Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 29 2018

Hi, we're going to proceed to unpack the sofa

we recommend using scissors and not cutters

because the cutter often damages the fabric and then there's no solution

we always recommend tipping the sofa over

and from below cut very carefully

and make a little cross

always lifting the bag and trying not to touch the fabric

once we have made the cross

we keep cutting

and we would proceed

so that the sofa would be unpacked without any problems.

For more infomation >> Unpacking a sofa. - Duration: 1:37.



Hi.How are you? I'm great. How are you guys?

Good. I love your background. Thank you, take a look around.

Some letters are missing but you got to find.

I even got a friend right here

Yaman, what is your main hint or principal hint for people that are learning

English and that want to improve faster like just like what can they do to, like, improve faster?

A daily conversation will help the

new learners to express themselves so this is very essential for beginning to

try to communicate when we start communicating it's like when our little

kids you know what little kids do they start communicating trying to speak

something try to make us understand something and this is how we start

learning the brain starts involving when we do a daily conversation because it

connects different areas of the brain you see few memories between world

this moment where we were talking about the sign language you know everything we

are taking it into the moment so a daily conversation is very essential

besides that reading and writing so when a kid is learning in your language what

hands do to teach him alphabet so when I do ABCD you know over and over so

repetition is great you know it makes a better pronunciation you know writing

expresses your you express your thoughts for example write draw a house and write

about your family for example the sir beginning so it's

depending you know on the level depending County amount of effort want

to be put in so it has a many factors, not just one factor everything is interconnected.

So my number one recommendation if you're trying to

increase your vocabulary listening comprehension and speaking comprehension

is to watch TV shows and movies with English subtitles turned on and the

English audio that way you're practicing reading what they're saying you're

listening to how they pronounce it and you're just building your vocabulary

you're listening to conversation how it would normally happen so a great way to

practice along with that is to repeat what they're saying you know watch a

scene then repeat it if you need help understanding it maybe write down some

of the words that are challenging you and look them up once you're done yeah

and now he's our Falls yeah pause and repeat exactly pause it and give it a

repeat especially if it's a new word that you haven't heard before or if it's

a word that you know you have trouble pronouncing pause it listen to how they

pronounce it repeat it go back and try it a few times

watching at the same time you're watching and now you can pause right you

can like watch like neflix or whatever and you can pause, take notes

Exactly. Netflix and the YouTube has a lot of really great videos as well but yeah

pause and they are captioned so yeah that's great yeah my suggestions I

always bury them at where their actual level is I try to start with you know a

nice solid 5 10 minute conversation so that I can get an informal

assessment on what their language level actually is from there my suggestions

normally range anywhere from utilizing Internet resources such as YouTube or

anything where they can watch or listen where native speakers are speaking if

they turn on a subtitle or caption in their native language to support their

understanding of the verbage that's being used that is a good place to start

come prepared to class make a list of the words that they are not familiar

with they're not sure if it's the right word or not you can even look at the

definition online and listen to the Cambridge online dictionary it

pronounces in both the American accent and the UK accent so it's really a great

source then when you come to Cambly, bring your list with you so the teacher

knows what words we need to practice it saves a lot of time some students choose

some of the Cambly online lessons it's a good idea to preview the lesson

read through it and find out before the glass what parts are difficult for you

so you can focus on that during the class. Correct

first I tell them to try to practice speaking English often look for more

situations where you can speak the language because many of my students

learn English strictly from a book or in a class lesson but they have no

practical application I'm learning the Tagalog language in the Philippines as

well so I understand it is important to speak it verbally even if it is not

perfect many of my students are afraid of making mistakes and they are shy

especially speaking with a new tutor but as you practice speaking often you can

overcome those mistakes and develop your confidence. So don't be shy yes yes I

Don't be shy at all. Don't be afraid to make mistakes

That is what I try to encourage my students with the most. Some people are shy, like

some people like me know that they say oh I I don't know who I'm shy of having

a conversation with some native because they speak English and I don't.

what can you say to these people? In this case I we I mean we are very

friendly here at Cambly so I mean being expressing oneself

it's just part where maybe the first time you know you don't know the person

that's why you know we are shy you know but if you are just happy and optimistic

about it it's it's very easy you know it's just release yourself and let the

conversation take you somewhere. Great!

YouTube is another great resource

especially if you know if you already speak a little bit of English but you

want to increase your vocabulary YouTube has millions of videos talking about

pretty much everything so if you type in a topic in English you're pretty much

guaranteed to find at least a thousand videos that's talking about exactly what you want to hear.

Every language every mother tongue when someone is speaking

the language English language or any language we always have these mistakes

and how we can overcome these mistakes is by repeating the problem we always do

so for example some people will have problem with their 'th' you know some

people have with someone...

for example just repeat that over and over again

repeat some words that are bit easier and start with the levels higher and

higher every now and then you know it's about how much you repeat but in the

same time you have to make yourself into it you know to not break yourself to not

make something so hard on yourself that it's hard words and you're like trying

and trying and this is not working but sure with something very the level

of that words are just lower than not in your level so beyond your level it's not

you're not talking higher and you have to motivate yourself you know

so you get some self-esteem you know I've been when you start getting

self-esteem you know you get that in and you make it better and better you know

like for example now we started with some level and you finish this level and

after a 1 month you're gonna see a huge improvement. You will see.

I think that's why it's so

important to have face to face classes right because if you learn from from

only from books you generally like that's what you learn like this like

face to face conversation with a native speaker of the language that you were

trying to learn is probably one of the key aspects of learning a language it is

a key component because otherwise you will learn the language and it doesn't

matter if it's English or if it's Spanish or if it's Portuguese or Russian

unless you are learning it from someone who has grown up speaking that language

and in that culture you're learning expert language that's enough to pass

the test but it's not really adequate for getting you by in day to day interactions

I believe like English languages is way more than you express yourself because

you can expose yourself in so many different levels you see and for for

online learning I don't like teaching it's you have so

many options you know to learn what do you want to learn so it's not like in

textbooks you see in textbooks you are focus or you gonna learn this one now

and tomorrow this one at this lesson and after tomorrow at this lesson no in

online teaching is much more smoother you you would like to date learn about

grammar tomorrow you like to have a short story

pronunciation after tomorrow or maybe something different so it's very very broad.

It's it totally change it right the way we learn

languages nowadays because of course when I was like a teenager and I

started learning English it was I went to English classes but I I don't know it

was different you know it's different nowadays that you have this chance to

speak to native speakers I think the most important thing though is come and

expect good expect great. Yeah I think one good hint is like don't be afraid of

speaking right because some people are very shy but I always tell that up face

to face classes are the best it's is the best way to learn.

Yes. I always tell my

students no one else is listening.

So don't worry about it.

Yeah. You're right.

I think another good hint is it's necessary to listen to the grammar rules

once or twice then forget about it. You don't want to keep focusing on the

rules you want to focus on practicing how to use it if you're focusing on the

rules you're saying oh no it's temporal.

I had a mistake, it's the other rule. I don't know what rule!

yeah and then you get so confusing and you don't say anything right? Yeah, and it

the brain is just like your muscle your training it so if it's focusing on the

rules that's what it will be trained in the most if it's focusing on practicing

the patterns that's what it will do best.

For more infomation >> DICAS DE ESTRANGEIROS PARA APRENDER INGLÊS - Duration: 14:31.


Las Noticias de la mañana, viernes 29 de junio de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> Las Noticias de la mañana, viernes 29 de junio de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 6:16.


El drama de Melissa tras Supervivientes 2018: 'Se me está cayendo el pelo' - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> El drama de Melissa tras Supervivientes 2018: 'Se me está cayendo el pelo' - Duration: 4:24.


El apodo que Yerry Mina usaba para Messi antes de llegar al Barça - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> El apodo que Yerry Mina usaba para Messi antes de llegar al Barça - Duration: 3:05.


El primer acto de Begoña Gómez como primera dama - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> El primer acto de Begoña Gómez como primera dama - Duration: 2:17.





Ana Rosa hace balance sobre la temporada de 'El programa de Ana Rosa' - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> Ana Rosa hace balance sobre la temporada de 'El programa de Ana Rosa' - Duration: 4:39.


'Cazamariposas' confirma que la relación de Sofía Suescun y Alejandro Albalá es un montaje - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> 'Cazamariposas' confirma que la relación de Sofía Suescun y Alejandro Albalá es un montaje - Duration: 4:25.


Daniel Alves volta à lista de maiores devedores de impostos da Espanha - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Daniel Alves volta à lista de maiores devedores de impostos da Espanha - Duration: 2:23.


Dünyanın En Hızlı Bigisayarı Artık ABD'de... - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Dünyanın En Hızlı Bigisayarı Artık ABD'de... - Duration: 1:01.


Video Digitutor 55 – Fotografía de conciertos - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Video Digitutor 55 – Fotografía de conciertos - Duration: 1:53.


Laureta (Adriana Esteves) revelará segredo do passado de Roberval (Fabrício Boliveira) a Severo (Odi - Duration: 4:53.

 Laureta (Adriana Esteves) revelará segredo de Roberval (Fabrício Boliveira) a Severo (Odilon Wagner) nos próximos capítulos de , novela das nove da Globo

A cafetina decidirá contar parte do que sabe ao empresário após receber dinheiro em troca

 A sequência terá início quando Severo for até a casa da vilã. "Veio fazer o quê aqui, bode velho? Apanhar de novo?", perguntará Laureta que, rindo, completará: "Você gosta de umas boas bordoadas, não é? Acho que lhe excita… "

"Me poupe de seu linguajar chulo, Laureta", dirá o ricaço.  "Me poupe você dessa figura lamentável… bode velho, ebó de encruzilhada, você já morreu e esqueceu de se deitar! Vai pra uma cova rasa, nem um caixão decente vai poder pagar! Tá querendo o quê aqui? Sexo de graça? Caridade?", questionará a cafetina

"Quero que me diga o que sabe sobre Roberval", dirá Severo.  "Mas é muito cara de pau! Sempre a mesma empáfia! Por que acha que eu lhe diria alguma coisa, seu velho babão", falará Laureta

"Por isso aqui", responderá o empresário, que abrirá uma maleta com alguns maços de dinheiro dentro

 "Eu lhe conheço há muito tempo, sei que por dinheiro você vende até sua alma pro diabo", afirmará Severo

"Falou o próprio!", dirá Laureta, bem humorada. "É pegar ou largar", anunciará ele

"Gosto de lhe ver assim, humilhado, desesperado, sem mais nenhum aliado… tendo que comprar informações! Cadê seu prestígio, doutor Severo?", tripudiará Laureta

 Severo então fechará a maleta e irá saindo. "Não ouvi um por favor, me ajude, nada! Pra fechar um negócio tão valioso não pode agir assim, tem que ser mais maleável…", comentará Laureta

O empresário então voltará: "Sou objetivo".  "Muito bem… Sei que Roberval iniciou sua fortuna roubando todas as jóias, valiosíssimas, de uma senhora muito digna…

e também se meteu em altas negociatas na África", revelará a vilã, pegando o dinheiro da mão de Severo, que pedirá detalhes

"A pista tá dada. Os detalhes custam mais caro…", responderá ela.  "Por enquanto isso me é suficiente

Não pense que estou por baixo, Laureta, como vê, ainda tenho muito dinheiro. Não vale a pena me ter como inimigo, lhe garanto", afirmará o ricaço

"Estou sempre aberta a bons negócios!", falará Laureta.  "Bom saber. Se vier a saber de mais alguma coisa, me procure

Não vamos esquecer nossa parceria que foi tão produtiva pra nós dois no passado", comentará Severo

"Minha memória é ótima!", dirá a cafetina, sorrindo. Depois que o empresário vai embora, Laureta se delicia com as notas

 A cena vai ao ar nesta sexta-feira (29) em .

For more infomation >> Laureta (Adriana Esteves) revelará segredo do passado de Roberval (Fabrício Boliveira) a Severo (Odi - Duration: 4:53.


Últimas notícia de hoje : Marco Aurélio: STF não estaria dividido se votasse prisão em 2º grau - Duration: 5:57.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : Marco Aurélio: STF não estaria dividido se votasse prisão em 2º grau - Duration: 5:57.


✅ Giulia De Lellis e Andrea Damante a cena insieme in Sardegna - Duration: 2:02.

 Andrea Damante e Giulia De Lellis, entrambi in vacanza in Sardegna, sono stati anche a cena insieme

La coppia di ex è andata a mangiare il sushi con alcuni amici tra cui spiccavano Melissa Satta e Kevin Prince Boateng e Claudio Marchisio con la moglie Roberta Sinopoli

E' stata proprio quest'ultima a condividere sul social lo scatto dove i due ex appaiono seduti allo stesso tavolo

 Andrea Damante e Giulia De Lellis si sono concessi una cena insieme in Sardegna a base di cucina giapponese

 La coppia, insomma, non ha semplicemente scelto la stessa località per trascorrere qualche giorno di vacanza al mare ma si sta anche frequentando

 Giulia si trova già da un po' in Sardegna insieme alla mamma e al fratello. Andrea l'ha raggiunta nei giorni scorsi

 Su Instagram i due pubblicano scatti che sembrano testimoniare il tempo trascorso insieme anche durante il giorno e non solo a cena con gli amici: in alcune foto, infatti, pare proprio che Damante e la De Lellis si trovino sulla stessa barca

 Giulia, però, ai follower scrive: "Quando mi fidanzerò, prometto ve lo dirò". La De Lellis smentisce ancora una volta il ritorno di fiamma con Andrea

Ma la vacanza in Sardegna sembra dire il contrario.VIDEO  

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