Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 3, 2017

Waching daily Mar 30 2017

Trump To Sign 'Energy Independence' Order Tomorrow Rolling Back Obama Climate Change


by Tyler Durden

Coming off a brutal Trumpcare defeat, delivered by members of his own party no less, Trump

has decided to return to a strategy of progressing his policy initiatives through executive order.

As such, tomorrow President Trump is set to sign a sweeping new order aimed at promoting

domestic oil, coal and natural gas by reversing much of Obama's efforts to address climate


The order is expected to lay out a broad blueprint for the Trump administration to dismantle

the architecture that Obama built to combat Climate Change, which Trump argued throughout

the 2016 campaign season only serves to kill 1,000s of energy jobs in the U.S.

Obama�s Clean Power Plan was designed to cut carbon dioxide emissions from electricity

by 32% by 2030 compared to 2005 levels and resulted in the collapse of the coal industry,

including several large bankruptcies.

That said, the initiative has been in legal limbo since the Supreme Court stayed it while

it was reviewed by a federal appeals court.

The Trump administration now is expected ask that court to put the matter on hold to allow

it time to revise or undo the measure -- an action environmentalists have vowed to challenge.

Per Bloomberg:

Trump�s executive order also is set to revoke six specific directives from his predecessor,

including Obama�s broad strategy for paring emissions of methane released from oil and

gas operations.

Other Obama directives targeted for repeal include one on climate change and national

security, as well as a pair of directives from June 2013 that laid out his climate plans.

The removal of the Clean Power Plan could halt coal�s decline as a source of electricity

during the next two decades, according to projections from the Energy Information Administration.

More coal use would mean less natural gas use, EIA said.

Speaking with George Stephanopoulos over the weekend, EPA Chief Scott Pruitt said that,

among other things, Trump's forthcoming executive order would "address the past administration's

effort to kill jobs across this country through the clean power plan."

"This is about making sure we have a pro-growth and pro-environment approach to how we do

regulation in this country.

For too long, over the last several years, we've accepted the narrative that if you're

pro-growth, pro-jobs you're anti-environment and that's just not where we've been in the


And the executive order is going to address the past administration's effort to kill jobs

across this country through the clean power plan."

Among other things, Trump's new executive order will give the heads of various federal

agencies broad authority to suspend, revise or rescind the policies that could burden

the production or use of domestic energy resources.

It also will toss out two Obama-era directives that gave consideration of climate change

a prominent role in federal rule making.

One advised government agencies to factor climate change into environmental reviews,

such as those governing where oil drilling should take place.

The other, called the �social cost of carbon,� is a metric reflecting the potential economic

damage from climate change that was used by the Obama administration to justify a suite

of regulations.

The order also is set to include a targeted assault on a handful of specific Obama-era


It will require the Interior Department to lift a moratorium on the sale of new coal

leases on federal land and compel the EPA to review, and, �if appropriate,� begin

proceedings to suspend, revise or rescind regulations designed to reduce greenhouse

gas emissions from power plants.

And just like that, the lawyers of the Natural Resources Defense Council were just guaranteed

millions of dollars of incremental fees...we can't only assume, at this point, that Eric

Holder is getting his 'fair share.'

But energy isn't the only focus, Trump will also be signing 4 other initiatives aimed

at relaxing land-use rules from the Bureau of Land Management, Education Department rules

on school accountability and a 'blacklisting' rule that required federal contractors to

disclose labor violations as part of their bidding procedures.

For more infomation >> Trump To Sign 'Energy Independence' Order Tomorrow Rolling Back Obama Climate Change Initiatives - Duration: 4:49.


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For more infomation >> திருமணத்திற்க்கு ஜெய் போட்ட கண்டிசன் கதறி அழும் அஞ்சலி | Tamil Cinema News Kollywood Tamil News - Duration: 1:09.


After 500 DC Kids Go Missing in 2017, Police Advise Kids to "Stay Home" - politics - Duration: 7:03.

After 500 DC Kids Go Missing in 2017, Police Advise Kids to �Stay Home� to Avoid Sex


Washington, D.C.

� After over 500 juveniles were reported missing in D.C. since the beginning of 2017,

and a letter signed by several congressional officials requested federal assistance from

the Justice Department in investigating the matter, a DC police commander, when asked,

�What preventative measures can young people take, specifically so they don�t become

a victim of human trafficking?� responded that the best advice for young people was

to � �Stay home, it�s as simple as that.� It was during an interview last Wednesday

with Chanel Dickerson, the new commander of the D.C.

Police Youth and Family Services Division, on the Joe Clair Morning Show, when she was

asked about the reasons for the seemingly large increase in missing teens � a sentiment

she pushed back against � and what families can do to mitigate the issue when she gave

the controversial response.

Joe Clair: What preventative measures can young people take, specifically so they don�t

become a victim of human trafficking?

Dickerson: Stay home, it�s as simple as that.

If they stay home, it reduces the risk.

I�m not saying that�s the fix-all but that�s where we have to start.

We have to start small, this is a problem and it�ll take a community effort, but we

have to start small.

Community members and celebrities alike displayed disdain towards Dickerson�s advice to �stay

home� to avoid the dangers of being a victim of human trafficking.

Rapper Wale took to twitter to give the D.C. police some advice, suggesting that perhaps

rather than telling people to �stay home� � they should �come up with a plan.�

Although DC police have claimed there was no uptick in the total of missing girls, and

blamed the increased awareness of the missing teens on a broader social media campaign,

community members still felt inclined to draw more attention to the issue � starting their

own search committees, according to CBS report.

�We�ve just been posting them on social media more often,� said Metropolitan Police

spokeswoman Rachel Reid.

A quick look at the Twitter profile for the DC police department reveals it to be quite

literally riddled with images of missing young black and latino girls.

In spite of the officials� concern and the posts on Twitter, police are assuring the

public that there is nothing out of the ordinary.

Yet, despite DC police working to calm public uproar over the growing number of missing

girls, and attesting to the seriousness of the missing youth issue, a letter obtained

by the Associated Press, and signed by Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Cedric Richmond (D-La)

and Del.

Eleanor Holmes Norton, who represents D.C. in Congress, asked FBI Director James Comey

and Attorney General Jeff Sessions to �devote the resources necessary to determine whether

these developments are an anomaly or whether they are indicative of an underlying trend

that must be addressed.� �Ten children of color went missing in our

nation�s capital in a period of two weeks and at first garnered very little media attention.

That�s deeply disturbing,� Richmond�s letter said.

As the AP reports, the District of Columbia logged 501 cases of missing juveniles, many

of them black or Latino, in the first three months of this year, according to the Metropolitan

Police Department, the city�s police force.

Twenty-two were unsolved as of March 22, police said.

Although Dickerson attempts to dispel talk of these girls being kidnapped and sold into

slavery by human traffickers, notice how she denotes �in large numbers� as a qualifier,

meaning she didn�t rule out the fact that there are human traffickers in the area preying

on young girls.

�We have no indication to believe that young girls in the District are being preyed upon

by human traffickers in large numbers,� said police commander Chanel Dickerson, leader

of the Youth and Family Services division, according to NBC News 4.

�Whether these recent disappearances are an anomaly or signals of underlying trends,

it is essential that the Department of Justice and the FBI use all of the tools at their

disposal to help local officials investigate these events, and return these children to

their parents as soon as possible,� Congressman Richmond said.

As the Free Thought Project pointed out on several occasions, some of these traffickers

have already been caught in D.C. � and some of them have been cops.

Linwood Barnhill Jr., a veteran of the D.C.

Police Department, was exposed by the Free Thought Project for running a child sex ring

out of his house.

In 2014, in an early morning search warrant issued for his Southeast D.C. apartment found

a 15-year-old girl who had previously been reported missing by her parents.

When police rescued the girl she told officers that she had met six other girls inside the

Southeast D.C. apartment who told her they were also being prostituted, including with

ads posted on

Barnhill also took naked photos of the girls, purportedly for use in advertisements for


Marijuana, condoms and a large mirror were also seized from the apartment; law enforcement

officials say that the seized mirror had the names of other females who were being trafficked

written on it.

Around that same time, another cop in the area was also exposed and arrested for trafficking


Lamin Manneh, 32, of Baltimore, pleaded guilty to traveling across state lines and using

a telephone and internet to operate a prostitution business using two teens he prostituted out

over 300 times.

Some, such as former congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, suggest the implications of digging

into human trafficking go far deeper than a few DC cops, and will hit at the core of

both the Democrats and Republican political parties.

After President Trump held a press conference last month, in which he detailed his plans

to go after the victims of the �human trafficking epidemic,� former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia

McKinney weighed in on the subject, noting that going after child predators will lead

to the downfall of both Republicans and Democrats in the United States � as this problem goes

all the way to the top.

Please share this story in hope that this increased public pressure will force police

to reprioritize their efforts away from victimless crimes, and toward the stopping the exploitation

of the most vulnerable among us.

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