Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 29 2019

The South Korean government normally checks to see whether... and how... big projects

will impact the economy.

23 large-scale projects... will be exempt from such a process, a move that's looked

to help achieve balanced regional development and revitalize regional economies.

Choi Si-young has our top story.

Economic viability tests are conducted on projects that get more than about 26 million

U.S. dollars in government funds, but for these, the government will waive the assessments...

in the interest of helping less developed regions of the country catch up.

The projects are focused on two things: improving traffic and logistics networks across the


AND nurturing regional industries.

All 23 of them together... will cost about 21 billion U.S. dollars.

Nearly half of the spending is for high-speed railway and highway construction to improve

traffic and logistics networks across the country.

That includes building new railways between the Seoul metropolitan area and the southeastern

Gyeongsang-do provinces.

Another high-speed railway will bridge northeastern Gangwon-do Province and the southwestern Jeolla-do


There'll also be a railway built along the east coast connecting Gangwon-do Province

and Gyeongsangbuk-do Province.

Another chunk of expenses will go to projects specific to industries in each region.

The city of Gwangju will host complexes for the AI industry; the surrounding Jeolla-do

provinces will get a new fish farm dedicated to exports.

To the east, the city of Ulsan will have a new public hospital for serious illnesses,

and Jeju-do will modernize its sewage facilities.

Announcing these plans, the government admitted that achieving balanced regional development

and revitalizing regional economies will require cooperation.

"It's highly important that we have not only the efforts of regional municipalities but

also the interest of the people."

The 23 projects will be carried out though 2029.

Choi Si-young, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> 2019.01.29 NEWS CENTER Headlines - Duration: 0:43.


13abc Action News at 600AM 20190129 06000630 - Duration: 29:59.

For more infomation >> 13abc Action News at 600AM 20190129 06000630 - Duration: 29:59.


News 2 Today's Morning Rush on January 29th - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> News 2 Today's Morning Rush on January 29th - Duration: 1:09.


13abc Action News at 630AM 20190129 06300700 - Duration: 31:59.

For more infomation >> 13abc Action News at 630AM 20190129 06300700 - Duration: 31:59.


Promis news - Haimhausen/Bayern: Mann wird auf B13 überfahren - Kampf um sein Leben - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Promis news - Haimhausen/Bayern: Mann wird auf B13 überfahren - Kampf um sein Leben - Duration: 0:51.


US NEWS | As shutdown ends, workers have little faith about future Chicago Tribune - Duration: 4:46.

US NEWS | As shutdown ends, workers have little faith about future Chicago Tribune

A sign near a TSA security checkpoint states the Port of Seattles support for federal government workers, Friday, Jan. 25, 2019, in Seattle.

A sign near a TSA security checkpoint states the Port of Seattles support for federal government workers, Friday, Jan. 25, 2019, in Seattle.

Federal workers who have gone a month without getting paid during the longest government shutdown in U.S. history expressed relief Friday that a deal had been reached to end the impasse, but are worried theyll be in the same spot in a few weeks.

Ivan Tauler and his wife spent an exhausting three weeks calling, researching and haggling to get relief from government agencies, schools, banks and utility companies to scrape by during the shutdown that caused him to be furloughed from his cartographer job at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in West Virginia.

For Tauler, the end of the shutdown was far from a cause for celebration. The deal announced Friday by President Donald Trump only reopens the government for three weeks while negotiations continue over the presidents demands for money to build his long promised border wall.

We wont be spending money like we normally would, said Melinda Tauler. We will be more cautious about our finances than normal until we know that the government is not going to be closing every couple of weeks.

Tauler was one of about 800,000 furloughed federal workers thrust into weeks of uncertainty and financial hardship — leading many to take out loans, apply for unemployment, do temporary jobs and launch online campaigns asking for donations.

The end of the 35 day impasse came on what would have been the second payday with no checks for federal workers. The deal includes back pay federal workers who have gone without paychecks, with Trump vowing that they will get paid very soon.

Alecia Lane, a management analyst with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration from Laurel, Maryland, said shes excited shell get a paycheck soon but said the only luxury spending she might do right away is taking her two sons, 12 and 8, to the movie theater.

Submitting to mounting pressure amid growing disruption, President Donald Trump agreed to a deal Friday to reopen the government for three weeks, backing down from his demand that Congress give him money for his border wall before federal agencies get back to work.

Standing alone in the Rose Garden,...

Lane was among hundreds of federal workers who launched GoFundMe campaigns to get financial help during the shutdown. She needed help to pay her own bills and send money to help her autistic brother and mother who live in Kentucky. She said it was embarrassing to have to make that public plea.

Im saving every dime. I never want to be in this position again, said Lane, a U.S Navy veteran. Im worried that well be right back in this situation in three weeks. He Trump wants that border wall. To be honest: I was shocked that they even reached this deal.

Lane scoffed at President Trumps assertion in his Friday announcement that federal employees agreed with him and werent complaining.

Who was he talking to? Lane said. Everyone was complaining, lets be real.

Single parent Leisyka Parrott, a Bureau of Land Management employee in Arcata, California, was driving with her son Friday when she heard a radio news broadcast about the deal to reopen the federal government for three weeks. Her cellphone immediately began buzzing with congratulatory text messages from friends, who know she has been furloughed from her job since Dec. 21.

Rebecca Maclean, a housing program specialist for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in Pittsburgh whose furlough began Dec. 21, was washing dishes and listening to NPR when the news broke of a deal to temporarily end the shutdown. She isnt celebrating quite yet.

Until Trump puts ink to paper, Im not going to check my bank balance, she said.

She and her husband have been grateful for the outpouring of support from neighbors. Some dropped off food. Twice, somebody anonymously dropped off grocery store gift cards on their front porch.

The Taulers were approved for food stamps and arranged for free breakfasts and lunches from the schools for their four children, and Ivan Tauler had already submitted his unemployment application.

He said the family is left with hard feelings for politicians and a deep desire to keep more money in savings.

This seems to be a recurring theme so were definitely going to be prepared for it, Tauler said.

Associated Press Writer Michael Kunzelman contributed to this report.

Federal workers who have gone a month without getting paid during the longest government shutdown in U.S. history expressed relief Friday that a deal had been reached to end the impasse, but are worried theyll be in the same spot in a few weeks.

Ivan Tauler and his wife spent an exhausting three...

For more infomation >> US NEWS | As shutdown ends, workers have little faith about future Chicago Tribune - Duration: 4:46.


4 tips to overcome news anxiety - Duration: 7:47.

I can't read this stuff anymore it just makes me too anxious.

Regardless of who you are where you live your politics we're all struggling to deal with

the news.

And for many of us it produces a lot of stress and anxiety.

The American Psychological Association does this yearly report on stress in America and

what they found in their most recent report is Gen Z Young people growing up right now

they are having an even more difficult time dealing with the news and the big conflicts

and problems that are happening in the world it's impacting them much more than it's impacted

previous then it is impacting other generations.

So why is this happening?

Well one of the things you have to remember is anxiety is fueled by uncertainty when we

don't know what's happened or what is going to happen.

It's often going to lead to anxiety and the news is full of uncertainty.

We've so rarely know the full story and we never know how a story is going to play out

in the future.

And so many of us when we have uncertainty a drive might be to try to get more certainty

so we might try to read more.

Even though all the stories are full of uncertainty there's we we we don't know how things are

going to play out with with the gun debate in the United States or with the Robert Mueller

probe or with our changing climate.

These are big complicated issues you can't get more certainty by reading more articles.

It's not going to happen.

We kind of need to wait for time to play itself out to see how these stories are going to

play out.

One of the changes that's happened is we're surrounded by these stories everywhere.

You go back a few decades and it used to be that you'd only get news from the evening

news on TV or in more recent times from CNN Fox News stuff like that cable news and now

or newspaper or news magazines.

Now it's not just TV and more traditional media but it's your phone you can get news

stories all the time and you can get alerts sent and news organizations have really optimized

for clicks.

So they're really good at writing headlines that get you to feel an emotion and make you

want to click.

So I wanted to talk to you about four things you can do right now to reduce your news anxiety

and I can start with the most important one which is to turn off your notifications turn

off your notifications for the news apps that you follow unsubscribe to those news alerts

on your e-mail.

Get rid of all the ways that news gets pushed to you outside of your control.

Breaking news happens at all hours of the day and usually when it's breaking news.

That's when we have the least idea of what's happening.

So most uncertainty when you have notifications turned on you are turning over control of

your emotions to these apps and to the journalistic institutions behind them.

And again remember they're optimize to get you to click so maybe it's 12 30 there's 12:30

in the morning you're trying to fall asleep it's past midnight and you get a news alert.

And then you see it and you're like wait what is happening.

Oh my gosh.

And then you click on it and then now it's like 20 minutes later and you're all worried

about this crisis that's playing out when you're trying to fall asleep.

Turn off those alerts.

You're not missing anything.

You're not.

You're going to find out if there is a real urgent thing that you need to know of.

You'll find out you don't need the alerts to turn to inform you of that stuff.

So turn off all those alerts.

Turn off all those notifications number two only check news at certain points in the day.

So you want to set up some kind of routine where you are giving yourself time and space

and emotional energy to read the news.

I myself read news I don't really read news I listen to the news more.

I listen to certain podcasts as well as I listen to NPR one and I listen to their newscasts

and I listen at two points in a day.

One is in the morning when I'm kind of getting ready to get to know what are the big things

that are happening both in the world as well as my local community here in New York.

And then number two I listen to it after I'm done at work and when I start my commute home

that's about it every now and then I'll do a deeper dive into a story if it's something

I feel like I should really know much more about.

But those are the only times I really keep up with the news.

I don't check much during my workday because to be able to focus on work and I don't check

much when I'm with my family and kids because I don't want all that anxiety sidetracking

me of being able to spend time with my family.

Number three go to trusted news sources and don't rely on social media.

So is social media the feed pushes forward stuff that's really shareable that's getting

a lot of likes and getting a lot of shares.

And what we know in research is the stuff that gets a lot of likes and shares is really

emotional content.

So if you're relying on your social media feed for your news which many of us do you're

going to see the most emotionally activating stories they're going to be the ones that

are most difficult for you to see and read and hear and they're going to be the ones

that get your blood boiling.

So related to my previous comment about only checking your check in the news at certain

hours of the day.

Try not to get your news from social media.

And if you are exploring your social media feed only do it at certain times in the day

when you're ready to deal with whatever you see in the feed.

The other thing about trusted news sources is there a little bit less likely to create

really emotionally compelling stories that get you mad or get you angry.

So as much as you can go to only trusted news sources and I know that brings up a whole

debate about liberal versus conservative media.

But even then there are things that are more in the middle that are a bit less biased towards

one end or the other and that write a bit less emotional content.

Last tip number four is to have a news free sleep routine.

So in that last hour before you're going to sleep don't look at the news.

The news should not be a part of your sleep routine.

Because that's when you really need to start winding down.

That's when people need to start doing soothing activities things that calm their bodies down.

And while it's very different for people what the soothing activities might be if you struggle

with news anxiety looking at the news listening to news watching it on YouTube reading it

on your app that's not going to help is probably going to make it a lot harder for you to fall

asleep and be full of more worries about what's going on.

Have you ever dealt with news anxiety and what's helped you to cope with it.

Let me know in the comments below if you like this video give it a thumbs up if you want

more videos about psychology and mental health subscribe to the psych show and if you want

to help me make more videos.

Check out my Patreon where you can get behind the scenes footage of how I make the stuff

and also support me in making more content.

For more infomation >> 4 tips to overcome news anxiety - Duration: 7:47.


Promis news - Kollaps nach Generalprobe zu „Dancing on Ice" - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Promis news - Kollaps nach Generalprobe zu „Dancing on Ice" - Duration: 2:03.


TMN News on the Go 1-29-19 - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> TMN News on the Go 1-29-19 - Duration: 2:04.


World News - Where to invest your cash after the election - Duration: 7:38.

Many thought a landslide victory for the Conservatives was a certainty when Theresa May called a snap election in April

But now, six days before the nation heads to the polling booths, May's victory seems far from written in stone

Sensible investors should prepare for any outcome next Thursday.As the graph shows, the value of £1,000 invested in the UK stock market in 1970 would now be worth £232,000

+2 <img id="i-dd78a7c88368150b" src="

jpg" height="301" width="634" alt="Growth: The value of £1,000 invested in the UK stock market in 1970 would now be worth £232,000" class="blkBorder img-share"/> Copy link to paste in your message Growth: The value of £1,000 invested in the UK stock market in 1970 would now be worth £232,000'Since 1970, stocks have performed better under Conservative governments than under Labour, though share prices have been driven by global market forces rather than domestic politics,' said Laith Khalaf, senior analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown

 'Irrespective of who has been in power, the stock market has by and large risen regardless, posting positive performance during ten of the last 12 governments

' RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next Should you invest in soaring cyber security stocks following

MIDAS SHARE TIPS: Specialist insurer Global Benefits Group. The 20 investment trusts that raised dividend payouts every

SHARE PUNT OF THE WEEK: BNN Technology provides web services. Share this article Share HOW THIS IS MONEY CAN HELP How to find and compare the best online broker or DIY investing platform If the Conservatives win, Ketan Patel, a fund manager at EdenTree Investments, said there could be money to be made from the party's pledge to build 1m new homes by 2020

He thinks all UK housebuilders will benefit from this, but said the best stocks will be those who can take advantage of May's pledge to protect greenbelt land

He said: 'A good call would be Amersham-based Inland Homes, which develops regeneration projects in the South focusing on residentially led mixed-used schemes on brownfield sites

'The Conservatives' pledge to cap energy prices has already hit British Gas-owner Centrica and fellow gas firm SSE

 Eric Moore, fund manager at Miton, thinks this will continue, and could even lead the pair to cut their dividends

+2 <img id="i-6459a7c9bb2ba539" src="

jpg" height="421" width="634" alt="If the Conservatives win, Ketan Patel, a fund manager at EdenTree Investments, said there could be money to be made from the party's pledge to build 1m new homes by 2020" class="blkBorder img-share"/> Copy link to paste in your message If the Conservatives win, Ketan Patel, a fund manager at EdenTree Investments, said there could be money to be made from the party's pledge to build 1m new homes by 2020He also suggested avoiding price comparison websites such as Moneysupermarket and Zoopla, which owns uSwitch, because price caps usually put people off changing suppliers

Each party has a different view of how the Brexit process should play out.But David Buik, market commentator at Panmure Gordon, said financials could end up benefiting from Brexit talks, regardless of who the new prime minister is

He said that no longer having to adhere to European regulations could give UK banks the freedom to make themselves more attractive to international firms, allowing them to win business off their EU counterparts

In particular he recommended HSBC, Barclays, and Lloyds in the FTSE 100, and Aldermore in the FTSE 250

As often noted, the value of the FTSE 100 tends to increase when the pound weakens and decrease when it strengthens

This is because many of the index's members make their money overseas, meaning they get more bang for their buck when the pound is on the floor

As a result, the attraction of multi-national members of the FTSE such as AstraZeneca and Rolls-Royce after the election depends on who wins

Adrian Lowcock, who is investment director at Architas, recommends investing in domestic rather than international firms if the Tories win, as the pound is likely to strengthen

Conversely, Khalaf at Hargreaves Lansdown says international stocks are likely to fare best over the short term in the event of a Labour victory or a hung parliament

'Few UK share prices would escape some sort of markdown. But those international stocks may find themselves cushioned by a falling pound,' he said

All this being said, it is important to note that stocks are not affected by one event, such as the election, alone

They are shaped by a plethora of global influences.As Khalaf puts it: 'Even if you guess the outcome of the vote – no easy feat – you may still find yourself wrong-footed by the effects on financial markets


For more infomation >> World News - Where to invest your cash after the election - Duration: 7:38.


Figaf IRT News January 2019 Making SAP CPI and PI - Duration: 9:01.

So in this

edition of new from Figaf IRT

we have quite a number of new improvements that we've added here in in January and this

Is both making CPI monitoring easier,

Change tracking in CPI. We have enabled web integration so you can integrate with

Jira or whatever you are using. We have

made it possible to create test cases directly from an error, but let me show you some of these things.

So the first thing is we have a full

monitoring of all your configuration or all your development up in CPI and

that means you can go into any point in this and then see specific values across this.

Now we've added a new functionality that actually allows you to also check what happens with all your configuration

objects so you can see when a specific parameter was changed

in your landscape.

So you can see that at this stage will change these two values and that makes it a lot easier to

navigate and understand your landscape figure out what's what's happening?

Another thing that we've added into the CPI is we have monitored

Payload that that failed so you can see that if a message failed it will get our gather all of this information and

create a message that you can do something for this.

Now we've added the option for you

so you can actually create specific filters in the query so you can for instance query on a specific

Sender or receiver and with this information you're actually able to

pull out information for non

error messages and you can then get the attachments from these things.

So, one of the places where have used is is we have a flow that's uploading messages and it's getting some arrows back

but we don't want to handle all of these arrows normal way.

So, we just say this

Result was a success and then we want someone to go in and check this

Attachment and see what was going on.

And with this we actually have the option of going in and checking all of these alerts it will download them and

users can then see it.

And this connected with the next thing we have added - we have added

web hook in the support tool

for now.

So that means whenever an alert is triggered,

you can specify one or more web hooks that you wanna engage with this.

So that means you can use the web hooks either to send two to send to Solman, Jira/paperjam

or paperduty or whatever your favorite

Support to list that you want these alerts in so you can process data correctly.

So, it simply just takes all of this data It has, create a Jason payload of it and send it to

whatever system you want. You can use

CPI for this or you can use P I in your landscape.

We have created a simple integration using Jira

Zapir because it's a lot simpler to get started on. It's simple

and that's good for some reasons, but but other things it can be a little challenging with.

If you want to do more than this, we also have a full

normal API, and we're also adding web hooks to some of the other objects that we're creating on request

So, just last year

we announced this migration report that shows you what Is actually the message mappings that you're using in your

landscape. Now we have enhanced us so you can actually

see, what are the accessibility is up up and Java map means that's being used in your landscape.

So, the process is fairly simple, you log into your monitoring of your PI system,

download a report that specifies

Flows use in a specific period of time. You can then upload it to the Figaf IRT application and because we know, I

have downloaded all of your

message mapping and operation mappings, we're actually able to predict or

calculate how many times each message mappings have been executed for a period of time. So that it's really

Important when you're doing migration understanding, what's happening, what you need to test for this to to work out?

So, the reports looked like this, you've got the ICO, you got number of the message mapping and you get the number of successful

attempts that has been run, and you also got the aberration mappings here on and which are the message mapping that it's been used in.

So one thing we have are using the component based methods are learning from on your PI system to download

payloads that or messages that failed.

If you for instance have a mapping error ,you want to fix this first and then

with this new

addition, when you're creating a ticket and say this is something I want to fix,

you can actually create a test case for it also and with this test case you can run it and

validate that

we are not getting the same error again, and the message would be processed successfully.

So, this improves the the speed of development testing and validation of all

errors that you have.

So, I just want to share a little about our roadmap and it's not like it this is going to be

Probably this is the roadmap from from February,

So we're going to launch the IRT as a cloud app. So you can sign up at

We're starting prices at 150 euros per month

for just the monitoring part and then it's a little higher for the

support or the the devOps package that we have,

but this makes it -

It's the same code line, same base,

but just for target at your cloud application and that makes a lot of sense since its used to monitor the IRT Cloud System.

Then, one thing that we've seen a lot of people are struggling with is the transportation

of CPI objects, and we want to

give our

view on how this can be done, and

the first thing is we want now we understand what's coming and figure it in your landscape and we want to make this

also available across your landscape so you can configure different parameters in the landscape once you're transporting it.

And then we want to enable you to do transport of a single Iflow so you can create a

transport in the IRT application assign it some values and then

Transport it to the QA and an test system. So we need to understand configure your landscape, configure configuration

for this to work. And

then we are working on documentation your

PI interfaces, so

you can see that we have this this ICO with all these information below it and

on top of it, It has some some extra information.

And the cool thing is, we can actually see that you have made for this

Iflow, you have made changes to the message mapping with this service request. You've made changes to the

communication channel with the service request so you actually know all about the history,

so instead of just having a standard document that says

his is what has what your landscape is, then we can actually show you for all purposes or what's happening across

time with a specific interface. And I think that's really important because most of the times when I see this

change version that just says

version 0.1 initial version and that's all you'd see. And now you can actually see all the the changes that has been made and the

reasons behind them.

So, I'm really looking forward to that. If you want to check it out go to

If you have any other feature requests or comments or things that could be useful,

do reach out to us or me and figure out is that something we can add to make your

CPI or PI experience any better. So thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Figaf IRT News January 2019 Making SAP CPI and PI - Duration: 9:01.


✅ Breaking News - Canelo Alvarez to return to the ring on May 4th to fight Danny Jacobs - Duration: 2:37.

Canelo Alvarez will return to the ring and the middleweight division on May 4 to fight Danny Jacobs

Alvarez will defend his WBC and WBA titles against IBF champion Jacobs in a match-up between two of the sport's top performers

 Mexico's Alvarez, with a 50-1-2 record, including 35 knockouts, became a three-division world champion by knocking out Rocky Fielding in three rounds to take the WBA super middleweight crown in December

Share this article Share He now goes back to middleweight, where a draw and a victory over Gennady Golovkin lifted him to the top of a loaded division

'I'm happy to announce my next fight during the festive weekend of Cinco de Mayo,' the 28-year-old Alvarez said

'I will unify my middleweight titles against Daniel Jacobs on one of the two most important dates that belong to me

'I have no doubt that I will be victorious and that I'll be one step away from becoming the undisputed middleweight world champion

'Jacobs, a 31-year-old New Yorker who overcame bone cancer to become a champion, is 35-2 with 29 KOs

Despite losing a close bout to Golovkin in 2017, Jacobs remained a force. He hasn't lost since and took the IBF belt by defeating Sergiy Derevyanchenkoto

'This is the opportunity I have been waiting for, the opportunity to achieve greatness inside the ring,' Jacobs said

'I have always believed I can beat Canelo, and on May 4, I will get my chance to play it out

'It's been nearly four years since Canelo has faced an American challenger. It's going to be a huge event where I believe I will cement myself as the best middleweight in the division

' No venue has been announced for the bout on the eve of Cinco de Mayo. The fight will be streamed on DAZN, which has a long-term contract with Alvarez

  Share this article Share

For more infomation >> ✅ Breaking News - Canelo Alvarez to return to the ring on May 4th to fight Danny Jacobs - Duration: 2:37.


歌手曲婉婷母亲或判死刑| 娛樂新聞 CBiz News - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> 歌手曲婉婷母亲或判死刑| 娛樂新聞 CBiz News - Duration: 4:06.


Eyewitness News Webcast - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Eyewitness News Webcast - Duration: 2:26.


World News - Tallulah Willis and sister Scout sip on smoothies during shopping trip - Duration: 2:55.

Tallulah Willis enjoyed some quality time with her sister Scout during a casual shopping trip in Los Angeles, California, on Monday afternoon

The Catfish star, 24, and her older sibling, 27, quenched their thirst as they sipped on refreshing pink smoothies during their low-key stroll in the sunny US city

Embracing her signature rocker look, the actress sported a pair of light-wash distressed jeans, which she teamed with a white cartoon tee

The Whole Ten Yards star kept things casual in the footwear department with khaki green boots, and toted a matching mini handbag

Share this article Share Displaying her naturally clear complexion, Tallulah went make-up free and styled her newly-dyed red hair into a chic bob

Scout looked effortlessly chic as she rocked an oversized dark brown T-shirt, form-fitting black jeans and edgy ankle boots

 Tallulah, Scout and sister Rumer, 30, are the daughters of former couple Bruce Willis and Demi Moore

Hollywood actor Bruce, 63, went on to marry model Emma Heming, 40, in 2009. The couple share daughters Mabel, six, and Evelyn, four

Despite their status as celebrity offspring, Tallulah has described her upbringing as 'normal'

In an interview with NYLON, the red-haired beauty detailed: 'I think it has to do with growing up in Idaho

 'People have always had this certain idea of me, and I wanted to counteract it. I struggled when I was a teenager, but in the past year or so I've gone through so many changes

'I finally realized that what I am is okay and what I am is enough, which translated into why I'm more normal than a lot of people assume', she added

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