Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 29 2018

hello everyone and welcome on de Papier et de Rêves' channel !

I'm Ursula and today i'll be showing you how to use some textures

I've this image of some rocks splashed with water for some times now

I wanted to paint it but i didn't have any idea how to do that

But i think that with the help of some textures it could be easier !

So i'll be using some salt and wrapping film

And i have already added the salt in the left bottom corner

It's a rock painted with neutral tint and burnt sienna

So i added salt for textures and to add some interest in this area

In the top right corner i'm building the water with a mix of ultramarine blue, viridian, yellow ochre

and even a tiny bit of burnt sienna

In order to have this blue shade but not too blue, a bit dull comparing to the rock at the bottom left corner

At this time my painting seems to be very abstract and doesn't look like anything

But with time you'll be able to see the rocks and you'll understand better the image !

And now i'm preparing the texture effect for the water

So i'm using wrapping film and i keep an eye on getting the fold of the film in the same direction as i want the waves to be

And i let it dry completely and... it's already dry and i can take it away

And i get this powerful effect of waves

of course i won't let it like that bu i'll add another layer

But the effect is here, it was easy !

After this first layer of texture, my job is to make them more believable

in order to have rocks and water

And i'll build them step by step

I'm not reaching for precision here and i'm not placing the rocks exactly as i see them in my reference image

i much prefer to follow what's already on my paper and give this impression of rocks, of cold, of stone more than painting what i see

I had a lot of fun painting all those blues in the water, it's not a very saturated blue but more a grey/blue

thanks to the yellow ochre, viridian and ultramarine blue

all those tones of blue are creating the waves

and i'll be adding again wrapping film in order to add more dimension to this texture

and it's all i'll do for the water, the wrapping film do the work for me !

At the bottom left corner you can see all the texture created by the salt

the salt has pushed the pigment and has made some white stains in the color

i'm using this texture but i'll blend it a little bit with colors

and it will show through thanks to the transparency of the colors

And i'm also bring it forward with some dry brush technique

my brush almost dry is putting paint just on the top of the paper without getting in the texture of the paper

while i'm adding some darks in my painting

i'll explain a little bit the palette i have today

this is not my usual palette

Well on saturday (so the day after the release of this video)

i'll be at a workshop with Alvaro Castagnet

and this is the color recommended for this workshop

So i'm trying them before, in order to have an idea of what color i can get with

and learn how they interact with each other

i've already made a discovery with the burnt sienna

It's a very interesting color and you can see it in the bottom left corner

It's a warm earthy color and can make very nice dark color when mix with ultramarine blue

I do not like to have black or very dark color in my palette

Because i think it's quite easy to make them with ultramarine blue and burnt sienna for example

But i have to say that this neutral tint i use quite a lot in this painting

it is very nice to use

and i can get a very dark black very fast in without a lot of paint

And now that i've built my image i think you can see the rocks more clearly

and you start to see where i want to go with this painting

Thing start to take shapes and be more interesting

It was a lot of fun to paint this

i was scared at the start but everything went very smooth

I did like to paint it a lot !

This mix of warm and cold color and all the textures give a quite realistic effect from afar

But if you take a look closer it's almost just patches of colors put next to each other

i'm adding some splatters of colors on the rocks in order to have more texture on it

So it's just splotches that will seems more real from afar

And now let's talk about the supplies i've used for this painting

I've used an Escoda Aquario nº18 with natural hair

An Escoda Versatil nº2 rigger for the splatters and details at the end

For the colors i've used Ultramarine blue

Neutral tint

Burnt Sienna

verona gold ochre


And some white ink

For the paper i've used Canson Heritage in rough

The rough paper allows me to have more texture thanks to dry brushe strokes

So it's an interesting paper for this subject

For the last details on this painting, i'm adding foam with white ink

i splatter it but i'm also painting dots more precisely with a very fine brush

I alternate dots and line in order to mimic the projection of water in the air when hitting the rocks

so i try to vary between those two

and i tweek the white area i left free from paints

in order to gave them a more foamy and textured form

I did know about the wrapping film texture for a long time

i didn't have the chance to use it before because i didn't know how to use it properly

but for creating water and waves it works very well

I like a lot all those tones of blue grey green created with this technique

for the rocks, the salt, the splatters and the dry brush strokes are very convenient to create the rough texture

maybe i could have done more splatter with a tooth brush in order to have more dense and fine projections

but it's quite good already anyway

and i may use this again in the futur

i didn't think to use the wax white pencil for the foam

it should have work nicely though and maybe i'll try it next time !

It could bring a very interesting foamy texture with a rough paper as i won't get in every "hole" of the paper

it should be interesting to try

This video is now ending, thanks for watching and i hope you liked it

Please comment below and i'll answer !

See you soon !

For more infomation >> Water and rocks // Playing with watercolor textures - Duration: 10:19.


Crochet edging border for flounces of a flamenco outfit - Duration: 8:52.

Welcome to my channel "Made among the oaks".

My name is María Isabel, here is a new tutorial.

Hello, my name is María Isabel and here is a flamenco outfit that I have sewn

and I am going to teach you how to crochet this edging border that is used for the decoration

for the flounces edge.

I wanted it to be easy and fast to do, I have only needed two 100 grams balls.

It has been enough for the 35 meters long flounces.

Here is how it is done.

You have to crochet this edge apart from the dress, crochet 5 chains for the beginning.

then, 4 chains more, you join them into a little circle, it is a decoration, then 2DC [IT IS WATER]

4 chains more you have to join together, 1DC and 6 chains, you repeat.

The difference is that here you crochet it on the first chain

and here , on the second chain. I roll over the edging around this ball

and keep it from moving with some pins.

I am going to show you how to crochet it.

Crochet 5 chains, one, two, three, four and five.

I´ll crochet six instead because I am not going to count the first one.

Then I crochet 4 chains, one, two, three, four, I work a slip stitch into the fourth one

This is a decoration.

Then, yarn over twice, I go to the first chain, in my case, it is the second one.

because I am not going to use the first one, I work a DC, I work it in three times...

another DC, it is crocheted in three times,

one, two, three, work 4 chains, one, two, three, four, I go to the first one

and work a slip stitch, another DC in the same place.

I have already finished the first part.

Then, 6 chains, one, two, three, four, five, six,

four chains for the little circle that I finish with a slip stitch,

1 DC, not onto the first chain, but on the second one.

Another DC in the same place, 4 chains

joined together, 1DC at the same place,you see how it is done.

I am going to crochet another one but it is always the same.

One, two, three, four, five, six and four more, one two, three, four , a slip stitch

on the fourth chain, a DC, on the second chain of the beginning.

another DC in the same place, 4 chains... three, four an I join them together

with a slip stitch.

another DC in the same place and the edging is getting longer.

Now, I am going to show you how to sew it.

Now, I am prepared to sew the edging to the flounces.

The first thing to do is overlocking the flounces with a zig zag stitch and then

turn it over half a centimeter and sew it on the edge, I am going to do that,

It is half a cm more or less.

Well, it is only to show you, I am not going to go on with this.

Then, I will sew the edging.

It is sewn on the right side of the fabric.

Do NOT iron the edging, it cannot be too stretched, when you finish sewing it

then, you iron it.

I do not sew the beginning, at the end I am going to finish it by hand

I begin sewing it without pulling the edging, it must not be too stretched, you lay it as it comes,

without stretching it at all and you sew it by the edge.

Well, as you can see, it is easy, and when you finish sewing , then, you iron it and it will be pefect.

Well, see you soon.

For more infomation >> Crochet edging border for flounces of a flamenco outfit - Duration: 8:52.


César Tralli percebe detalhe curioso no pai de Ticiane Pinheiro e revela para seguidores - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> César Tralli percebe detalhe curioso no pai de Ticiane Pinheiro e revela para seguidores - Duration: 3:18.


Mundial de Rusia 2018: Las audiencias de la fase de grupos - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Mundial de Rusia 2018: Las audiencias de la fase de grupos - Duration: 3:47.


Camila Queiroz é pega de surpresa, não consegue dar conta e detalhe chama atenção - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Camila Queiroz é pega de surpresa, não consegue dar conta e detalhe chama atenção - Duration: 4:13.


Petanque 2014 Masters de Finale MADAGASCAR and SARRIO - Duration: 1:24:32.

For more infomation >> Petanque 2014 Masters de Finale MADAGASCAR and SARRIO - Duration: 1:24:32.


L arbre de Mathias v11 - Duration: 4:27.

"The Tree"

My name is Mathis Souverbie.

I am a sculptor.

My work focuses on the world of mobile and kinetic objects;

I also work in concrete.

By 'mobile',

I mean an object that will have its own intrinsic life,

an object that will be in constant evolution

and that is going to move with the wind

and interact with the viewer;

that's what interests me in a sculpture that is in motion.

At an exhibition, I met the Revol studio,

who invited me to take part in a project

celebrating their 250th birthday,

for which a porcelain piece was to be created.

My sculptural work has many affinities

to the world of moulding,

and therefore to ceramics.

I often work with earth,

and in that sense my work itself functions as a mould,

which made me a good partner for Revol.

My point of departure was the plant world.

I wanted to start with a tree-like structure,

something that represents longevity.

250 years is a significant length of time.

I wanted to find a way to evoke what you might call

the strata upon strata of people who had worked in this factory.

We chose a design very quickly.

We decided on a tree,

because it represents all the generations

who worked in this company,

and so we really tried to elevate the material,

and the knowledge,

which is a perfect symbol for the many years this company

has existed and the people who worked there.

Afterwards there was a practical step.

I had to mount the form, the entirety of the piece.

We quickly moved to working in a team,

as you just can't do a piece like that on your own.

There are so many people who are part of this story,

who are part of making the moulds,

of casting and firing;

there are people involved in each part of it.

Here, a part of my goal with this piece

was to work in a team,

thinking about how we were to get to a certain goal,

and with whom, and how.

The last step was assembling all the pieces into one

so that they interlinked,

with the mobile on top.

I really want people to notice the movement,

to notice this fully alive and dynamic side to it.

It matters to me that the piece

has a movement of its own,

that it's not just set down somewhere

and then forgotten forever,

but that this piece here really wants to travel and dream.

And so it moves.

It offers the viewer something fresh every time.

For more infomation >> L arbre de Mathias v11 - Duration: 4:27.


Charlène et Albert de Monaco, révélation choc dans Ici Paris - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Charlène et Albert de Monaco, révélation choc dans Ici Paris - Duration: 1:22.


El agente de Aleix Vidal se desplazó a Milán - Duration: 1:25.

 Afirma el rotativo italiano que Alejandro Santisteban, agente de Aleix Vidal, fue a Milán con el objetivo de hablar en persona con el club 'nerazzurro'

 Desde hace tiempo, el Inter está muy pendiente de los pasos de Aleix Vidal y, por ello, el representante habría querido tratar el tema del posible futuro del jugador con el Inter

 La escuadra milanesa no tira la toalla por el fichaje del jugador del Barça y Aleix Vidal alimentó los rumores con un mensaje en italiano en sus redes sociales

 El verano estival sigue su curso y, si lo que publica 'La Gazzetta dello Sport' es cierto, en los próximos días podríamos saber qué ocurre con el futuro de Aleix Vidal

For more infomation >> El agente de Aleix Vidal se desplazó a Milán - Duration: 1:25.


Um dia após ser elogiada pelos gringos, Anitta erra lugar de entrevista e paga mico em Londres - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Um dia após ser elogiada pelos gringos, Anitta erra lugar de entrevista e paga mico em Londres - Duration: 4:20.


Remedios caseros para el dolor de huesos - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> Remedios caseros para el dolor de huesos - Duration: 5:25.


Les députées pourront bientôt être remplacées par leurs suppléants en cas de congé maternité - Duration: 3:17.

POLITIQUE - Les députés ont adopté ce jeudi 28 juin au soir en commission un amendement au projet de révision constitutionnelle permettant aux parlementaires provisoirement empêchés d'être remplacés, jusqu'à leur retour, par leurs suppléants

"Sont notamment visés les congés de longue maladie et les congés de maternité", selon cet amendement de la députée LREM Bérangère Abba qui devra être revoté en séance pour être adopté

Les députés ont par ailleurs ajouté le service national à l'article 34 de la Constitution qui fixe la liste des domaines dans lequel le gouvernement peut légiférer

Ils ont adopté un amendement du LREM Olivier Véran visant à étendre le champ des lois de financement de la sécurité sociale (LFSS) à la "protection sociale" afin d'y inclure, notamment, le risque de dépendance

La commission de l'Assemblée a rejeté des amendements communistes, insoumis ou UDI-Agir, soit pour soumettre une intervention armée à l'aval du Parlement, soit pour réduire la durée de l'intervention des forces armées à l'étranger au terme de laquelle le gouvernement doit soumettre sa prolongation à l'autorisation de l'Assemblée

Le rapporteur général Richard Ferrand les a repoussés au nom de la "nécessaire réactivité" en matière d'engagement des forces armées

Plusieurs amendements ont également été défendus en vain pour assouplir l'article 40 de la Constitution qui empêche les parlementaires de déposer des amendements et propositions de loi créant ou aggravant une dépense publique, ou réduisant sans compensation les recettes publiques

Les communistes ont cherché en vain à faire abroger l'article 38 de la Constitution qui permet au gouvernement de solliciter l'habilitation du Parlement pour légiférer par voie d'ordonnances

De nombreux amendements sur les modes de scrutin ont également été rejetés. Les Insoumis ont défendu un amendement permettant à un million d'électeurs inscrits sur les listes électorales de déposer une proposition de loi, obligatoirement examinée par le Parlement

Des amendements d'élus de tous les bancs abrogeant le droit de grâce présidentielle, "survivance de l'Ancien régime" et allant "à l'encontre de la séparation des pouvoirs" avaient également été rejetés un peu plus tôt

La co-rapporteure LREM Yaël Braun-Pivet a jugé nécessaire le maintien d'une disposition "d'humanité" qui n'est pas "le fait du prince" dès lors que les dossiers sont instruits par le bureau des grâces de la Chancellerie, et qui demeure utile compte tenu de l'existence de peines pouvant être lourdes

Les débats se poursuivront vendredi sur les 777 amendements en discussion. À voir également sur Le HuffPost:

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