Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 28 2018

Eating is considered one of the pleasures of life, however, it is also at this moment that we can

choose good foods that will nourish our body and help us to maintain a good


But when it comes to making a good meal, not everything comes down to food choices.

Some habits that we usually do after meals can have a negative impact

in our body.

In today's video we will show 6 things that you should not do after a meal:

Drink tea This information may be new to you,

after all, some teas are very indicated to help improve digestion.

The problem is that teas contain compounds phenolics, which may inhibit absorption

the body.

However, if you like to drink tea after a meal, prefer those who have

properties that aid in digestion, such as green tea, alfavaca, sage, rosemary and


Smoke In fact, there is no good time for


The cigarette has more than 4,500 substances toxins, which greatly increase the chances of

smoker to develop diseases.

Even with so much information use of cigarettes, there are people who prefer

light a cigarette after a meal.

Although there is no strong evidence, it is believed that smoking after eating can cause ulcerative colitis

and even worsen the picture of bowel syndrome irritable.

Take a nap After eating, that desire to take away

a nap, is not it?

Although it is an irresistible idea, sleeping after meals is a practice linked

directly to obesity.

In addition, full belly sleeping increases the possibility of reflux occurring, because depending

of the position you lay down, part of the juice gastric and food can come back and cause a sensation

of burning.

People who snore and go to sleep on stomach full, put enough pressure on the diaphragm,

something that can directly affect the quality of your sleep.

Eat fruits Fruits are healthy foods, but the moment

in which you eat them is very important.

When you ingest a fruit after a meal, it tends to stay in the stomach digesting

along with the food, rather than down to the intestine to be processed.

During this time, it ends up decomposing in the stomach, which can cause gas.

Take a bath You may have heard that our

body needs good blood circulation to perform various tasks.

And with digestion is no different.

After a meal, blood circulation increases in the abdominal region, that is, our

blood is directed in large quantity to the to aid digestion.

When we take an immersion bath, like in the bath, beach or pool, the body in

contact with water diverts circulation from the blood to the extremities of the body

to stabilize body temperature and irrigate the muscles.

This process can dera- digestion, so the ideal is to wait

at least 1 hour before taking a shower like this.

Walk Just like fruits, walking can be bad

for digestion depending on the time in done.

Just after a meal, a simple walk can lead to acid reflux and indigestion.

But after 30 minutes, the walk becomes beneficial to digestion and may even

help burn extra calories.

For more infomation >> 6 Things You Should NEVER Do After Eating! - Duration: 4:55.


Melania Trump visitó otro centro de niños inmigrantes | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Melania Trump visitó otro centro de niños inmigrantes | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:51.


Why Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi love divorce rumors - News Today - Duration: 1:50.

 Most celebrities loathe tabloid attention, but Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi embrace it, to a degree — because it means their same-sex marriage is viewed as normal

 "The divorce rumors came and then we really knew the perceptions had changed," the actress, 45, told Us Weekly on Wednesday

"I'm not kidding. I know it sounds ridiculous, but when that started happening I thought, 'Oh, now we're finally accepted

' We get the same s–t as every celebrity couple."  "I thought, 'Wow, this is great that I'm pregnant, not pregnant, divorced, not divorced,' whatever," she continued

"That means there is an acceptance for this."  The "Arrested Development" star and DeGeneres tied the knot in 2008 and have been going strong ever since

 Still, despite not minding being the subject of the occasional tall tale, it doesn't mean the ladies are thrilled with gossip culture as a whole, especially since so much of what they read is inaccurate

 "I was at a newsstand … and there was a cover of Brad [Pitt] and Jen [Aniston]. I literally just stared at it, and I was like, 'They haven't seen each other,' " de Rossi scoffed

"'How is this even a thing? I know for a fact.' I actually took a picture of it and sent it to Ellen and said, 'Can you believe this?' … We avoid it

We don't care."

For more infomation >> Why Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi love divorce rumors - News Today - Duration: 1:50.


Desmantelan campamento frente a oficinas de inmigración | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Desmantelan campamento frente a oficinas de inmigración | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:46.


Estos son los juegos GRATIS de julio - Games With Gold - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Estos son los juegos GRATIS de julio - Games With Gold - Duration: 2:12.


Como La Película De Flash Podría Arreglar El UEDC - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> Como La Película De Flash Podría Arreglar El UEDC - Duration: 5:47.


Más imágenes de Morena Rial internada: "Dios, ayudame… Dolor y más dolor" - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Más imágenes de Morena Rial internada: "Dios, ayudame… Dolor y más dolor" - Duration: 1:14.


Mariana Fabbiani volvió a su programa tras el problema de salud de su hijo - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Mariana Fabbiani volvió a su programa tras el problema de salud de su hijo - Duration: 1:17.


MorénaTv⎜¡DE ESO NO! - Intro - Duration: 4:31.


Turn on your cc!

This girl right here

wants to talk about a lot of things.

Lots and lots of things,

so every month I am going to upload a video

with the month's subject--

or, actually, I meant to say I"ll make a post, right?

It wouldn't make sense for me to upload two videos.

But I'll make a post through my Facebook page, Instagram

and basically any and all social media I've got on here.

I want y'all to comment any question that you might have.

It doesn't matter if the question is dirty or clean,

if you think you sound stupid or not...

in fact, if you need some sort of privacy for your question

you can send it to me through private message.

The point here is to talk about all of these topics

considered so taboo.

It scares us

to talk about that shit in public


Let's talk about that shit!

Clothes, without clothes, wassup?!?!

Does such thing as a hoe exist????

Have you ever asked yourself why the morenaespiritual

uploads so many videos naked?

Now is your opportunity to ask me!

If I get asked a question about something

that I don't know too much about

I am going to take my time;

I'll look stuff up, I'll read.

I don't like to answer things guessing.


The only thing that will make

me not answer a question

(other than if we reach the limit of questions for that topic)

will be if it has

any type of insult

and etc.

But that said,

all of my videos will have subtitles available

for my folks who do not speak Spanish.

And when I upload content in English

I will have Spanish ones for my non-English speakers

or anyone who doesn't understand my Dominican-NYC Spanish.

I also forgot to say that

I will be including screenshots

of every account that asks a question

if the question is not anonymous.

So I will give credit to every person who participates

and thank you for everything.


For more infomation >> MorénaTv⎜¡DE ESO NO! - Intro - Duration: 4:31.



For more infomation >> QUAL A VERDADE POR TRÁS DO USO DE ANTIBIÓTICOS E BEBIDA ÁLCÓOLICA? - Luciana Spina - Duration: 5:26.


Abogada denunciará a agentes de ICE que la agredieron | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Abogada denunciará a agentes de ICE que la agredieron | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:02.


✅ La foto de Leo DiCaprio y Brad Pitt que ha enloquecido a muchos - Duration: 1:45.

 Leonardo DiCaprio y Brad Pitt se unen en la gran pantalla por primera vez, y todo gracias a Quentin Tarantino

Dos de los actores más queridos de Hollywood compartirán protagonismo.  Este miércoles Leonardo DiCaprio publicó en su cuenta de Instagram la primera foto de "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood", la película que dirigirá Quentin Tarantino y se estrenará en 2019

En dicha foto, Brad Pitt posa con camisa y pantalón vaquero y DiCarpio, con pantalón acampanado y una camisa cuello de tortuga

 "Primer look", expresó Leonardo DiCaprio en la foto que compartió y ha causado gran sensación

 "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" cuenta la historia de cómo un actor de televisión y su doble, se embarcaron en una odisea para hacerse un nombre en la industria del cine, durante los asesinatos de Charles Manson en 1969 en Los Ángeles

 Leonardo DiCaprio, ganador del Oscar por "El Renacido" da vida a "Rick Dalton", ex estrella de una serie del Oeste, que intenta amoldarse a la vez que su doble, interpretado por Brad Pitt

 Y de acuerdo a declaraciones de Tarantino:

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