Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 29 2018

For more infomation >> first days in hospital isolation - Duration: 6:12.


Conversation Vocabulary - Duration: 2:01.


My name is Stephan, and today we are going to learn Hungarian

One of the important factors used to define someone's fluency in some language,

is the size of it's vocabulary.

the more words you know, more easily you will express yourself.

In avegare, only 1000 words are used in 65% of all writen and spoken vocabulary of any language.

So, if you learn only this key-words,

you will progress a lot into the learning of the language,

and could be considered an intermediary / advanced speaker

expressing almost everything you want to.

This key-words are known as "Conversation Vocabulary"

So, it's very important for you to know these key-words.

because actually, you don't need to know every words of a language,

you don't even know every words from your mother-tonge language.

So, in today's video, we will start to learn the first key-words, the Personal Pronouns.

get you study books and write down the first list of key-words.

ÉN - I


Ö - HE / SHE / IT




Very good, study and memorize this words,

And don't forget to leave your like and subscribe in our channel so you wont miss the next videos.


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