பிக் பாஸ் மகத்தின் நிஜ வாழ்க்கை சர்ச்சைகள் | TAMIL NEWS - Duration: 1:58.-------------------------------------------
Hey! Say! JUMP・岡本留学で活動休止、PrizmaXメンバー脱退、NEWS小山・活動再開、ベッキーに交際報道、モー娘。OGの豪華競演にネット歓喜【週間音楽ニュース】|E-TALENTBAN - Duration: 4:05.6月23~29日の1週間にも様々なニュースがあった。その中で話題となった主な音 やアーティストに関連したニュースをピックアップし、お伝えする。 ◆Hey! Say! JUMP 岡本圭人が留学で活動休止 24日、Hey! Say! JUM の岡本圭人が、アメリカの演劇学校に留学するため、活動を一時休止するとオフィシャル イトにて発表した
それによると岡本は、二年制の演劇学校「アメリカン・アカデミー・オブ・ドラマティッ ・アーツ(ニューヨーク校)」に留学するとのことで、岡本より留学の申し出を受け、メ バーを含め協議し、前向きに送り出すことにしたとしている
また、岡本もこの活動休止にコメントを寄せており「芝居と音楽を一から学びながら、イ リス留学で身につけた語学により一層磨きをかけ、人間的にもタレントとしても成長でき ように勉強してきます」と決意を語っている
岡本は、8月末日より活動を一時休止する予定だ。 ◆PrizmaXから黒川ティム 脱退 25日、超国際派ダンスボーカルユニット・PrizmaXのメンバー、黒川ティ が脱退することがオフィシャルサイトにて発表、同日付けで事務所からも退所することも 告された
オフィシャルサイトでは「PrizmaXの唯一のオリジナルメンバーであり、残るメン ーにとっては仲間以上に深い信頼関係のあった黒川ティムからの脱退の意向を受け、メン ー、スタッフ話し合いを重ねて参りましたが、本人の「一度グループを離れて、改めて自 の活動を見直していきたい」という思いは強く、今回の発表に至りました
」と脱退理由を説明。今後の活動に関しては「現時点で発表しております活動を含め、今 の活動は森崎ウィン、清水大樹、福本有希、島田翼の4人で行って参ります。」と4人で っていくことも知らせていた
◆NEWS小山慶一郎、活動再開報告 26日、一部週刊誌で、未成年に対し飲酒を ている席で飲み物を促すような掛け声をかけていたことが報じられたことを受けて、活動 自粛していたNEWSの小山慶一郎が、27日より芸能活動の再開をオフィシャルサイト て報告した
それまでの生活から離れて徹底的に自分自身を向き合う時間を過ごしたと言う小山が、「 談において、本人からは、これまでの行動に関する真摯な反省に加え、今後についての具 的な改善策や強い決意も伝えられるに至っており、当事務所としましては皆様から頂戴し 様々なご意見も踏まえつつ、2018年6月27日より小山の芸能活動を再開させていた くことと致しました」と報告
小山本人も猛省した旨を述べた上で「今後、厳しい目で見られることも、しっかりと受け め、覚悟を決めて、この道を進むことをお許しください。」とコメントを掲載している。 ◆ベッキーに交際報道 26日、ベッキーとプロ野球・巨人の片岡治大2軍内野守備塁 ーチが2か月前から真剣交際していると一部報道があり、それに対して双方の所属事務所 交際の事実を認めているとも報じられた
そして、ベッキーは同日Instagramを更新。「今日は朝から多くの方に温かいメ セージをいただきました。ありがとうございます。ゆっくりと、しっかりと、歩んでいき す
」とコメントしており、交際報道に言及したものだと見られる。この投稿に対してファン らは祝福の声が多く上がっていた。 ◆モー娘。OGたちの豪華競演にネット歓喜 2 日に放送された「テレ東音楽祭」にて、モーニング娘
のOGがパフォーマンスを披露したことがネットで大きな話題となった。中澤裕子、石黒 、飯田圭織、福田明日香、保田圭、矢口真里、後藤真希、吉澤ひとみらがステージに立ち 20周年特別企画!モーニング娘
OG大集結!テレ東音楽祭スペシャルメドレー」を披露。特に後藤は、2014年に放送 れた第1回のテレ東音楽祭以来の出演となったことに加え、ペシャル応援パーソナリティ しても出演が決定
神谷町スタジオ~天王洲スタジオ~横浜ランドマークタワーなど、各中継箇所や特設ステ ジを回り、アーティストとのトークなどで番組を盛り上げる大役も担った。後藤は、この の様子をブログなどでも伝え、ファンからはSNSで「久しぶりに歌って踊るごっちんを Vで観ることができて、涙が出ました」「久々にごっちん見れて懐かしくて懐かしくて」 歌ってる後藤さんの姿が美しかった」など、数多くの歓喜のコメントが寄せられていた
News brief: 6/30/18, 6:50 a.m. update - Duration: 1:42.-------------------------------------------
Breaking News - Chelsea turn to Gianluigi Donnarumma to solve goalkeeping crisis - Duration: 3:06.Chelsea are 'leading the race to sign highly rated goalkeeper Gianluigi Donnarumma from AC Milan' as they look for potential replacements for Thibaut Courtois
Donnarumma remains one of the most promising youngsters in European football despite a disappointing season for the Rossoneri in Serie A
Chelsea are preparing for the exit of current No 1 Courtois, whose contract is set to expire at the end of next season, with the goalkeeper's preference a move to Real Madrid
According to Corriere dello Sport, Chelsea are leading the way to sign Donnarumma, who has had a topsy-turvy time at the San Siro of late
Elsewhere, Chelsea are also preparing a bid for Roma's £65million-rated goalkeeper Alisson as they consider other options should their move for Donnarumma fall through
Earlier this month it was reported that the Blues could be offered Donnarumma in exchange for striker Alvaro Morata
Despite Donnarumma's agent Mino Raiola agitating for a move for his client, there have been no concrete offers to take the 19-year-old away from the San Siro
And Milan could use Donnarumma as bait as they bid to add more firepower up front, by seeking a deal which would see Morata move the other way
Morata has endured an inconsistent season at Stamford Bridge since arriving for a club-record fee of £70million from Real Madrid last summer
The Spaniard has struggled with his finishing and managed just 11 Premier League goals, eventually losing his place to Chelsea's January signing Olivier Giroud
But the 25-year-old's reputation in Italy remains high after two successful seasons spent with Juventus in Serie A between 2014 and 2016
சுய இன்பம் பண்ண வேற பாட்டே கிடைக்கலையா நடிகையை வறுத்தெடுக்கும் ரசிகர்கள் | Tamil News Latest - Duration: 1:41.-------------------------------------------
பெண் வடிவ பொம்மைகளுடன் வாழ்க்கை நடத்தும் ஆண் என்ன காரணம் தெரியுமா ? | Latest Tamil News - Duration: 2:34.-------------------------------------------
News, BIG FIG, Shoutouts, Advice | Garden Workday | Vlog - Duration: 12:48.Grab a cup of tea, and let me bring you up to date. Go on, I'll wait.
I wasn't going to shoot an update today because I've had so many updates lately,
and I thought, give my viewers a rest, but something just happened and I said this
has to go on record. And I'm going to show you that in a minute, but there's a
lot of things I wanted to tell you that are coming up and also things that have
been going on and I wanted to bring you up to date. First of all, I got a new hat...
and thought I would be optimistic and wear it today in hopes that the Sun
might come out. I have just finished spraying all of my tomatoes and I was
going to count how many plants I had and I forgot to do that. I'll put that on the
screen. I wanted to point out a few things that people have written to me
recently that have made an impression on me and that I appreciate and wanted to
share, because you might not necessarily see a comment that someone else leaves
underneath one of my videos. Now, I think it was my very last video, or so, when I
threw away the root balls of the sweet grass from those planters and the
creator at Kalsin Films, who watches every one of my videos, wrote me
immediately and said, "don't throw out the root ball!" The root ball has so much
going on in it you don't want to throw those in the green bin. You want to
either compost them, at the very least, or plant compost back in to the top and
plant in that root ball. I do appreciate all of your comments, all of your helpful
comments, and I do take them to heart. I don't always have the time to try
everything that people suggest. And I think a lot of the times suggestions
don't really apply to my garden. It doesn't freeze in my garden. I'm
in Los Angeles near the ocean and the spores just fall to the ground and are
very eager to jump back on the plants at the first opportunity, the first little
gust of wind, or drop of rain. Pruning is essential to keep lots of air around
your tomato plants, but there was one plant I did not prune.
I just let it go wild, and I thought, let's see what happens. Well, I'll tell
you what happened. It sprawled out all over there and the leaves are absolutely
covered in white polka dots. So what did I really get out of not
pruning that plant? I wanted to give a shout-out to one of my super fans in
Ashland, Kentucky. Angela and her husband watch all of my videos, and even though
they've suffered injuries and have physical disabilities, they have used a
lot of my ideas in their garden and have been inspired by me, and I want to give
anyone a shout out who's been inspired by me, so please let me know if I have.
Julianne HM in Germany is loaded with great advice. She's very knowledgeable. If
you see her comments under my videos, please take notice. You probably noticed
we got the lavender planted on Thursday. And speaking of Thursday, I was not going
to shoot a Thursday workday video, because, you know, it was just routine
maintenance that everyone has to do, but in the afternoon things got interesting
and so I grabbed the camera. And one of the things we did was plant this because
Eric walked in on Thursday with this planter that someone was throwing away
and he snatched it for me. I am leaving on Friday to go to
Tennessee and I have a one-way ticket because I don't know when I'm coming
back, but I have to be back by the 12th because I'm going down to Oceanside to
see Liz Carpenter and see their fabulous garden down
there. Well, let's just check out what we did on Thursday. Can we move it out? This
cactus? Let's put a plastic bag over it. Good.
We don't need dishwashing soap on Old Man Cactus. Water. Oh, you're already
finished with the soap, okay.
It doesn't have a lot of room to grow. I
think wood is gonna look better on the brick. It's not bad there, it is a corner,
and it will get some Sun. Water? Yes, please.
Please watch my epic cooking video that I just uploaded, Father's Day Brunch. not
only do I share my quiche recipe of 30 years, or so, I do the whole meal. It's a
whole meal cooking video and I really hope you check that out. The story right
now in my garden is figs, olives, some Tomatoes,
the burgundy bush beans, oh my. I have harvested three and a half pounds. The
plants are supposed to produce all summer. I find that very hard to believe
because the leaves are already starting to not look so perfect. Three and a half
pounds out of a three by six foot raised bed, now that's remarkable. My fig trees, I
have two, I had a big brown turkey Fig you'll remember from last year and I
made a lot of fig jam from that tree, and I had a few desert figs.
Because you may recall, I transplanted that fig tree from a pot into the ground
early in 2017, I think, but, oh my gosh. I thought, well, this is just gonna be a
little fig tree and it's gonna produce little figs and a few of them, and, oh no,
it is catching up to the brown turkey fig.
I don't fertilize the fig trees at all. I don't water them directly because I
can't even get in there. It's a complete jungle, so all they get is city water
through the drip line, and not a lot of that because I'm very stingy.
So, oh my. You know, when I first thought about
planting a fig tree, someone said, "oh you can't plant a fig tree, they get huge!" and
I said, "oh well, I've got years to worry about that." Haha. Well, I think between my lemon
and my orange tree and my two fig trees, there's not really gonna be room for
anything else in this tiny front yard. Anyway I just want to show you this fig.
Do you see what I'm looking at?
Look at this.
Oh my goodness! It's ripe!
First fig of the year.
Wow, I think we should weigh it, and I just happen to have some prosciutto. I
bought it yesterday. Breakfast! So that is,
let's see, 3/8 of a pound.
I did not expect this, but I cut it open and it looks really weird,
so that just doesn't look that appetizing to me.
I am going to give the worms a treat.
I don't think the worms will be too picky about their fig. Someone also was
curious as to whether I share produce with Eric, and the answer is yes.
Sometimes there's nothing to share, and then other times there's stuff that I
can share. So Thursday, he went home with a big bag of lemons, and I still have,
can't even lift this, I can lift it in my left hand.
This, whoa, don't scare me. I've got this. Maybe this is unrelated to gardening, but
something very exciting happened to me this past week and I wanted to share it.
One of the actors I really have admired for over 30 years is Jeremy Irons and he
and Lesley Manville are doing "A Long Day's Journey Into Night" in Los Angeles
this week, and I went to the play on Tuesday night and I got to meet him
afterwards, and we got a photo. And he was very very nice and so was Lesley and it
was a real highlight to get to meet them and spend a few minutes in their company.
The next video that I edit will be my Phoenix video that I did last year that
I never finished, and I owe it to all those beautiful gardens I visited to get
that done, so look forward to that. Thank you so much for watching, thank you for
liking my videos, and sharing them with your friends, and I'll see you in the
next one.
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