Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 28 2018

BALOO : Yo, yo, yo, it's Baloo and you are watching Rap Fire

don't forget, it's the first US rap playlist available on every streming platform : Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer and Napster

Today we are going to talk about the very first Hip Hop school, stay tuned. Turn up!

As you already know, I went to L.A with my bro Fodjé Sissoko for a Rap Fire tour. It has been really rewarding and I've had the opportunity to go to this hip hop school called "1500 or nothing academy"

For those who don't know 1500 or nothing is a band of beatmakers, songwriters who do pretty much everything and are very influent, I'm going to tell you about some the main members of their team :

So in 1500 or nothing there is Alexandria Dopson, there's Brody Brown, uncle Chucc, mars, Rance who I got to meet - he is the one who made me discover the academy, there's Bam, James Fauntleroy - if a stutter please don't blame me if i mispronounce his name ahah, Rebekah Muhammad,

All of them are songwriters, beatmakers, producers, people who work in the music industry, that I used to vaguely know

I will tell you about how I got to meet them.

I have a bro in the US who knows lots of people called Ayala, shoutout to him by the way, and you all know my partner Raskel.

They both told me one morning 'are you down to go to the 1500 or nothing academy?' so I said yeah let's go, i didn't really know what it was, and i was not sure what to expect.

And we actually went all the way to Inglewood, Inglewood is quite a tense neighborhood, and we arrived in front of this building that seemed just as any other one

When I opened the door, it is the first time that i find myself somewhere and it actually smells like hip hop everwhere. Yall listen to me, I have found myself in the first Hip Hop school, live from Los Angeles

When I say hip hop school, it is no joke. When you step into the hall, there are macs everywhere, beatmakers making beats...

The lady on the left asks you what class are you registered for, there's this huge entry hall with several TV screens, it's like entering Google's headquarters but it's hip hop's google

And then i was shook,thinking about where I really was

Then Rance came, he showed us the facilities a little, and i realised I was probably in one of the most mythical places of the next 10 years.

He showed us the classrooms, he really showed us everything. He even took us to a spot that they are still building on, he showed us the facility plan and said 'look, here there is going to be a cinema room, here there will be a jewllery shop, here it will be the theater, a couple of studios around here...'

And you guys can't imagine how big the thing was. I was looking at the plan and everything was Matrix like, I was fascinated

I didn't understand where I was until then, I didn't realise, I asked him 'but how did you manage all this? what made you want to do this?'

And then, he showed me 3 documentaries.

In the first one, he explains what 1500 or nothing is about and get ready : these guys worked on every T.I album, on Jay-Z, on Beyoncé, on Rihanna, on Bruno Mars...

The real question is who did they not work with? They worked with everyone.

He showed me this first documentary, then a second one showing how the school works, what kind of classes are available etc.

And, in this documentary, you realise that there are people like P. Diddy who come to teach, Dr Dre and Snoop Dog...

I was two days late to meet P Diddy damn it!

Anyway, it really really impressive.

Then, he showed me a third documentary about their history, how the project evolved, and the album Victory Lap from Nipsey Hussle which they produced.

Nipsey Hussle drummers are part of this team.

So, i asked him 'what is your strength? what is your motivation? how did you manage to build all this?'

Listen to what he said to me:

BALOO : And what is crazy is that with this kind of person, you're really taken aback because everything is truly natural

Even if the guy made all of this, he worked with the biggest names, he stays humble

Except, yes, from the huge chain around his neck that is worth maybe 30-40K

But even that, he explains he bought only to be taken seriously

Because he is so simple, that sometimes when he would meet with someone for a potential deal, people did not take him seriously

And he needed to have this little proof that he is in the game so that people take him seriously

So you see how humble this guy is

And i am even going to show you a piece of video of one of his friends describing him, saying how humble he is and what a genius he is

Listen to that

BALOO : So, as I said, I was really really really taken aback, because i realised i was in a hip hop monument.

I asked him a question, i said 'look Rance, what are your goals in the future with this school?'

And he said 'look, we are working on a new school opening in New York, one in Miami, and even one in Paris.'

So i said 'really? even in Paris?'

And that's when you understand how fast it goes in the US

He said 'yeah, plus you are from Paris right?'

So i said 'yeah yeah totally'

He looks at me and says 'but would you not be down to work with me?'

And then, its crazy, i tell myself i barely know this guy you know

But in his head, he thought 'ok, he came all the way here in the US, in Inglewood, to come talk with me about this school

It's someone i should take seriously, why not offer him a job

So there isn't this obstacle where you need to really where the person is from etc

They are really in a work mentality, and i was shook

And he even gave me a punchline who shooked me even more.

He said, 'look, in July it's Jay's concert. You should come, I'll introduce you.'

I look at him and say 'but Jay who?'

And he says 'Jay-Z!'

And then you think 'wow, this guy is really really really taking me seriously'

And this is what i liked. Despites the fact that all those where multimillionaires, that they worked with the biggest stars etc, they stay humble and keep their feet on the ground

Even if you feel that when the staff looks at him, he sees him in 3D. They know it's Rance, that it is really someone.

And it is crazy because when you are an outsider to this, and even when you follow the music business, you don't necessarily know that there are people behind all of this and weight this much in the game

He even told something really important. He said his goal, and this is what is happening right now in the game, is that every new engineers, new beatmakers -we don't often talk about them but they are blowing up the game- come from his school.

That is what is starting to happen and it is his longterm goal

There is a real formation with real hip hop professionals

These guys worked with Dre...

When i say professional I'm not even talking technique I'm talking about passion, implication

These guys can bring so much, I have really been sitting there for 2/3 hours, talking with guys who teach you how to make it

These guys are passionated

You feel it even when one of these guys tell you about Nipsey Hussle's album Victory Lap, which he produced, you almost feel like he is going to drool because of how passionated he is

And this is what is great. It is really a hip hop monument, and one of my best discoveries so far

This is why it was so important to me to tell you about this

So there is a website 1500 or nothing go check it out, follow them one the socials

I think it can be interesting for all the engineers, beatmakers, or even future rappers who want to go check it out

Make sure to inquire because it is possible to assist to some classes etc

Anyway bear in mind that this is a hip hop temple, and i really wanted to share this info with the rap fire audience

Because i think this is the future

Thank you to all of those who follow and don't forget that rap fire is the number US rap playlist available on every streaming platform

And of course, on rap fire, there are many songs produced by the 1500 or nothing team, so go check it out

Especially the titles from Nipsey Hussle, Victory Lap

But there are so many that i would rather not even cite them all

We're in this together, give me your thoughts on this little review, this little podcast or whatever you want to call it

Feel free to tell me in the comment if there are other topics you would like to hear about, if this was interesting to you, if it made you want to go visit

Leave a comment, we're in this together, suscribe to rap fire, turn up turn up turn up turn up!

BALOO : Hey, by the way, it's cool to like the video and all, but go message the 1500 or nothing team and tell them you're writing on behalf of Baloo's rap fire because I really want to meet Jay-Z!

Comment everywhere on their insta etc, we will put their account here below, and suscribe to the playlist... turn up!

For more infomation >> La 1ere école de Hip Hop à Los Angeles - 1500 Sound Academy - RAP FIRE - Duration: 13:32.


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For more infomation >> ¡Colombia venció a Senegal y está en octavos de final! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 7:13.


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Actualización de los desarrolladores | Presentando a Wrecking Ball | Overwatch - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> Actualización de los desarrolladores | Presentando a Wrecking Ball | Overwatch - Duration: 6:31.


Un bar de Chicago prohíbe el uso de gorras con la frase "Make America Great Again" - Duration: 1:10.

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Napin Pod, la nueva opción de descanso para los turistas en Las Vegas - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Napin Pod, la nueva opción de descanso para los turistas en Las Vegas - Duration: 0:42.


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For more infomation >> Vestido acinturado e chapéu casquete: a elegância de Angelina Jolie em Londres - Duration: 4:33.


El Supremo deja a Puigdemont y a Junqueras al borde de la inhabilitación y... - Duration: 8:12.

For more infomation >> El Supremo deja a Puigdemont y a Junqueras al borde de la inhabilitación y... - Duration: 8:12.


El retrato que encargó Michael Jackson antes de su muerte - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> El retrato que encargó Michael Jackson antes de su muerte - Duration: 2:59.


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Savez-vous:4 Plantes en cas de trouble de la circulation - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> Savez-vous:4 Plantes en cas de trouble de la circulation - Duration: 5:39.


The travelers community - Anthropology of the Dutch - Duration: 45:16.

For more infomation >> The travelers community - Anthropology of the Dutch - Duration: 45:16.


Jared Leto será "Morbius" en un 'spin-off' de Spider-Man - Duration: 3:01.

Ganador del Óscar a mejor actor secundario por "Dallas Buyers Club" (2013), Leto ha destacado recientemente en películas como "Suicide Squad" (2016) o "Blade Runner 2049" (2017) (Getty Images) El director sueco de origen chileno Daniel Espinosa dirigirá al actor Jared Leto en "Morbius", una cinta derivada ("spin-off") del universo cinematográfico del estudio Sony sobre las historias de Spider-Man, informó The Hollywood Reporter

Morbius, villano de las historias del hombre-araña, es un científico que padece una enfermedad sanguínea, pero sus intentos para curarse a sí mismo le convierten finalmente en una especie de vampiro

Este personaje fue creado por Roy Thomas y Gil Kane y apareció por primera vez en un cómic en 1971 en el número 101 de "The Amazing Spider-Man"

"Morbius" forma parte del puzle cinematográfico que está preparando Sony sobre las aventuras de Spider-Man

 La primera película de este proyecto fue "Spider-Man: Homecoming" (2017), que contó con Tom Holland como protagonista y que recaudó en todo el mundo USD 880 millones

La continuación de este filme se titulará "Spider-Man: Far From Home" y llegará a los cines en julio de 2019

Asimismo, "Venom", cinta derivada acerca de este temible enemigo de Spider-Man, presentará a un elenco liderado por Tom Hardy y Michelle Williams y se estrenará el próximo 5 de octubre

Además de actor, Leto es el cantante y guitarrista del grupo de rock Thirty Seconds to Mars

Por su parte, Daniel Espinosa llamó la atención con el inesperado éxito del thriller sueco "Easy Money" (2012) y triunfó en su desembarco en Hollywood con "Safe House" (2015), que recaudó más de USD 200 millones en todo el mundo

El año pasado estrenó "Life", que combinaba ciencia-ficción y terror en torno al trabajo de unos científicos (Ryan Reynolds, Jake Gyllenhaal y Rebecca Ferguson) en la Estación Espacial Internacional tras hallar evidencias de vida en Marte

Con información de EFE MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: El "Joker" de Jared Leto tendrá su propia película y buscará olvidar la decepción de "El Escuadrón Suicida" El Guasón tendrá su propia película, con Martin Scorsese y Todd Philips en el equipo Preguntamos a gente qué películas famosas son las que más odian

For more infomation >> Jared Leto será "Morbius" en un 'spin-off' de Spider-Man - Duration: 3:01.


Le cinéma a-t-il un problème quantitatif de représentation? - Duration: 12:41.

For more infomation >> Le cinéma a-t-il un problème quantitatif de représentation? - Duration: 12:41.


Mort de Joe Jackson : les hommages poignants des enfants de Michael Jackson sur les réseaux sociaux - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Mort de Joe Jackson : les hommages poignants des enfants de Michael Jackson sur les réseaux sociaux - Duration: 3:51.


El insólito pleito de un gobernador a quien no permiten jugar al golf llegó a la Suprema Corte de Mé - Duration: 5:25.

Francisco Javier García Cabeza de Vaca, el gobernador de Tamaulipas que pelea "su derecho" a jugar golf

Francisco Javier García Cabeza de Vaca, gobernador de Tamaulipas, hizo llegar hasta la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación una demanda en la que reclama discriminación en contra suya y de su familia porque un exclusivo fraccionamiento de la Ciudad de México les impide hacer uso de su campo de golf

El gobernador de Tamaulipas, uno de los estados más violentos de México, en la frontera con Estados Unidos, reclama la violación de sus derechos humanos porque la administración del Club de Golf Bosques de Santa Fe no lo reconoce como socio

Esto –argumenta el gobernador– a pesar de que él compró un departamento de 14.3 millones de pesos (como 715

000 dólares), en ese exclusivo fraccionamiento ubicado en el poniente de la Ciudad de México

La administración del club argumenta que el gobernador no cumple con los requisitos de sociedad

Aunque sea propietario de un departamento en el fraccionamiento, explica, hace falta una autorización del consejo de administración que lo reconozcan como socio, pero no se la han concedido

Como el gobernador y su familia no pueden hacer uso del campo de golf, presentó ante un juez federal una demanda por discriminación y exigió la reparación del "daño moral" por una suma –no conocida– en dólares

"En nuestra calidad de accionistas del club de golf y también como propietarios del departamento –tal y como este término se define más adelante–, demandamos que se condene a los codemandados a permitir a los suscritos y a nuestras menores hijas, el acceso, uso y disfrute irrestrictos a las instalaciones deportivas, recreativas y demás del club de golf", se anota en la demanda

El Club de Golf Bosques de Santa Fe, en la Ciudad de México, donde el gobernador tiene un departamento de 715

000 dólares. El gobernador ganó la demanda en primera instancia y volvió a ganar en la apelación de la sentencia que presentó el fraccionamiento

Un juez y una sala civil le concedieron la razón al político y condenaron al club a pagar la indemnización en dólares

El club de golf recurrió entonces a un amparo como última instancia. En esta etapa de la batalla un Tribunal Colegiado propinó el revés al gobernador

El tribunal consideró que los alegatos del club de golf son justificados y que el gobernador no cumple con los requisitos legales y estatutarios para ser accionista

También consideró que la compra del departamento no obliga a la administración del fraccionamiento a concederle la calidad de socio

El gobernador contraatacó y llevó su demanda hasta la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación, donde solicitó un amparo contra la decisión del tribunal

Su argumento: que el Tribunal Colegiado se abstuvo de aplicar en su beneficio el principio pro persona (que pone por encima de todo criterio los derechos humanos de la persona) y realizar, en cambio, una interpretación que afecta sus derechos humanos

En la Suprema Corte el ministro presidente, Luis María Aguilar, desechó por improcedente la solicitud de amparo del gobernador

Pero la Sala Primera aceptó revisar si la decisión fue apegada a derecho. Y todo por un campo de golf

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