Good afternoon.
Today, we will analyze the 1995's 66th Kisei-sen match,
Between Murayama Satoshi 8th Dan and Moriuchi Toshiyuki 8th Dan.
Murayama 8th Dan is Sente. He started with 76Fu.
And the Gote, Moriuchi 8th Dan reacted with 34Fu.
26Fu, he blocked Kaku's path...
Advanced the edge Fu. Is it the Fujī System?
It was in 1995, I think, in this year, Fujī System was highly used.
Swinged to Shikenbisha.
He is going to play it slowly.
84Fu at this position? It is an uncommon move.
What is his idea? I can be a support, when the Keima jumps up.
End he can use it to make the Gin Kanmuri defense.
It is hard to think he would goes up with Gin like this, but it is a possibility.
62Gyoku, more than an attack, this 84Fu looks like a preparation for Gin Kanmuri.
Looks like he will fight letting the opponent defend. He didn't use Fujī System.
The master Moriuchi, just like on Fukaura x Moriuchi match,
he can gain a complete victory playing his Shikenbisha.
Looks like he doesn't care to face a complete Anaguma.
<i>Ibisha Anaguma</i>
Even though, he continues to build Anaguma.
Ah, 65Fu at this point? It is an aggressive move.
Well, if he doesn't play it now, the Kaku could goes back, and Gin goes back, too.
Well, he tried to take the positioning advantage at this point.
Takes with Gin, and with Keima, the Gin is dead, but he defended it with 66Fu.
It is a Gin for Keima exchange, but it is defense's Keima for attack's Gin,
and in addition, he earned a Fu, so, it is not that bad for Sente.
45Fu, he doesn't take it immediately, this is the professional move.
And the answer is 55Fu, does he take it now?
No, he don't. Looks like he will fight without take this Gin.
He won't take, or he will let it be until the limit. 46Fu, DōFu, 52Gin.
Interesting, with this, the Gin is out of position. It doesn't defend this side.
So, 24Fu, and defended it with Hisha.
Is Tarasu (put Fu) here too slow? What would be good here?
If he takes here, and reacts with DōFu, he could put 64Kei and it weakens the defense.
26Hisha, 64Fu.
With this 64Fu, defense was restructured.
Then, 25Fu. Interesting, if he takes with Hisha, he plays 46Hisha attacking this Gin.
How could answer this move? It is hard to take this Fu, but...
Maybe, he didn't have other choice. Ah, 16Hisha. He ran to the edge.
Then, 14Fu. With this, Hisha became pressed.
65Fu. 65Fu... If he wants to open Hisha's path, he could play 45Fu.
But if he plays it, would play 24Kaku, aiming to promote at 57.
It wouldn't be good for Sente.
65Fu is an aggressive move.
At this point, he plays 96Fu. Put this move now?!
The idea of this 65Fu is, if he takes with DōFu...
What could he do?
Would it be Gin attacking 34Gin?
45Gin is bad, because, it could answer with 85Kei, 86Kaku, 35Fu, and Hisha would die, so 45Fu would be better. Would it be Gin attacking 34Gin?
45Gin is bad, because, it could answer with 85Kei, 86Kaku, 35Fu, and Hisha would die, so 45Fu would be better.
With this, 15Fu, 36Hisha, 35Fu, and this move erases the 36Hisha. So Hisha runs here. 45Gin is bad, because, it could answer with 85Kei, 86Kaku, 35Fu, and Hisha would die, so 45Fu would be better.
With this, 15Fu, 36Hisha, 35Fu, and this move erases the 36Hisha. So Hisha runs here.
65Fu, DōFu. He opened Kaku's path. Well, he can play 64Fu.
After 65Fu, DōFu.
If he takes with DōKei, probably he would 68Kaku, defend the 57 and attacks Keima.
At this point, he could play 24Kaku.
And after he shows the 15Fu followed by 35Fu.
Even in this position, playing 66Fu, 15Fu, 36Hisha, 35Fu, Hisha would die, but with 45Fu,
36Fu, and could restore taking the Kaku with 26Kaku, so it is not that bad.
To lose a Keima is a little heavy.
That's why he ignore the 65Fu.
And put some spice here with 96Fu. DōFu.
And then, 24Kaku. Then, 64Fu.
DōKin. He is taking the path I told before.
Well, if goes ahead, and ahead here, now, he can goes ahead this other one.
68Kaku, 85Kei. He suddenly jumped up.
It is not like master Moriuchi's move. It looks like a careless attack.
54Fu, DōFu, after this Hisha.
32Hisha, and 45Fu.
Exchange it and take with DōKin Agaru (goes up).
If he takes the Keima.
Puts the Fu.
DōKyō, DōKei Nari, DōGin.
He gave up many Fu.
93Kyō Uti (Put), defend with Keima.
Takes the Keima.
This is a position where I want to push the 85Fu.
95Kyō, DōFu.
Then, put Fu.
Ah, DōKin. He cleaned up the pieces.
Oh, 83Fu? 83fu...
Put the Fu... DōGin.
He cames sacrificing the pieces...
But with this, I'm not sure if we can call his defense Anaguma, anymore.
At this position, at any moment, he could take a 98Fu.
Put here, DōGin.
And put the Kyōsha.
It is... If takes the 76, he could take the Kin at 71.
The own Gyoku still is safe.
So, for 66Kyō, he could only play 55Kaku.
With this, if he takes the Kin, Kaku would takes the Gyoku.
Then, 46 Kaku.
Humm, Interesting... If plays DōUma, would it be DōHisha?
With this, he eliminated the Uma and now is aiming to take Kin, or promote 43Fu Nari.
At this point, the answer can be 55Kaku. In this case, he would promote the Fu.
Or else, he could ran the Hisha... But what would happen if he promote the Fu?
If he take Hisha, I would have doubt which I would take. Would I take Kin?
Takes the Kin, then 55Kaku? What more could happen?
This is a sequence hard to read until the end, too.
To attack this defense, would give many pieces, aid it would become dangerous.
I don't know if this sequence is an advantage for Sente.
Well, there is the possibility of Hisha to ran away, too.
That's why it is not easy to take this 46Kaku.
64Fu. Is a move with patience.
Then, 55Kaku. With this, Sente's Gyoku is very safe, so he can attack.
Put Kin.
Well, he put 96Fu. Instead of 96Fu, he could defend putting 62Gin.
If he puts Gin...
Would it be 54Fu? With this, it would be DōGin, 64Kin.
Attacks Gin. Other interesting sequence would be 84Fu, DōGin, 74Kin.
As there is no Fu on 8th column, this sequence draw attention.
In this match he played 96Fu. He gone to attack.
The answer for 96Fu was Ōte.
Gyoku draws back, and he followed with Ōte.
Then, he took the Gin.
84Gin this was a move full of hope.
Interesting. If take this Gin here, DōKei, this Keima would support the attack.
That's why, instead of take it, he put the Gin. It is a professional move.
94Fu, an attack defense very good to watch.
If takes the Kaku, 93 is check mate.
Defend with 81Kei. This move is incredible!
Teki no Utitai Tokoro he Ute Put a piece where opponent wants to put. Defend with 81Kei. This move is incredible!
Teki no Utitai Tokoro he Ute Put a piece where opponent wants to put.
He lessened the pressure here, with 64Kaku Nari. Was it hard to continue?
Well, if take Keima, he loses his Kaku?
Could take Kyōsha and promote Fu, but it wouldn't be a threat of mate,
Then could take this Gin, and it would be dangerous.
That's why he played 64Kaku Nari. I also support the defense a little.
Finally he took the Gin. With this Keima shows up to attack.
DōKei and 72Kei. 72Kei?
It is a position where I never saw a Keima being used before.
He is pretty calm and ran his Uma. To take the Keima at this moment...
If takes Keima now, he would take the Uma.
82Gin, mate in one with 91Gin Nari, but with 94Gin, it is hard to find next attack.
Well, as he used his Keima here, this side is much more safe.
That's why he drew back 55Kaku quietly. This position is not good for Gote.
Then, he hang up with 64Fu. Takes the Keima.
DōGyoku. Kyōsha ran.
Takes, take and put Gin.
With this, he did a simple Ōte Bisha. (check x Hisha fork)
Well, he could play 95Keima.
But maybe it wouldn't be good. And to give a Keima can be dangerous.
In this match he played 54Uma.
82Gyoku, 65Kei.
94Kyō, 98Fu.
Take the Keima with Kyōsha, DōFu, 86Kei.
Then, takes Gin.
Put it once again, then he flee.
Put Kyōsha. He is trying to finish it.
Well, he reacted to the 96Kyō with Fu.
Then, instead of take the Hisha, of course he came to this side. A professional move.
Shuuban ha Sontoku Yori Sokudo. Late game, speed over earning pieces. Then, instead of take the Hisha, of course he came to this side. A professional move.
Shuuban ha Sontoku Yori Sokudo. Late game, speed over earning pieces.
Played this, and this... But as it is not threat of mate,
let's see how much Gote can attack.
Ah, he defended. Will he defend here?
That's right, if he gives a Keima, his Gyoku can be taken.
Takes Kin, DōKin, and put Keima. With this it is a mate thereat,
but as gave a Keima, takes Gin, DōGyoku, 75Kei.
As he have 3 Gin, the game is over. Interesting!
So, he can't give a Keima.
His guts to play 71Kyō at this moment is impressive!
Then, 63Kin. He still can't give the Keima.
Then, 81Kyō. He has many guts.
Hashi Gyoku niha HashiFu. For Gyoku in the edge, use Fu in the edge.
Interesting. He played 96Fu. Hashi Gyoku niha HashiFu. For Gyoku in the edge, use Fu in the edge.
Hashi Gyoku niha HashiFu. For Gyoku in the edge, use Fu in the edge.
After, when he plays 94Gyoku, to take the Gin is Ōte. Hashi Gyoku niha HashiFu. For Gyoku in the edge, use Fu in the edge.
After, when he plays 94Gyoku, to take the Gin is Ōte.
In this match for this 94Fu,
he took the Kin. I think he thought that he couldn't defend any more.
Then, he took the Gin, then, DōGyoku.
After DōGyoku, he returned and played 78Kin. Then, this game will not end too fast?
Well, he took the Keima.
Then, 86Kei. And he did Ōte with Keima.
Then, he gone down. He drew back, but what would happen if he had taken it with Fu?
For this DōFu...
Would it be Gin here?
For this Gin, if he goes back, as he can't use a Fu, with only 2 Gin it would be hard.
Then... Would it be 94Gin?
If it was 94Gin, DōGyoku, 95Fu. Let's move it to see how it is.
Well, dodge, put Gin. This Gin looks make it easier, so, let's take here.
Let's see...
How is it? Even if he make Ōte, as he don't have Kyōsha... Would goes back? Is it better?
Following with Ōte... Puts Gin, too...
In this position, there is no mate.
But he can take Keima, with this Sente's Gyoku become safe. Then, puts DōFu.
Well, with DōFu, the Kyōsha begin to work, it is aiming to the Sente's Gyoku.
Well, there is no mate, but is there a winning sequence? It's good to block Kyōsha.
There is still the Ōte Bisha. But to take Hisha at this point...
He could block it with some piece at 74, like this.
It wouldn't be good to be happy with this Ōte Bisha.
That's why...
There is the sequence with 82Fu.
With 83Fu it is a mate thereat with 84Kei. 82Fu is a mate threat with 84Kei, too.
Well, with Kyōsha's path blocked, it is hard to attack here.
Then, DōKyō.
Let's see, what we could do? We could sacrifice the Uma.
Well, if do it, there would be the 55Kaku, an attack/defense move, it would be hard.
Well, sacrifice, DōGyoku, put the Kyōsha, can't use Fu, then goes back Gyoku.
At this point, some mate threat...
Which one is most certain?
At any moment there is the 55Kaku.
Well, could put Keima. Put Keima, goes up, takes.
Here is DoGyoku. Put the Kyōsha. Can't use Fu, so defend with 72Kei.
At this point, would be 83Gin, promoting or not.
The doubt is how is it? Even if put Fu, could DōGyoku or flee.
Well, I think there is no mate. Could take this Kin with 45Kaku.
Puts Keima, takes, 45Kaku. To lose this Kin would be bad.
For the Fu would be DōGyoku.
For the 55Kaku, would be 66Fu.
Something like this. The other side is hard to defend.
With this, Sente looks good. I think Sente would win.
Let's see if I can move everything back.
Like this, Like this, and the Kyōsha here...
Were we in the 75Kei position, right?
Before put Fu. And the Fu...
The Keima was here...
And the Kyōsha was there, too.
Was it like this?!
Let's see...
At 75Kei, in this game he retreated.
Well, at this position, could attack with 94Gin. 94Gin...
If it is 75Kei, 93Gyoku, 94Gin, maybe it would be better to play 94Gin before.
This is... How would... If it is DōGyoku...
With 95Fu, looks like it is over.
Let's see...
Is to draw back like this hard?
If is not easy but looks like it is over.
How would?
Would it be 94Gin, goes up, put Gin?
If DōKyō, DōUma it is an easy mate. That's why, goes up, and would it be 87Kei?
Then, takes... What would I use at this time?
Would be Fu? If puts Gin then he would goes back... Puts Gin...
Well, re goes back and then, put 82Gin.
In this case there is a mate.
IF DōKyō, take, goes up... 73Uma.
Take, take... As still have 2 Kyōsha, still there is a chance...
You can put it and check mate it.
Well, in this match he played 75Kei. (sorry)
I think he 94Gin would finish it.
But in this match he took 75Kei.
Drew back, put Gin.
DōKyō, takes, takes...
Put 94Gin, and Moriuchi 8th Dan resigned the match with Murayama's Victory.
For this 94Gin, if DōGyoku, 95Fu.
Well, if DōGyoku, could put 96Fu. If flee, he would attack putting Gin.
The rest, you only have to make many Ōte until check-mate.
For 94Gin, could goes up to 84, then followed by 73Gin.
And the sequence would reach mate with one Ōte after another.
In the end, it became a little... one doubt is how it would be if 75Kei, DōFu.
In general... In the Joban (Beginning) 65Fu, DōGin, 73Kei.
Had the aggressive game of master Moriuchi, but in the end he didn't take the Gin.
The sequence of master Murayama, going back 68Kaku, avoiding to lose his Hisha was good.
He attacked from the edge...
But to have to attack from the edge at that time, don't show a good Furibisha game.
Well, Sente had the game in his hand all game and the advantage grew slowly.
In the end, the edge attack and the defense with 2 Kyōsha in a row was extraordinary.
But Sente maintained his advantage.
Thank you very much.
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