Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 1 2018

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For more infomation >> Bad Bunny Grandes Exitos - Mejores Canciones De Bad Bunny - Duration: 1:13:42.


Últimas notícia de hoje : PF identifica ligação entre amigo de Temer e Rodrimar - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : PF identifica ligação entre amigo de Temer e Rodrimar - Duration: 3:21.


Bienvenida a El río Guadiaro en el Campo de Gibraltar. Cádiz - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Bienvenida a El río Guadiaro en el Campo de Gibraltar. Cádiz - Duration: 0:54.


Grandes documentales | En busca de esplendores secretos Viena, los caballeros teutónicos. - Duration: 26:01.

For more infomation >> Grandes documentales | En busca de esplendores secretos Viena, los caballeros teutónicos. - Duration: 26:01.


El negocio de las islas flotantes del legendario lago Titicaca en Perú - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> El negocio de las islas flotantes del legendario lago Titicaca en Perú - Duration: 4:34.


Últimas notícia de hoje : PRESO SUSPEITO DE ENVOLVIMENTO NO CASO MARIELLE FRANCO - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : PRESO SUSPEITO DE ENVOLVIMENTO NO CASO MARIELLE FRANCO - Duration: 2:22.


L'gosseux d'bois Ep 168 - Contrôleur de vitesse pour sableuse à tambour - Duration: 8:51.

Hi, on The Woodpecker this week, I'm making some modifications to my drum sander.

I really love my drum sander.

When a board goes through it, I end-up with a nice, flat, sanded piece.

But I don't like the fact that if I try to remove too much wood, too quickly, the motor overheats and its breaker jumps.

I have to wait about two minutes before I can restart it.

To avoid that, I have to manually lower the feed rate, before the breaker jumps.

I want to make something that will lower the speed automatically.

So I'm trying my idea with this proto board and since, after my test I was confident it would work, it was time to get my hands dirty.

First, I want my controller just here in this plastic box.

I'm beginning with the most important piece: the stepper motor.

After drilling a small hole where I want the motor shaft, I turn the box and drill the final hole.

This is a very good start. I have my motor, and, if I look at it closely, it's perfect.

But I'm far from being finished, I need to fix the box here.

So using a salsa jar, I trace the feed motor's shape and cut it.

Now I can cut this to the right length.

I also need to make some space for the motor's pulley;

so after marking it, I drill the hole.

OK, first try is not a success.

Or the second.

Or the third...

But after that, I add a wood block to help me. This goes much better

Next, to hold this bloc to the motor, I need to cut two slots to hold it in place.

I begin by drilling a series of small holes.

I begin by drilling a series of small holes.

Then, I use the slots and mark the case and cut more slots.

Now, I can glue the motor in place.

And I can try this in place.

To hold the display in place, I drew the shape which is supposed to be the shape of the display and cut it.

When the CNC cutting is done, I finish the job with the scroll saw.

Humm, I guess I didn't take the right measurements; the display doesn't fit.

Nothing that a rasp can't fix.

Now that the display fits I still need to remove some wood here.

This will be perfect. I need to drill the plastic box now.

I begin by sticking the wooden pattern inside the cover

Then, using the scroll saw,

I cut the display hole.

This is not that bad.

But I need something to press on the button.

For that, I'm going to use knives rivets.

I begin by enlarging the small holes I made.

Then I put together both pieces of the rivets.

Then I put together both pieces of the rivets.

But now when I put everything in place,

I can see it's starting to take shape.

But it's not done yet. All the wires and electrical connection have to be inside the box.

But for that, I need to drill more holes.

When I'm done, I pass the wires through their holes and make the electrical hookup.

While doing that, I also put the current sensor in place.

Then, I can put the box in place.

I also need to stick some tape to prevent short circuits.

And now I'm ready to try this.

First, I draw this plan, and, with this nice plan, I make my first prototype.

I only need to hookup some wires and the display and I'm ready for my first trial.

Perfect. I'm very happy.

So after this success, I decide to design this PCB. So after this success, I decide to design this PCB. This will be much better.

So one week later, when I receive my board, I can solder all the components.

I know there's nothing interesting in assembling a circuit board.

But here it is anyway; completely assembled.

It looks much better than my prototype.

Speaking of the devil, it's now ready for retirement and getting replaced by my new circuit.

This is number one.

But to please Arduino fans, I bought one; just to see if I can replace my circuit with one.

But to do so, I need to add a prototype circuit sandwiched between the Arduino and the display.

That's the circuit all assembled.

That's what this looks like, when I put all this together.

This gave me the idea to design my own prototype hybrid circuit, with a micro-controller directly on the board.

And that's the look of it.

And with simple code modification, the Arduino or my own hybrid circuit works just like my original design.

And here's a demonstration of the circuit working.

As you can see, when the motor's current exceed nine amps, the stepper motor reduces the speed of the feed rate and the motor uses less power.

You can see it right here.

Next, the feed rate gradually increases but never exceeds nine amps, otherwise it would lower the feed rate again.

I don't have a lot of options in this controller.

So after a small welcoming message, I can lower the maximum feed rate.

As you can see, each time I press the button the speed slows down.

Le bouton plus vite, la vitesse augmente.

I can also reset the controller at this particular place. And now the absolute position is reset to ten thousand.

Now, if I lower the speed, and press the home button, the stepper motor returns to its home position, which is ten thousand.

Now, I just can hope that my future sanding frenzies will go much faster thanks to this modification.

If you wish to have more info on the electronic circuitry, just visit my website.

And see you soon for another episode of the Woodpecker

For more infomation >> L'gosseux d'bois Ep 168 - Contrôleur de vitesse pour sableuse à tambour - Duration: 8:51.


BLEU DE CHANEL Parfum. - Duration: 1:01.

Where is he going?

It's right in front of you

For more infomation >> BLEU DE CHANEL Parfum. - Duration: 1:01.


Últimas notícia de hoje : Sérgio Etchegoyen: "o Brasil está rodando e voando normalmente" - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : Sérgio Etchegoyen: "o Brasil está rodando e voando normalmente" - Duration: 4:00.


Obsèques de Pierre Bellemare : des "adieux" plein d'émotion - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Obsèques de Pierre Bellemare : des "adieux" plein d'émotion - Duration: 3:44.


Jessie J dans le rouge ? Elle n'aurait plus les moyens de payer son styliste - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Jessie J dans le rouge ? Elle n'aurait plus les moyens de payer son styliste - Duration: 2:41.



For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : SE ATÉ MESTRE CLÓVIS ROSSI DESISTIU, SÓ ME RESTA IR PARA O RETIRO E REZAR - Duration: 1:45.


Una niña de 12 años transmitió su suicidio por Facebook Live tras haber sido abusada - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Una niña de 12 años transmitió su suicidio por Facebook Live tras haber sido abusada - Duration: 2:16.


Enfermedad de Akureyri - Duration: 8:25.

For more infomation >> Enfermedad de Akureyri - Duration: 8:25.


Como garantir mais chances de evitar a infertilidade - Entrevista - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Como garantir mais chances de evitar a infertilidade - Entrevista - Duration: 4:25.


Les grands bienfaits de l'ail à jeun - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> Les grands bienfaits de l'ail à jeun - Duration: 5:05.


✅ Ex-BBB é promovida e ganha cargo de apresentadora em emissora; saiba quem - Duration: 3:06.

Virar BBB não é uma tarefa fácil, porém, mais difícil ainda que conseguir entrar na casa mais vigiada do país é conseguir se manter na mídia após sair dela

São raros os casos de nomes como Grazi Massafera e Sabrina Sato, que se deram bem e consolidaram suas carreiras aqui fora

Uma ex-BBB que está prestes a voltar aos holofotes é Fabiana Teixeira. Talvez você não lembre, mas ela foi destaque na edição 2012 do programa, quando ainda era comandado por Boninho

Fabiana ganhou um programa na TV Clube Band e apresentará o Cozinhando com você. Usando o Instagram, a loira comemorou a novidade

"Mais uma alegria em minha vida, a qual com humildade agradeço a todos e ao universo pela oportunidade

Estou em constante aprendizado, peço a todos que assistam, que enviem suas opiniões e boas vibrações", escreveu ela

O Encontro desta quarta-feira (30) contou com a presença da atual vencedora do BBB, Gleici Damasceno, e também de seu namorado, o ex-BBB Wagner

Após o programa, eles continuaram no ar no programa para a web, e a ganhadora de 1,5 milhão de reais falou como está sendo a vida após o reality-show

"A vida tem sido muito legal, especial. Temos recebido muito carinho. Também está sendo uma loucura

Foi difícil lidar com as pessoas no início. A gente aprende", afirmou Gleici. "Agora a gente tem muito mais intimidade, apesar de a gente continuar dividindo nossos momentos com o público", completou Wagner

Em determinado momento do programa, eles foram convidados a falar sobre como está a relação com os colegas de confinamento e Wagner surpreendeu ao fala sobre Kaysar

"Não tenho contato. Ele mora na minha cidade, em Curitiba. Com certeza ele tem um grande futuro como ator", disparou

A fala sobre o vice-campeão do programa da Globo vem após vários comentários na internet sobre o comportamento de Kaysar no BBB

Ele era visto por muitos como ator por causa de atitudes que vinha tendo dentro da casa


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