Get Outta Here!
What's up Shenmue fans?
Keith from SlugoMedia back with another Shenmue News video.
It was a pretty quiet month to start, but some major things happened towards the end,
so let's get right into it!
Shenmue III Kickstarter backers received a project update towards the end of May related
to Backer Rewards.
The update said that select backers would receive surveys as part of a soft open and
that official surveys would be sent out to all backers at a later date.
Fans didn't have to wait too long as another update was posted on June 28th and featured
a video telling backers to check their e-mails for the surveys.
The e-mails are being distributed by Fangamer and are being sent out in waves.
According to their post on the Shenmue III Kickstarter page, if you have not received
your survey you can go to the link they provided and receive it immediately.
This link will be made available in the description of this video and also includes a helpful
little FAQ that may help to clear up some of your questions.
Surveys close on September 30th, so make sure you get those filled out as soon as possible!
Back on June 9th, Sega Europe tweeted that Shenmue I & II would not be present at E3.
This was disappointing for many fans who hoped that the release date for the game was going
to be revealed.
However, Shenmue I &II did end up making an appearance at the PC Gaming Show.
If you blinked you would have missed it, but some footage we hadn't seen previously was
As minimal as it was, it's always nice to see Shenmue being represented in some capacity.
On the Shenmue III side of things, on June 6th Cedric Biscay tweeted that he would not
be attending E3 this year.
He ended his tweet by saying "let's meet at Gamescom 2018" Obviously this led many
people to suspect that we may finally get to see some more on Shenmue III in the near
We'll just have to wait and see what happens.
Gamescom 2018 takes place from August 21st to August 25th.
Sega has been dropping hints about some sort of announcement coming on July 3rd.
On June 26th, in response to a post about the next Tweetathon, Sega Europe said that
"this one will be extra special."
This has led many to believe that we'll finally be getting the release date for Shenmue
I & II.
The speculation about the release date grew from some Facebook posts made by Ibrahim Bhatti
(Community Marketing Manager for Sega.
In his posts, Bhatti said that the reason they don't want to give a release date is
that they wouldn't want to give one and end up having to push it back.
In response to another post about the release date being in December, Bhatti responded by
saying that December is the deadline and that the only timeframe given was 2018.
So hopefully this means that we'll be seeing the release before December.
Once again I'd just like to clarify that the rumors of the release date are speculation
at this time, but once we find out what the news is on the 3rd, I'll provide an update
in the comments below.
For anyone who hasn't been following the Slacker Backer Campaign, the totals recently
updated on June 22nd.
As it currently stands the total amount pledged is $6,901,625 with a total backer count of
Just for fun I took a look at the previous totals which were posted on May 17th.
In the past month the campaign picked up an additional $10,489 and added 88 backers for
an average of $119 donated per backer.
If you're a newcomer to the Shenmue franchise and would like to contribute, the link to
Slacker Backer campaign will be in the description down below.
As confirmed in the Kickstarter update about the surveys, the last day of the Slacker Backer
campaign will be Monday, August 13th.
So if you plan on donating, or increasing your current donation, now is the time.
The $7 Million goal for the AI Battling battle system expansion is in reach, so let's see
if we can hit that goal.
Since I've been making these videos I've actually received a few comments from people
that have never even played Shenmue.
So I wanted to take a moment to direct those people to some of the excellent fan created
resources available on the internet.
These are the most established Shenmue groups out there.
Unfortunately there have been a few fake accounts trying to pass themselves off as some of these
You can find the links to their official accounts in the comments below.
On June 24th ShenmueDojo tweeted an image of a release date for the new Shenmue Dojo
The release date is scheduled for July 20th, but is subject to change.
Before launch there will be a 3 day stress test where the site will go down.
They posted another tweet just to make everyone aware of that.
I'm a huge fan of the current site and I'm really looking forward to seeing what they
do with it in the future.
There will be a link in the description that will take you directly to their forum, where
you can stay up to date on everything going on with this project.
Last month I ended my video by asking Shenmue fans, "How do you feel about Shenmue III
being delayed until 2019?"
I wanted to share some of those responses with you now.
Hodgey Gamer said that it's a good thing because they can make a better game and that
he'd rather have a good game than a rushed game.
I definitely can agree with that.
Devin said that he's a newcomer to the series, so the wait doesn't bother him and he's
looking forward to trying it out sometime soon.
Amiror Shakur is happy that they'll finally be able to catch that f**ker Lan Di.
I guess we'll have see if that actually happens.
Ciscoallah commented with a sequence of 35 dots.
I counted them.Madmike35211 pretty much agreed with the opinion I expressed in the last video,
but also compared the game to Metal Gear Solid V which he felt was a rushed game in that
Special thanks to everyone that participated and responded to last month's question!
And now my next question is "How fast do you plan on playing through Shenmue I & II?"
I was thinking about this the other day and I'd like to say my answer is that I'll
make it last until Shenmue III comes out, but realistically I'm going to play through
both games in a week.
I also have more video ideas that I'd like to capture footage for, so that's part of
it as well.
But I'm curious what your plans are.
Will you take your time and try to get every achievement and trophy along the way?
Will you rush right through both games out of pure excitement?
Do you think you'll beat the games multiple times before the release of Shenmue III?
You can comment below with your response, but I'll also include a poll where you can
vote and let me know your answer.
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