Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 30 2019

L: I'm gonna say the thing

T: No

L: I'm gonna do it

T: nooo L: I'm sorry

T: please don't


L: I'm here with Tyler Willis of Last Week Lolita news once again

L: Welcome back T: Thank you

L: this is not my home location we are at G-Anime

L: please comment down below if you would like to see Tyler at some Southern Ontario cons

please consider her

L: which means you get to roast more people

L: and I get to compliment them

L: are you ready for this? T: no but let's do it anyway

-dialogue on screen-

L: in our last video we made the best of filming under not great conditions

L: and y'all were so supportive I hope you can enjoy this video

L: even with this poor quality

L: so the first one is not a lolita T: Oh

L: I made an exception because he is my very dear friend

L: he dresses more in 6% dokidoki and monster fashion

L: and he's like a huge fan of yours and he wants you to roast him

L: so have at it ! This is Creep-P

T: Oh noooo

T: Oh god why L: he's like a monster boy I love it

T: alright ok

T: I really like that the abominable snowman is starting to accessorize

T: The monochrome look was ok like a decade ago

T: but it's 2019 and I like that he's starting to work with color

T: and that's all I have to say because

L: Daniel I love the head arrangement

L: that is amazing there's so much going on there

L: and it's so well put together

L: and it's so pretty T: aww

L: I love this pvc I would wear this, I want to wear this

L: next we have melty bun bun

L: and bonus points for having a corgi in your shot

because I love them

T: that corgy knows what's up

T: that corgi is desperately trying to escape the frame

T: and this outfit should do the same

L: *screaming* why what's wrong with it

T: you told me to say mean things

L: I know but back it up T: back it up?

-dialogue on screen-

T: can I say something nice? am I allowed to?

L: Yeah

T: I actually like this coordinate

T: but I have to say something mean

T: I saw the dog and that's where my brain goes

T: Don't cry, make her feel better

L: I love charlotte's bear it's an amazing coordinate

L: and it's so hard to do in different ways because it's a onepiece

L: but this is a really unique fun take on it

L: there's a parasol with it and I wish I could see the shoes more

L: the grass is covering the shoes but the tights are cute

L: and corgi so cute

L: I want you to take a picture with the corgi sitting up in a bow

hey it's me editor Lor

I just wanted to throw this in

I really like your makeup too

I don't know why I didn't mention it while we were filming

I like that you did a dark makeup look with a bitter sweet coord

and it's really creative and cute

L: the gingerbread princess

T: alright I gotta look at this for a sec

L: there are pigs on this T: wtf I thought those were flowers

L: PIGS I believe that she made this dress

L: and like...

-dial up sound effect-

T: ok they say people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

T: people who live in gingerbread houses shouldn't wear pigs on their dress

T: that's all I got to say

L: I really want to know why they choose this fabric

L was this an ode to Shane Dawson?

L: is this a shane dawson inspired coord because I love that

T: that is a cursed image

-Shane Dawson conspiracy intro-

warning what you are about to watch may make you question everything you thought you know

T: what would you want to die in? what would you want to be buried in Lor

T: we need to know the world needs to know

L: I don't know T: *laughs* Oh god

L: ok probably one of those big extravant AP dresses

L: that are not printed the big frilly fuh fuh fuh

T: you're taking on ott dress to the grave L: yeah

L: and I want to be posed like this T: *laughs*

L: all proper and have the dress be like fuh fuh fuh

T: 80 years old in an AP dress dying in my apartment

L: yeah exactly

L: what do you want to die in? *laughter on and off camera*

T: you know what b*tches?

T: I'm taking milky chan the fawn with me L: awww

T: you can not have that shit it will not end up in goodwill

T: full milky chan the fawn coordinate I'm taking that sh*t with me to hell

L: why why I wanna know why pigs

T: *laughs* why pigs

L: Look at the construction of this like it's so good

L: seeing it from far away T: I thought it was flowers

L: you thought it was flowers and it looks like a brand dress

L: I love that, it tricks your mind

L: It's creative

L: deerylou the fawn

L: I was really excited about this one

T: there's a wall of weeb kibble behind her

L: top ramen T: top ramen

T: It's not even good weeb kibble top ramen is sh*t

L: I'm confused about the ground like are you in a storage container are you ok?

T: that explains the shoes because she's traveling and you want to be comfortable

T: and she's in a container with the weeb kibble and she's going places thats what this coord says

T: I don't know if it's good places but this girl's going places

T: That's all I've got L: that sounded like a compliment

T: It was a shady compliment L: mmm

T: I'm trying here

L: I'm guessing this is at a con cause she has a badge

T: wait so she's not in a storage container?

L: I'd like to this she's in a storage container I'd like to think that

L: someone is getting their delivery of cup noodles and she just pops out like SURPRISE

L: she also wanted me to show you T: ok

L: another coord of her's cause she admittedly was not proud of that one

T: aww ohh L: but look at this!

T: can I be nice now? L: yes

T: am I allowed since this is not the one I'm roasting

T: and it's milky F***ing chan the fawn

T: amazing L: it's so good

T: you rep milky chan

T: aw I love it so much

L: full circle weeb kibble to milky chan the fawn

L: glitter and memes I already love your username handle

T: It took me a second because her legs are a right angle I'm trying to figure out what she's measuring against

T: I gotta say the coord is really balanced

T: I like that you used this right angle with your legs to measure out the right pieces

T: I feel like you did a really good job doing that

T: they could use you in a hardware store good job

L: I know it's really really good

L: it's really well balanced with all the colors and black

L: sometimes when you do an all black base

L: like black tights black shoes black blouse

L: you look like you're wearing one of those full body suits, what are they called?

T: a zentai suit

T: only perverts wear those

L: it's still the same color but has so much balance and interest in it

T: the sheerness L: the sheerness and the patterns

L: the patterns aren't overwhelming either

L: i think this is a cute pose I want to know how you balanced like that

T: she's in the grass with heels!

L: did she do this on self timer like 1-2-3-GO

T: she fell over right after this L: yeah yeah yeah

L: or does she have perfect balance and posture

L: in that case I'm impressed I mean I'm impressed either way

L: oh I don't know how to say this name

L: I'm so sorry I'm gonna butcher it

L: Muhen-G-I-ou

L: how would you say G and then J then A T: Ga-jiggy-ow

L: Gah-jiiig-ow T: GAh-JIGGY-OW

L: muhen-gyaou?

T: I'm look at that and I gotta say

T: I can't even look at the coord cause my brain is thinking fire hazard

L: Ooooh T: yeah

T: I'm seeing outlets, nice fabric, electrical equipment

T: you could say they're fairy lights maybe that's fine

T: man I'm having a hard time with this one

T: it's difficult look at it

T: it's got flowers and a cute lil hat L: are the shoes the right color?

T: yeah brown matches the trim

L: It's the right brown too T: matches the trim

T: the carpet isn't obnoxious I don't see any weeb kibble in the background

T: there's no flip flops or dog trying to escape the frame

L: the carpet doesn't match it but it's not over powering it either

T: are you saying you have to match your dress with your carpet? L: NO!

T: does that carpet have to match the drapes? L: no no no no

T: is that what you're trying to say?

T: I thought I was supposed to roast them apparently all of you have to match your dresses with your flooring now

L: NO! I was saying it doesn't do that I was thinking of your video

L: where you show the couch and the matching dress

T: and classic lolitas can be found by sitting on enough grandma's couches

T: until one of them grunts in discomfort

T: please note that they can also take the form of love seats, wallpapers and suitably dusty tapestries

T: suitably dusty tapestries *slower*

L: that's a problem with classic

T: that never happened, I don't know what you're talking about

L: insert clip here

T: suitably dusty tapestries *slower/deeper*

L: I think this coordinate reminds me of a storybook

L: I love this set dressing I was thinking maybe

L: the bed is normally infront of it T: did they move their whole bed?!

L: because that's what it looks like to me like a canopy

L: or maybe they built it just to take this picture but like

L: this is giving me Larme magazine vibes

L: it reminds me of the sort of set they do and I'm really inspired I want to do something like this

L: this coordinate is perfectly balanced your hair color is perfect with it

L: and I'm really impressed you found the right brown shoes to match the perfect brown

T: mmhmm a lot of brown shoes come off black

L: mmhm or more orangey too T: I can't say nice things

L: or they don't balance but this is good

L: uh marianne emmanuelle you've met her she's at this convention

L: you have to say her name with a proper french accent

L: but I can't really do it

T: yes yes I've talked with her several times

T: which is what I'm about to say is very hard for me

T: why is your dress touching that weird rusted wall?

T: your whole dress you're not even leanin'

T: you're completely on that rusted out wall

T: oh my gosh L: I don't see what you're talking about

T: you don't see that what is this?!

L: no because she's camouflaging I can't see anything

L: did she submit a coordinate? I don't see the-

T: that dad joke was OVER 9,000

T: oh my god L: I tried

T: there's nothing wrong with the outfit it was the wall

T: why are you touching the wall?

L: and there's bears in it T: There's bears?!

L: yeah do you see the outline of the bears?

T: what is with these hidden figures?!

L: but it's still camouflage I want to see more cuts like this

L: can you imagine if Angelic Pretty did a cut like this with a sweet print

L: this is so cool Marianne can do so many different styles of lolita

T: she looks completely different L: she can pull it off

L: so well and just do anything

L: Kiranebula? kiranebula! T: yeah

T: fishnets.....

L: I was gonna say you roasted me on fishnets so you- T: fishnets

T: Lor also wore fishnets

L: I wear fishnets with lolita all the time

T: she had an excuse though, she was in the Gavelston bay area

T: so the fishnets had an alternative use

T: I will not retell that joke you know what I'm talking about

T: I don't see any ocean in this picture

L: she might be somewhere where it's really hot

L: fishnets are so good and we're allowed to do it now because AP released fishnets

L: so it's allowed

L: this is my friend Lee from california

L: her username is x_haro_x

L: she also goes by Haro

T: I don't even know where to go with this one we've got bunny ears

T: and a nurse cap, it's a nurse cap right?

T: are they doctors? L: I think they're doctors

T: they look like nurses L: this one kinda looks like a witch

T: wait oh yeah wait no that's not a stethoscope that's a tie

T: are you mixing themes?

T: ok yeah she's not mixing themes

T: that is a pill bottle this is a medical theme print

T: she's not mixing themes our research has confirmed it

T: I like that she's outside of a Japanese food establishment

L: yep she's in Little Tokyo T: are you serious?!

L: she's in Little Tokyo in LA yep

T: OMG this one is hard because this outfit would be hard to pull of in general

T: but she's balanced it really well and I have to think about it

T: you know the last time I had to pass it was also a nurse coordinate

L: Oh yeah that's true T: like the nurse bunny or something

T: she had the lazy oaf bunny

L: yes yes yes T: what is it with the nurses?!

L: You have a soft spot for nurse coords

L: maybe you should do one

*tyler taps nails*

L: that's not a read

T: I'm too sick inside to be a nurse

T: nurses are supposed to cure you not make you worse

♫ Disturbed- Get down with the sickness ♪

T: I can't think of anything to say about this one

T: I got nothin' my brain is dead

L: This is an amazing coordinate that's her real hair

T: that's her real f***ing hair?

L: yes it always looks perfect I don't understand

L: even in California's dry hot weather and everyone else is sweaty she still looks perfect

L: this is how she looks in real life this isn't just a lucky photo this is how she always looks

L: Darthelle!

L: I'm really really scared that she's so close to a pool

T: that's what I was thinking

L: the first thing I thought when I saw this was OH NO you're so close to a pool I'm very scared

T: I feel like she has an insurance policy though because

T: the first thing I thought when I saw this was she has the balloons

T: so if she falls backwards she'll just float away L: awww

T: maybe she'll get snagged by a low slung tree

T: and she'll be able to climb back down

T: I just can't ignore the pool that's where my eyes go

T: I'm worried for you L: oh no brand

L: Chlorine T: Angelic Pretty RIGHT INFRONT OF A POOL

T: What were the balloons for? that's what I want to know

T: I need your detective eye on this

L: I feel like it's a party- OH MY GOSH SHE HAS A MEOWTH TATTOO

T: OMG L: that's so cool

L: ok so merry making party, party theme and she has balloons

L: it's probably for her birthday or a birthday coordinate

L: or a party coordinate of some sort there's definitely a party vibe

L: maybe this is her coord shot before her party

T: ok that makes sense

L: I also first loved this because

L: the way she's holding balloons and how they are clustered it immedaitely made me think of Pennywise

T: you're supposed to be making them feel better

T: why are you comparing her to a serial killer clown?

L: because I think he has style

L: the new Pennywise T: Oh no

L: he's like an ouji, a creepy ouji T: oh no...

T: I'm picking on you L: no no no

T: It's hard cause she's cute as hell and I got distracted by the pool

T: so I'm just like ugh god

T: what do you even roast about this I mean you get people who are like 'she's got tattoos'

T: but I don't wanna feed into that

L: her tattoos are really cute and they're not distracting from the coordinate

L: I'm not staring at her tattoos

L: I get messages from people all the time asking 'I have tattoos can I wear lolita?'

L: 'Do I have to cover them?' No just do it

L: If you wanna cover them go ahead cover them

L: if you don't and you wanna show them then don't cover them and do it, show them

L: I don't think that it takes away from it

L: I love that she's proud and showing her tattoos and they are really cute!

L: I love them T: cute lil fandom tattoos

L: I think that's it! T: that's everybody?

L: that's everybody we did it T: holy sh*t yay!

L: I mean there was a lot more submissions....

L: those are for future videos

T: you went easy this time

T: It was hard I don't know if it was the sleep deprivation the travels

T: or what talking but that was hard

T: i don't know if you guys are stepping up your game

L: you have to do it

L: you were so lovely in this video Tyler!

T: hu-hu-hu-ha

T: st-

T: stay lovely


L: yeah T: I thought you were the rolly chair

L: Milky fawn the chan? T: Milky fawn the chan

L: Milky?

L: fawn?

T: Lovely Lor isn't a real lolita hashtag FAKER

L: Milky chan the fawn? T: yes

T: Milky chan the fawn

L: I just second guessed myself it all blurs together

T: there's so many characters it's not even worth it

T: don't even worry about it

For more infomation >> Roasting my followers AGAIN w/ Last Week Lolita News - Duration: 18:05.


World News - Dancing On Ice's Wes Nelson injures himself during training - Duration: 7:12.

He's seemingly heartbroken after his ex-girlfriend Megan Barton Hanson 'kidnapped' the pet hamster they once shared

And Wes Nelson has been struck with more bad luck, taking a nasty tumble during training for Dancing On Ice on Tuesday afternoon

The Love Island star - who is partnered with pro skater Vanessa Bauer - revealed he was in a 'lot of pain' following his accident

Taking to his Instagram Stories, the newly-single star wrote: 'Took a really bad fall today in training, don't miss dancing on ice on Sunday for the full slo mo footage (sic)'

Share this article Share Sharing another worrying post, he continued: 'Still in a lot of pain praying i can train properly tomorrow'

 Wes also announced he had a cold, snapping selfies of him lounging around in sweats

'Didn't wanna breathe through my nose anyway!' he typed, accompanying a photo of him looking pained

 MailOnline has contacted Wes' representatives for comment.   Wes has been pining for his hamster since Megan allegedly kidnapped the rodent

  The hunk was reportedly alarmed when he returned home and did not hear the sound of the hamster, who was the focal point of the couple's break-up announcement which was released on Saturday afternoon

 A source told The Sun: 'Wes knew something was wrong the moment he came home from a day on the ice and couldn't hear the squeak-squeak of Jon Snow's wheel

'It turned out Megan had swiped the hamster and the cage and hit the road - days after asking for privacy for the hamster and promising they would be co-parenting the pet

 'Wes was shocked she'd just taken Jon Snow without saying anything after everything she promised

'Despite this it seems Wes understands the scenario and that he knows she will 'take good care of the pet as he hasn't got much time to play with him due to his Dancing On Ice training

' Megan and Wes had been dating for seven months since appearing on Love Island together, and had moved in with one another

 Megan struggled with Wes' relationship with his professional skating partner Vanessa, but has said she wasn't the cause of their split

She was mad that Vanessa didn't reach out to her, said she got the best of Wes due to his intense training schedule and said SHE wanted to be on the ice with him

A source close to Megan claimed she and Wes split because 'their sex life was suffering' thanks to his grueling Dancing On Ice rehearsal regime

Meanwhile, Megan said she had the 'worst day' of her life following the split. The Love Island star parted ways with her other half last week and admitted her anxiety has risen as a result

 But Wes isn't letting the break-up get to him as he shared a cryptic uplifting Instagram post on Monday about 'being happy'

Sharing a snap of himself smiling at the beach, Wes wrote: 'Being happy is a way of life, not a destination

'His upbeat outlook comes hot on the heels of Megan cancelling a scheduled radio appearance on Heart FM at the last minute

Megan also shared several messages of support she has received from members of the public, commending her for being open about her prior battles with anxiety

She later shared another message thanking people again for their words.The star has had a tough past week, with burglars raiding her home stealing thousands of pounds worth of goods before her relationship with Wes broke down

Megan copied Gywneth Paltrow and Chris Martin's famous 2014 'conscious-uncoupling' announcement to reveal she had parted ways from her DOI beau

Fans took to Twitter in their droves, labelling the move as 'iconic', after Megan swapped Gwyneth and Chris' reference to their 'two incredibly wonderful children' to asking her 1

8 million followers to respect their hamster's privacy.  She wrote: 'It is with hearts full of sadness that we decided to separate

 'We have been working hard for well under a year, some of it separated, to see what might have been possible between us and we have come to the conclusion that while we love each other very much we will remain separate

''We are, however, and always will be a family and in many ways we are closer than we have ever been

We are parents first and foremost to one incredibly wonderful hamster and we ask for his and our space and privacy to be respected at this difficult time

'We haven't really conducted our relationship that privately and we hope that as we consciously uncouple and co-parent we will be able to continue in the same manner

Love Megan and Wes,' she continued.Megan's problems with Vanessa started after Wes' debut performance two weeks ago where she accused the skater of 'tactfully' breaking up with her boyfriend Louis Nathaniel to gain headlines

The blonde bombshell recently told the Loose Women panel that she stands by her belief that Vanessa's break-up was 'tactical'

For more infomation >> World News - Dancing On Ice's Wes Nelson injures himself during training - Duration: 7:12.


PG&E Officially Declares Bankruptcy | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> PG&E Officially Declares Bankruptcy | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:12.


Ahead on 17 News at 5: Jan. 29, 2019 - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> Ahead on 17 News at 5: Jan. 29, 2019 - Duration: 0:29.


✅ Breaking News - The summit is a success, officials and the SFA agree to present the video referees - Duration: 6:46.

The SFA and SPFL will step up plans to introduce VAR into Scottish football after a successful high-level summit between warring Premiership managers and top-level referees

Hampden chief executive Ian Maxwell invited the feuding parties to air their grievances at McDiarmid Park last night after a series of high-profile controversies

All Premiership managers - except Kilmarnock boss Steve Clarke and Hamilton's Martin Canning - attended the Perth meeting

Share this article Share Match officials Andrew Dallas, Kevin Clancy and John Beaton were also there alongside SFA compliance officer Clare Whyte and referees chief John Fleming

The possibility of full-time referees was raised but VAR was the big winner, getting unanimous backing from both sides

Maxwell has already held talks with the International Football Association Board (IFAB) about introducing VAR into Scottish football

However, it will not happen quickly as it takes referees a year to be trained in the new technology and clubs will also need to find the money to fund it

After summit, which had stretched over two hours, had concluded, an upbeat Maxwell said: 'It was a really good, positive meeting and everyone engaged in it

'It was good to get the managers, officials and the association together in the same room

'There is a real appetite to fully investigate VAR. The managers see the benefits of it

'This is something that between ourselves and the SPFL we will investigate further

'John Fleming and I have already had a conference call with IFAB, who essentially own VAR and implement it on behalf of FIFA

'We will now have to produce a fully-costed model because there are different ways to implement it

'IFAB have said to speak to similar-sized nations and hear about their experience of it

'It's something we want to get on the table as quickly as we can. But it's a long-term project

It's not a quick fix and that needs to be fully understood by everyone involved.'You need to see what you can use it for and what you can't, so there is a training element to it which takes around 12 months

'So it's not a quick fix but it would definitely be worth it in the long run.'I think Scottish football can afford it and ultimately it will come down to a club decision

'The SPFL have an amount of money and most of that is distributed to the clubs. So if there is an element which has to be taken to cover the cost of VAR then that's a decision that will be made

But the managers were very positive about it tonight.'There were also discussions on full-time referees and the decision making processes, but VAR was the main thing

'The summit came after referee Beaton required police protection after threats following his handling of the Old Firm game at Ibrox on December 29

Celtic released a statement after Rangers striker Alfredo Morelos was not hit with retrospective punishment despite being involved in three flashpoints in the match

Rangers had previously issued their own letter to the SFA complaining about Willie Collum after his controversial decision to send off Daniel Candeias during a win at St Mirren in November

And Hearts boss Craig Levein was recently hit with a ban for critical comments made about referee Bobby Madden's handling of his side's 2-1 home loss to Rangers in December

Last night, Hibs boss Neil Lennon was put forward as a spokesman for the league managers and he said an agreement had been reached not to publicly criticise referees

'There has to be a level of respect for the match officials from all of us,' he said

'It was agreed we as managers should take more responsibility for that aspect, which is quite right

'Overall, it was a very productive meeting. The atmosphere was very respectful with a lot of debate and humour

There were no voices raised and everyone came out feeling better about things.'Everyone got a chance to speak and Clare Whyte the compliance officer was there, too, and she was very impressive

'The most unanimous decision amongst the referees and managers was on VAR.'The referees felt it would be a great help for them and the managers as well want it introduced in some sort of form

Predominantly it will be down to the clubs to agree on how it is financed.'Earlier in the day, Celtic manager Brendan Rodgers had stated his desire for full-time referees, although it seems that issue has fallen down the list of priorities for the moment

'Referees going full-time is a big issue for me,' he said before the summit.'If you have refereed a game at the weekend then you go to your other job on a Monday then your full concentration is not on refereeing

'These guys are then going into high-pressure situations and asked to deal with that type of pressure

'But (if referees are full time) they can come together on a Monday - because it is their job - and analyse and look at areas where they could get better

'They could be mentored and exchange ideas with other referees and that preparation would give them more confidence - and confidence makes people better and more prepared to deal with pressurised situations

'I respect that some of the referees have good jobs but I do think there is a need for (professionalism) and there is also a need to protect players

' Share this article Share

For more infomation >> ✅ Breaking News - The summit is a success, officials and the SFA agree to present the video referees - Duration: 6:46.


Man City News - Video: Victor Lindelof goal preserves Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's unbeaten start for Man - Duration: 1:21.

 Manchester United produced a thrilling late comeback from 2-0 down to draw 2-2 against Burnley this evening

 Ole Gunnar Solskjaer looked set to see his superb start at Old Trafford come to a disappointing end, but he remains unbeaten thanks to this Victor Lindelof goal in stoppage time

 The Swede finished well from a difficult angle as Burnley failed to clear their lines, with United's draw tonight likely to feel like a win

 Solskjaer famously scored that stoppage time winner against Bayern Munich in the 1999 Champions League final for United, and his love affair with time added on goes on into his life as a manager for the Red Devils! Check out the goal below: https://zebra

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