all right paw Patrol it's training day
having to practice our rescue skills on
this train horses rider set up front and
set up for you till Ronald Marshalls
fire rescue challenge click play to
start play behind for my dirs key
challenge how we stretch is pretty hot
dog let's put out as many fires as we
can before time runs out I see another
fire I see another fire top suppliers
out I'm fired up remember aim for the
fire all right yeah its final encounter
nice firefighting I'm fired up times
almost up keep putting out fires
remember a good fire oh I see another
fire he had cook firefighting work
thanks for helping me with my fire
rescue training click back what he is
playing with us awesome
struction challenge click Play to start
planning for my construction challenge I
need you to help train you and Mike
right great now let's dig in help me
build the tower did type time runs out
careful our powers starting to wobble
careful our powers starting to watch
rubble on the double all right we built
the Tower to the right height for time
ran out click back to train with another
pump is same with us Rocky's recycling
challenge click Play to study but
griffin reuse it for my recycling
training challenge help me sort the
trash compost and recycling into the
right big trash goes to the grave in
compost like fruits and vegetables go
into the green bit i'm cycling like
plastics and glass go to the blue bin
use your mouse to click on an object and
then click again on where you think it's
your job
great now let's keep training
I don't think that goes there thanks for
helping me practice sorting the trash
compost and recycling click back to
train with some other pub
great work tough we can read it all of
our training challenges in turn our
magic since i'm taking us to Mount we
have a power reward night let's play
again trying to run again we're staying
with us police challenge why my training
challenge call me back to the rescue
from the room look out for a run and get
on the road after walk down with the
apocalypse we already chose to just as
it does represent a specific focus on
the agenda so experiment
my paternal
awesome training much how many turtles
we save click that to train with another
party is playing with US Marshals right
time for my fire rescue challenges help
me practice putting out as many fires as
we can before time runs out flesh
awesome let's put out as many fires as
you can before powering down I see
another fire all right another spiders
house oh he fired
all right no spiders have never fired
all right fires out hard from
firefighters can finally get some real
fires I see another fire all right
another fire stuff then tadka
firefighting work thanks for helping me
with my fire rescue training quick back
strange some other pop back later you're
staying with us awesome destruction
challenge click Play to start planning
for my construction challenge I need you
to help with train do it my crazy and
the four time runs out to press the
spacebar on your keyboard to help you
drop the bike into the right place
great now let's dig in help me know this
how we did types or time runs out
alright we built the power to the right
height or time ran out click back to
train with number tough lady is playing
with us awesome Rockies recycle any
challenge click play to start don't lose
it reuse it for my recycling training
challenge help me sort the trash compost
and recycling into the right bin trash
goes to the grave in compost like fruits
and vegetables go into the green bin and
recycling like plastic and glass go to
the blue bin use your mouse to click on
an object and then click again on where
you think it should go you great now
let's keep training scream used oh
thanks for helping me practice sorting
the trash compost and recycling click
back to train with some other pups
great worth pup we completed all of our
training challenges until in our badges
click on take away your mouth give us
our reward oh let's play again to train
the bus again train your mouth honorary
members of the paw Patrol click print
print your very own back
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