Trump To Sign 'Energy Independence' Order Tomorrow Rolling Back Obama Climate Change
by Tyler Durden
Coming off a brutal Trumpcare defeat, delivered by members of his own party no less, Trump
has decided to return to a strategy of progressing his policy initiatives through executive order.
As such, tomorrow President Trump is set to sign a sweeping new order aimed at promoting
domestic oil, coal and natural gas by reversing much of Obama's efforts to address climate
The order is expected to lay out a broad blueprint for the Trump administration to dismantle
the architecture that Obama built to combat Climate Change, which Trump argued throughout
the 2016 campaign season only serves to kill 1,000s of energy jobs in the U.S.
Obama�s Clean Power Plan was designed to cut carbon dioxide emissions from electricity
by 32% by 2030 compared to 2005 levels and resulted in the collapse of the coal industry,
including several large bankruptcies.
That said, the initiative has been in legal limbo since the Supreme Court stayed it while
it was reviewed by a federal appeals court.
The Trump administration now is expected ask that court to put the matter on hold to allow
it time to revise or undo the measure -- an action environmentalists have vowed to challenge.
Per Bloomberg:
Trump�s executive order also is set to revoke six specific directives from his predecessor,
including Obama�s broad strategy for paring emissions of methane released from oil and
gas operations.
Other Obama directives targeted for repeal include one on climate change and national
security, as well as a pair of directives from June 2013 that laid out his climate plans.
The removal of the Clean Power Plan could halt coal�s decline as a source of electricity
during the next two decades, according to projections from the Energy Information Administration.
More coal use would mean less natural gas use, EIA said.
Speaking with George Stephanopoulos over the weekend, EPA Chief Scott Pruitt said that,
among other things, Trump's forthcoming executive order would "address the past administration's
effort to kill jobs across this country through the clean power plan."
"This is about making sure we have a pro-growth and pro-environment approach to how we do
regulation in this country.
For too long, over the last several years, we've accepted the narrative that if you're
pro-growth, pro-jobs you're anti-environment and that's just not where we've been in the
And the executive order is going to address the past administration's effort to kill jobs
across this country through the clean power plan."
Among other things, Trump's new executive order will give the heads of various federal
agencies broad authority to suspend, revise or rescind the policies that could burden
the production or use of domestic energy resources.
It also will toss out two Obama-era directives that gave consideration of climate change
a prominent role in federal rule making.
One advised government agencies to factor climate change into environmental reviews,
such as those governing where oil drilling should take place.
The other, called the �social cost of carbon,� is a metric reflecting the potential economic
damage from climate change that was used by the Obama administration to justify a suite
of regulations.
The order also is set to include a targeted assault on a handful of specific Obama-era
It will require the Interior Department to lift a moratorium on the sale of new coal
leases on federal land and compel the EPA to review, and, �if appropriate,� begin
proceedings to suspend, revise or rescind regulations designed to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions from power plants.
And just like that, the lawyers of the Natural Resources Defense Council were just guaranteed
millions of dollars of incremental fees...we can't only assume, at this point, that Eric
Holder is getting his 'fair share.'
But energy isn't the only focus, Trump will also be signing 4 other initiatives aimed
at relaxing land-use rules from the Bureau of Land Management, Education Department rules
on school accountability and a 'blacklisting' rule that required federal contractors to
disclose labor violations as part of their bidding procedures.
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