y las fuerzas policiales de la frontera, en particular la del Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los Estados Unidos (ICE)

 En Boston, miles se congregaron en la "marcha contra la separación de familias", desde la alcaldía hasta el parque Boston Common

 Se prevé la asistencia de la senadora Elizabeth Warren y el representante Joe Kennedy III, ambos demócratas

 Una segunda marcha prevista para las próximas horas irá desde el parque Wellington Common hasta la Penitenciaría South Bay, que aloja a inmigrantes detenidos por las autoridades federales

 Activistas de centroizquierda, padres y personas que se manifiestan por primera vez, organizan protestas en cientos de ciudades en Estados Unidos el sábado contra la separación de familias en la frontera entre México y Estados Unidos, para presionar al gobierno del presidente Donald Trump para que reúna rápidamente a las familias

 Cientos de miles de personas podrían sumarse a más de 600 marchas en el país en ciudades amigables a los inmigrantes como Los Ángeles y Nueva York, hasta las conservadoras como Appalachia y Wyoming, bajo la consigna "Las familias deben estar juntas"

 Aunque varios de los participantes ya se han manifestado contra Trump, otros son nuevos en el activismo, incluso hay padres que dicen sentirse obligados a participar por los conmovedores informes de niños que han sido separados a la fuerza de sus familias al cruzar la frontera sin autorización

En Portland, Oregon, por ejemplo, varias madres amas de casa han organizado su primera protesta mientras cuidan a sus hijos pequeños

 "No soy radical, no soy activista", dijo Kate Sharaf, coorganizadora en Portland

"Simplemente llegué a un punto en donde sentía que podía hacer más". Sharaf y otras madres que organizaron la marcha esperan atraer a 5,000 personas

 Grupos defensores de inmigrantes dicen estar emocionados, y sorprendidos, de ver cómo gana terreno el tema entre aquellos no vinculados con la inmigración

 "Honestamente, estoy sorprendido. Literalmente nunca he visto a tantos estadounidenses presentarse a favor de los inmigrantes de esta forma", dijo Jess Morales Rocketto, directora política de la Alianza Nacional de Trabajadoras del Hogar, que representa a niñeras, sirvientas y cuidadoras, muchas de ellas inmigrantes

"Escuchamos una y otra vez, si fuera mi hijo, quisiera que alguien hiciera algo"

 Las manifestaciones serán financiadas por la Unión Americana de Libertades Civiles, MoveOn

org, Alianza Nacional de Trabajadoras del Hogar y The Leadership Conference. Pero los organizadores locales se harán cargo de la planeación en el lugar, muchos de ellos son mujeres que se apoyan en redes informales

 Tyler Houlton, vocero del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de los Estados Unidos, recibió bien el interés en el sistema inmigratorio y dijo que sólo el Congreso tiene el poder de cambiar la ley

 "Apreciamos que estos individuos hayan expresado su interés y preocupación ante el crítico tema de asegurar las fronteras de nuestro país y hacer cumplir nuestras leyes inmigratorias", dijo Houlton

"Como hemos indicado antes, el departamento está frustrado por las desastrosas leyes inmigratorias de nuestro país y apoya la acción"

  Etiquetas: familias separadasmigrantes - MD </form>

For more infomation >> Marchan en EU contra política migratoria de Trump - Duration: 5:25.



Hello friends how are you? Lose weight! Uff sometimes difficult what

we have and it is normal that we want quick, immediate results and also without suffering;

the truth is that sometimes it is not an easy combination to achieve and also it is not the best

and here I will explain why? We are also going to talk today about which foods

can help us achieve the results and not lose them, which is very important

because if there is something that is already known archi is that the rebound effect of aggressive diets

It's a possible effect, we do not want this!

Welcome to my channel Ana CONTIGO! Yes, we want long-term results

that are a natural part of our lifestyle, that we are not restricted from what

that we like but that on the contrary we discover that we are feeling better, healthier,

with more energy, that we can even discover and enjoy on our palate with certain

foods that we did not have the habit to consume, that we can feel happier because

now we can use clothes that you probably did not dare or that you had already saved

as a memory, anyway ... each of us have our own

reasons, what is important is that eliminating overweight is good for your health, it suits you

and requires commitment I invite you to see each day as one day

of conquest in your purpose; What I mean by this?

Face one day at a time, not obsessed with that weight to lose weight that we have left

Let's move on, I know how long! ; some people will only have to lose two

or two kilos but other people will have bigger goals so face each day as

a single objective, will help us achieve the goal without discouraging or feeling that

it is very large, very difficult or even unattainable; this helps because it is important to feel that

day by day you are conquering a goal and that with the accumulation of those days you are growing

in will, in satisfaction, in well-being and you are reinforcing your power over the situation.

As most of the challenges we can have descents and rises in the mood, we can commit

mistakes that get us out of the way but you should know that we can always go back, we forgive each other,

we return to making the commitment with ourselves in front of a mirror and we keep going

day to day. By the way, here I want to recommend my video of Keys to lose weight

that has many practical tricks to help you psychologically with this topic.

The time will come when our diet will be natural and will not mean more

problem to follow on the path. It will always be your choice!

When the organism is not balanced it tends to store and produce more acidity and waste

toxic substances that can be eliminated and this manifests itself in the body, among many

other health problems, manifests with overweight and obesity.

On the other hand, in some cases psycho-emotional disorders can also make us

have unhealthy relationships with food; we suffer anxiety, stress, fears, attachments

. In other cases, our nutrition simply

It is not healthy because we follow family and social patterns with our related social groups

and we are not fully aware if they are beneficial or not for our health, we simply leave

carry . There can be many reasons why

we have those extra kilos that are bothering us and that we want to eliminate.

There is an important fact in this matter and that is that we are all different and that can influence

in the process, some people have a slower metabolism, others are more sedentary,

others may have movement limitations, others suffer from some pathology that

it makes it more difficult to achieve your results; that is, the same diet does not seem to be the

answer for all however there are some references that are valid to consider

and that through our own experience we will be able to determine if they are

do not . It is important that the process of losing weight

be controlled, we can not eliminate all the calories at once because although

can be effective at the beginning the body will start to perform strategies to save

to the maximum what you have and your metabolism is going to slow down and you are going to sacrifice muscle

, which we do not want for two reasons: one is that the muscle is metabolically more

active, that is, it helps us to consume more calories until at rest, which is why we

It is better to create more muscle to burn more calories and another because the muscles are

the support of our skeleton so if we lose muscle our movements will

they will make more complicated and even affect your heart because if we stop to think,

the heart is a muscle. Also, if you're hungry, it's going to be more

easy to fall before any temptation and I assure you that they will not be healthy temptations,

unfortunately you are going to opt for sweet and unhealthy carbohydrates, junk food, because the

body is going to ask for quick energy and he knows very well what to ask of you in those cases.

So the idea is not to go hungry, so I advise you, in general terms

, in all your meals you help with proteins, healthy fats and many vegetables,

they will keep more satiated, the blood glucose will be more stable so that

You will have insulin spikes that accumulate fat.

Take advantage of soups and salads as a main and family-size dish and take care

the dressings, always opt for natural, vinegar, lemon, spices such as oregano, parsley,

ginger, pepper, chili. Although the food will be 70 or 80%

of your results is also an excellent idea to perform exercises, it helps you chemically

with the encouragement because it helps to generate hormones that give you a sense of happiness and also

It will further accelerate your metabolism to burn more calories.

However; let's see what are the supplements or foods that can help us with the process

of slimming or weight loss: Among the supplements are:

Alpha-lipoic acid: This acid favors weight loss and

improves body composition ie the fat-muscle ratio, is able to decrease

the fat of the viscera. It has antioxidant effects that help cells burn fat

, improves the metabolism of carbohydrates and the functioning of the liver so it helps

that fats are metabolized better since they are not completely absorbed; you can get it

as a supplement but better through food; cow meats, leafy vegetables

greens, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbages, cabbages, cereals

Wholegrains and brewer's yeast.

Chromium picolinate: A very common supplement that seems to boost insulin well

that helps to be more efficient so that it does not boost the reserve of fat. Some claim

which is also an appetite reducer.

Levocarnitine that in addition to helping burn fat favors the formation of muscle

if you exercise and we already know that the more muscle you burn the more calories.

Green Coffee: it is an excellent antioxidant, decreases the percentage of fat in the

adequate doses and can be very powerful as part of your proper diet

course Nothing by itself is the panacea, nothing is miraculous.

Magnesium chloride: in addition to other multiple benefits, magnesium chloride favors

digestion for which nutrients are better absorbed and with this you feel less hungry

because the body will be better nourished, also calms the anxiety because it improves

nervous and muscular functioning so it acts as a natural relaxant that's why

It also helps to sleep much better which also helps to lose weight, when we do not sleep

cortisol is well generated and this causes us to accumulate more fat; additionally help against

constipation which makes you more deflated and with a healthier colon.

Among the foods we have:

Coconut oil: Coconut oil does not make you fat because the body

can not store it like the rest of the foods with fat, helps control the

Appetite and it is the best cooking oil. The coconut is different from the rest of the food

With fat. Its fat is used as energy instead of stored as it happens with all

the other fats. Eating ripe coconut also has the same benefits, you can include it

in your preparations; improves mental health, lowers cholesterol and triglycerides

, heals fatty liver and helps lower the abdomen.

Vinegar: we already made a video about apple cider vinegar and common vinegar and

about its many benefits, here I leave the link that speaks widely about them.

On the subject of weight specifically decreases the absorption of starchy carbohydrates

for its acid, its acetic acid, which makes it very useful to reduce color

of the food. Green tea: it is well known for its properties

antioxidants and because it accelerates the metabolism by facilitating the oxidation of fats

source of energy, there are capsules as a supplement because it is required to take several

cups what can be a lot for some people's taste.

Fibers: those of the insoluble type, that is to say that they leave your body as they enter

because they clean the colon, they help the intestinal emptying acting as a laxative and they drag

fat and soluble ones that help us stay more satiated because they swell with water

so they also help you to eat less quantities besides inhibiting the absorption

of glucose, sugars and fats, for example that of whole grains

like oats, quinoa, rice; particularly if you can do without carbohydrates

starched much better, I assure you that you lose weight if or if, here I leave the video that

explain why? I recommend it to you.

Instead of those starchy and refined carbohydrates: breads, pastas, rice, consume

many vegetables like broccoli, cabbages, cauliflower, all cruciferous, you knew

that these cruciferous vegetables besides the fibers also have proteins? Without

talk about all its detoxifying, antioxidant properties, and with large amounts

of vitamins A, C, K, Calcium, folic acid ... in super super healthy.

Eat lots of green leafy vegetables, spinach, Swiss chard, prepare salads, filled with

fibers, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants among which is also calcium

which has been shown to help burn fat. They also give a lot of volume to your dishes and how

They have few calories can serve you a lot of quantity with which you will feel more sated

with few calories. In my videos of Keys to lose weight part

1 and 2 I give you several recommendations regarding the colors of the dishes, how to go do

your purchases to the market and many other very interesting and practical tricks for

that you lean on, do not stop seeing them and tell me if you have someone else!

There is also one dedicated especially to people suffering from thyroid with recommendations

very particular. The beans and legumes are also very rich

in proteins and fibers that help satiety but remember that you must cook them properly

, I leave the link that talks about the vegetables, I recommend you see it so you can take advantage

all its properties, to eliminate its antinutrients and that you do not fall ill. There are

people who do not consume them because they fall heavy and it is because they may not be applying

the tips to avoid this and then you're wasting a good source of protein

and healthy fibers. Do not stop watching the video!

Foods with healthy fatty acids are ideal for a rapid slimming process

because they help maintain the balance of the hormone leptin that helps us reduce the

appetite and also have many beneficial properties for health, reduce inflammation,

lower high cholesterol etc. Among the foods that contain these acids

healthy fatty acids like Omega 3 are the Fish:

If you are one of those who do not like to eat fish or do not have access to them, you can choose

Omega 3 supplements but make sure they are of good quality!

Fish contain these healthy fats but they also contain proteins so

they satisfy the appetite for more hours, they diminish the inflammation of the body that we have already seen

that produces obesity and metabolic diseases; Here I leave the link that speaks in depth

On Inflammation of the body and associated diseases, it is very important to see it!

Do not miss it and share it! Both fish and seafood contain

also iodine, very important for the proper functioning of the thyroid who know that

if it is slow it produces weight gain. If you want to know what the fish are

recommended you can see the video that talks about Salmon where these recommendations appear.

Within this group of foods with healthy fats are also seeds

Chia, hemp, pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, flaxseed and nuts like almonds,

hazelnuts, pistachios, nuts, always without salt and natural, raw, unroasted because

they lose their properties; they produce a lot of satiety because they also contain fibers

and proteins and many nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins like E, C and selenium super

important for the thyroid gland.

Of course, it is very important to control the amounts because they also have many calories, it happens

like the fats that in a small amount there is a lot of density of calories; you can eat a handful

tiny of almonds or hazelnuts or for example 5 or 6 nuts.

Spicy foods: Did you know that eating spicy foods can

help you accelerate your metabolism by up to 25% for two or three hours after

consume them? They also help reduce the feeling of hunger and increase energy expenditure.

So add spices to your food such as: ginger, cumin, garlic, jalapeño pepper, peppers

spicy, spicy mustard, cayenne pepper; the disadvantage is that it seems to have no

much effect on people who are used to eating a lot of spicy foods because

tend to develop tolerance which reduces its effect, bad news for my Mexican friends


If you think I missed talking about some other food, leave me your comment, share

your secrets with us, so we help each other and form a community.

Do not forget to share these videos, like if you like them and subscribe if you have not yet

you've done. Friends a pleasure as always, I want them

a lot . A big hug and see you next time!

For more infomation >> SUPPLEMENTS AND FOODS TO LOWER WEIGHT - Duration: 14:13.


Argélia recebe segunda corveta C28A de construção chinesa - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Argélia recebe segunda corveta C28A de construção chinesa - Duration: 2:59.


Perra abandonada ahora es oficial de peligro aviario en un aeropuerto - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Perra abandonada ahora es oficial de peligro aviario en un aeropuerto - Duration: 4:30.


La Policía irrumpe en el plató de "Sálvame" buscando a un colaborador denunciado Noticias De Hoy - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> La Policía irrumpe en el plató de "Sálvame" buscando a un colaborador denunciado Noticias De Hoy - Duration: 2:01.


Ford Fiesta 3-drs 1.1 Trend | AANBIEDING | ALTIJD DE BESTE DEAL | ZELF SAMENSTELLEN | Rijklaar | - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta 3-drs 1.1 Trend | AANBIEDING | ALTIJD DE BESTE DEAL | ZELF SAMENSTELLEN | Rijklaar | - Duration: 0:43.


LA NAVE DE LOS PERDIDOS -Das Schiff der verlorenen Menschen- 1929 (muda, alemán y subtít español) - Duration: 2:02:08.

For more infomation >> LA NAVE DE LOS PERDIDOS -Das Schiff der verlorenen Menschen- 1929 (muda, alemán y subtít español) - Duration: 2:02:08.


Francia – Argentina: Mbappé, de qué planeta viniste - Duration: 11:59.

For more infomation >> Francia – Argentina: Mbappé, de qué planeta viniste - Duration: 11:59.


Bruna Marquezine escolhe mule de salto para ir ao shopping com amigas - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Bruna Marquezine escolhe mule de salto para ir ao shopping com amigas - Duration: 5:24.


Anitta alia agenda de shows a rotina de sono - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Anitta alia agenda de shows a rotina de sono - Duration: 5:03.


[SUB DE EN KO] Sojamilch selber machen Do it yourself soymilk Sony A7M3 1st record - Duration: 8:25.

Today I will show you

how to make soy milk yourself.

She is healthy and easy.

The advantage is

that the ingredients are well known

and no preservatives but pure soymilk.

Besides, you can taste

and regulate consistency yourself.

Here are the ingredients:

1/2 cup (125ml) soybeans

Small tip:no genetically modified soybeans buy.

1/8 cup mixed nuts (optional)

Here:walnut, cashew, almonds, pine nuts

1 pinch of salt

Water and kitchen utensils.

Purify the beans and allow to swell for 5-8 hours (overnight).

Wash the beans 2 to 3 times.

Let it swell overnight (at least 5-8 hours).

From swollen beans, the peels must be separated.

The beans are about twice as large by swelling.

By vigorous rubbing now separate the shells.

Sieve dishes.

Repeat 3 to 4 times.

Bring beans to a boil.

Start with cold water.

Beans in and heat.

When water is boiling,

Timer on 5 min. put.

If foam is created, skim off.

After 5 minutes, the beans are cooked.

Drain off water

The beans could now be rinsed with cold water.

But I do not need that.

It has become more than a cup of beans.

But now we only process 1 cup of beans.

Add to the blender.

Tip:You can make more beans and freeze them.

Then if necessary take out and mix for soymilk.

Amount of water:3 times the amount of beans.

Add nuts (optional)

and a pinch of salt

And if desired:roasted sesame

and done.

Here is the consistency:

Pass mass through a sieve.

If too thick:use a bag or cotton cloth.

Since the mixer mixes very finely, there is hardly a remainder.

That's why I can use a sieve.

A 1 cup of beans will give you more than 2 glasses of soy milk.

I am now making a sweet and salty drink.

First test with sweet soy milk.

The taste is completely pure and nutty.

and with Agave thick juice it tastes great.

And still slightly warm and very creamy. Very good.

And now my favorite style:salted with ice cooled.

I like to drink this in summer. Hmmm, good.

Good for hot days, wonderful.

The taste is completely, completely pure.

Homemade soymilk is healthy,

without preservatives,

no added sugar.

You can spice it up to your taste

and you can regulate the thick liquid.

Can be used as a milk substitute eg for latte,

or as a healthy food in the morning.

Just try it!

And if you liked that,

please give me a like

and subscribe to my channel.

Then we meet again with new recipes.

Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> [SUB DE EN KO] Sojamilch selber machen Do it yourself soymilk Sony A7M3 1st record - Duration: 8:25.


Cómo cambiar la bieletas de suspensión en VW GOLF 5 [INSTRUCCIÓN AUTODOC] - Duration: 3:12.

Remove the rear wheels.

Use an end bit №5 and an open-end wrench №17. Unscrew the stabilizer rod fasteners.

Remove the link from the stabilizer.

Install a new rod, tighten the fasteners. Use an end bit №5 and an open-end wrench №17.

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