hello everyone and welcome on de Papier et de Rêves' channel !
I'm Ursula and today i'll be showing you how to use some textures
I've this image of some rocks splashed with water for some times now
I wanted to paint it but i didn't have any idea how to do that
But i think that with the help of some textures it could be easier !
So i'll be using some salt and wrapping film
And i have already added the salt in the left bottom corner
It's a rock painted with neutral tint and burnt sienna
So i added salt for textures and to add some interest in this area
In the top right corner i'm building the water with a mix of ultramarine blue, viridian, yellow ochre
and even a tiny bit of burnt sienna
In order to have this blue shade but not too blue, a bit dull comparing to the rock at the bottom left corner
At this time my painting seems to be very abstract and doesn't look like anything
But with time you'll be able to see the rocks and you'll understand better the image !
And now i'm preparing the texture effect for the water
So i'm using wrapping film and i keep an eye on getting the fold of the film in the same direction as i want the waves to be
And i let it dry completely and... it's already dry and i can take it away
And i get this powerful effect of waves
of course i won't let it like that bu i'll add another layer
But the effect is here, it was easy !
After this first layer of texture, my job is to make them more believable
in order to have rocks and water
And i'll build them step by step
I'm not reaching for precision here and i'm not placing the rocks exactly as i see them in my reference image
i much prefer to follow what's already on my paper and give this impression of rocks, of cold, of stone more than painting what i see
I had a lot of fun painting all those blues in the water, it's not a very saturated blue but more a grey/blue
thanks to the yellow ochre, viridian and ultramarine blue
all those tones of blue are creating the waves
and i'll be adding again wrapping film in order to add more dimension to this texture
and it's all i'll do for the water, the wrapping film do the work for me !
At the bottom left corner you can see all the texture created by the salt
the salt has pushed the pigment and has made some white stains in the color
i'm using this texture but i'll blend it a little bit with colors
and it will show through thanks to the transparency of the colors
And i'm also bring it forward with some dry brush technique
my brush almost dry is putting paint just on the top of the paper without getting in the texture of the paper
while i'm adding some darks in my painting
i'll explain a little bit the palette i have today
this is not my usual palette
Well on saturday (so the day after the release of this video)
i'll be at a workshop with Alvaro Castagnet
and this is the color recommended for this workshop
So i'm trying them before, in order to have an idea of what color i can get with
and learn how they interact with each other
i've already made a discovery with the burnt sienna
It's a very interesting color and you can see it in the bottom left corner
It's a warm earthy color and can make very nice dark color when mix with ultramarine blue
I do not like to have black or very dark color in my palette
Because i think it's quite easy to make them with ultramarine blue and burnt sienna for example
But i have to say that this neutral tint i use quite a lot in this painting
it is very nice to use
and i can get a very dark black very fast in without a lot of paint
And now that i've built my image i think you can see the rocks more clearly
and you start to see where i want to go with this painting
Thing start to take shapes and be more interesting
It was a lot of fun to paint this
i was scared at the start but everything went very smooth
I did like to paint it a lot !
This mix of warm and cold color and all the textures give a quite realistic effect from afar
But if you take a look closer it's almost just patches of colors put next to each other
i'm adding some splatters of colors on the rocks in order to have more texture on it
So it's just splotches that will seems more real from afar
And now let's talk about the supplies i've used for this painting
I've used an Escoda Aquario nº18 with natural hair
An Escoda Versatil nº2 rigger for the splatters and details at the end
For the colors i've used Ultramarine blue
Neutral tint
Burnt Sienna
verona gold ochre
And some white ink
For the paper i've used Canson Heritage in rough
The rough paper allows me to have more texture thanks to dry brushe strokes
So it's an interesting paper for this subject
For the last details on this painting, i'm adding foam with white ink
i splatter it but i'm also painting dots more precisely with a very fine brush
I alternate dots and line in order to mimic the projection of water in the air when hitting the rocks
so i try to vary between those two
and i tweek the white area i left free from paints
in order to gave them a more foamy and textured form
I did know about the wrapping film texture for a long time
i didn't have the chance to use it before because i didn't know how to use it properly
but for creating water and waves it works very well
I like a lot all those tones of blue grey green created with this technique
for the rocks, the salt, the splatters and the dry brush strokes are very convenient to create the rough texture
maybe i could have done more splatter with a tooth brush in order to have more dense and fine projections
but it's quite good already anyway
and i may use this again in the futur
i didn't think to use the wax white pencil for the foam
it should have work nicely though and maybe i'll try it next time !
It could bring a very interesting foamy texture with a rough paper as i won't get in every "hole" of the paper
it should be interesting to try
This video is now ending, thanks for watching and i hope you liked it
Please comment below and i'll answer !
See you soon !
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