Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jul 1 2018

It's All Over For Acosta!

He Was Just BUSTED Manufacturing FAKE NEWS!

Jim Acosta is done.

His press pass should be yanked, and he should be chased out of town for his fake news antics,

that were just revealed on video.

Here's how it happened:

On Friday, Acosta attended President Trump's event to discuss the six-month mark of his

incredible tax reform, and where he also made a comment on the murder of five people at

an Annapolis, Maryland, newspaper by a man with a years-long feud with the paper.

At that time, Acosta, from the very back of the large room, shouted a rude question at

the president, which made it appear to his CNN audience as if Trump was solely responsible

for the shooting at the newspaper.

At the end of the video, Acosta is heard asking the cameraman if he "got the shot," and

then the cameraman turns off the lights.

This was not some "off the cuff" moment in journalism, as Acosta paints it, later

in a tweet.

This was a setup, designed to embarrass the president and "manufacture" a news story.

Jim Acosta and CNN STAGED a propaganda moment of 100 percent fake news for their audience

and to attack our America First President.

There was no way President Trump would have heard the question from the back of the room.

That moment was designed to lead CNN viewers to believe that President Trump's angst

with the fake news media was to blame for the shooting at the Annapolis Gazette.

Sickening – and completely false and shamefully phony.

From Breitbart CNN anti-Trump activist Jim Acosta was caught

on video Friday not only engaging in shameless grandstanding, but in the actual act of manufacturing

fake news.

In the video embedded below, Acosta is present at a White House event where President Trump

delivered remarks about the five journalists murdered in Maryland on Thursday.

As you will see, though, Acosta is clearly too far away to be seen or heard by the president.

Nevertheless, although there is no way he will be heard, Acosta drops all pretense of

professionalism to still holler a question to the president: "Will you stop calling

the press the enemy of the people, sir?"

In other words, Acosta knows Trump cannot hear him, but like a heckler out to spoil

the moment for everyone else, he still screams his question at him.

It is only at the end of the video that we discover Acosta's true motive, and it is

the opposite of journalism.

Watch as Acosta turns around to look at his cameraman and appears to ask if they got the


Then the camera lights are shut off, which again reveals just how staged and artificial

all of this is.

This is not journalism.

Acosta and CNN knew Trump was too far away to hear the question.

This is staging news, manufacturing news, a fictional piece of propaganda produced as

a means to deliberately mislead the public and embarrass the president.

If these staged theatrics are not bad enough, Acosta and CNN then doubled down in their

deliberate crusade to mislead.

"I tried to ask the president if he would stop calling us the enemy of the people.

He did not respond," Again, this is Acosta and the far-left CNN's

calculated attempt to deceive, to make it seem as though Trump was asked a direct question

and refused to answer

Acosta is so far away from Trump, you can barely make out the president from where Acosta

is standing, and yet, to fabricate fake news, Acosta films the propaganda of him shouting

a futile question and then publicly accuses Trump of refusing to answer.

If the media do not want to be called the "enemy of the people," maybe they should

stop acting

like it.

For more infomation >> It's All Over For Acosta! He Was Just BUSTED Manufacturing FAKE NEWS! - Duration: 15:59.


「車世界-Channel」 | マツダ HOT NEWS コンセプトモデルについて - Duration: 7:36.

For more infomation >> 「車世界-Channel」 | マツダ HOT NEWS コンセプトモデルについて - Duration: 7:36.


유명인 자살과 베르테르 효과 위험성!뉴스를 나눈다. - News Korea NDT - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> 유명인 자살과 베르테르 효과 위험성!뉴스를 나눈다. - News Korea NDT - Duration: 2:43.


BREAKING Trump Just Dropped Life Shattering News On Traitor John Kerry – Enjoy Prison! - Duration: 15:59.

BREAKING Trump Just Dropped Life-Shattering News On Traitor John Kerry – Enjoy Prison!

Fox News contributor Sara Carter is now reporting that the former Secretary of state John Kerry

is under investigations over his possible role in the Steele Dossier fiasco.

Although it was previously thought that John Kerry wasn't involved in the dossier mess

Carter has no confirmed that The House Select Committee on intelligence is, in fact, investigating

Kerry's possible roll in the fake dossier which was paid by the Democrat Party and the

Hillary Clinton Campaign.

Interestingly enough, this investigation has lead to a long time colleague of Kerry's

Jonathan Winer, who served as the former envoy for Libya during his tenure at the Department

to write an opinion piece in the Washington Post on February 8 where he defends his relationship

with Steele and his role in the infamous dossier.

"The House Select Committee on Intelligence is now investigating former Secretary of State

John F. Kerry's possible role into the unverified dossier paid for by the Democratic National

Committee and Hillary Clinton Campaign, this reporter has learned.

The dossier, assembled by a former British spy, laid the foundation for the FBI's investigation

into alleged collusion between President Trump and Russia and was the essential piece of

evidence used by the FBI to get a warrant to spy on a former volunteer for the Trump


For more than a month, the committee has been in its second phase of investigations focused

on former Obama State Department officials and their role in either transmitting information

or using information provided by former British spy and investigator Christopher Steele.

Steele was hired by embattled research firm Fusion GPS, also under several congressional

and Senate investigations.


Jonathan Winer, a long-time colleague of Kerry and who served as the former envoy for Libya

during his tenure at the Department, wrote an opinion piece in the Washington Post on

Feb. 8, defending his relationship with Steele and his role in the infamous dossier."

All this comes to light after Congressman Devin Nunes from California revealed to Fox

News host Laura Ingraham that John Kerry was in fact briefed about a "Second Dossier."

The Washington Examiner's own Byron York had previously reported that the Obama State

Department was being investigated to learn if they had a hand in the dossier and made

very clear that Steele was considered a "high-value source" when it came to "all things Russia."

To the point that the Obama administration used his intel on multiple reports to clients

in the department.

A book published in November by a correspondent at the Guardian, "Collusion: Secret meetings,

dirty money, and how Russia helped Donald Trump win," noted that Steele's 2010 work

on the World Cup soccer corruption investigation won him the trust not only of the FBI but

the State Department as well.

From author Luke Harding:

The [soccer] episode burnished Steele's reputation inside the U.S. intelligence community

and the FBI.

Here was a pro, a well-connected Brit, who understood Russian espionage and its subterranean


Steele was regarded as credible.

Between 2014 and 2016, Steele authored more than a hundred reports on Russia and Ukraine.

These were written for a private client but shared widely within the State Department

and sent up to Secretary of State John Kerry and to Assistant Secretary of State Victoria

Nuland, who was in charge of the U.S. response to the Ukraine crisis.

Many of Steele's secret sources were the same sources who would supply information

on Trump.

One former State Department envoy during the Obama administration said he read dozens of

Steele's reports on Russia.

The envoy said that on Russia, Steele was "as good as the CIA or anyone."

Steele's professional reputation inside U.S. agencies would prove important the next

time he discovered alarming material and lit the fuse again.

That fuse, of course, was the Trump dossier.

It is hard for an outsider to discern clearly what is going on inside the dossier investigations

on Capitol Hill.

But it appears some investigators are looking beyond the 35 pages of reports done by Steele

for Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm working for the Clinton campaign and the Democratic

National Committee, that was published in January 2017 by BuzzFeed.

They're looking into whether Steele did other reports about Trump, perhaps similar

but not identical to what was in the dossier published by BuzzFeed.

And they are looking into whether those reports made their way to the State Department.

They're also seeking to learn what individual State Department officials did in relation

to Steele and whether there were any contacts between the State Department and the FBI or

Justice Department concerning the anti-Trump material.

It's not clear whether State Department activity related to Steele's Russia project

took place in the months leading up to the 2016 election, during the transition, or both.

I don't think we have ever seen more corruption than we saw during the Barack Hussein Obama


This should teach us all a lesson that we should not elect a man based on his ability

to read a speech or the color of his skin.

For now, all we can do is sit back and wait while the investigations get to the bottom

of who did what and hope we someday see the perpetrators behind bars.

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