At first, what we did at this workshop was a little dynamics to search for partners. At first, they were local partners, and so we created a small local network and we experienced
how this research would be like if we were in an international project, in a contact seminar. And then we saw how we should carry out the research, how to address it
depending on the profile, choosing the interesting partners from the ones who are not, and selecting them. This workshop is hard to do in just an hour and fifteen minutes
It could be really interesting to further deepen in certain aspects. What we really expect, though, is that this first introduction is helpful and it can lead to further investigation.
At least, we would like it to provide you with a good base to know how to carry out the research and how to present it so that the search of partners can be useful and fruitful.
The idea was to go beyond the youth exchange. It's not just the international meeting itself, it goes a longer way. With the preparation, after a great celebration where are all the leaders
and young people meet in a country. And later, as you mentioned before, the things continue after the meeting. And this is somehow the idea. Then, how do we do it?
People sometimes ask me what the secret is. But there's no secret, everybody knows it. It's just having young people, the members and partners right from the start. It's them who work together and
decide for themselves what the idea is, what they really find interesting and what really motivates them. After all, it doesn't matter if it's environment, traditional games, politics, migration, football, sport or theatre.
What really matters is that the topic should really be of their interest. They want to further investigate and use the topic as an excuse to learn about other people and places.
In fact, this is the idea: walking together and deciding from the start where to go and what to learn.
At this workshop we explained the procedures, all the processing necessary, with the objective, which have been talking before I think Oriol also mentioned it at the beginning,
of destroying the myths surrounding the necessary procedures at the European Union. It's true that the first time you have to deal with them, it may seem like: "Oh! Where am I getting into?"
but once you've done them once it's kind of easy, just like any other procedure. So, it's possible if you know where you want to go. That's the message I really tried to convey, and
that's what you aim at with the European Voluntary Service, just like with other projects promoted by the Joventut department. You just have to initiate the procedures and the rest comes on its own.
And from this moment, a part from processing the famous PIC, which has already been mentioned before, you process the application as an entity of the European Voluntary Service.
And at this point, I really think it's important the website as a referent site where you can find everything you need. The information is really easy to access and it's really useful.
It was also helpful the support we received from the Direction when we were being proposed for identification. These resources are available to everyone, so we should use them.
Back then, when we started all this, we came to a seminar organized by la Diputació, I think it was in 2015 when we were deciding, and from here we started all the
procedures. I think we can all access these resources and so, we should take the advantadge the most of them.
We suggested a practical study. We presented them a case where the data was fictional, but we have often found ourselves in the position when a city council requests us for advice at the
office, and many questions arise. I have an idea, but can I present a project out of this idea? Will this project be successful? I need partners for this project. Where can I find them?
I see Carles got the chance of doing a workshop about this, but, the problem of the partnership is really important. How do I do it? Where does all this come from? Then, the work packages....
How do I distribute the tasks between the partners? How do we meet? That is all we had time for. It was too short. We were really sorry for not being able to discuss more about the topic
because I think there were very relevant comments and, in the end, there isn't a unique solution or answer because each case is different depending on the project and the partnership.
So, we've tried to get an idea arising from a town or local entity. Then we identified the problem or necessity and from here, we presented a project.
It's the development of an idea into a viable one and then materialising this idea into a project and looking for financing funds.
I am Ramón Closas and I am a technician at the Direcció General de Joventut de la Generalitat de Catalunya and a referent of the Erasmus+ Juventut en acció programme here in Catalonia.
At this meeting, we have basically tried to explain that Erasmus+ is a possible programme. For many years the institutions,
town councils and county councils have been boosting their international life thanks to the Erasmus+.
I want to encourage you. I want to ensure you that with some previous good work and with the advice from Direcció General de Joventut and la Diputació, the county councils
and other organizations from your territory, it is possible to make the dreams come true from many young people in your town. Young people that will experience a change in their lives, and you will see it too,
since the moment they start the project until the moment they come back home and start applying their new knowledge into their communities. They will come back and work with different person, different entity.
Living abroad will really open their eyes and minds to new realities. That is essential. We have to open our minds and then we will be able to discover new and interesting things that will help us grow.
But before that, we must be aware of what we want and preview and plan it. A project has mainly three big stages: preparation, implementation and final assessment, also called exploitation of results.
However, we have to try to process really accurately, so as not to have loose ends and finally achieve our goals.
We guarantee our support as Direcció General de Joventut and l'Oficina del Pla Jove de la Diputació de Barcelona to carry out your projects. Your projects will be your realities.
And these realities will be new projects. And so we will make people grow and we will open them to the world, open them to Europe. This is the main message we wanted to convey at this meeting.
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